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What will India be in 10-20 years?

What do you think India will become in about 10-20 years?

  • A Failed State

    Votes: 30 22.7%
  • A Great Regional Power

    Votes: 73 55.3%
  • A Superpower

    Votes: 11 8.3%
  • A Megapower

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Hyperpower

    Votes: 7 5.3%
  • Just Better Than China

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • Better Than Pakistan

    Votes: 4 3.0%
  • A Superdoopertrooperlooper power

    Votes: 4 3.0%

  • Total voters
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Out of the following options, what do you think your country will become in about 10-20 years time?

no one can guarantee what can happen in just next 6 months time. we have at least 50% chance that there will have been a change in world map also by next 1-2 years, lets see :coffee:. but we do prediction based on 'linearity', based on the things currently happening and if it all continue as it is, what will have happened after 8-10 years. so considering the things would continue as it is, without any dramatic change in world, I may say few 'Highly Likely' changes by 2020, that will have occurred by 2020, as below:

1st, more than half of the OECD economies will have been crashed by 2020. first they are borrowing more, at the same time they are already heavily indebted, even debt level of US is around 103% to GDP right now while they have around 10% budget deficit to GDP also. and 43% of their budget goes for welfare, 18% defense, with around 88% on 'mandatory expanses' only. this simply means, only 12% of their budget goes for productive works. also, a developed economy can't have more than 1% to 2% growth rate on long term so there is limited hope that they will be able to reduce their debt level in future also :no:

2nd,there will have been a dramatic change in the attitude of the people of world by 2020. even right now, people are buying chinese products and have no charm for even Japanese products also, like how it was till 90s when people were ready to pay twice for 'made in japan' products. even right now, we find around 90% cars running on the streets of developed countries have more than 50% imported parts from the developing countries, including more number of directly imported cars from developing countries. at the same time Indian and Chinese companies are buying top brands and have made them more successful under their management. it all simply means, we would expect that the country like China, India will have taken control over a big share of the market of expansive manufactured products by 2020. and it will come on the cost of reduced export order for the current OECD economies, as, why would people pay high price for the products made in a developed countries while the same type, or even better high tech products/cars etc, can be bought from developing countries who utilize cheap labor hence much reduced price of the same? have a look as below, how Indian management have given a 'U Turn' to almost a dying top brand of Luxury Car: :meeting:

Luxury carmaker does profit U-turn

In one of the greatest industrial turnarounds in British corporate history, Jaguar Land Rover, the luxury carmaker so troubled during the depths of the recession that there were fears it could go bankrupt, has reported a profit of more than £1 billion ($1.54bn).

Tata, the Indian parent of the British manufacturer, reported that JLR made a profit after tax of £1.043 billion ($1.6 billion) in the financial year to March 31, compared to £32 million ($49.3 million) the previous year.

Carl-Peter Forster, chief executive of Tata Motors, the Indian company which bought JLR from Ford for €2.3 billion ($3 billion), said, "Jaguar Land Rover is now a strong, profitable and innovative competitor in the premium car industry and will deliver even more attractive models and technologies to customers worldwide."


3rd, there will have been a social change in the current Western Countries. it is Highly Likely that low paid jobs will have backed to more than half of the OECD economies by 2020. as for example Greece, if it can't have enough export to import then finally it will have to depreciate its currency/ reduce labor cost to bring jobs? :what: by 2020, China will have become a very big market for High Tech products with low price which will have taken a big share of export of current OECD countries. it is highly likely that per capita income of China on PPP will have been at least over $20,000 by 2020 while that of many Western countries will have come below to this level, which will bring low paid jobs back to West. for example of Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Great Britain, Spain (PIIGGS), are now having negative growth only and any type of little or big blow may easily bring their per capita income low enough to bring low paid jobs to their countries. I strongly believe that resource rich Australia/Canada type countries will have kicked Britain till then, as, then there will a flow of British low skilled labors to Australia/Canada which will increase burden on the locals which they won't accept :no:. I have already predicted that the chance are only 50% that Britain will ever reach its economic size of mid 2008, as below, (also read the main news, post #1, of this thread):


=> with the above trend, I would predict India to be somewhere very close to China by 2020. but in fact, I do give a weight to the Indian professionals/businessmen that they will have put India on little higher success than China also by 2020, as per my vote on this topic :tup:
Semantics, doesn't change the facts what they were.. Those contracted laborers were given one way ticket.. Most don't connect to the lands they came from, today.. I know many such cases from Caribbean.

So no surprises..

Yes you are right, my ancestors were contract laborers from Tamil Nadu with a one way ticket. Probably almost on the level of slaves too to the British. The same applies to most Chinese Singaporeans too, many came as indentured coolies from Fujian and Guangdong. Our ancestry and beginnings have nothing to do with what we are today, which is a society far more successful than yours on every level. The fact that you are coming here and its not us running to India for a survival shows we have achieved alot more than you guys ever did. Sydney started as a penal colony too and most original Australians were convicts. Yet it doesn't mean much these days now does it? They have a nation and society far more successful than you guys do.

It's in your Indian mindset to keep looking to your history and bask in its glory. Those days are over and come back to the present. You ancestry, caste, whatever means squat these days. You guys have yet come up with any significant results to actually prove you are successful.

Some other poster told me elsewhere that India has an international voice while most of us don't. That's only and ONLY because of your huge population size, nothing more. And as the PRC guy had posted earlier, it the next 2 decades or so, your own population size is going to work against you.
we need look at the past 65 years or even longer to generalize what's going to be India in next 20 years as history always repeat itself.
sadly for you ... Singapore will keep cementing strategic partnership with India as India solidifies her look east policy and Singapore corp-orates will keep asking for more and more skilled Indians ... this means you will keep getting frustrated and more frustrated with time :) evil Indians are everywhere and they are going to get you :) ... and regarding military ties ... Singapore Military will keep sending her latest weapons and military to get trained here ... cant be reversed ... its time for you to get more frustrated and more frustrated ..

More frustration against Indians in our country is not good for your brethren living and working here. You really seem all too happy to get us frustrated now don't you? Need I remind you on the numbers of Indian students who were getting killed in Sydney because people were frustrated with them?

You'd prefer for your countrymen to blend in with the locals and have a good time while they are here, or piss off the locals and face violence and discrimination? Which course of action are you trying to promote?
More frustration against Indians in our country is not good for your brethren living and working here. You really seem all too happy to get us frustrated now don't you? Need I remind you on the numbers of Indian students who were getting killed in Sydney because people were frustrated with them?

You'd prefer for your countrymen to blend in with the locals and have a good time while they are here, or piss off the locals and face violence and discrimination? Which course of action are you trying to promote?

Indians are the most peaceful people in the world ... and I am pretty much sure majority of population view in Singapore is favorable of India and Indians ...
Indians are the most peaceful people in the world ... and I am pretty much sure majority of population view in Singapore is favorable of India and Indians ...

he is a liar. why havent u figured that out :hitwall:
More frustration against Indians in our country is not good for your brethren living and working here. You really seem all too happy to get us frustrated now don't you? Need I remind you on the numbers of Indian students who were getting killed in Sydney because people were frustrated with them?

You'd prefer for your countrymen to blend in with the locals and have a good time while they are here, or piss off the locals and face violence and discrimination? Which course of action are you trying to promote?

If you have the guts and power deport Indians from SG...but sadly you belong to the racist minority who will never realize their dream.
Or Chini......

no chinese are not natural enemies of India... but pakistani and bangladeshis are obsessively jealous ...and i love coming here on PDF making them feel more burn :)
If you have the guts and power deport Indians from SG...but sadly you belong to the racist minority who will never realize their dream.

Oh yes that dream is certainly being realized these days. Either fit in, or we'll be forced to use the rod and force you to fit in. Talk to your brethren over here and find out. Splashing hot curry on that Indian student was just the first indication of those cracks widening, certainly won't be the last.

Point being, when you are here, it is our country still, and we'd resort to any measure to make sure our lifestyle remains the same. The onus is upon you as visitors to be mindful of where you are and respect local customs as you should be doing. Else, just face the consequences.
Aye Captain,the thread is derailed
Back to topic please:help:
Oh yes that dream is certainly being realized these days. Either fit in, or we'll be forced to use the rod and force you to fit in. Talk to your brethren over here and find out. Splashing hot curry on that Indian student was just the first indication of those cracks widening, certainly won't be the last.

Point being, when you are here, it is our country still, and we'd resort to any measure to make sure our lifestyle remains the same. The onus is upon you as visitors to be mindful of where you are and respect local customs as you should be doing. Else, just face the consequences.

last time I checked Indians are the largest source of High skilled man power in Singapore ... take it with a pinch of salt .. and this year the number is likely to hit a record too ... sadly your Govt is encouraging evil Indians.. and your brethren from pakistan or east pakistan are not even allowed to enter ... :P
Out of the following options, what do you think your country will become in about 10-20 years time?

I'm sure to vote "A Great Regional Power", and a longer time to "A Superpower".
Reality today India was and is "A Great Regional Power", and 10-20 next years she'll be firmly established that.

Who tell me someone else is more likely to "A Great Regional Power" than India in South Asia?
last time I checked Indians are the largest source of High skilled man power in Singapore ... take it with a pinch of salt .. and this year the number is likely to hit a record too ... sadly your Govt is encouraging evil Indians.. and your brethren from pakistan or east pakistan are not even allowed to enter ... :P

Nope, we still get the best from Australia, Europe, the USA, Japan and the PRC. No, we are not that stupid to import most of our 'skilled labor' from India. How do u import skill from a place that lacks in it anyway? Anyways, I concur with the other guy that we've gone wayy :offtopic: and I'm partly guilty of that myself.

So back on topic, in a decade's time, we'd probably have witnessed a complete collapse of the rupee, widespread poverty, and a failing government unable to clean up her act.

In 2 decades, we would probably see India fragmented into several tiny states, probably fighting each other to death. And those other guys claiming large tracts of your territory would probably be in charge of those by then, doing a far better job at administering those than what you guys are doing currently.
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