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What USA will do , against anti Capatalisim Movement in Europe, US , World

I never said anything about forcing people to protest. I mean the Chinese govt. should give permission to allow people the freedom to protest.:meeting:

Just because you don't know about it, it doesn't mean that people don't protest government and the government doesn't listen to the protesters.

last month 12,000 people came out into the streets in Dalian, to protest a chemical plant opening near their city.


The Dalian government's response to the protest came when two top officials, Communist Party of China chief Tang Jun and Mayor Li Wancai, climbed atop a police van promising that the plant would be closed and relocated. Amid the massive cheers and applause, though, dissenting voices still wanted to know when the plant would close -- demanding immediate action.

Videos of that exchange are appearing all over YouTube, watch below.

The plant has since been closed.
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On Saturday night thousands of Occupy Chicago protesters cheered the communists as they spoke at the rally and march in downtown Chicago.


Rebel Pundit has now identified the young communists leaders at the rally.

We have identified the three individuals in the march who we interviewed. In the photo below starting on the left is James Raines, a University of Memphis teacher (from reader tip), next to his right is Jordan Farrar (Young Communist League & Organizing for America), and next to him is Gabe Niechcial, another young communist.

That’s right. The communist leader is also an organizer for Obama’s re-election campaign.

According to the P/oed Patriot, Farrar, seen in the white C.P. USA shirt, is not only a Young Communist League leader, but he is also a member of Barack Obama’s Organizing for America and he organized a rally in 2009 for OFA to support President Obama’s health care bill. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) was featured guest at Farrar’s event as well.

And you’re surprised?
Figures. COMMUNIST LEADER Cheered at Occupy Chicago is ALSO an OBAMA ORGANIZER | The Gateway Pundit

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interestingly enough, Capitalism is seen as a necessary prerequisite for Communism according to Marx.

Hell if the idealistic form of communism comes to fruition then I will praise it, but that will never be the case (unless it turns out you can eat and drink patriotism and nationalistic fervor which would probably be the new currency in this communist utopia :P )
But here is the catch that our young communist does not understand: At its core, capitalism is about the right to own property and the freedom to do as I please with my property. There is nothing in capitalism that says I must be greedy or if I am a business owner I must be abusive to my employees or that I must cheat my associates or that I must skirt the laws, and so on...

The underlying belief by Marx on why capitalism must precede communism is based upon the faith that all capitalists will be honest and selfless. Only when people evolved their morality to the point where each man VOLUNTARILY produce at his best while consuming his least will the ideal communist man come to be: 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.'

What the communists we came to know did was to attempt to change human nature by forcibly controlling their behaviors, as in denying the people the right to own property and the freedom to exploit what he owns as he sees fit. It did not work because the human nature contains selfishness and often selfishness comes before selflessness. On the other hand, the capitalists acknowledge the human nature. The result is the inevitable gross disparity in economic wealth between the two societies with the capitalists the wealthier and generally more happy with their lot. That is why West German police did not shot West Germans who want to leave because no West German want to leave their side of Germany. That is why despite the economic cycles in the US while there are none in Cuba, we do not see Americans in rickety homemade rafts floating to Cuba.

So as long as there are greedy, lying, cheating SOB capitalists alongside the honest and selfless ones, even though we may be wealthy as a society we do not have the 'real' capitalism as envisioneded by Marx, therefore the 'real' communism will never come to be. :lol:
Gambit said:
But here is the catch that our young communist does not understand: At its core, capitalism is about the right to own property and the freedom to do as I please with my property. There is nothing in capitalism that says I must be greedy or if I am a business owner I must be abusive to my employees or that I must cheat my associates or that I must skirt the laws, and so on...
So you forgot what you said: Human nature is greed ??and Capitalist fail to stop greedy.Only Communist can do it, bcz People will controll all state bank private bank , you won't be' too big too fail 'any more
Gambit said:
What the communists we came to know did was to attempt to change human nature by forcibly controlling their behaviors, as in denying the people the right to own property and the freedom to exploit what he owns as he sees fit. It did not work because the human nature contains selfishness and often selfishness comes before selflessness. On the other hand, the capitalists acknowledge the human nature. The result is the inevitable gross disparity in economic wealth between the two societies with the capitalists the wealthier and generally more happy with their lot. That is why West German police did not shot West Germans who want to leave because no West German want to leave their side of Germany. That is why despite the economic cycles in the US while there are none in Cuba, we do not see Americans in rickety homemade rafts floating to Cuba.
Wrong Vietnam-China don't denie the people's right to own property and the freedom to exploit .Infact we had to take back Freedom from 'democarcy' nation like UK, France, US.

That why, I tell you: you know Nothing about Lenin's refrom .
But here is the catch that our young communist does not understand: At its core, capitalism is about the right to own property and the freedom to do as I please with my property. There is nothing in capitalism that says I must be greedy or if I am a business owner I must be abusive to my employees or that I must cheat my associates or that I must skirt the laws, and so on...

The underlying belief by Marx on why capitalism must precede communism is based upon the faith that all capitalists will be honest and selfless. Only when people evolved their morality to the point where each man VOLUNTARILY produce at his best while consuming his least will the ideal communist man come to be: 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.'

What the communists we came to know did was to attempt to change human nature by forcibly controlling their behaviors, as in denying the people the right to own property and the freedom to exploit what he owns as he sees fit. It did not work because the human nature contains selfishness and often selfishness comes before selflessness. On the other hand, the capitalists acknowledge the human nature. The result is the inevitable gross disparity in economic wealth between the two societies with the capitalists the wealthier and generally more happy with their lot. That is why West German police did not shot West Germans who want to leave because no West German want to leave their side of Germany. That is why despite the economic cycles in the US while there are none in Cuba, we do not see Americans in rickety homemade rafts floating to Cuba.

So as long as there are greedy, lying, cheating SOB capitalists alongside the honest and selfless ones, even though we may be wealthy as a society we do not have the 'real' capitalism as envisioneded by Marx, therefore the 'real' communism will never come to be. :lol:

May I know what freedom you have in the United States? You talk about the right to own property so my question to you is whats all this about home loans? The money people put in the bank in that country is not kept permanently. Rather this too much freedom of your risks it to use it freely in corporations's best interest. And when a recession arrives they will fall like dominos. No wonder your people don't have money to pay for mortgages and as result they are forced foreclosures. Again as I stated before, I don't think Capitalism is bad but it is your country which is not using the system efficiently. There is too much of individualism and not equality among all. Best of all Socialism is needed as an alternative or a mixed system between Capitalism and Sociailsm. Canada and Sweden are great examples in which they have a high tax rate and a health care system and maybe other countries should learn from them.
Greece 'burning' in ' Occupy the World 'campain , can it happen in Wall st when Communist Revolution really start to overthrow Wall st Tyrant ??


Ministry of Finance of the Hellenic Republic in flame and smoke
Stop The Spectra Pipeline | Meet-Up at Liberty Square at 5 P.M. For Die-In at P.S. 41
Publié oct. 20, 2011, 2:15 après-midi EST par OccupyWallSt

OWS is fighting to strengthen democracy, and to end the domination of big money interests. Fracking is a clear example of how the power of money trumps common sense and controls our democracy. Fracking is incredibly destructive to the environment and human health.

On Thursday, October 20th at five in the afternoon the residents of Liberty Square will march to the FERC hearing on the Spectra Pipeline at P.S. 41, located at 116 West 11th Street (between 6th and 7th avenues).

Shortly before the hearings begin at seven in the evening we will stage a die-in to illustrate the likely results of this disasterous proposal by a disreputable corporation intent on infecting our drinking water with by-products from fracking. After the die-in members of #ows will enter the hearing and respectfully engage in participatory direct action against this catastrophic project.

Do not let the destruction and death that occured due to corporate negligence in San Bruno, California last year happen in the West Village.

Come and speak for #ows, come and speak for yourself. We will see you there.

Submit comments to FERC online or by mail prior to Oct. 31st if you cannot attend the hearing
Occupy Wall Street | NYC Protest for American Revolution

People start Die-in prostest now, :lol:
The protests in the US are basically a mixture of many groups with different agendas. Some of these people are professional protesters for their cause. None of them on their own has the numbers to draw much attention for very long. By banding together they get enough numbers to draw the media so they can air their different agendas. You have the anti-capitalists, pro-union, anti-death penalty, anti-war, and others.

Many of these protesters will disappear once the cold weather sets in. However they are more then welcome to protest so long as they don't block major roadways. Or try to occupy buildings as some have tried to do.
The protests in the US are basically a mixture of many groups with different agendas. Some of these people are professional protesters for their cause. None of them on their own has the numbers to draw much attention for very long. By banding together they get enough numbers to draw the media so they can air their different agendas. You have the anti-capitalists, pro-union, anti-death penalty, anti-war, and others.

Many of these protesters will disappear once the cold weather sets in. However they are more then welcome to protest so long as they don't block major roadways. Or try to occupy buildings as some have tried to do.
Where can their go when Greedy Wall st guys robed they lost their houses, their properties , and bankrupted their city like Pennsylvania ??
Harrisburg bankruptcy sets up fight with state

(Reuters) - Pennsylvania's capital, Harrisburg, filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday in a desperate bid to resolve its debt crisis, setting up a showdown with the state over control of the city.

Harrisburg becomes one of the most-high profile cities to opt for the little used Chapter 9 of the U.S. bankruptcy code, most notably tapped nearly 20 years ago by Orange County, California.

The Pennsylvania capital's crisis has been a year in the making as the city of about 50,000 struggles to pay for critical services as well as roughly $300 million in debt incurred from an expensive revamp of its incinerator.

While city services should continue uninterrupted, the move has caused confusion about how bills will be paid.

"We're getting calls from vendors, wondering if they are going to get paid," said Brenda Alton, the director of city's department of parks, recreation and enrichment. "I feel it is a bad decision."

Municipal bankruptcies are rare. But if Harrisburg is successful in winning concessions with bondholders, pensioners and other stakeholders, it could lead other financially troubled cities to seek bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy gives the city "bargaining power" with its creditors, municipal workers, retirees and the state, which is considering a takeover, said Mark Schwartz, an attorney for the council.

There have been only 629 municipal bankruptcies under Chapter 9 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code since 1937, according to James Spiotto, a municipal bankruptcy expert at the law firm Chapman and Cutler.

"I think it's more of an example of an aberration," Spiotto told Reuters Insider. "It's event-driven from a failed incinerator plant that's unique to the Harrisburg situation. That isn't a contagion that's going to spread to other municipalities."

Orange County, California, filed the largest Chapter 9 bankruptcy in U.S. history in December 1994 after it suffered more than $1 billion in investment losses on derivatives. Vallejo, California, with 120,000 residents, filed for Chapter 9 in 2008, and Central Falls, the smallest city in Rhode Island, the smallest U.S. state, filed earlier this year.

Harrisburg's City Council approved the bankruptcy filing in a 4-3 vote. It was opposed by Mayor Linda Thompson, who in a news conference on Wednesday challenged the legality of the City Council's vote.

Under city law, the mayor and the city solicitor must sign off on all hiring of outside counsel and the city solicitor must approve all ordinances and resolutions considered by the council, and neither was done in this case, Thompson said.

"They have been dishonest with the entire community for months," Thompson said of the council. "I am ashamed of the behavior."

The bankruptcy has the potential to stoke political passions as it will likely pit firefighters and police against municipal bond investors, who are often perceived to be wealthy retirees, said Peter Kaufman, president of Gordian Group and a financial restructuring specialist.

"It's disgusting, it really is," said Warren Jones, 68, a retired corporate manager. "I talk to people I know who are in business and they're worried."
Harrisburg bankruptcy sets up fight with state | Reuters

Will it create a domino effect or is it too small a city to make a dent??
If the USA ever becomes a Communist state, I'll shoot myself in the foot!
So what's wrong with Communist ? can you point out any disavdantage of communist toward capitalist ? bro

Who knows, once day Uncles Sam will fall in love with beauty Cuba , so we can have " Beauty and the Beast" version 2 :lol:
If the USA ever becomes a Communist state, I'll shoot myself in the foot!
Looks like U wanna claim some benefits from the communist govt. then....:lol:

---------- Post added at 09:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 PM ----------

Where can their go when Greedy Wall st guys robed they lost their houses, their properties , and bankrupted their city like Pennsylvania ??

Harrisburg bankruptcy sets up fight with state | Reuters

Will it create a domino effect or is it too small a city to make a dent??
No its not gonna create any domino effects. The Dominos effects are mostly engineered ones , very rare to be natural or on large scale...:smokin:
occupy wall street is about alot of stuff outside of capitalism...

alot of you guys need to understand that is the US falls then who are you expecting to take over because someone will go for the top job. And when they do...do you think that country will do anything different than the US? get real
Sadly, these OWS protesters are not going to accomplish anything meaningful let alone communism. I know American apathy all too well for me to hold much hope.
occupy wall street is about alot of stuff outside of capitalism...

alot of you guys need to understand that is the US falls then who are you expecting to take over because someone will go for the top job. And when they do...do you think that country will do anything different than the US? get real
1. US is Vn's friend now, we don't expect your fall , but we don't need any one to protect us , so we don't feel worry if some one want to take over you :)

2. Being communist nation is even better than capitalist , you still can be No1 or No 2 in the world , but US will more friendly than present :)
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