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What USA will do , against anti Capatalisim Movement in Europe, US , World


Lets go back to the Magical Moment

Cheers sound like Titanic ship cries , in middle of Ocean, for every thing else there is Master Card
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When there are mutual interests then there will always be opportunity for firm handshakes. Although SCS is an issue, but I personally cannot see us fighting over it. Afterall we have been neighbours for so many years and are commie brothers so to speak. Both countries will benefit more by cooperating and we would rather have more friendly and rich neighbours than poor angry ones.
Yeah, we're brother for long times already, we didn't have any serious tension untill the West invaded both, looted every thing and left us in poor life, made we fought against each other just for surviving on Earth.

Hope all Chinese can understand that:we must not fight against each other just for having small interest in SCS(east sea). Still having a lots of oppotunity around the world, we should firm handshakes in earn mutual benefit to get Rich :cheers:
Obamabm said:
Americas OWS revolution wouldn't have picked up, spreaded (still spreading) and lasted so long without support and meddling by powerful parties. Could China and Vietnam or maybe Russia have something to do with it? I cannot say, but I am sure as hell some of our Muslim and commie brothers are having a blast out there ;)
You can say that again :D
Solidarity Statement From Cairo
Publié oct. 25, 2011, 2:39 après-midi EST par OccupyWallSt

To all those in the United States currently occupying parks, squares and other spaces, your comrades in Cairo are watching you in solidarity. Having received so much advice from you about transitioning to democracy, we thought it's our turn to pass on some advice.

Indeed, we are now in many ways involved in the same struggle. What most pundits call “The Arab Spring” has its roots in the demonstrations, riots, strikes and occupations taking place all around the world, its foundations lie in years-long struggles by people and popular movements. The moment that we find ourselves in is nothing new, as we in Egypt and others have been fighting against systems of repression, disenfranchisement and the unchecked ravages of global capitalism (yes, we said it, capitalism): a System that has made a world that is dangerous and cruel to its inhabitants. As the interests of government increasingly cater to the interests and comforts of private, transnational capital, our cities and homes have become progressively more abstract and violent places, subject to the casual ravages of the next economic development or urban renewal scheme.

Maybe Gaddafi's son will have a Statement soon :D
And keep in mind that not all OWS protesters are pro-Communism.

This is America's own business, and nobody has to anything to do with it. :coffee:
If it's a part of American dream :lol:
Who says it is? But it is good to know that YOU -- a communist -- sees nothing wrong with sexual assaults against rich people just because they are wealthier than you.
Who says it is? But it is good to know that YOU -- a communist -- sees nothing wrong with sexual assaults against rich people just because they are wealthier than you.
Hahahaaaahh, I can't stop laughing bro :lol: , in America , Mafia in Wall st have the Rights to rob money of the poor, so why the poor can not rape those Mafia's wives for revenge ? :lol:

btw: let read what happen first, so who's Wrong here ??
A source within the Dallas Police Department who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation said the girl ran away from home in Garland last month and that she is now refusing to cooperate with investigators. She initially told officers that she had sex with a man in his early twenties and had engaged in sexual activity with several other people.

Some members of the group told CBS 11 the girl identified herself as a 19-year-old and never knew she was 14.

She was Raped or she Love to be raped ??:lol:
Yeah, we're brother for long times already, we didn't have any serious tension untill the West invaded both, looted every thing and left us in poor life, made we fought against each other just for surviving on Earth.

Hope all Chinese can understand that:we must not fight against each other just for having small interest in SCS(east sea). Still having a lots of oppotunity around the world, we should firm handshakes in earn mutual benefit to get Rich :cheers:

At this time and age, war should always be in the back of people's minds. Both Vietnam and China has suffered a great deal to get to where we are today. I personally would welcome more cooperations and regular contacts to help people of both nations further understand eachother, maintain a healthier relationship and to keep things peaceful within the region. If it wasn't for the western imperialists, we wouldn't have these border, sea disputes to begin with. Now they are using these issues and escalating it to further isolate, alienate and divide the relationships of Asian countries. They cannot afford and do not want to see Asia rise and be united.

You can say that again :D

Occupy Wall Street | NYC Protest for American Revolution

Maybe Gaddafi's son will have a Statement soon :D

It is called "taking your own medicine" :lol:. Since they are so good at telling others what to do, others would like to see them do the same when similar issues arises. The American government will need to honour the wishes of their citizens or risk losing face and its credibility.

From what we can see so far, American dream is no more and it is no longer the land of free. Their promises may soon look like this :lol::

  • Free housing – jail
  • Free food – from jail
  • Guaranteed jobs – prepping food in the prison kitchen, sweeping the streets or tossing burgers at MacDonald's.

The people are finally waking up and are now standing firm against the corrupt. May their voices continue to be heard and echo around the country.


America needs a real change, not just the Obama change.
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Obambam said:
At this time and age, war should always be in the back of people's minds. Both Vietnam and China has suffered a great deal to get to where we are today. I personally would welcome more cooperations and regular contacts to help people of both nations further understand eachother, maintain a healthier relationship and to keep things peaceful within the region. If it wasn't for the western imperialists, we wouldn't have these border, sea disputes to begin with. Now they are using these issues and escalating it to further isolate, alienate and divide the relationships of Asian countries. They cannot afford and do not want to see Asia rise and be united.
I think the best way for both is just maitaning the current possition in SCS(East sea), we always be a humble nation toward CHina :D
Vietnam tourism promoted in three southeastern provinces of China

From 17 to 21 October 2011, the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) and tourism businesses held market research and tourism promotion in Hunan, Jiangxi and Fujian provinces – China.

The Vietnamese delegation included Deputy Director General of the VNAT Hoang Thi Diep, representatives of VNAT’s departments, Culture, Sports and Tourism departments, Vietnam Television, Vietnam Cheo Theatre, and 12 tourism businesses. In the programme, the delegation had working sessions with directors of tourism department in three provinces and nearly 200 Chinese tourism businesses
In the working sessions, Mrs. Hoang Thi Diep introduced vietnam tour ism development recently, tourism policies for Chinese tourism market and expressed her wish to impulse tourism cooperation with China in general and three provinces in particular.
Bilateral consensus was reached on tourism management and development experience exchange focusing on tourism spots management; fostering tourists flows, impulsing tourism industry of both countries; organizing famtrips; intensifing bilateral meeting and information exchange. In 2012, tourism departments of three provinces and VNAT will organize famtrips to study Vietnam market.
It is the first time VNAT held market research and tourism promotion in Hunan, Jiangxi and Fujian provinces. The activity will help boost mutual understanding tourism businesses and people between the two countries as well as bilateral tourism cooperation.
Vietnam tourism promoted in three southeastern provinces of China - Vietnam travel news
I think the best way for both is just maitaning the current possition in SCS(East sea), we always be a humble nation toward CHina :D

Vietnam tourism promoted in three southeastern provinces of China - Vietnam travel news

I', always pro cooperation and friendship. War are for the mindless and should only be initiated to defend. Unless if you are Mr. America who polices the world and likes to spend all the time and money saving the world.

I hope they have enough money left to safe themselves :azn:
Police clash with Occupy protesters who shut down operations at one of busiest US ports
Lisa Leff, Terence Chea : Thursday, November 03, 2011 4:46 AM

An Occupy Oakland protester who gave her name as Nancy, right, scales a pole while hanging a protest banner on Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011, in Oakland, Calif. Thousands of anti-Wall Street protesters took to Oakland's streets as part of a day-long series of events, called a citywide strike, aimed at asserting the movement's strength and shutting down commerce. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
OAKLAND, Calif. - Police clashed with protesters in this Californian city after thousands of demonstrators shut down one of the nation's busiest shipping ports, escalating a movement whose tactics had largely been limited to marches, rallies and tent encampments since it began in September.

The confrontation began after protesters started a large bonfire in the middle of a downtown street. Dozens of police in riot gear moved in on hundreds of protesters as the flames leapt more than 15 feet in the air from several large metal and plastic trash bins that had been pushed together.

The clash and subsequent standoff came only hours after thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters shut down one of the nation's busiest shipping ports late Wednesday.

The nearly 5-hour protest at the Port of Oakland, the nation's fifth-busiest shipping port, was intended to highlight a daylong "general strike" in the city, which prompted solidarity rallies in New York, Los Angeles and other cities across the nation.

Police estimated that a crowd of about 3,000 had gathered at the port at the height of the demonstration around dusk. Some had marched from the city's downtown, while others had been bused to the port.

The demonstrations in Oakland were largely peaceful until the evening skirmish.

The crowd disrupted port operations by overwhelming the area with people and blocking exits with chain-link fencing and illegally parked vehicles. The demonstrators also erected fences to block main streets to the port. No trucks were allowed into or out of the area.

Port spokesman Isaac Kos-Read said evening operations had been "effectively shut down."

And later port officials released a statement saying that maritime activity would be cancelled indefinitely, but they hoped to resume the work day Thursday.

"Our hope is that the work day can resume tomorrow and that Port workers will be allowed to get to their jobs without incident," the statement read. "Continued missed shifts represent economic hardship for maritime workers, truckers, and their families, as well as lost jobs and lost tax revenue for our region."

The Oakland protests became a rallying point for the far-flung movement last week when an Iraq War veteran was injured in clashes with police in riot gear that included multiple volleys of tear gas, reports of "flash bang" grenades and rubber bullets.

In Philadelphia, protesters were arrested earlier Wednesday as they held a sit-in at the headquarters of cable giant Comcast. Military veterans marched in uniform in New York, angry at their dim job prospects. And parents and their kids, some in strollers, joined the Oakland rallies by forming a "children's brigade."

"There's absolutely something wrong with the system," said Jessica Medina, a single mother who attends school part time and works at an Oakland cafe. "We need to change that."

Oakland organizers said they targeted the port because they want to stop the "flow of capital." The port sends goods primarily to Asia, including wine as well as rice, fruits and nuts, and handles imported electronics, apparel and manufacturing equipment, mostly from Asia, as well as cars and parts from Toyota, Honda, Nissan and Hyundai.

Craig Merrilees, spokesman for the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, said its members were not being called to strike, but that they supported the protesters.

The members "are supporting the concerns raised by Occupy Oakland and the Occupy movement to speak up for the 99 per cent and against the corporate greed that is wrecking America," Merrilees said.

As protesters left the area on foot some stopped to burn money, others bickered, and one burned an American flag.

Zachary RunningWolf, a well-known Bay Area activist, said he burned the flag "to start an educated discussion among us."

The day's events in Oakland began with a rally outside City Hall that drew more than 3,000 people who spilled into the streets and disrupted the downtown commute. Protesters hung a large black banner that read: "Occupy Everything, DEATH TO CAPITALISM."

The crowd included students, families with young children and many people wearing labour union T-shirts. "Shut down the 1 per cent. We are the 99 per cent," they chanted.

Although windows at two bank branches and a Whole Foods store were broken and graffiti was painted inside one of the banks, officials described the protests as peaceful and orderly and said no arrests had been made.

"It is important to acknowledge the world is watching Oakland tonight," city administrator Deanna Santana said as demonstrators began to gather at the port. "And we need to ensure it remains a safe place for everyone."

There was little to no visible police presence all day, although authorities were on standby in case of an emergency, officials said.

Elsewhere, police in Philadelphia arrested nine protesters who staged a sit-in inside the Comcast lobby. Officers handcuffed them and led into police vans as supporters cheered.

One protester, Bri Barton, said she was there because the gleaming Comcast tower represents excessive wealth in a city with many blighted neighbourhoods. "It's hard for me to see this and that existing in the same city," she said.

In New York, about 100 military veterans marched in uniform and stopped in front of the New York Stock Exchange, standing in loose formation as police officers on scooters separated them from the entrance. On the other side was a lineup of NYPD horses carrying officers with nightsticks.

"We are marching to express support for our brother, (Iraq war veteran) Scott Olsen, who was injured in Oakland," said Jerry Bordeleau, a former Army specialist who served in Iraq through 2009.

The veterans were also angry that returned from war to find few job prospects.

"Wall Street corporations have played a big role in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan," said Bordeleau, now a college student. He said private contractors have reaped big profits in those countries.

In Boston, college students and union workers marched on Bank of America offices, the Harvard Club and the Statehouse to protest the nation's burgeoning student debt crisis.

They say total outstanding student loans exceed credit card debt, increase by $1 million every six minutes and will reach $1 trillion this year, potentially undermining the economy.

"There are so many students that are trying to get jobs and go on with their lives," said Sarvenaz Asasy of Boston, who joined the march after recently graduating with a master's degree and $60,000 in loan debt. "They've educated themselves and there are no jobs and we're paying tons of student loans. For what?"

Read it on Global News: Global News | Police clash with Occupy protesters who shut down operations at one of busiest US ports
Global News | Police clash with Occupy protesters who shut down operations at one of busiest US ports



New American dream: Kill the greedy rich and overthrow Capitalism :cool:
Oh okay ! we listeneing nice news everuday from US protesterz....good Luck US......:D
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