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What USA will do , against anti Capatalisim Movement in Europe, US , World

If Chinese worry , then they must help US turn into cummunist nation faster, W-st bank will turn to be People bank like VN-China , CPUSA (US communist party) will highly appreciate CHina's help, then they will keep funding to CHina after that :D


Too bad Chairman Mao isn't with us anymore.

Otherwise, he may embrace that international communist brotherhood, but today's CCP doesn't believe the communist brotherhood anymore, instead they embrace more about the pragmatic brotherhood.
Capitalism in America has got to do with corporates or rich people in the country. They don't want to make money so therefore they have scared their own locals for that being. The United States will be falling like to dominos economically followed by another recession coming by soon. Soon they will forget everything about others and will worry for their own.

---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 PM ----------

sorry a correction--- THE RICH WANT TO MAKE MONEY
woah 'capatalism' is dying in the US, Europe, and World? The Chinese should be very scared then considering the backbone of their growth, What will they do?

haha just imagining China defending capitalism from communist/socialist governments of Europe and the US kinda gives you a feeling of being in the twilight zone.
The Capitalism model working within China is successful whereas within Europe they used it and abused it over their own people thats why it failed there. It violated the rights of the common people, restricted their financial freedom and hence eventually rejected by their public. The reason that the elites used that model for their own benefits only.:smokin:
Capitalism thrives when the general mood is upbeat and optimistic; people believe they will be among the "haves".

Socialism thrives when the mood is more pessimistic; assurances of basic security become more important.

The mood in America is decidedly pessimistic.
Too bad Chairman Mao isn't with us anymore.

Otherwise, he may embrace that international communist brotherhood, but today's CCP doesn't believe the communist brotherhood anymore, instead they embrace more about the pragmatic brotherhood.
As you can see Communism will be the way to progress, Wall-st regime will fall like Libya or Egypt soon . China decide to change her friend in Lybia , so it will be the Best pragmatic way for China to change 'friend' in USA also.

Don't lose your investment again , be smart and gain success , heheheh... :D
Oh, the Tyrant feeling the heat now :D, some of them maybe PDF members :lol:
Glenn Beck Says Occupy Wall Street is a Communist Plot to Collapse U.S. Economy

Beck also said the Occupy demonstrations occurring in numerous cities around the world represent a coordinated effort by communists to collapse the capitalist economic system, not reform it.

"This is a Marxist revolution that is global in its nature," Beck said Friday.

Appearing on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor," Beck said that although not everyone protesting the U.S.'s high unemployment rate, stagnant wages, and other social problems stemming from the long, painful 2007-2009 recession is a communist, segments of the far left are represented in the coalition and that the coalition's leaders are "Marxists. They are communists."

Beck also said Occupy Wall Street had two "branches."

One branch would engage in violent protests and call for the overthrow of the capitalist system in what would amount to the start of an armed rebellion against the U.S. government, if not an outright civil war, Beck said.

The other branch would then appear, and be peaceful, Beck said, to create an image of how much better the second branch is compared to the violent first branch (i.e., it would be nonviolent and seeking reform peacefully, through the democratic process).

Beck said the second branch we'll "see soon" and it "will appear to be more Tea Party-like, and that one will be run by Van Jones."

Beck also said the first branch of Occupy Wall Street is "the brains" behind the movement and is being led by President Barack Obama.

"He [Obama] is a street organizer. He knows everything that's going on and he knows all the people that are involved," Beck said.

Occupy Wall Street: So Far, Not Conforming to Beck's Description

Occupy Wall Street's demands and grievances are numerous and varied, but one general theme is that the coalition believes both public policy and tax law changes in the past 30 years have resulted in a society in which the rich/upper income groups, including banks/financial institutions, are reaping most of the financial rewards from society, at the expense of everyone else, including the middle class, the working class, the working poor, and the poor.

Occupy Wall Street argues this trend in society is anti-democratic and unjust: the coalition says public policy should change to help create a more-fair, more-egalitarian society -- one in which the decisions are made by a majority of the people and serve everyone -- not by and for the rich/upper income groups, the coalition argues.

So far, the group has sought to reform the U.S. economic system: There has been no sign that Occupy Wall Street is seeking the collapse of the U.S's economic system of corporate capitalism.

Also so far, Occupy Wall Street has not presented Wall Street's investment banks, or the Democratic congressional leadership, or the Republican congressional leadership, or anyone, for that matter, with a list of demands or changes the coalition would like to see occur.

Occupy Wall Street has emphasized a nonhierarchical structure, and that's perhaps one reason they haven't issued a formal list of demands, but most groups in the coalition appear to agree on several points:

1) Increasing taxes on the rich/upper income groups -- in the group's phraseology, "the wealthiest 1 percent of society" -- to get them to pay what the coalition argues is their fair share in taxes.

2) A large increase in federal spending to create jobs to lower the 9.1. percent U.S. unemployment rate, improve the nation's infrastructure and education system, and better fund other social programs, such as health care.

3) Protection for Social Security and Medicare entitlements.

4) New laws to strengthen unions, encourage collective bargaining, and boost union membership.

5) An end to corporate welfare tax laws and programs.

6) Some form of debt relief for middle- and working-class citizens, as well as the poor.

To date, there has been no sign that Occupy Wall Street is seeking to collapse the U.S. economic system of corporate capitalism, and replace it with, for example, democratic socialism -- variants of which exist in many Western European nations -- or with another economic system.

Fox Ended Beck's Show Last June

A controversial conservative/libertarian talk-show host, Beck rocketed to fame in 2009, in part due to the American public's bewilderment at the dizzying array of special facilities and interventions by the U.S. Federal Reserve and Congress needed to both keep credit markets liquid and provide fiscal stimulus to the economy during the financial crisis and subsequent recession --- the nation's worst since the Great Depression.

However, Beck's popularity waned in 2010 and 2011, and his Fox talk show's rating's declined, in part due to the fact that at least some viewers appeared to grow skeptical of Beck's repeated, apocalyptic predictions. Fox ended Beck's show in June.

Political/Public Policy Analysis

It is a very sad commentary on the condition of major U.S. media outlets to know that a person like Glenn Beck would be let on the air, let alone given ample cable network airtime.

In a word, Beck's analysis of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement borders on the ludicrous. The liberal or what some call "the left" segment of the U.S. ideological spectrum forms the bulk of protesters, but the coalition also contains populists, libertarians, moderates, conscientious objectors, environmentalists, independents, and people who have never previously been involved in a social/economic demonstration. Naturally, the coalition includes some who would describe themselves as socialists or democratic socialists, but to conclude at this early stage of the movement that Occupy Wall Street is a communist plan to take over the U.S. economy is absurd.

Of course, this is not the first time Beck has used incendiary rhetoric and fear-mongering to characterize a political movement or program he disagrees with: His television show featured ample portions of the above for the better part of two years. His show cycled from demagoguery, to ludicrous/crazy conspiracy theories, and to tenuous if not absurd causal links and conclusions.

To Read More Stories/Analysis Regarding the Occupy Wall Street Protests: click here.
Glenn Beck Says Occupy Wall Street is a Communist Plot to Collapse U.S. Economy - International Business Times


People in Pakistan have gone so out of control now that not even socialism can not help it. Materialism is at the heights now. Danda chai-ya-hai (we need sticks)
Americans just fear too much. They can't even control an island like Cuba which is located a couple of minutes from Florida. How can they expect to change others like China, Vietnam, Russia.
Americans just fear too much. They can't even control an island like Cuba which is located a couple of minutes from Florida. How can they expect to change others like China, Vietnam, Russia.
Now that is funny. What is there the need for US to control Cuba? The Castros already have enough problems maintaining control of Cuba. Keep in mind that it is Cubans who continually risk their lives to come to the US, not the other way around. We leave Cuba alone to show the world how pathetic communism really is. So for all those who want to live under communism, why not move to Cuba? Why not go there and produce a 'Steve Jobs' or an 'Intel'? Show everyone how communism can compete with capitalism.
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