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What USA will do , against anti Capatalisim Movement in Europe, US , World

Because I have better things to do. Some of them have legitimate grievances, some do not.

Then if Viet Nam remains poor and backward, it will be because of people like YOU.
1. Hehe, poor protest will make Violent revolution soon, and they may do some bad things to people who don't help them in Revolution such as sending some ' bad 'guys back to the countries they were born, bcz those guy are useless for the benefit of American. Who knows Mr. Stalin will reborn in USA or not :lol:

2. Hehe, just wait, we just make friend with US , we're poor, but we can destroy any Capitalist countries in ASEAN by forces :P
1. Hehe, poor protest will make Violent revolution soon, and they may do some bad things to people who don't help them in Revolution such as sending some ' bad 'guys back to the countries they were born, bcz those guy are useless for the benefit of American. Who knows will Mr. Stalin reborn in USA or not :lol:

2. Hehe, just wait, we just make friend with US , we're poor, but we can destroy any Capitalist countries in ASEAN by forces :P
You need to read this article...

Poll: Washington to blame more than Wall Street for economy - USATODAY.com
Most Americans blame Wall Street for the nation's economic predicament — but they blame Washington more.
The majority of Americans do agree with the 'Occupy Wall St.' protesters but only in principles. Yes, greed is bad. But they realize that capitalism is not the source of greed but of human nature and that it is the politicians in Washington DC who made legislations and regulations that turned greed into misuse and abuse. If there is a revolution coming, it will be more of the politicians than of Wall St.
You need to read this article...

Poll: Washington to blame more than Wall Street for economy - USATODAY.com

The majority of Americans do agree with the 'Occupy Wall St.' protesters but only in principles. Yes, greed is bad. But they realize that capitalism is not the source of greed but of human nature and that it is the politicians in Washington DC who made legislations and regulations that turned greed into misuse and abuse. If there is a revolution coming, it will be more of the politicians than of Wall St.
1. hehe, they only agree in principles if they can overthrow Wall st guys peacefully ,or they can stop W.st taking away their house, their properties. Who knows what people will do when they have Nothing to lose ??

Wasington is as dirty as W-st :)

2. But people can constrain greed by turnning into Communist system , let the bank control by people , not W-st , so it will be harder to steal people's money:)
Force people to protest? Chinese people obviously doesn't think the financial sector controls the government like it does in America.

I never said anything about forcing people to protest. I mean the Chinese govt. should give permission to allow people the freedom to protest.:meeting:
1. hehe, they only agree in principles if they can overthrow Wall st guys peacefully ,or they can stop W.st taking away their house, their properties. Who knows what people will do when they have Nothing to lose ??

Wasington is as dirty as W-st :)

2. But people can constrain greed by turnning into Communist system , let the bank control by people , not W-st , so it will be harder to steal people's money:)
Yup...YOU and people like you in Viet Nam will be the reason why our home country will remain at the mercy of China and others.
Because I have better things to do. Some of them have legitimate grievances, some do not.

Then if Viet Nam remains poor and backward, it will be because of people like YOU.
But Sir
Vietnam is not a poor country. It sits at the middle ranking ..Its developing country and economically better than us I guess.:smokin:
Yup...YOU and people like you in Viet Nam will be the reason why our home country will remain at the mercy of China and others.
1. Hehe, so how about Korean ?half of Korean living under China's mercy , they can not unite until now. Do you want our contry remain spliting like that, so half of VNese would starve every day and another half living under Nuke threat ?

2. if you want VN to get stronger, let's help those poor protesters understand the real meanning of communism , so they willing to turn US into Communist nation . With great help from USCP , VN will soon get back to the glory of 70s-80s and unify ASEAN to get stronger :)


regular said:
But Sir
Vietnam is not a poor country. It sits at the middle ranking ..Its developing country and economically better than us I guess.
he got a very bad hurt after US betray him and shaking hands with Communist VN instead of keep supporting him.

Hope he realize that: US capitalist will bow down to any one making them having more money , :P


No other system other than capitalism has worked till now or can work. Those who complain are just too lazy to work hard and achieve something in life. Capitalism does not spoon feed you, one has to show that they bring something new and fresh to the table to be successful in it. If you cant make it in a capitalistic system then you wont make it anywhere.
No other system other than capitalism has worked till now or can work. Those who complain are just too lazy to work hard and achieve something in life. Capitalism does not spoon feed you, one has to show that they bring something new and fresh to the table to be successful in it. If you cant make it in a capitalistic system then you wont make it anywhere.
1. VN-China having diffrent system with Capitalist, but it still work well until now.China become a savior of the world, VN's military getting stronger and stronger and having more friends including US.

2.Those Wall st guys is worse than lazy guys, they do Nothing but robing people tax , they're rober and killer ,why do they have this right in a demorcacy country ?just bcz they're too big to fail ?
1. VN-China having diffrent system with Capitalist, but it still work well until now.China become a savior of the world, VN's military getting stronger and stronger and having more friends including US.

2.Those Wall st guys is worse than lazy guys, they do Nothing but robing people tax , they're rober and killer ,why do they have this right in a demorcacy country ?just bcz they're too big to fail ?

When did China become a savior of the world ? China's system relies on the fundamentals of capitalism to survive, before the 90's when China was a hardcore communist, we all know where China was headed. China today is just communist on paper and in terms of abuse of workers no country on this planet fares worse than China.

The people at Wall street are the reason why China is growing, once they cut the funding or stop working, all the growth enjoyed by the rest of the world is gone also. I recommend you do more research before you make such statements. Who said that the people at Wall St. are lazy and dont do anything ? Such statements come from people who themselves are failures in life.
woah 'capatalism' is dying in the US, Europe, and World? The Chinese should be very scared then considering the backbone of their growth, What will they do?

haha just imagining China defending capitalism from communist/socialist governments of Europe and the US kinda gives you a feeling of being in the twilight zone.

(it works)

CORPORATE GREED = morally wrong, promotes corporate inefficiency; helped fuel a global recession!

How about Evilgeinism, a new system where one big evil genius rules over the world with 1 hundred million dollars
1.When did China become a savior of the world ? China's system relies on the fundamentals of capitalism to survive, before the 90's when China was a hardcore communist, we all know where China was headed. China today is just communist on paper and in terms of abuse of workers no country on this planet fares worse than China.

2.The people at Wall street are the reason why China is growing, once they cut the funding or stop working, all the growth enjoyed by the rest of the world is gone also. I recommend you do more research before you make such statements. Who said that the people at Wall St. are lazy and dont do anything ? Such statements come from people who themselves are failures in life.
1. You don't understand that China-VietNam today is following Lenin's idea about how feudal nations can skip capitalism and go straght to communism.
No , bro . Mr. Karl Mark said : Communism is the next stage of Capitalism bcz workers will overthrow the Bad Rich Boss who robe evrything from poor workers, but Russia was Not a capitalist society . People who ovethrone Russia king was mostly Farmers, and most of farmer have No education.

Lenin tried to turn USSR a little bit to Capitalism like VN now, but it's failed bcz Mr. Stalin was not smart enough to keep following Lenin's idea, and USSR people after WW 2 also forgot it, that why USSR collapse bcz No one know how to make money

2.if W-st cut the funding or stop working or being removed and change to People bank like CHina and VN, so people bank will keep funding and working , Nothing diffrent to CHina. Wall St. are Not lazy bcz they're Worse than lazy guys. They're Rober , they robe people tax to survive and keep robing people's house, people's properties afters that. I'm I right ?
woah 'capatalism' is dying in the US, Europe, and World? The Chinese should be very scared then considering the backbone of their growth, What will they do?

haha just imagining China defending capitalism from communist/socialist governments of Europe and the US kinda gives you a feeling of being in the twilight zone.
If Chinese worry , then they must help US turn into cummunist nation faster, W-st bank will turn to be People bank like VN-China , CPUSA (US communist party) will highly appreciate CHina's help, then they will keep funding to CHina after that :D

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