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"What the hell is going on in this country?" : Supreme Court

Just look around ...politicians are competing to find corruption charges against each other, newspapers are filled with corruption cases. Ministers are getting sacked. Their money is getting traced including their kith and kins in accounts.There is an urge to bring back black-money thats stuck up in foreign banks .
While most see as a pathetic state of our nation, i see it as a wonderful change.

The hidden cameras , sting operations, CAG getting stricter, politicians competing to find the opponents misgivings, etc and all will ofcourse be a catalyst for a massive change.:fans:
Yes I agree that corruption cases are being unearthed daily, ministers are getting sacked, newspapers are filled with corruption cases, money trails are being discovered... but you think we had to see this after a whole decade of high growth???

You can call me pessimist, but I consider myself as a realist. I am not interested in finding out how things are being uncovered, but more concerned about why they are still happening at the first place.... get to the root of the issue, rather than be happy about uncovering it. Even if they do, who gets punished?... Have you seen an end to a corruption case?

You are related to media and journalism... you would know better than me.
I agree, but when you generalized the NRI in your post I had to post my reply. But tell me one thing... are you happy seeing all the corruption all around?

Are we still in the 80s or 90s (assuming you were old enough back then... if not then you have to trust me). Some things have improved... few things are still stagnant. I am sure you can't deny the points that misterme is trying to make.

There still is widespread corruption in every aspect of life...doesn't matter how much progress we make, there has to be a change in the attitude of those who are in power. Aren't you frustrated with all our tax money being swindled by those who call themselves govt.? If I am paying my taxes on time... and paying 30% of my pay... I want to see every single paisa of it being spent towards my society... isn't it our responsibility to take some constructive criticism for once and see how things are still being functioning in the archaic ways?

Yes we are growing... growing at a rate which everyone is envious, but think of the growth which would come to India if we get rid of this corruption.

That guy is stuck 15 years back. In India, we had this debate of "corruption" million times in every level and every forum and type of Indian media and Indian people are fully convinced that Corruption must go and there is no tolerance left for it in public now. Even politicians are realizing that people and media won't let it go easy from here. And, Poop! there comes a guy who claims "you indians are complacent, you do nothing. you are so happy with corruption. Let's have a debate on corruption and me-smart-american will teach you how to solve corruption". What the f*ck?

Back to topic, there is a successful formula emerging against corruption, which has worked in recent weeks - Keep the heat on politicians, keep raising their names in media, denude the reputation of topmost authority(including PM) in public on news media, and FORCE them by "intimidation", to take action on corrupts.

Also there always are few "willing" inside helpers amongst IAS lobby, who are ready to leak information about insides of these scams. Such whistler-blowers are always there and its a good idea to approach them anonymously and get the information on AIR, without revealing their identity. Media can and is doing that well.

It has worked on CWG, Adarsh scam and now 2G scam. It seems perfect way to make them act. But this formula also requires a good sized powerful opposition in Parliament, which is present today. Otherwise, it may not have that sharpness to poke the Government in power to act.
Dude why bring bollywood in to it? are we 24x7 watching it and not going outside?? :lol:

We are living here and are in a better position as to see whats going on around. We have seen many people sayingg my friend told me , my friend went there , everywhere poverty sort of lame arguments.

We see whats going on around and you dont need to convince us otherwise.And no need to comment on our supreme court. It is as able and trusted by all the nationals , more than government and any other institutions.

Are you kidding me? In your bollywoon you want to show everyone that india is so good and Pakistan is bad. But the reality is opposite.
Are you kidding me? In your bollywoon you want to show everyone that india is so good and Pakistan is bad. But the reality is opposite.

Dude, its entertainment!! Its for Indian public to kick back and escape from normal life for a while. If you dont like it, dont watch!

I dont see spider man when I go to New York city either!
Army in power? That hasn't happened once in India, but Pakistan is a different story.......

You should mark your words, so you can eat it 10 years in the future.

Army in power is not bad, you will learn that. Army has always supported our country but politicians can do anything for $$$.
That guy is stuck 15 years back. In India, we had this debate of "corruption" million times in every level and every forum and type of Indian media and Indian people are fully convinced that Corruption must go and there is no tolerance left for it in public now. Even politicians are realizing that people and media won't let it go easy from now. And, Poop! there comes a guy who claims "you indians are complacent, you do nothing. you are so happy with corruption. Let's have a debate on corruption and me-smart-american will teach you how to solve corruption". What the f*ck?
Hahaa... you made me laugh man... Hey... dont get overworked over something as silly as this. The person who starts to use "you Indians" and claims to be an Indian will also not get a warm welcome from me, but learn to counter with good arguments as @SpArK did a few posts above... just don't get personal ok.

Peace out!
Are you kidding me? In your bollywoon you want to show everyone that india is so good and Pakistan is bad. But the reality is opposite.

I think you need to loosen up a little bit here... don't take Bollywood movies to be a real picture of India... everyone in India knows that.... you need to learn that and spread the word around this misconception :)
STFU. I do not watch your movies. :angry: Pakistan has own culture, language and history which are completely different from you. We have our own movies.

Look..... we all know you watch bollywood movies. Its ok, don't be in denial mode about it.
Brahmin taking control of India??... lol kid you sure do dream far and high. And about the economic crash and social unrest... even if we do have, I will console myself that we are atleast doing better than the rest in the region.

This is a delusion. You are not doing better but your politicians want to show you that you are doing better. india's economy is shrinking from inside. your situation is worse than soviet union.
It's not our fault that Pakistan's film industry is a joke.

Entertainment culture = Soft power

no soft power, propaganda against Pakistan. we can also make such movies but we do not because everybody knows what is the truth. we do not need to make cheap movies like bollywood and force people to watch them.
This is a delusion. You are not doing better but your politicians want to show you that you are doing better. india's economy is shrinking from inside. your situation is worse than soviet union.
I'd like to live in this delusion if you may...

Please explain shrinking from inside please? I would like to know what are the current numbers?
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