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"What the hell is going on in this country?" : Supreme Court

READ MY POSTS I never said India is going to hell if it doesn't get 3-1-1 systems...you are lying again indian doesn't have a system like 3-1-1.....thats why whatever E governance India has, it is not sufficient enough or up to par.....Don't you think there is room for improvement???....Don;t you think the country can learn from other mistakes so that it doesn't have to commit the same ones and waste time?? .....on top that the E governance that I know of in Chennai charges a price to use their system...Kid you just blowing flames from your bottom... Are you kidding me? Israelis complain and act on it.....do you even understand what I wrote DONT WASTE MY TIME YOU IDIOT....talk sense...

Firstly, I never said Indian systems are the best on earth. I can neither claim same about American systems. Even American system has its flaws, like over-expensive to maintain and underloaded at times due to recession. That's why USA is trying hard to lower the costs of its infrastructure by hiring Indians which is an economical and sensible way to do it. Now, noone here is claiming or taking undue credits for that.

Secondly, you should be more civil and respect others in a debate. Calling others liar and assuming that only you know everything on earth, doesn't sound sensible or convincing enough.

Here is the link I have posted and this states 2006 Stop bug off liar .....don't waste our time....I just proved you don't know what you are talking about....now every poster can read this and see how much of a dummy you are...bye bye

Now there is no need to get angry and all emotional here. I never meant anything personal. Just be calm and look through what I said. Or, if this is your way out of this debate after losing arguments, then that's quite a poor way to run from it.

But overall, Obama's decision to ask for Indian troop expertise in peace-keeping operations, will surely help US army improve its image amongst Iraqi public. And you should take this in positive manner and not as an embarrassing thing. Instead, you should be supportive of this because this is a win-win for our bilateral relationship.
Firstly, I never said Indian systems are the best on earth. I can neither claim same about American systems. Even American system has its flaws, like over-expensive to maintain and underloaded at times due to recession. That's why USA is trying hard to lower the costs of its infrastructure by hiring smart Indians which is an economical and sensible way. Now, noone here is claiming or taking undue credits for that.

Secondly, you should be more civil and respect others in a debate. Calling others liar and assuming that only you know everything on earth, doesn't sound sensible or convincing enough.

Now there is no need to get angry and all emotional here. I never meant anything personal. Just be calm and look through what I said. Or, if this is your way out of this debate after losing arguments, then that's quite a poor way to run from it.

But overall, Obama's decision to ask for Indian troop expertise in peace-keeping operations, will surely help US army improve its image amongst Iraqi public. And you should take this in positive manner and not as an embarrassing thing. Instead, you should be supportive of this because this is a win-win for our bilateral relationship.

I leave it here but you need to get glasses and re read what I wrote you.You are the one who cannot debate with the facts and you are the one attacking folks personally. I just took your mindless worthless half truths and proved your BS with link after link......so next time don;t lie and realize the truth. There is nothing wrong with any country being backward. Learn from it, analyze it, and get over it! I am helping Indian not the US with my contributions but you are too hardheaded to see that. I am the only one giving an honest debate but you are derailing it with your ridiculous claims.
I leave it here but you need to get glasses and re read what I wrote you.You are the one who cannot debate with the facts and you are the one attacking folks personally. I just took your mindless worthless half truths and proved your BS with link after link......so next time don;t lie and realize the truth. There is nothing wrong with any country being backward. Learn from it, analyze it, and get over it! I am helping Indian not the US with my contributions but you are too hardheaded to see that. I am the only one giving an honest debate but you are derailing it with your ridiculous claims.


Now come on, I know you are not foolish but there is no need to act in such emotional and knee-jerk manner.
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