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"What the hell is going on in this country?" : Supreme Court

social condition in india is not good. people donot like politicians. they do not like democracy. i read in newspapers indians now asking for removal of their govt by any means even army. terrorist gaining power. militancy and maosts. price rise. no new industry. student suicide is daily news. thousands of people die in road accidents every year. military budget increased but no source of money. debt is increasing. people coming to streets. army is totally messed up. bramin and RSS control the army. you do not know you are in great danger.

LOL I couldnt stop laughing at this one, buddy this is more like what some people here want than the reality. We are having some problems not disappearing unlike others.
Yeah I know... they air these movies in some unimaginable places.... seriously. A few years back I remember I was in Salt Lake City (Utah), a stronghold of Mormons and standing infront of a huge cathedral admiring its beauty when 3 nuns walk to me and asked if I was interested in learning more about God... I politely declined, but did strike a conversation. During our short conversation and to my utter disbelief, they told me they are big fans of Bollywood movies.... and in fact they even remembered the names of some of the famous actors...

It was shocking to say the least... in the heartland of America. But to me most of the bollywood movies are quite silly.

They have mass-market appeal. It is good from a business point of view.

It would be hilarious though, if some laowai went on a vacation to Hong Kong, turned on the local TV channels, and saw a Bollywood movie playing. :D
This is a delusion. You are not doing better but your politicians want to show you that you are doing better. india's economy is shrinking from inside. your situation is worse than soviet union.

Shrinking from the inside ehh ? What theory of economics are you using ? Buddy do you just post to troll ?
You bring up a good point here.... No system is perfect ok... lets start at that first. It wasn't pure corruption it was manipulation of data. What we see in India is corruption... ministers and govt officials stealing our tax payer money.

Ok, Corruption is not always about "money". How can you say so? That will be quite narrow view of it then. Corruption is something more like "immoral act" conducted by an individual for benefits to himself or his business. So, by manipulating data, these banks benefited huge amount of money and their boards of directors ate that money too. As far as, the acts are done to gain "undue" benefits, it is corruption!

By that logic, almost 90% land scams in India are not corruption then but mere data-records manipulation? Ofcourse, that's corruption too! Because it is corruption of minds we refer to and not just money transactions related corruption. If we bother about later only, then actual corruption figures in India would be only 30% because maximum corruption happens in Government data-records of public property, lands, business licenses. So, there is no corruption then, only data manipulation!

In case of the US meltdown, it was the money of the investors who had willingly invested in the stock market. You might come back with an argument that the govt used tax payer money to bail them out.... but my counter argument will be that they already got the money back with a good interest rate even. (although I didn't support the govt bailout at the first place).

It wasn't tax-payer money actually. USA has a different system. They printed "free paper"(dollars) from printing press. Noone asks any questions. Now, you can call it open corruption, farce or anything but that's how it works.

Do you know that USA is biggest debted nation? Their debt is more than 100% of their GDP and they don't worry about it because US Govt. just asks the Federal reserve to keep printing unlimited dollars and giving loans to Govt. Though, this might sound like an open farce, but this works good for American public because they get "free money" from printing press. That's how it works there. Ofcourse, this causes issues like super-inflation and stupid things but its still beneficial to have unlimited dollars for everyone so they can buy out resources in foreign countries. Recently, a large part of bail-out went into banks and it landed indirectly into corporates, through stock-markets. That's how american corporates grow and never go bankrupt, because when they run out dollars, US Govt. jumps in and pumps in free dollars and says, "Go ahead, buy out more foreign companies". Now, ofcourse, this doesn't mean that these companies don't innovate or make profits on their own. They do! But big equity players who buy/acquire resources abroad, where they get huge $$ resources from? That's where this $1 Trillion bailout jugglery is! <winks>

China plays same trick. Chinese never lost $500 Billion so, where that $500 Billion bail-out went, that China issued?? Now think about it. LOL

So, there is nothing white or black about western system. It has both sides, dirty and ugly. Now, we have to think what system is good for ourselves. Here morality or immorality has no role. Only priority should be, people must get their money back!

Why compare if something happens in another country should happen in ours? US is in a different league, it is a developed nation and everyone enjoys the basic minimum living standards of life. Can we afford to do so?

We compare because both countries are having almost same financial system with few differences. So, if mortgage scams have hit them, it can hit us too, so better prepare for it through better regulation. And, we have taken steps for that after the scams in US. RBI has increased its supervision mechanisms. But that doesn't mean it won't hit us. Can we eliminate human greed from system? Even superpower US can't. How we can? But what we can do is, make sure people get their money back, then no matter which way, just go and print it. But give the money back!!
Nothing is going to change till any one party get clear majority.
They have mass-market appeal. It is good from a business point of view.

It would be hilarious though, if some laowai went on a vacation to Hong Kong, turned on the local TV channels, and saw a Bollywood movie playing. :D
Marketing I guess... or maybe there is enough local audience for these movies in HK... but to know that mainland China also airs Indian movies was surprising to me... I don't remember a Chinese movie being played in India though... Although Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee are quite famous in India ... remember even when I was little kid we used to watch their movies a lot.... but I guess they were more Hollywood rather than being true Chinese movies.
Marketing I guess... or maybe there is enough local audience for these movies in HK... but to know that mainland China also airs Indian movies was surprising to me... I don't remember a Chinese movie being played in India though... Although Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee are quite famous in India ... remember even when I was little kid we used to watch their movies a lot.... but I guess they were more Hollywood rather than being true Chinese movies.

That's right, on both counts.

In fact, search for "Bollywood film Chinese dub" in Youtube... and you'll see a clip of a Bollywood film in Shanghai, that has been dubbed to Mandarin. LOL. :D

Chinese films on the other hand are usually marketed towards the domestic audience, and with the exception of a few Kungfu movies, I doubt many others will make it to India.
Ok, Corruption is not always about "money". How can you say so? That will be quite narrow view of it then. Corruption is something more like "immoral act" conducted by an individual for benefits to himself or his business. So, by manipulating data, these banks benefited huge amount of money and their boards of directors ate that money too. As far as, the acts are done to gain "undue" benefits, it is corruption!
By that logic, almost 90% land scams in India are not corruption then but mere data-records manipulation? Ofcourse, that's corruption too! Because it is corruption of minds we refer to and not just money transactions related corruption. If we bother about later only, then actual corruption figures in India would be only 30% because maximum corruption happens in Government data-records of public property, lands, business licenses. So, there is no corruption then, only data manipulation!
Agree somewhat... corruption is nothing but manipulation. But you have to see that in the US it wasn't the govt money that these people were playing with... In case of India it is our hard earned money... money of people that should be used for the people... isn't that the basis of paying taxes?

You gave an example of land record manipulation.... is that all that is there to corruption in India... I don't think so... It starts from handling out petty "favors" to certain "preferred vendors" to carry out the project. To get this done, lot of money changes hands... every one in the chain gets his cut to look over the files. Take the example of contracts... for ex say a govt contract of 10 crores... out of which only 1 or 2 crore worth of work gets done, rest is all fed to the "chain of command". This is no manipulation... this is pure corruption and swindling.

It wasn't tax-payer money actually. USA has a different system. They printed "free paper"(dollars) from printing press. Noone asks any questions. Now, you can call it open corruption, farce or anything but that's how it works.
Do you know that USA is biggest debted nation? Their debt is more than 100% of their GDP and they don't worry about it because US Govt. just asks the Federal reserve to keep printing unlimited dollars and giving loans to Govt. Though, this might sound like an open farce, but this works good for American public because they get "free money" from printing press. That's how it works there.
Ofcourse, this causes issues like super-inflation and stupid things but its still beneficial to have unlimited dollars for everyone so they can buy out resources in foreign countries. Recently, a large part of bail-out went into banks and it landed indirectly into corporates, through stock-markets. That's how american corporates grow and never go bankrupt, because when they run out dollars, US Govt. jumps in and pumps in free dollars and says, "Go ahead, buy out more foreign companies". Now, ofcourse, this doesn't mean that these companies don't innovate or make profits on their own. They do! But big equity players who buy/acquire resources abroad, where they get huge $$ resources from? That's where this $1 Trillion bailout jugglery is! <winks>

Wrong... printing free money would reduce the value of the dollar so much that it eventually becomes worthless... I don't think US employs such morons who would do such a thing... what they do is keep on pushing the debt for the future generation. As you mentioned that their debt stands more than their GDP, is actually a reflection of this policy. There is nothing called free money from the press.

We compare because both countries are having almost same financial system with few differences. So, if mortgage scams have hit them, it can hit us too, so better prepare for it through better regulation. And, we have taken steps for that after the scams in US. RBI has increased its supervision mechanisms. But that doesn't mean it won't hit us. Can we eliminate human greed from system? Even superpower US can't. How we can? But what we can do is, make sure people get their money back, then no matter which way, just go and print it. But give the money back!!
In someways, both systems are comparable, but it doesn't mean that if it happens in the US, we can allow it to happen in India as well. In the US, it is the private parties who are controlling the wall streets and every body is after money, whereas for us we have a strong private sector who are the sole contributor to the increasing GDP numbers... But as you said for India it is the people's money being handled by the govt... we have a right to determine how it gets spent on us and not feed a few people's coffers.
In fact, search for "Bollywood film Chinese dub" in Youtube... and you'll see a clip of a Bollywood film in Shanghai, that has been dubbed to Mandarin. LOL. :D
Thats interesting that someone would be interested in actually dubbing the movie and not just live with the subtitles.

Chinese films on the other hand are usually marketed towards the domestic audience, and with the exception of a few Kungfu movies, I doubt many others will make it to India.
hmmm... well quite a few do make their way to the US.... so I don't complain. I do get to see my share out here :)
social condition in india is not good. people donot like politicians. they do not like democracy. i read in newspapers indians now asking for removal of their govt by any means even army. terrorist gaining power. militancy and maosts. price rise. no new industry. student suicide is daily news. thousands of people die in road accidents every year. military budget increased but no source of money. debt is increasing. people coming to streets. army is totally messed up. bramin and RSS control the army. you do not know you are in great danger.

Hmmm... You have created dooms day type scenario. Dude are you watching too much hollywood movies these days, I mean, 2012, The day after tomorrow?

Its quite unique that from the current condition of Pakistan you spend so much time thinking about India. At least put half of the amount for your country. Few days back read an similar editorial in some Pakistani paper about Indian defence budget hike. :rolleyes:
There is nothing wrong. I fully realize and appreciate their contribution. I am just picking on some thick types here, who thinks they know everything and they know all solutions to all problems in India. But when you ask them about solutions, they start whining about corruption and whole thing boils down to nothing.

I gave you multiple solutions.....whats the point you wont do nothing with it but whine...so fuk off
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