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What Taiwanese think? – 40.9% of Taiwanese willing to fight for Taiwan, and other news

I dont imagine Taiwan conquering PRC.
But I imagine PRC turning Taiwan into in their little bitch like Hong King.

By the other side, Taiwanese people are Han chinese people too, you are the same people, only differents systems. They can not do a self genocide.
If Japanese or Manchu slave your people in the past, it's not Taiwan to blame.


It doesn't matter who did what historically. Chinese government is permanently on high alert because of the past.

Taiwanese aren't stupid, they know that PRC will know if they even started buying parts that could be dual use.
Nearly half of Taiwanese unwilling to fight to defend nation
2020/07/20 20:57

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — About 75 percent of Taiwanese agree with the proposition that Taiwan should extend the period of military conscription instead of adopting a completely voluntary recruitment policy, according to a recent survey carried out by ETtoday.

Among the respondents, 50.8 percent strongly agree with the proposition, 24.4 percent slightly agree, 12 percent slightly disagree, 5.9 percent totally disagree, and 7 percent have no opinion, per China Times.

Before 2000, Taiwan's conscription system mandated that all males over the age of 18 serve two years in the military. This has since been shortened to four months of basic training.

As tensions between the United States and China continue to rise, the situation around the Taiwan Strait has become more treacherous. Some scholars have even predicted a war within three years, according to the report.

If war were to break out between Taiwan and China, 40.9 percent of those surveyed said that they are willing to fight or would not object to their family's participation, while 49.1 percent said the opposite

Nearly half of Taiwanese unwilling to fight to defend nation
2020/07/20 20:57

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — About 75 percent of Taiwanese agree with the proposition that Taiwan should extend the period of military conscription instead of adopting a completely voluntary recruitment policy, according to a recent survey carried out by ETtoday.

Among the respondents, 50.8 percent strongly agree with the proposition, 24.4 percent slightly agree, 12 percent slightly disagree, 5.9 percent totally disagree, and 7 percent have no opinion, per China Times.

Before 2000, Taiwan's conscription system mandated that all males over the age of 18 serve two years in the military. This has since been shortened to four months of basic training.

As tensions between the United States and China continue to rise, the situation around the Taiwan Strait has become more treacherous. Some scholars have even predicted a war within three years, according to the report.

If war were to break out between Taiwan and China, 40.9 percent of those surveyed said that they are willing to fight or would not object to their family's participation, while 49.1 percent said the opposite

A conscript army would likely not fair well against a professional army as modern warfare has taught us ... just bringing it out here.
People willing to fight for their countries

Taiwan is already independent country, what do you want more exactly? (besides change the name to a passport).

And if Taiwan want to conservate their independence when China will go on grow up, they need to develop nuclear weapons, ballistics missiles, and point them to Beijing 24/7 365 days of year.

You will achieve nothing fighting with your hands or words against continental China, only nuclear weapons can turn you into in a valid interlocutor instead in a sweet candy to be eaten by mainland Chinese when they want.

I looked into Taiwan's nuclear program. It was in 1987 when the program was discovered by USA. There was a CIA mole (a Taiwanese colonel) in Taiwan who were involved in the program.

USA put a stop to it. By the time USA stopped it, Taiwanese scientists had already produced controlled nuclear reaction in the lab and is about 1 to 2 years from a nuclear bomb.

There is a wiki link:

A article in English:

Living in a big family is better than living alone.

Middle East want to establish the Caliphate to reunite the entire Muslim states.

Europe established EU.

SE Asia has ASEAN.

India is proud for being united and weep over Pakistan-Bangladesh separation.

Even USA is uniting multiple races within their country and promote it worldwide.

But East Asian is fighting and hating each others, endorsed and orchestrated by the USA, just like the USA did in the Middle East.

Good luck with that.

The only sane countries in East Asia are North and South Korea who are longing for united.

The rest don't have the quality of being a good race.
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People willing to fight for their countries


Confucian says, among three things of king, country and people...

The least important is the king, and then second is the country.

The most important of all is the people.

It's okay for kings to be disposed...

The country is disbanded...

But the people safe, prosper, and happy.
None of my Taiwan Independence relatives have any interesting in actual fighting. But the path to Taiwan Independence is gathering steam. None of my relatives believe the path to TI will go though war.
They must be a bunch of idiots.
Confucian says, among three things of king, country and people...

The least important is the king, and then second is the country.

The most important of all is the people.

It's okay for kings to be disposed...

The country is disbanded...

But the people safe, prosper, and happy.
China no longer follows that outdated teaching.
Nobody wants to fight. Human soldiers play an increasingly secondary role in conflict. The standing armies of respective nations provide adequate number of soldiers for most eventualities. Taiwan cannot defeat China alone, but with the backing from allies there is no way China can annex Taiwan without completely destroying the Island and crippling its own navy in the process.

I feel that American Chinese or Taiwanese are a whole other breed - I am talking about truly American people who have decided to settle in the US and also hold US citizenship. These people only want peaceful progress and are so happy with their lives in US that they are practically being Americans who care just a little more than the average american about what happens to their homeland.
Nobody wants to fight. Human soldiers play an increasingly secondary role in conflict. The standing armies of respective nations provide adequate number of soldiers for most eventualities. Taiwan cannot defeat China alone, but with the backing from allies there is no way China can annex Taiwan without completely destroying the Island and crippling its own navy in the process.

Taiwan does not have the naval capability to even scratch the PLAN. Not with their 1950's submarines and 1970's frigates. The entire ROCN will be at the bottom of the ocean within hours even if they don't leave port.
Taiwan does not have the naval capability to even scratch the PLAN. Not with their 1950's submarines and 1970's frigates. The entire ROCN will be at the bottom of the ocean within hours even if they don't leave port.
And the PLAN is not capable of controlling the strait even a few months, let along indefinitely. Taiwan's land based cruise missiles would -- not merely could -- threaten the entire strait corridor. It will more than a scratch to the PLAN. Try a few broken bones.
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