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What Taiwanese think? – 40.9% of Taiwanese willing to fight for Taiwan, and other news



New Recruit

Oct 4, 2018
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Taiwan, Province Of China
United States
I don’t think people understand how Taiwanese think. I will be happy to reply if anyone has any questions.

First a little about myself, I am originally from Taiwan. Most of my relatives are hardcore for Taiwan Independence (I will call them TIers). I also have friends who are mainlanders. Here in the USA, most of my friends are Mainlanders. But all my family functions are with TIers.

I myself firmly believe China and Taiwan belong to each other.

The first link talked about how strong is the will for Taiwanese to fight for Taiwan Independence.


It is in Traditional Chinese, so let me translate the main point. From the polling conducted between 7/15/2020 to 7/16/2020, if the war between China and Taiwan occurs, are you or (your children if you are older) willing to fight for Taiwan.

The result is as follows: 40.9% willing vs. 49.1% not willing. Now, compare to the same poll conducted on April 2018, the one on 4/2018 is 23.6% willing vs. 73.3% not willing.

There are two ways to look at this result.

Note that the poll is not asking do you want to fight for Taiwan Independence. The poll is asking when the war already started, do you want to fight for Taiwan. Even for the cases that China went nuts and start evading Taiwan (even without declaring Taiwan Independence), much more Taiwanese have no interest in fighting for Taiwan.

What this means is if a war does start and China is able to land significant troops on Taiwan. There is extremely high probability that many Taiwanese troops will either surrender or turn against Taiwan itself.

But it is not all good news for China completely. From the same poll, from 4/2018 to 7/2020, the number of Taiwanese willing to fight goes up significantly from 23.6% to 40.9%.

It is as expected. As Taiwanese government had shown in the past 5 years, she is the first government who continuously attack China without suffering much counter attacks from China. Now, average Taiwanese are seeing governments such as Australia and USA are doing the same thing with similar results. Many Taiwanese start to feel braver.

If there are some other news from Taiwan, I might post them here (if enough people are interested).
The process of incremental Taiwan Independence had already started.


It is in Traditional Chinese, let me translate the main points.

On 7/23/2020, Taiwanese parliament had pass laws to change the name of its airline and its passport.

It is going to change the name of its airline from “China Airline” to something that has no hint of China.

It is also going to change the name on top of Taiwanese passport from Republic of China to Taiwan.
If Taiwanese are unwilling to perform military service and want to escape from military service in various ways, how can they fight?

With keyboard?

None of my Taiwan Independence relatives have any interesting in actual fighting. But the path to Taiwan Independence is gathering steam. None of my relatives believe the path to TI will go though war.
Taiwan is already independent country, what do you want more exactly? (besides change the name to a passport).

And if Taiwan want to conservate their independence when China will go on grow up, they need to develop nuclear weapons, ballistics missiles, and point them to Beijing 24/7 365 days of year.

You will achieve nothing fighting with your hands or words against continental China, only nuclear weapons can turn you into in a valid interlocutor instead in a sweet candy to be eaten by mainland Chinese when they want.
I think you can use the word Taiwanese for you, the people is living from long time in the Island Taiwan, event thought you could be from Fujian ren or hakka in origin, belong to Bai Yue people. Vietnamese does belong to Bai Yue too.
Taiwan is already independent country, what do you want more exactly? (besides change the name to a passport).

And if Taiwan want to conservate their independence when China will go on grow up, they need to develop nuclear weapons, ballistics missiles, and point them to Beijing 24/7 365 days of year.

You will achieve nothing fighting with your hands or words against continental China, only nuclear weapons can turn you into in a valid interlocutor instead in a sweet candy to be eaten by mainland Chinese when they want.
Catalans:Yes,you are right. F*ck Spain govt.
I think you can use the word Taiwanese for you, the people is living from long time in the Island Taiwan, event thought you could be from Fujian ren or hakka in origin, belong to Bai Yue people. Vietnamese does belong to Bai Yue too.

lol no
Taiwan is already independent country, what do you want more exactly? (besides change the name to a passport).

And if Taiwan want to conservate their independence when China will go on grow up, they need to develop nuclear weapons, ballistics missiles, and point them to Beijing 24/7 365 days of year.

You will achieve nothing fighting with your hands or words against continental China, only nuclear weapons can turn you into in a valid interlocutor instead in a sweet candy to be eaten by mainland Chinese when they want.

China is like Israel and Russia, a genocide survivor country. Never again.

We will first strike before allowing Taiwan to get even close to nukes.

China ManQing Emperor had shedded Taiwan to Japan from 1895, officially. Taiwan is no more territory of China. After WW II Taiwan can dacre the independence state.
Taiwan is already independent country, what do you want more exactly? (besides change the name to a passport).

And if Taiwan want to conservate their independence when China will go on grow up, they need to develop nuclear weapons, ballistics missiles, and point them to Beijing 24/7 365 days of year.

You will achieve nothing fighting with your hands or words against continental China, only nuclear weapons can turn you into in a valid interlocutor instead in a sweet candy to be eaten by mainland Chinese when they want.

No, I don't want Taiwan Independence. But I am in the minority. (Majority of Taiwanese want status quo).

Taiwan's constitution is a Chinese constitution. It's territory contain all of China. Thus, the final step of Taiwan Independence is to change the Taiwanese constitution.

Taiwan's government is starting the process to change its constitution already. At this point, it doesn't touch the sensitive part yet. But everyone in Taiwan knows that once the process had started, the sensitive part (the one contain the territory of Taiwan) can be change over night when the condition is ripe.

By the way, Taiwan did tried to develop atomic bomb. But right before it was able to develop one, a spy informed USA. USA sent people and ambushed the lab and destroyed all the equipment and confiscate all documents.

A lot of scientists were crying because all of their life work gone in a flash right in front of their eyes.

I don't remember when did this happened. It probably happened in the 60's or 70's.
China is like Israel and Russia, a genocide survivor country. Never again.

We will first strike before allowing Taiwan to get even close to nukes.

I dont imagine Taiwan conquering PRC.
But I imagine PRC turning Taiwan into in their little bitch like Hong King.

By the other side, Taiwanese people are Han chinese people too, you are the same people, only differents systems. They can not do a self genocide.
If Japanese or Manchu slave your people in the past, it's not Taiwan to blame.

No, I don't want Taiwan Independence. But I am in the minority. (Majority of Taiwanese want status quo).

Taiwan's constitution is a Chinese constitution. It's territory contain all of China. Thus, the final step of Taiwan Independence is to change the Taiwanese constitution.

Taiwan's government is starting the process to change its constitution already. At this point, it doesn't touch the sensitive part yet. But everyone in Taiwan knows that once the process had started, the sensitive part (the one contain the territory of Taiwan) can be change over night when the condition is ripe.

By the way, Taiwan did tried to develop atomic bomb. But right before it was able to develop one, a spy informed USA. USA sent people and ambushed the lab and destroyed all the equipment and confiscate all documents.

A lot of scientists were crying because all of their life work gone in a flash right in front of their eyes.

I don't remember when did this happened. It probably happened in the 60's or 70's.

But Beijing government can take decisions in Taiwan? I though they can not.
But Beijing government can take decisions in Taiwan? I though they can not.

Not quite sure what do you mean? I have a feeling you are confused about the situation between Taiwan and China.

The official name of Taiwan is "Republic of China". It was the first Chinese government in modern China. Republic of China allied with USA and fought against Japan during WW2. After WW2, Chinese communists revolted against Republic of China and had a civil war. Communist China won and named China as "People's Republic of China".

Republic of China retreated to Taiwan. Thus, Taiwan is the name of a place. The name of the country is Republic of China. Taiwan's constitution covers all of China.

Thus, if Taiwan change its constitution and erase all of China from its constitution, it is telling Mainland China it is no longer part of China and is therefore independent.

Note (this is important) Republic of China (or Taiwan) never said it is part of "People's Republic of China". But it is part of China.
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