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What should Iran do if Vienna talks fail....Keep to 5 lines reply please

I let you in to a not so secret info..



Then why would you let the UN inspections even take place and you go running to Vienna for talks with IAEA. No one’s going to waste there money time to run a huge UN program monitor if it’s pointless mate, the west isn’t that silly. I refer you to Ghengis Khan posts and in my opinion most experts you ran out of time and got stuck on technical since AQ khan taken out
They also say you are the root of all evil. Would you believe that too?

If Iranian had the capability or possible roadmap to actual functioning device. They would have done so. Instead of pouring concert in their reactors and parading “AQ Khan” nuke blue prints in-front of the world.
IR-6 which has been mass-produced already and it is operational at this moment has next to nothing in common between P-1 and P-2 designs that the Khan network shared with Iran.

Even without advanced nuclear knowledge, Iran can go for the gun-type design. Not only Iran, even the Taliban or Hezbollah of Lebanon can pull it off given enough enriched uranium and Iran is known to have enough enriched uranium by the IAEA reports. If the Israeli documents are real, one may conclude that Iran's nuclear design was somewhat close to Mark-7 in late 90s and early 2000s. But even if they aren't real and it's just for the purpose of Israeli propaganda against Iran, pulling off the gun-type design won't take much time for any state-level actor.
Saudis are strategic partner to Pakistan. They are always there plus they are the guardian of two holy mosques. They can bear the brunt of sanctions and if sh!t hit the fan, and need arises, Pakistanis most likely will take heat for them.

UAE is too small and frankly not that important. It can hire experts when not under sanctions but such projects requires long term strategic partnership. Once hit by international sanctions, it will simply struggle to survive.
jus sayin...
IR-6 which has been mass-produced already and it is operational at this moment has next to nothing in common between P-1 and P-2 designs that the Khan network shared with Iran.

Even without advanced nuclear knowledge, Iran can go for the gun-type design. Not only Iran, even the Taliban or Hezbollah of Lebanon can pull it off given enough enriched uranium and Iran is known to have enough enriched uranium by the IAEA reports. If the Israeli documents are real, one may conclude that Iran's nuclear design was somewhat close to Mark-7 in late 90s and early 2000s. But even if they aren't real and it's just for the purpose of Israeli propaganda against Iran, pulling off the gun-type design won't take much time for any state-level actor.
Miniature Nukes are harder to build than conventional. Sure anyone can build a “dirty device” with enriched uranium . Actual science lies in triggering mechanisms and having it to go boom to it’s full potential.

jus sayin...
Ya, last few years of Pakistani blunders have even your best friends confused. But fortunately, things are still in order. Indian did try to made a wedge when the situation was rip. Saudis were smart enough to not fall for the trick.
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Miniature Nukes are harder to build than conventional. Sure anyone can build a “dirty device” with enriched uranium . Actual science lies in triggering mechanisms and having it to go boom to it’s full potential.
When you use the term "dirty device" for a gun-type bomb, it seems that you don't know even the first thing about nuclear weapons apparently. I could be wrong, but that's what your comment implies.
A gun-type bomb is not a "dirty device". If by "dirty device" you are referring to dirty bombs, no, not even remotely close. You sound totally clueless. A dirty bomb is a conventional weapon which contains radioactive materials.

The first nuclear bomb, the Little Boy, had an estimated yield of 15 kilotons. It was an actual nuclear bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima and it was a gun-type device.

Miniaturization is far from a problem for Iran if it wants just a working bomb with low yield and nothing more. The Raafe engine is capable of delivering 6,000 kilograms to our neighbors, and about 3,000-4,000 kilograms to Israel. So, building a functioning bomb is something that Iran can do in less than a month with its current stockpile. But if we want to talk about miniaturization as a path towards becoming a country with strategic nukes, even Pakistan isn't quite there yet (according to information in the public domain).
When you use the term "dirty device" for a gun-type bomb, it seems that you don't know even the first thing about nuclear weapons apparently. I could be wrong, but that's what your comment implies.
A gun-type bomb is not a "dirty device". If by "dirty device" you are referring to dirty bombs, no, not even remotely close. You sound totally clueless. A dirty bomb is a conventional weapon which contains radioactive materials.

The first nuclear bomb, the Little Boy, had an estimated yield of 15 kilotons. It was an actual nuclear bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima and it was a gun-type device.

Miniaturization is far from a problem for Iran if it wants just a working bomb with low yield and nothing more. The Raafe engine is capable of delivering 6,000 kilograms to our neighbors, and about 3,000-4,000 kilograms to Israel. So, building a functioning bomb is something that Iran can do in less than a month with its current stockpile. But if we want to talk about miniaturization as a path towards becoming a country with strategic nukes, even Pakistan isn't quite there yet (according to information in the public domain).
Pakistan has tactical Nukes and NASR short range missile to deliver them. So don’t compare Pakistan with Iran. Cut through mumbo jumbo, no it’s not that easy “gun type device” ya sure seems quite simple in theory but to actually initiate a chain reaction is quite complex.

A dud nuke (IR-6 or whatever) is no better than dirty device. Both at best will do is spread radiation. Adding few chips and enriching to 98% won’t make it go boom.
Pakistan has tactical Nukes and NASR short range missile to deliver them. So don’t compare Pakistan with Iran. Cut through mumbo jumbo, no it’s not that easy “gun type device” ya sure seems quite simple in theory but to actually initiate a chain reaction is quite complex.

A dud nuke (IR-6 or whatever) is no better than dirty device. Both at best will do is spread radiation. Adding few chips and enriching to 98% won’t make it go boom.
Well, it seems that I was right that you know next to nothing about nuclear technology.

First of all, you don't seem to understand the difference between tactical nukes and strategic nukes. Pakistan is nowhere near mastering miniaturization for its nuclear arsenal as far as information in the public domain is concerned and we are considering only information in the public domain that is verifiable because otherwise we may assume that Iran already has secretly produced tens of 30 kiloton nukes.

Secondly, IR-6 is not a dud nuke. It's a centrifuge.

Thirdly, the Little Boy was nowhere near a dud nuke. Nobody calls 15 kilotons dud. It is quite easy to implement. South Africa implemented it and used it for its arsenal. It didn't take the Americans much time to develop it in 1940s. There's nothing difficult to implement here. You split your fissile material into two parts that are kept apart until they are joined and create a super critical mass. The chance of predetonation exists but is in fact quite small. Iran is already producing metal uranium. And we already have enough uranium stockpiled for at least 2 - 3 gun-type bombs. Iran has been producing fuses for its missiles for decades. What part of it is difficult exactly?

Fourthly, you don't need to enrich it to 98%. Even 90% is enough for the core. The rest can be enriched up to even 60%. One more reason to see that you don't know what you are talking about.
If Iran wants to progress in S&T then it better has sanctions .... lolzz ... maybe ... but negotiation is the need of time... fail and renegotiate ...but everyone has the right to defend the national interest.
If Iran wants to progress in S&T then it better has sanctions .... lolzz ... maybe ... but negotiation is the need of time... fail and renegotiate ...but everyone has the right to defend the national interest.
true, sanctions made them the most self reliant nation on earth, without sanctions they'll come back like mad man
would have welcomed it couple months ago but I fear their foreign policy is way too aggressive and destabilizing
Well, it seems that I was right that you know next to nothing about nuclear technology.

First of all, you don't seem to understand the difference between tactical nukes and strategic nukes. Pakistan is nowhere near mastering miniaturization for its nuclear arsenal as far as information in the public domain is concerned and we are considering only information in the public domain that is verifiable because otherwise we may assume that Iran already has secretly produced tens of 30 kiloton nukes.

Secondly, IR-6 is not a dud nuke. It's a centrifuge.

Thirdly, the Little Boy was nowhere near a dud nuke. Nobody calls 15 kilotons dud. It is quite easy to implement. South Africa implemented it and used it for its arsenal. It didn't take the Americans much time to develop it in 1940s. There's nothing difficult to implement here. You split your fissile material into two parts that are kept apart until they are joined and create a super critical mass. The chance of predetonation exists but is in fact quite small. Iran is already producing metal uranium. And we already have enough uranium stockpiled for at least 2 - 3 gun-type bombs. Iran has been producing fuses for its missiles for decades. What part of it is difficult exactly?

Fourthly, you don't need to enrich it to 98%. Even 90% is enough for the core. The rest can be enriched up to even 60%. One more reason to see that you don't know what you are talking about.
You can bring in random mumbo jumbo from all over the world, would not make your claim credible. Nuclear fission fusion is taught in Pakistani school at 10 grade level. So I don’t need your Wikipedia copy/paste lectures.

Bottom line is Iran isn’t capable of making a functioning device.
They also say you are the root of all evil. Would you believe that too?

If Iranian had the capability or possible roadmap to actual functioning device. They would have done so. Instead of pouring concert in their reactors and parading “AQ Khan” nuke blue prints in-front of the world.
not exactly , Argentina also had the capability to build a nuke but they didn't do so.
and I wonder if you can show us that Nuke blueprint.
Well, it seems that I was right that you know next to nothing about nuclear technology.

First of all, you don't seem to understand the difference between tactical nukes and strategic nukes. Pakistan is nowhere near mastering miniaturization for its nuclear arsenal as far as information in the public domain is concerned and we are considering only information in the public domain that is verifiable because otherwise we may assume that Iran already has secretly produced tens of 30 kiloton nukes.

Secondly, IR-6 is not a dud nuke. It's a centrifuge.

Thirdly, the Little Boy was nowhere near a dud nuke. Nobody calls 15 kilotons dud. It is quite easy to implement. South Africa implemented it and used it for its arsenal. It didn't take the Americans much time to develop it in 1940s. There's nothing difficult to implement here. You split your fissile material into two parts that are kept apart until they are joined and create a super critical mass. The chance of predetonation exists but is in fact quite small. Iran is already producing metal uranium. And we already have enough uranium stockpiled for at least 2 - 3 gun-type bombs. Iran has been producing fuses for its missiles for decades. What part of it is difficult exactly?

Fourthly, you don't need to enrich it to 98%. Even 90% is enough for the core. The rest can be enriched up to even 60%. One more reason to see that you don't know what you are talking about.

Pakistan is also miniaturising strategic warheads
without losing explosive power.
Almost 40% reduction in warhead size.
Miniaturization of Pakistani nuclear weapons going on
at all levels. Previously it was thought the country is
deploying miniature tactical nuclear bombs but new
evidence suggests the country is also reducing the
physical size of strategic nuclear weapons.
Latest shaheen-3 has 40% smaller warhead
compared to shaheen-2.
Smaller size does not mean loss in power, it just
means the country can make sophisticated designs
which produce the same blast with smaller amount of
material. The miniaturising is possible due to more
complicated fission fusion fission design.
The reduction in the size of warheads also means less
drag while re-entry and higher speeds. Also smaller
warheads have smaller radar cross section and more
difficult to find and track for the enemy ABM.
An imminent side effect of miniaturising strategic
warheads is upcoming MIRV or MREV capability as
multiple warheads of Shaheen 3 size can be fitted on
large nose cone of Shaheen 2. Being a three stage
missile, Shaheen 3 currently cannot have MIRV /
MREV but saying that, all Shaheen series missiles are

Pakistan zindabad :-)
Then why would you let the UN inspections even take place and you go running to Vienna for talks with IAEA. No one’s going to waste there money time to run a huge UN program monitor if it’s pointless mate, the west isn’t that silly. I refer you to Ghengis Khan posts and in my opinion most experts you ran out of time and got stuck on technical since AQ khan taken out
its not pointless and nuclear energy maybe started by bomb but did not end there and have many uses . in energy , medicine , propulsion even agriculture and ....

Sure, Send me your bank account and routing number, I will deposit them there.
so you agree that you said nonsense , there never was a nuke blueprint . only a small number (around the number of the finger in one hand) of centrifuges and they even were not new centrifuges , they were the centrifuges you used in your bomb making
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