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What should Iran do if Vienna talks fail....Keep to 5 lines reply please

The Emirates?
If any country can, I would bet on Emirates. Frankly I am jealous of their ruling elite. Perfect exposition of realpolitks. They have proven to be geo-political gymnasts of Olympic standards. Hugging Israel, clasp;ing USA, chilling with India, eyeing Russia, eating Chinese Chow Mein - this is how forign policy should be ran.

"Nations have no friends - only self interest"

I can bet my left testicle
Hahaha ....
Neuclear Iran will mean KSA UAE and other gulf countries will go nuke as well. And they will not acquire the technology directly. Rather protection treaty including nuclear retaliation with USA, Like Turkey have.
Very dangerous for Middle east. better keep conventional and strengthen economy technology and Industry.
i kind of agree , will be the BEST excuse for UAE and KSA to get a few for themselves too :P

ring ring "bakistan habibi"
Alright before posting this - Pakistan is not part of ME, I hate when people put us as "wider ME"(ME is good but that means you'll have to be involved in geopolitics of ME which Pakistan does not and cannot afford to be a part of)
Here he goes through the options for what happens in ME when Iran builds the bomb
He said something similar to you in one of his options

I think he is right if I am Gulf I'll get nuclear umbrella where the "strategic" weapons are stationed inside any of the Gulf countries from either US, Pakistan or nowadays even Israel is becoming an option

And than build enough nuclear infrastructure that within atleast a year
I can get a nuclear Bomb ready

Building a bomb is too costly from every angle so I won't build the thing
But I will build enough infrastructure to make it a credible threat and at the same time have a nuclear umbrella and have nuclear weapons stationed in my country (just like west Germany had US crew stationed with strategic weapons throughout the cold war)
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I can bet my left testicle that if i was a saudi typing to you , you would say "UAE can pull it off, the KSA ? not really. ;) :D

on a more serious note , why not the UAE ? We have the money and Pakistan has the brains and know how !
No, even if you were a Saudi, my answer would be the same. xD

Because obviously, world powers do not like Middle Eastern countries going nuclear, even if Iran somehow manages to do it. They can impose sanctions on both Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. Saudi Arabia holds strategic weight in the region because it is the birthplace of Islam and they control Islamic sites and they are an energy super power. The Emirates is a multi-national country where locals are already the minority in some places like Dubai and if the US decides to impose sanctions on the Emirates over its nuclear program, the country will collapse immediately when foreigners leave the country. Saudi Arabia won't collapse under pressure, the UAE will. Therefore, the Emirates will never go nuclear unless these nukes are completely under the control of the Americans and the UAE rulership has no say in it. And in that case, you can't really claim you have nukes. Right?

If any country can, I would bet on Emirates. Frankly I am jealous of their ruling elite. Perfect exposition of realpolitks. They have proven to be geo-political gymnasts of Olympic standards. Hugging Israel, clasp;ing USA, chilling with India, eyeing Russia, eating Chinese Chow Mein - this is how forign policy should be ran.

"Nations have no friends - only self interest"
Iran's foreign affairs is an issue on its own, but I wouldn't bet on the Emirates for the reasons I mentioned just recently. I have nothing against them, I'm just stating facts.
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Man up and build the fukin nukes. How many cuts do you guys want - death of thousand cuts comes to mind. Just do it ffs ..... !
They aren’t capable of building a functioning nuke. It’s not that easy as just enriching Uranium.
Why not your right testicle? Or both of your testicles? Does the left one work only? xD

No, even if you were a Saudi, my answer would be the same. xD

Because obviously, world powers do not like Middle Eastern countries going nuclear, even if Iran somehow manages to do it. They can impose sanctions on both Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. Saudi Arabia holds strategic weight in the region because it is the birthplace of Islam and they control Islamic sites and they are an energy super power. The Emirates is a multi-national country where locals are already the minority in some places like Dubai and if the US decides to impose sanctions on the Emirates over its nuclear program, the country will collapse immediately when foreigners leave the country. Saudi Arabia won't collapse under pressure, the UAE will. Therefore, the Emirates will never go nuclear unless these nukes are completely under the control of the Americans and the UAE rulership has no say in it. And in that case, you can't really claim you have nukes. Right?

Iran's foreign affairs is an issue on its own, but I wouldn't bet on the Emirates for the reasons I mentioned just recently. I have nothing against them, I'm just stating facts.

You under-estimate the UAE. time will only tell though .....

however, is KSA possesses nukes , then the entirety of the GCC is considered safeguarded. We might have our fits every now and then, but when shit hits the fan , we stick together. Blood runs deep
I say leave @Abu Dhabi testicles out of the discussion...The only side that will be unhappy about all middle east going nuclear will be Israel....and as far as I know they will nuke any one who goes nuclear ...hey not my words..that is what they say...so nuclear Iran means glowing middle east..all belonging to the jews..
You under-estimate the UAE. time will only tell though .....

however, is KSA possesses nukes , then the entirety of the GCC is considered safeguarded. We might have our fits every now and then, but when shit hits the fan , we stick together. Blood runs deep
That's why I didn't want to actually talk about why. I mean it may sound rude and not very cosmopolitan. 😋
I didn't intend to sound like I am underestimating the UAE. But facts on the ground make me think that the Saudis can pull it off but the Emirates can't.

Yeah. The nuclear umbrella option makes more sense for the Emirates. But I mind you, the concept of nuclear umbrella has never been tested in reality. So, who knows if it's even real? I personally doubt that any country, even the United States, would accept to nuke another country just because one of their allies has been nuked by them. The price is too much to pay.
i kind of agree , will be the BEST excuse for UAE and KSA to get a few for themselves too :P

ring ring "bakistan habibi"
Saudis are strategic partner to Pakistan. They are always there plus they are the guardian of two holy mosques. They can bear the brunt of sanctions and if sh!t hit the fan, and need arises, Pakistanis most likely will take heat for them.

UAE is too small and frankly not that important. It can hire experts when not under sanctions but such projects requires long term strategic partnership. Once hit by international sanctions, it will simply struggle to survive.
I wouldn’t believe anything Israel says on you they want sanctions never lifted on you so will come up with stories on you.
I let you in to a not so secret info..


Israel says we had a functioning 30kt design 20 years ago
They also say you are the root of all evil. Would you believe that too?

If Iranian had the capability or possible roadmap to actual functioning device. They would have done so. Instead of pouring concert in their reactors and parading “AQ Khan” nuke blue prints in-front of the world.
They also say you are the root of all evil. Would you believe that too?

If Iranian had the capability or possible roadmap to actual functioning device. They would have done so. Instead of pouring concert in their reactors and parading “AQ Khan” nuke blue prints in-front of the world.
You do not need to actually test a device these days..super computers do that for you...countries that detonate actual device are simply telling the world they have arrived..so it is only a PR event.
You do not need to actually test a device these days..super computers do that for you...countries that detonate actual device are simply telling the world they have arrived..so it is only a PR event.
Super computer can give you simulations, only if you know how to design a correct simulator and, with supercomputer powerful enough. Plus, This is suitable for those countries that actually have a functioning device to improve on their weapon system.

Iran with a functioning nuclear device would be much stronger position to negotiate than in current situation.
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