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What should Iran do if Vienna talks fail....Keep to 5 lines reply please

Iran should've tested Nukes long time ago, Its beyond me why are they not testing them and be done with it once and for all, Israel did it and so does North Koreans, Iran is playing thing nuclear deal for so long without any major progress, just test it and be done with it.
there are many progress but in civilian aspects of nuclear technology
  1. Have faith in Allah.
  2. Be brave.
  3. Kick out the inspectors.
  4. Withdraw from the NPT.
  5. Detonate the Islamic bomb.
There'll be a lot of upheaval for couple of years but eventually every one will be forced to accept a nuclear Iran.
  1. Have faith in Allah.
  2. Be brave.
  3. Kick out the inspectors.
  4. Withdraw from the NPT.
  5. Detonate the Islamic bomb.
There'll be a lot of upheaval for couple of years but eventually every one will be forced to accept a nuclear Iran.
According to Khamenei nuclear weapons are "haram".
there are many progress but in civilian aspects of nuclear technology
bro just test it, Iran deserves it as it pays the price for just having a program, Israel have it and Iran consider it its enemy so Iran just like every nation has full right to defend its country.
bro just test it, Iran deserves it as it pays the price for just having a program, Israel have it and Iran consider it its enemy so Iran just like every nation has full right to defend its country.
what for we can destroy the cities any time we want by precisely destroying their communication and lifelines like energy , water supply and transportation hubs ,what more benefit using nukes provide us expect killing some children and a lot headache ?
To be honest, I doubt this figure has ever been confirmed by a credible source. To my understanding it's propaganda peddled essentially by Iran's enemies and perhaps their domestic fifth columnists in a futile attempt to turn Iranian public opinion against the country's peaceful nuclear program.

As for the OP question, I'd almost be tempted to respond in a single word, let alone five lines, namely: nothing. Iran is overall in a very comfortable situation at the moment, in the geostrategic realm its position is solid and steadfast, enemy plots are blatantly failing one after another no matter how creative or colorful (which they actually seldom are, but well...), development-wise there's steady unabated progress as well, and major oppressors such as the US regime are on the decline. Truly, to this day America couldn't do a damn thing, no matter how hard they tried.

But yes, probably there are specific steps Iran could and should proceed with in case the talks come to a close and no agreement is reached, but time being firmly on the side of the Islamic Republic and Velayate Faqih, Iran's reaction will surely mirror this reassuring fact.

For the sake of comprehensiveness and to avoid misunderstandings I should add that by 'nothing', I mean nothing other than Iran's doing now already: keep enriching more uranium, keep assembling more advanced centrifuges etc.

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Allahu Akbar , is this the same Iran i have in mind ? sounds like Switzerland :) super democratic where people thrive in free speech and all sorts of freedoms.

Well, I simply stated a fact. If needed, I should also be able to locate the exact posts in question and share them here. Of course you may interpret it as you wish, if it sounds like Switzerland, fine.

But, if I am requested to share these examples, you need to promise not to try it at home! Tolerance for such acts in the UAE is far more restricted, I'm sure.
Allahu Akbar , is this the same Iran i have in mind ? sounds like Switzerland :) super democratic where people thrive in free speech and all sorts of freedoms.
UAE... Freedom...

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🔥Boom 💥 computer destructed itself

For the sake of comprehensiveness and to avoid misunderstandings I should add that by 'nothing', I mean nothing other than Iran's doing now already: keep enriching more uranium, keep assembling more advanced centrifuges etc.

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Well, I simply stated a fact. If needed, I should also be able to locate the exact posts in question and share them here. Of course you may interpret it as you wish, if it sounds like Switzerland, fine.

But, if I am requested to share these examples, you need to promise not to try it at home! Tolerance for such acts in the UAE is far more restricted, I'm sure.

do you mean your posts from Europe ? :P nah , don't bother.
do you mean your posts from Europe ? :P nah , don't bother.

It seems you encountered a slight comprehension issue on this one. I mean what I wrote, read again: users from Iran attacking the Supreme Leader, the IRGC, and so on. Plus users living abroad but traveling into and out of Iran on a regular basis doing the same. I know it may sound exotic to you, after all in the UAE, proceeding with such might make one land in some forsaken dungeon, never to be heard of again.
what for we can destroy the cities any time we want by precisely destroying their communication and lifelines like energy , water supply and transportation hubs ,what more benefit using nukes provide us expect killing some children and a lot headache ?
True, but thing is that Iran because of the program itself has faced sanctions and pressure, now as I said Iran deserve it and the region itself is boiling hot. Israel worked on it and have it while the world look the other way, Iran KSA and any country who wants to secure its integrity has every right to do it.
It seems you encountered a slight comprehension issue on this one. I mean what I wrote, read again: users from Iran attacking the Supreme Leader, the IRGC, and so on. Plus users living abroad but traveling into and out of Iran on a regular basis doing the same. I know it may sound exotic to you, after all in the UAE, proceeding with such might make one land in some forsaken dungeon, never to be heard of again.

This is getting boring. I believe you, Iran is the Utopia of tolerance and freedoms. mashallah allahu akbar
My proposal is not completely about failure of the talks and is more general:

1. Define Iran's role in the world, region etc etc, what we see as future of Iran? set a goal and go after it. that makes a huge different on our decisions.
2. Realizing that nuclear program doesn't have enough weight to deal with the regime of sanction and the fact that responses to the sanctions that are indeed economical in nature must be economical in nature not nuclear or at least a hybrid response is needed ,,,, also the subject of the talks can not be taken as the guarantee of implementation of the very same deal we negotiate esp when they could put back sanction with a stroke of pen while we need 6 months ... that's why American went banana after 2 years, the deal was over for them as they achieved their goal.
3. Accept the fact that whether talks succeed or not we need a heavy surgery on our economy, even with the best deal and removal of all sanctions it's a must.
4. IR needs to stay in the deal, put economical plans as conditions of the deal with digits not asking stupid demand of guarantee ..No contract or deal can be guaranteed the best assurance is our actions and vision ... for example deal must provide Iran with freedom of selling 5 million barrel oil per day no matter what happens otherwise it's a violation of deal that can be calculated and responded.
5. Is unlikely to see the talks fail as both sides are really after it by different goals , war ain't an option as an Iran nuclear armed ain't an option for them too ... so I think there will be a deal sooner or later what we see is just a war of will.

whole-heartedly agree wit this.

also, it does not really matter what steps Iran wants to take after the results are out because lets be honest here , whatever the western superpowers dictate to Iran is exactly what Iran will do ..... why hasn't Iran developed a single nuclear warhead for decades ? because the west decided
Western powers official policy since Bush administration has been zero enrichment in Iran, they have sought such a policy through terrorist attacks, assassination, sanctions, sabotage, espionage, even through their puppets in the region by lowering oil prices ... after 2 decades they just want Iran to not advance its program anymore for a period .. for sure Iran will do exactly what western superpowers dictate it but in a reverse way.
And on why Iran not developing nukes, how do you know? what we know is Iran has mastered all needed steps from delivery system to material and know-how ... making a bomb in one thing entering such a race in a another thing. being a nuclear threshold state would serve Iran's goal very well.
On Iran being bogyman, well as far as I know Saudis and Arabs in general had been buying a large amount of weapon even before 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran:
So instead of making such baseless claims try to figure out what is the role of Saudis in the region that despite all they've done westerns would not harm them. it started with as pawn in breaking up Islamic block and Ottomon empire.
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