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What should Iran do if Vienna talks fail....Keep to 5 lines reply please

What I would say to Iran is to have the military capability there that within a short amount of time going nuclear-tipped in case of war is a no hicky no difficult job. But focusing mainly on the civil aspects and uses of going nuclear. The main aim for a country like Iran should be ethical civil nuclear use which can be the production of energy among many others. The only way to prosper and to pull the Iranian populous out of the black hole.
Ya, last few years of Pakistani blunders have even your best friends confused. But fortunately, things are still in order. Indian did try to made a wedge when the situation was rip. Saudis were smart enough to not fall for the trick.
Look at the picture he is posing with...
Pakistan is also miniaturising strategic warheads
without losing explosive power.
Almost 40% reduction in warhead size.
Miniaturization of Pakistani nuclear weapons going on
at all levels. Previously it was thought the country is
deploying miniature tactical nuclear bombs but new
evidence suggests the country is also reducing the
physical size of strategic nuclear weapons.
Latest shaheen-3 has 40% smaller warhead
compared to shaheen-2.
Smaller size does not mean loss in power, it just
means the country can make sophisticated designs
which produce the same blast with smaller amount of
material. The miniaturising is possible due to more
complicated fission fusion fission design.
The reduction in the size of warheads also means less
drag while re-entry and higher speeds. Also smaller
warheads have smaller radar cross section and more
difficult to find and track for the enemy ABM.
An imminent side effect of miniaturising strategic
warheads is upcoming MIRV or MREV capability as
multiple warheads of Shaheen 3 size can be fitted on
large nose cone of Shaheen 2. Being a three stage
missile, Shaheen 3 currently cannot have MIRV /
MREV but saying that, all Shaheen series missiles are
When people talk about miniaturization, they are mainly talking about yield to weight ratio.

Pakistan's strongest nuclear explosion (Chagai-I, which was in fact 5 simultaneous explosions) had a total yield equal to 45 kilotons (some sources claim lower figures as low as 20 kilotons, but let's stick to 45).
45 kilotons is not really a high yield for a fusion-boosted fission device. For example, the US tested the Ivy King bomb in early 1950s. It was a pure fission bomb and its yield surpassed 500 kilotons. The UK tested Orange Herald and it had a yield of 800 kilotons. It was a fusion-boosted fission bomb. Do you see the difference? 45 kilotons vs numbers like 500 and 800?

I am not going to compare Pakistan's arsenal with real nuclear powers like the US or Russia who happen to have tested thermonuclear weapons. I mean the Tsar bomb had a yield of 50 megatons which is like 1000 times more than your largest nuclear explosion ever. The point is that miniaturization and increasing the yield of nuclear weapons is a long process, but just building a bomb is easy and quite within Iran's reach at this very moment considering our current stockpile reported by the IAEA.

But that's not the point. Your friend claimed that there was a technical deadlock that stopped Iran from building a bomb. Building a bomb is quite easy once you have enough fissile material. He completely denied the technological capability of building a bomb by Iran and I tried to explain to him that a gun-type bomb is quite easy actually. Meanwhile, Iran has developed quite advanced missiles that enables us to deliver even heavy bombs to our neighborhood, including Israel. As far as miniaturization is concerned, it is a long process that even Pakistan hasn't mastered yet as numbers I posted in the previous paragraph clearly show.
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The following paragraphs are from IAEA inspectors reports (not my words) going all the way to 18 years ago.

The Agency assesses that explosive bridgewire (EBW) detonators developed by Iran have characteristics relevant to a nuclear explosive device.

The Agency also assesses that the multipoint initiator (MPI) technology developed by Iran has characteristics relevant to a nuclear explosive device.

From around 2006 onwards, Iran embarked on a four-year programme on the validation of shock-driven neutron source design, including through the use of non-nuclear material to avoid contamination.

Agency assesses that Iran conducted computer modelling of a nuclear explosive device prior to 2004 and between 2005 and 2009.
The following paragraphs are from IAEA inspectors reports (not my words) going all the way to 18 years ago.

The Agency assesses that explosive bridgewire (EBW) detonators developed by Iran have characteristics relevant to a nuclear explosive device.

The Agency also assesses that the multipoint initiator (MPI) technology developed by Iran has characteristics relevant to a nuclear explosive device.

From around 2006 onwards, Iran embarked on a four-year programme on the validation of shock-driven neutron source design, including through the use of non-nuclear material to avoid contamination.

Agency assesses that Iran conducted computer modelling of a nuclear explosive device prior to 2004 and between 2005 and 2009.
I do understand that people are suspicious about Israel's "stolen" documents. After all, they are our enemy and they do have a reason to either underestimate or overestimate our capabilities depending on their plans.

However, most of what has been mentioned in Israel's "stolen" documents agree with previous IAEA reports and conjectures about our nuclear program and the AMAD project. They could be very well tailored and manipulated by the Israel, but if true, it proves that Iran was at a relatively advanced stage in late 1990s. In fact, there are independent reasons to believe that parts of the AMAD project were real. Iran planned to use Shahab-3 for nuclear delivery and the suggested designs show that Iran was aiming for something similar to Mark-7, or at least Mark-5. Looking at today's missile arsenal of Iran, it is quite clear that the decision of not going nuclear is rather political than technological.
To put it in simple form for people who are not familiar with the domain:

1- Iran has perfected a functional nuclear device (gen 3) 18 years ago...a nuclear device without nuclear fuel is just an electro-mechanical shell. It needs nuclear fuel.

2- Iran is capable to produce nuclear fuel and the whole Vienna talks are about Iran not committing herself to that part..
As per IAEA reports Tungsten metal was used instead of Uranium metal to ensure the electromechanical device works.

Put the fuel into the device and valla you have a nuclear bomb..and Iran already has the reliable delivery system..end of the story,:cheers:
whole-heartedly agree wit this.

also, it does not really matter what steps Iran wants to take after the results are out because lets be honest here , whatever the western superpowers dictate to Iran is exactly what Iran will do ..... why hasn't Iran developed a single nuclear warhead for decades ? because the west decided

If there was even an ounce of truth in the above, what would that make the UAE, Saudi and other PGCC regimes for entrusting the same US with their defence, for purchasing tens of billions of overpriced weapons from the US, for allowing the US to establish military bases on their soil - the same US which supposedly is empowering their Iranian nemesis? The term vassal states would no longer suffice to accurately reflect their status vis a vis American imperialists.

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Iran has spent over $100 billion dollars over the past 42 years on her nuclear Technology..

To be honest, I doubt this figure has ever been confirmed by a credible source. To my understanding it's propaganda peddled essentially by Iran's enemies and perhaps their domestic fifth columnists in a futile attempt to turn Iranian public opinion against the country's peaceful nuclear program.

As for the OP question, I'd almost be tempted to respond in a single word, let alone five lines, namely: nothing. Iran is overall in a very comfortable situation at the moment, in the geostrategic realm its position is solid and steadfast, enemy plots are blatantly failing one after another no matter how creative or colorful (which they actually seldom are, but well...), development-wise there's steady unabated progress as well, and major oppressors such as the US regime are on the decline. Truly, to this day America couldn't do a damn thing, no matter how hard they tried.

But yes, probably there are specific steps Iran could and should proceed with in case the talks come to a close and no agreement is reached, but time being firmly on the side of the Islamic Republic and Velayate Faqih, Iran's reaction will surely mirror this reassuring fact.
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If there was even an ounce of truth in the above, what would that make the UAE, Saudi and other PGCC regimes for entrusting the same US with their defence, for purchasing tens of billions of overpriced weapons from the US, for allowing the US to establish military bases on their soil - the same US which supposedly is empowering their Iranian nemesis? The term vassal states would no longer suffice to accurately reflect their status vis a vis American imperialists.

- - - - -

To be honest, I doubt this figure has ever been confirmed by a credible source. To my understanding it's propaganda peddled essentially by Iran's enemies and perhaps their domestic fifth columnists in a futile attempt to turn Iranian public opinion against the country's peaceful nuclear program.

As for the OP question, I'd almost be tempted to respond in a single word, let alone five lines, namely: nothing. Iran is overall in a very comfortable situation at the moment, in the geostrategic realm its position is solid and steadfast, enemy plots are blatantly failing one after another no matter how creative or colorful (which they actually seldom are, but well...), development-wise there's steady unabated progress as well, and major oppressors such as the US regime are on the decline. Truly, to this day America couldn't do a damn thing, no matter how hard they tried.

But yes, probably there are specific steps Iran could and should proceed with in case the talks come to a close and no agreement is reached, but time being firmly on the side of the Islamic Republic and Velayate Faqih, Iran's reaction will surely mirror this reassuring fact.

that indeed proves the point i made. Plant the boogie man in the region (Iran) and offer to sell arms and protect the GCC in return
that indeed proves the point i made. Plant the boogie man in the region (Iran) and offer to sell arms and protect the GCC in return

This left my question unanswered though: what would the quoted suggestion imply with regards to the PGCC? What kind of a state would seek protection from the very same regime which, according to you, is deliberately empowering the source of their insecurities...? The answer to that question would be, well, not all too flattering for the PGCC. Since not even a regular vassal state would be accepting this level of subjugation.
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that indeed proves the point i made. Plant the boogie man in the region (Iran) and offer to sell arms and protect the GCC in return
more like made a bystander look like a boogie-man in the eye of PGCC
This left my question unanswered though: what would the quoted suggestion imply with regards to the PGCC? What kind of a state would seek protection from the very same regime which, according to you, is deliberately empowering the source of their insecurities...? The answer to that question would be, well, not all too flattering for the PGCC. Since not even a regular vassal state would be accepting this level of subjugation.

well, you made the point you wanted to make about what the GCC looks like in this scenario and i made my point about Iran being hand in hand with the US and Israel and playing its designated part by the west to the T
well, you made the point you wanted to make about what the GCC looks like in this scenario and i made my point about Iran being hand in hand with the US and Israel and playing its designated part by the west to the T

And what say you about my point? I mean, you claim Iran is being propped up by the US and zionist regimes; at the same time, PGCC states will run to the same US and now increasingly to the zionists to request protection from Iran... Putting two plus two together, wouldn't that single them out as the biggest fools and servile vassals of the story?

After second thought, perhaps it'd be preferable for you not to reply. Since doing so might have serious consequences where you are at. Unlike Iranians, who can threaten or wish death upon their country's Supreme Leader, insult the IRGC, strike an apologetic tone towards Iran's existential enemies i.e. the US and Isra"el", and post other such subversive comments on this website with no fear whatsoever for any sort of prosecution.

Although I'm sure that deep down and even if they'll never dare spell it out aloud, many of your compatriots are well aware that the notion of an Iranian threat is a fabricated one, and that the actual source of the issue is their own regime's subservience to the west, the zionists and the globalist oligarchy. And that any pressure to ever emanate from Iran, will squarely have to be attributed to PGCC collaboration with the zio-American empire's tireless, 43-year long, no holds barred efforts to annihilate both the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation.

Islamic Republic which has periodically extended the hand of lasting friendship to them, while offering to form a joint alliance tasked with ensuring the security of the Persian Gulf, which would thus make US military presence in the PGCC unnecessary.
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Iran should've tested Nukes long time ago, Its beyond me why are they not testing them and be done with it once and for all, Israel did it and so does North Koreans, Iran is playing thing nuclear deal for so long without any major progress, just test it and be done with it.
And what say you about my point? I mean, you claim Iran is being propped by the US and zionist regimes; at the same time, PGCC states will run to the same US and now increasingly to the zionists to request protection from Iran... Putting two plus two together, wouldn't that single them out as the biggest fools and servile vassals of the story?

After second thought, perhaps it'd be preferable for you not to reply. Since doing so might have serious consequences where you are at. Unlike Iranians, who can threaten or wish death upon their country's Supreme Leader, insult the IRGC, strike an apologetic tone towards Iran's existential enemies i.e. the US and Isra"el", and post other such subversive comments on this website with no fear whatsoever for any sort of prosecution.

Although I'm sure that deep down and even if they'll never dare spell it out aloud, many of your compatriots are well aware that the notion of an Iranian threat is a fabricated one, and that the actual source of the issue is their own regime's subservience to the west, the zionists and the globalist oligarchy. And that any pressure to ever emanate from Iran, will squarely have to be attributed to PGCC collaboration with the zio-American empire's tireless, 43-year long, no holds barred efforts to annihilate both the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation.

Islamic Republic which has periodically extended the hand of lasting friendship to them, while offering to form a joint alliance tasked with ensuring the security of the Persian Gulf, which would thus make US military presence in the PGCC unnecessary.

Allahu Akbar , is this the same Iran i have in mind ? sounds like Switzerland :) super democratic where people thrive in free speech and all sorts of freedoms.
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