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What should Iran do if Vienna talks fail....Keep to 5 lines reply please

Try Pakistan, 80% of Pakistani population is Barelwi.
but they dont make alliance and love pacts with ISRAEL do they?? besides Pakistan is not ruled over by barelvi scholars but liberal and secular politicians.
Pakistan arrested Irans top nuclear scientist AQ khan in 2004 , now we are in year 2022, his network is gone. So we now imagine iran would not have exploded a primitive made nuclear device by now if they made one it’s no sense to any expert why prolong there suffering talks and talks sanctions . if little North Korea the most sanctioned place under threats did it so why not Iran, it’s not end of USA if happens they okay with Pakistani 150 nukes and growing. Suddenly israel has gone all silence on your program maybe they know more than your capabilities what you think you have ? I think your program is stuck with out AQ khan .
Pakistan arrested Irans top nuclear scientist AQ khan in 2004 , now we are in year 2022, his network is gone. So we now imagine iran would not have exploded a primitive made nuclear device by now if they made one it’s no sense to any expert why prolong there suffering talks and talks sanctions . if little North Korea the most sanctioned place under threats did it so why not Iran, it’s not end of USA if happens they okay with Pakistani 150 nukes and growing. Suddenly israel has gone all silence on your program maybe they know more than your capabilities what you think you have ? I think your program is stuck with out AQ khan .
why do so if its not in defensive doctrine
The talks are guaranteed 100% to fail.
Iran will not have nukes, the current leadership (ie: Khamenei) even issued a fatwa against the Idea of Iran having nukes! Do not underestimate the stubbornness of Khamenei on this issue. If Iran had any intentions to have nukes then they would have had it already after the assassination of Soleimani, if even that wasn't enough to persuade Khamenei that they need nukes then nothing will ever persuade him.

Khamenei is sleepwalking his country towards a disaster by refusing to take a clear position, if he doesn't want to have peace with Israel then he needs to have nukes (he can get it from N. Korea) otherwise he should just have peace with Israel, forget about the Palestinians, even the Arabs are throwing them under the buss.
Stop f***ing around, recognize Israel and achieve peace with them, then you will live safely without having to worry about any wars or sanctions.

Bro, a question. Hypothetically, if the Iranians test a nuclear weapon, how would the Gulf Arabs react in your assessment?

Do you think if actual solid intel came that Iran was on the verge of getting a bomb but is there just yet - would the Gulf Arabs consider a strike on the nuclear installation if it had a reasonable chance of undoing decade worth of progress on nuclear weapons manufacturing by Iran?


The Iranian government is very unstable and not consistent. One day they are sending hugs and kisses to the GCC and the next they supports groups that attack the GCC. Also, you can see the sentiment of Iranians on PDF. They have this itch for wanting the UAE to be leveled back to the dark ages. I know that the few users on PDF are not exactly representative of Iranians as a whole , but one wonders.

Is Iran grumpy, threatening and asking for trouble every chance they get BECAUSE they are bullied by the west and israel ? if the west and israel go easy on them , will they go from class bully to nice A+ student ?

now , today, with how iran is behaving , i think its unwise for them to have a nuclear bomb. However , i 150% doubt even if they did possess an N-bomb , they would ever use its to threaten or bully others. They might grow into wise-calm men(for a change) for having such power in their hands

i guess you can conclude from the above that to me , its not a black and white situation. I wont say NO to Iran or not even YES , its a bit more complicated , wouldn't you agree ?
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Also, you can see the sentiment of Iranians on PDF. They have this itch for wanting the UAE to be leveled back to the dark ages. I know that the few users on PDF are not exactly representative of Iranians as a whole , but one wonders.
As far as Iranians are concerned, we do not want the UAE to be leveled back to the stone age, but when you use a threatening tone, get aggressive, lay territorial claims on our islands, create chaos in Yemen and blame Iran for your failure, talk about plotting with Israel against Iran, be prepared to receive a harsh response. Other than that, Iran overall has maintained good neighborly relations with the Emirates, both in economy and diplomacy.
As far as Iranians are concerned, we do not want the UAE to be leveled back to the stone age, but when you use a threatening tone, get aggressive, lay territorial claims on our islands, create chaos in Yemen and blame Iran for your failure, talk about plotting with Israel against Iran, be prepared to receive a harsh response. Other than that, Iran overall has maintained good neighborly relations with the Emirates, both in economy and diplomacy.

but when you use a threatening tone, get aggressive, lay territorial claims on our islands, create chaos in Yemen and blame the UAE and KSA, talk about plotting with terrorists groups against the GCC, be prepared to receive a harsh response

you see what i did there :P I guess those westerners succeeded amazingly and Iranians and Arabs can only blame themselves for allowing it.
but when you use a threatening tone, get aggressive, lay territorial claims on our islands, create chaos in Yemen and blame the UAE and KSA, talk about plotting with terrorists groups against the GCC, be prepared to receive a harsh response

you see what i did there :P I guess those westerners succeeded amazingly and Iranians and Arabs can only blame themselves for allowing it.
Except that it doesn't work like that. For example, our armed forces are not in Yemen. We did not attack Yemen. We do support the Houthi rebels, and whether this support is justified or not is a matter of dispute, but what is absolutely clear is that we do not have a military presence there and we have not militarily attacked another country, contrary to the Arab coalition. You see? Apples and oranges.

We do not lay territorial claims on your islands. If we want to lay territorial claims, we will lay it on all of your country not just the islands. Historically, we can claim all of your country belongs to us, not just those 3 islands. And for your information, we occupied those 3 islands from the British before your country was even established and became a UN member. Your country was established a few weeks later. Even Sheikh Saqer, the Emir of Sharjah's brother welcomed Iranian troops when we occupied Abu Musa, for example. Again, we are in the right and you are in the wrong and there's no analogy here.

Anyway, you can do what you want, and we do not want to send you to the stone age at all. But If you ever do more than talking and act against us militarily, nothing but dust will remain of all the petrodollar money you have spent on building a parody of modern urbanism in the middle of desert. And I think your rulers understand this as well and all is good.
How about trying to have peaceful, friendly relations with its neighbors, europe, asia and maybe even usa? Sounds best...
with how he responded , i doubt it xD
Dude, you really expect us to give up territory to maintain our relations with a tiny country? 🤣
I guess it makes more sense to be enemies rather than to give up our legit territory, if that's what you want us to do.

i kind of agree , will be the BEST excuse for UAE and KSA to get a few for themselves too :P

ring ring "bakistan habibi"
Saudi Arabia can pull it off. The Emirates? Not really.
ring ring "bakistan habibi"
Honestly these guys are annoying. Exactly how many times are they gonna get frigged before the understand that Uncle Sam will keep pushing it harder, in , in. It's like they want every inch of Uncle Sam all the time.

Personally I think Iran, UAE, KSA and Turkey should have nukes. Will bring about strategic stability. If UK, France and have them despite USA providing overarching protection I can't see why this region should be denied.
Dude, you really expect us to give up territory to maintain our relations with a tiny country? 🤣
I guess it makes more sense to be enemies rather than to give up our legit territory, if that's what you want us to do.

Saudi Arabia can pull it off. The Emirates? Not really.

I can bet my left testicle that if i was a saudi typing to you , you would say "UAE can pull it off, the KSA ? not really. ;) :D

on a more serious note , why not the UAE ? We have the money and Pakistan has the brains and know how !
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