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What percent of Indians are pro-Pakistan?

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Are you on some agenda from the RAW? :mad: Well, it will become clear after the coming elections in India. Let's see who wins? Though Indian congress is also pretty anti-Pakistan as well but their style is different.

Are you worried to know that most Indians are pro-Pakistan?
That's true..
A funny thing, there was a close anti-Pakistan couple but their children were straight forward people and they used to reveal what their parents talked about Pakistan and me in absentia :) The new gen. didn't agree with the oldies :)
This is worrying me that the new gen is more anti than old generation in india and will lead to WWIII ultimately
Lol most are anti-Pakistan or neutral, very few are pro-Pakistan, the same applies to Pakistanis regarding India.
However people to people contact is generally good, as most come across each other in third countries.
That's the most realistic statement :)

This is worrying me that the new gen is more anti than old generation in india and will lead to WWIII ultimately
Well, that's not what my post meant. Perhaps we have different experiences you know depends on families and individuals. I think the Indians living in India are more anti-Pakistan but 2nd or 3rd gen NRIs are little better and open-minded. However, now the trend in Pakistan is also growing more anti-India slowly.
Are you worried to know that most Indians are pro-Pakistan?

Stop this nonsense. We are not blind and see Indians’ behaviors on a daily basis.

Maybe some Indians don’t think much about Pakistan, but most are rabidly anti-Pakistani, including most Indian Muslims.

Although Indian Muslims and Sikhs are conflicted, sometimes being pro-Pakistan and sometimes anti-Pakistan depending on topic and mood.
Ok folks I think we’ve had enough opinion. I’m closing it before people chime in with negatives.
Thank you.
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