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What Message Will Iran Get If US Bombs Syria?

:woot: We never messed with Iran :/
First Saudi Arabia needs to stop messing with other Muslim countries specially Iran and Egypt yes we need to get rid of brutal Bashar but it should be done by Muslims USA should not be allowed secondly Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries have lot of money they should build huge navies and Air Forces and fund Muslim countries like Indonesia Pakistan Morocco and Jordan so they can built more stronger Armies and Navies and Air Forces and really large ones so tomorrow if USA again go crazy and decides to attack any of them they can fight back
Well it is about time that US and Israel attack and destroy iranian Nuclear sites. Nobody wants an iranian nuclear bomb in the region, as it will destabilize the whole region.

You are the last one who can give us a moral speech about nuclear weapons and destabilization sir.

We don't want a nuke and we are not after making one, not because U.S doesn't want it, but because we believe nukes are useless and a tool to harass other countries. Thank God, our military power is enough to defend the country against aggressors without nuclear weapons.

U.S will definitely feel the heat if it attacks Syria. Another war based on lies that only fools believe that it's purpose is to 'save Syrians' , to defend them or that U.S actually cares about their lives.
What Message Will Iran Get If US Bombs Syria?

John Glaser, September 05, 2013

As I wrote earlier this week, much of the pretext for bombing Syria because of chemical weapons use is overshadowed by more fundamental motivations on the part of the Obama administration. Namely, to “send a message” to Iran – the idea being that if Assad can cross Obama’s red line without consequence then the Iranian regime will believe U.S. demands to not develop nuclear weapons aren’t backed up by military force.

There are all kinds of problems with this “credibility” line of thinking, not least of which is that the political science literature is pretty much in agreement that the credibility trope is overhyped at the very least. In addition, the consensus in the U.S. intelligence community is that Iran has not made the decision to develop nuclear weapons.

But more specifically: what kind of signals are the Iranians actually getting from Washington’s Syria policy?

In an interview earlier this week, former Iranian official Seyed Hossein Mousavian said Iranians was asked that very question. First of all, he said, the Iranian regime doesn’t believe the real motivation for U.S. intervention is the use of chemical weapons, “because Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons with the support of the U.S. against Iran during the war, 1980 to 1988. One hundred thousand Iranians, they were killed or injured by chemical weapons where and when material and technology was provided by the U.S.”

When asked what the Iranian see instead as the real issue, Mousavian said, “They believe the U.S. is just after a regime change.”

Indeed, according to a meticulous report in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei “believes that the U.S. government is bent on regime change in Iran, whether through internal collapse, democratic revolution, economic pressure, or military invasion.”

“To Khamenei, when it comes to nuclear weapons, the Iraqi and Libyan cases teach the same lesson,” writes Iranian journalist and political dissident Akbar Ganji. “Saddam and Qaddafi opened their facilities up to inspections by the West, ended up having no nuclear weapons, and were eventually attacked, deposed, and killed.”

If anything, the U.S.’s imminent bombing campaign of Syrian military assets (which will probably morph into regime change once started, just as in the case of the “limited” intervention in Libya) is sending the opposite signal Washington war hawks intend. These policies of aggression and successive regime changes in the Middle East are not likely to frighten Iran into compliance and docility. Instead, the message to Iran is clear: unless you have a nuclear deterrent, a U.S. war for regime change is inevitable.

What Message Will Iran Get If US Bombs Syria? « Antiwar.com Blog

Will IRAN going to give Russia permission to use their land to Attack US and NATO and will NATO in return going t ATTACK IRAN along with Syria from IRAQ, Afghanistan and their other routes of ATTACK.
Sorry girly - we got a few hundred of em already.


good for u mister!!!
she didnt mean to attack pakistani s , it was a response to one of pakistani members
anyway where were u again??!! sorry i cant read it , its arabic:omghaha:
and i hope u dont get it personal!! the last time i challenged one of u guys @Oscar
i got an infraction:sarcastic::dance3::crazy_pilot:

Will IRAN going to give Russia permission to use their land to Attack US and NATO and will NATO in return going t ATTACK IRAN along with Syria from IRAQ, Afghanistan and their other routes of ATTACK.

iran will never give permission to anyone to use its land
we will not even let them breath the air coming from a tornado in the most remote area of iran
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What Message Will Iran Get If US Bombs Syria?

John Glaser, September 05, 2013

As I wrote earlier this week, much of the pretext for bombing Syria because of chemical weapons use is overshadowed by more fundamental motivations on the part of the Obama administration. Namely, to “send a message” to Iran – the idea being that if Assad can cross Obama’s red line without consequence then the Iranian regime will believe U.S. demands to not develop nuclear weapons aren’t backed up by military force.

There are all kinds of problems with this “credibility” line of thinking, not least of which is that the political science literature is pretty much in agreement that the credibility trope is overhyped at the very least. In addition, the consensus in the U.S. intelligence community is that Iran has not made the decision to develop nuclear weapons.

But more specifically: what kind of signals are the Iranians actually getting from Washington’s Syria policy?

In an interview earlier this week, former Iranian official Seyed Hossein Mousavian said Iranians was asked that very question. First of all, he said, the Iranian regime doesn’t believe the real motivation for U.S. intervention is the use of chemical weapons, “because Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons with the support of the U.S. against Iran during the war, 1980 to 1988. One hundred thousand Iranians, they were killed or injured by chemical weapons where and when material and technology was provided by the U.S.”

When asked what the Iranian see instead as the real issue, Mousavian said, “They believe the U.S. is just after a regime change.”

Indeed, according to a meticulous report in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei “believes that the U.S. government is bent on regime change in Iran, whether through internal collapse, democratic revolution, economic pressure, or military invasion.”

“To Khamenei, when it comes to nuclear weapons, the Iraqi and Libyan cases teach the same lesson,” writes Iranian journalist and political dissident Akbar Ganji. “Saddam and Qaddafi opened their facilities up to inspections by the West, ended up having no nuclear weapons, and were eventually attacked, deposed, and killed.”

If anything, the U.S.’s imminent bombing campaign of Syrian military assets (which will probably morph into regime change once started, just as in the case of the “limited” intervention in Libya) is sending the opposite signal Washington war hawks intend. These policies of aggression and successive regime changes in the Middle East are not likely to frighten Iran into compliance and docility. Instead, the message to Iran is clear: unless you have a nuclear deterrent, a U.S. war for regime change is inevitable.

What Message Will Iran Get If US Bombs Syria? « Antiwar.com Blog

That it should speed up its Nuclear weapon programme and give it a finishing touch quickly.
This really describes the situation in middle east

Instead of fighting with each other, can't we unite and make UNITED NATIONS OF ISLAM?
Instead of fighting with each other, can't we unite and make UNITED NATIONS OF ISLAM?

too different opinions bro , too different

"us boot licking" islam wont fit mohammads (pbuh) version of islam
What ever Iran does its her personal matter, the question is about US hegemony who next after Syria ?, US is one by one finishing many countries and creating a mess starting from Iraq( who knows weather they found any chemical factory there or not, whole Afghanistan was bombed and laden found in Pakistan (although his body not shown even on TV)

Iran might be having nuclear bomb already when whole world is after her since the time Iran was not nuclear so heavens will not fall if it goes nuclear now

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