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What is India?

heck you are right.. we all have this typical habit of finding excuse for our incompetency.. you know who are true heros..? millions of bongs who have settled in London and made a business out of nothing .. they dont always complain bout what India is doing or whether Indians are going mental or not.. most of the Bangladeshi restaurants or Pakistani restaurants actually put up a hoarding saying Indian Cuisine.. reason..? simple to catch the eye ball .. and attract maximum customers... for them it does not matter.. who is bangladeshi, pakistani, indian or white .. for them paying customer is what matters.. they dont spent their worthy time cooking up conspiracy theories... they work hard for their bread.. when i was in London .. I used to dine every night in a small Bangladeshi cum Pakistani food joint .. I went there straight 30 days . and when I left I gave them some presents.. and he also gave me a farewell lunch for free.. ... i had Pakistani room mates in London ..we used to hit the london pubs together ..and spend a good time.. .. ordinary hard working people gives a Sh**T bout propaganda being played by India, Pakistan or Bangladesh.... ....... ...

I might have felt the same way as those Bangladeshis in London had I not returned to Bangladesh. From London it is impossible to appreciate the arrogance of our neighbor. Posing as a regional super power (or having pretensions to that end) but behaving like an adolescent bully looking for a first date. All confusion and bashfulness turning to anger when stood up. This is how India is behaving today.
We all have a natural tendency to be defensive about ourselves & deflect the blame to someone else for our own failings.

Even though I am an Indian , I have no doubts that the quality of most posts on the IDF are juvenile, immature & childish to say the least. The signatures used by most on the forum speak for themselves.

The BD forum is relatively sedate but humourous. Threads on subjects like Greater bengal, seeking compensation from UK or from India ( for calcutta !!), etc show a childish attempt to get noticed. The forum is blatantly anti - India, the few threads I read which were appreciative were when FM Sam died. Conspiracy theories abound. Every thing is wrong in India yet Indian cities are flooded with BD rickshaw pullers & domestic help. Even caddies on golf courses sometimes are from BD.

Here, I find things lively, mostly level headed so long as one does not get overly involved & make issues a " life & death" situation.Most ppl here do realise things as they stand but often get defensive or aggressive in line with para 1 above.

All in all..its fun. think we should take it & keep it like this.

Munshiji, my advice to you would be to not get overly involved . We all know where we stand , sometimes we admit it , when we don't its simply coz its inconvenient. Pls accept my apologies for the misbehaviour of ppl on IDF.
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A very reasonable and fair minded post .... Good on you Third Eye
I might have felt the same way as those Bangladeshis in London had I not returned to Bangladesh. From London it is impossible to appreciate the arrogance of our neighbor. Posing as a regional super power (or having pretensions to that end) but behaving like an adolescent bully looking for a first date. All confusion and bashfulness turning to anger when stood up. This is how India is behaving today.

I have already asked you once and am asking you again.
Mr. Munshi,

I am asking regarding the bolded part. In short, what has Bangladesh done for India and India done for Bangladesh. To avoid selective quoting, can you list ALL the agreements between India and Bangladesh, each agreements salient points and so on to create sort of balance sheet and after that add India's contribution to the freedom of Bangladesh.

Next, with no unsubstantiated conspiracy theories please, can you please explain what exactly are Indias actions with Bangladesh, by which you are determining "how India is behaving today".

Munshiji, my advice to you would be to not get overly involved . We all know where we stand , sometimes we admit it , when we don't its simply coz its inconvenient. Pls accept my apologies for the misbehaviour of ppl on IDF.

As much as you would like to take the theka of all netizens from India, you or me are not responsible for what people say on defence forums.

I find no need for any one person to "apologize" for the "misbehaviour" of people whom you don't know or have any relationship with.
What has India done for Bangladesh? Absolutely nothing. What has India done for itself. Absolutely everything. What has Bangladesh done for India? Tolerated it. What has Bangladesh done for itself? Removed itself from the Indian sphere of influence.
What has India done for Bangladesh? Absolutely nothing. What has India done for itself. Absolutely everything. What has Bangladesh done for India? Tolerated it. What has Bangladesh done for itself? Removed itself from the Indian sphere of influence.

Erm, off topic?
My personal observation regarding three forums of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

1. India [Bharatrakhshak com]: Technically very strong with various gurus having good grasp of Technical part of Defense systems but very arrogant and at times openly abusive which I hate:tdown:

2. Bangladesh [BDmilitary com]: Pure Vitriol against India. Sole objective is demean India and as result no proper discussion is possible. Extremely rightwing attitude. Moderation is very autocratic.:tdown:

3. Pakistan [defence pak]: Most balanced. Moderation is very democratic. Most of the members don't engage in stupid flame wars without proper logic. Appreciate its mostly objective stand point. :tup:
Indians do avoid discussion and they are confused about their role. I have had tried to have a decent and respectable discussion on the Indian Defence Forum over the last few days and all I get is abuse and insults and no discussion. I have already been banned once from IDF and have been threatened to be kicked out unless I follow the Indian thinking on everything which is basically an obsession of how to destroy Pakistan. They discuss with such glee the possible disintegration of Pakistan and they treat Muslims on that forum with such disrespect. How can India really consider itself a world power when it disparages almost 180 million of its own population and 500 million of South Asia's population which is Muslim. Just following discussions on IDF show they are not sane.

Mr. Munshi,

Indians today still question secularism, they are confused about it. One way they are proud that we have it in India, and other ways they feel cursed that we have it. Indian people overall are very prejedical (not biggotry there is a big difference), not only towards muslims, christian, etc., but even in there communities. I am from Gujarat from area called Charotar, but if I see a person from Surat, i already have impression about way he will speak his language to all the way towards his attitude. That's Indian metallity, but somehow we are united.

And regarding the Muslims in India that you keep asking questions off. The laws that India is goverend by are equal to muslims as to Hindus. You see riots and killings in India they are all related to religion, and nothing else. Show me one example of any riots that was caused because he was muslims that could not do business or go to school, or anything related to social well being. In India today riots only exist because of religious fanatism.

Regarding your comment of Pakistan, there is a mutual agreement that how some pakistanies and BD feels, there will equal correlations from the Indian side. That is sadly fact of life that you must accept.

After saying all this the question is What is India? Well, India is seculiar society that has survived for 60 years. It is showing growth economically and militarily that the world has started to recognized. And in future it wants to play a major role in the world.
What has India done for Bangladesh? Absolutely nothing. What has India done for itself. Absolutely everything. What has Bangladesh done for India? Tolerated it. What has Bangladesh done for itself? Removed itself from the Indian sphere of influence.

Good post, But then don't expect anything from India, Then no question of tolerating India.
It is showing growth economically and militarily that the world has started to recognized. And in future it wants to play a major role in the world.

This will only happen if its neighbors allow it to take on such a role. India is constrained by its immediate neighborhood.
This will only happen if its neighbors allow it to take on such a role. India is constrained by its immediate neighborhood.

Can you go further regarding neighbors allowing it, please? And The constrined by immediate neighbors. What would be your theory sir?
Can you go further regarding neighbors allowing it, please? And The constrined by immediate neighbors. What would be your theory sir?

Leave Mr. Munshi aside... he defies any common sense ..and does not wish to have it either.. ..
The only think keeping India together is Pakistan and Bangladesh. If India did not have these two countries to scapegoat then India would disintegrate. India is only unified by three things - Bollywood, cricket and the English language. All three are not indigenous to India and were brought in by the British. India is a contradiction in terms. Its internal divisions are enough to ensure it never becomes a regional power. This is just a dream put into the minds of Indians by the US to counter China. India should not think itself too big otherwise it will take a steep fall.
First of all
I seriously cant understand ..where from you get all these hog washing ideas.. India disparaging Muslims.. !!! Indian Political Leaders actually bent over their head to please Muslims to get access to vote bank.. incidents in Gujrat and Kashmir are definitely a black spot .. however there are .. millions of muslims who are guided by their own laws.. they refuse to come under union civil code..

majority of muslims are financially backward.. and if you want to know the reason.. look at the kind of education they are receiving .. ..tell me is there a reservation against muslims in any of the top Indian institute..? no ..
I have got couple of muslims frnds who passed from the same Bschool as me.. which incidentally is a christian jesuit institute.. and they are simply brilliant in their thinking and outlook ..the reason.? proper grooming .. they dont spend their day .. cooking up stories of muslim oppressions .. instead of doing that .. work hard and study hard, make a career and you will see no one can ignore you..

i know i might get flamed for what i have said.. but this is the most impartial opinion from me.. .Majority of Muslim parents simply dont take the responsibility of taking their kids thru proper education .. this is very similar to Blacks in US.. in the first chance they will pound of an excuse of getting oppressed .. without really trying hard.. in the first place to make a place..

Seriously, have you got out of your ivory tower and gone to muslim dominated neighbourhood? Have you spoken to common muslims, the rickshaw pullers, the dhobis etc.
Do not read from the RSS manual on what muslims are or what their needs and wants are !! Muslims are discriminated daily and incessantly by the Hindu majorirty, whatever their are Hindu nationalists or 'secularists'. !!
As for the question of intergration and education, muslims have the same ideas in regards to educating their community as any other community. Why is Urdu almost non existant in UP where it was born and nutured ? Most Muslims go to Hindi medium schools because they know that their future is with Hindi and Hindi education rather than Urdu
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