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What is India?

It is indeed far better to worry about your impact on the world, than about how to survive the impact of the world on you.
One liners? again?

OK, I'll bite - why is it better to ....?
One liners? again?

OK, I'll bite - why is it better to ....?

Sorry Muse, I'm not in the mood to write long, well thought-out paras today.

WHy? Because it gives you the power to control your own fate.

As the article says, its a paradigm shift in how India views herself. Earlier, we were the receiver, the great accepter of diverse peoples. Now, we want to assert our ideas and hope for acceptance from the world.
Indeed - no need for well thoght out paras, you say?

COntrol over our fate? indeed, see, If such control was possible would it be "fate"?? No need for well thought out paras, eh? teri...

Earlier, we were the receiver, the great accepter of diverse peoples. Now, we want to assert our ideas and hope for acceptance from the world.

And what is the substance if those ideas, or is it enough that they "our" ideas? What is the relationship of those "ideas" with the projection of military power? And if indeed it is about controlling yur "fate" - why the "hope" for acceptance??

India also appears to be positioning itself as a caretaker

A choudary?

and patroller of the Indian Ocean region

Like a Chowkidar?

India could be a real provider of security to all the ocean islands in the Indian Ocean," said Ashley Tellis, an Indian-born scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington who has also been an adviser to the Bush administration. "It could become a provider of security in the Gulf in collaboration with the U.S. I would think of the same being true with the Central Asian states

Has such a request ben made by "ocean Islands" or by Gulf courntries?? Is it necessary that such a role be taken by in response to any request? Are requests even required?

After all, what is "assertiveness" in this context?
Having overseas bases is a marker of an imperial kind of capability," she said. "India is thought of as a power that was colonized, not a power that puts its own boots on the ground in permanent bases in other countries

India as an imperial power? really? and that is something that has been well thought out in India?

You need a break - but report back in a reasonable amount of time - I don't want to have come after you.
Indeed - no need for well thoght out paras, you say?

COntrol over our fate? indeed, see, If such control was possible would it be "fate"?? No need for well thought out paras, eh? teri....

Erm...well...whatever little of our fate that we can control, we wish to do so.

And what is the substance if those ideas, or is it enough that they "our" ideas? What is the relationship of those "ideas" with the projection of military power? And if indeed it is about controlling yur "fate" - why the "hope" for acceptance??.

You seem confused Muse.

Military power is not necessarily an evil thing. Its just a necessity.

The projection of ideas and the projection of military power are not one and the same thing. They can occur quite independenly of each other (You don't need an aircraft carrier to make a bollywood movie).

A choudary?

Like a Chowkidar?

Well, a chowkidaar protects other people.

Has such a request ben made by "ocean Islands" or by Gulf courntries?? Is it necessary that such a role be taken by in response to any request? Are requests even required?.

Of course its required. Every road has a policeman. If its not us, it will be China or USA.
Better to fill the seas with your own ships than with those of a hostile country.

India as an imperial power? really? and that is something that has been well thought out in India?.

I don't think India is becoming an imperial power.

You need a break - but report back in a reasonable amount of time - I don't want to have come after you.

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Indians do avoid discussion and they are confused about their role. I have had tried to have a decent and respectable discussion on the Indian Defence Forum over the last few days and all I get is abuse and insults and no discussion. I have already been banned once from IDF and have been threatened to be kicked out unless I follow the Indian thinking on everything which is basically an obsession of how to destroy Pakistan. They discuss with such glee the possible disintegration of Pakistan and they treat Muslims on that forum with such disrespect. How can India really consider itself a world power when it disparages almost 180 million of its own population and 500 million of South Asia's population which is Muslim. Just following discussions on IDF show they are not sane.
Indians do avoid discussion and they are confused about their role. I have had tried to have a decent and respectable discussion on the Indian Defence Forum over the last few days and all I get is abuse and insults and no discussion. I have already been banned once from IDF and have been threatened to be kicked out unless I follow the Indian thinking on everything which is basically an obsession of how to destroy Pakistan. They discuss with such glee the possible disintegration of Pakistan and they treat Muslims on that forum with such disrespect. How can India really consider itself a world power when it disparages almost 180 million of its own population and 500 million of South Asia's population which is Muslim. Just following discussions on IDF show they are not sane.
yea yea.. stop cribbing.. i know the quality of discussion in BDmilitary com ... they always find excuses for their in competencies in India. and BDmilitary is the most undemocratic and arrogant administrator.. if anyone does not hold his line he will outright ban him.. so no one is saint here... stop acting like St. Peter..
I think it is a sign of Indian unease and desperation to be taken seriously. It is driving Indians mental.
Indians do avoid discussion and they are confused about their role. I have had tried to have a decent and respectable discussion on the Indian Defence Forum over the last few days and all I get is abuse and insults and no discussion. I have already been banned once from IDF and have been threatened to be kicked out unless I follow the Indian thinking on everything which is basically an obsession of how to destroy Pakistan. They discuss with such glee the possible disintegration of Pakistan and they treat Muslims on that forum with such disrespect. How can India really consider itself a world power when it disparages almost 180 million of its own population and 500 million of South Asia's population which is Muslim. Just following discussions on IDF show they are not sane.

First of all
I seriously cant understand ..where from you get all these hog washing ideas.. India disparaging Muslims.. !!! Indian Political Leaders actually bent over their head to please Muslims to get access to vote bank.. incidents in Gujrat and Kashmir are definitely a black spot .. however there are .. millions of muslims who are guided by their own laws.. they refuse to come under union civil code..

majority of muslims are financially backward.. and if you want to know the reason.. look at the kind of education they are receiving .. ..tell me is there a reservation against muslims in any of the top Indian institute..? no ..
I have got couple of muslims frnds who passed from the same Bschool as me.. which incidentally is a christian jesuit institute.. and they are simply brilliant in their thinking and outlook ..the reason.? proper grooming .. they dont spend their day .. cooking up stories of muslim oppressions .. instead of doing that .. work hard and study hard, make a career and you will see no one can ignore you..

i know i might get flamed for what i have said.. but this is the most impartial opinion from me.. .Majority of Muslim parents simply dont take the responsibility of taking their kids thru proper education .. this is very similar to Blacks in US.. in the first chance they will pound of an excuse of getting oppressed .. without really trying hard.. in the first place to make a place..
I think it is a sign of Indian unease and desperation to be taken seriously. It is driving Indians mental.

heck you are right.. we all have this typical habit of finding excuse for our incompetency.. you know who are true heros..? millions of bongs who have settled in London and made a business out of nothing .. they dont always complain bout what India is doing or whether Indians are going mental or not.. most of the Bangladeshi restaurants or Pakistani restaurants actually put up a hoarding saying Indian Cuisine.. reason..? simple to catch the eye ball .. and attract maximum customers... for them it does not matter.. who is bangladeshi, pakistani, indian or white .. for them paying customer is what matters.. they dont spent their worthy time cooking up conspiracy theories... they work hard for their bread.. when i was in London .. I used to dine every night in a small Bangladeshi cum Pakistani food joint .. I went there straight 30 days . and when I left I gave them some presents.. and he also gave me a farewell lunch for free.. ... i had Pakistani room mates in London ..we used to hit the london pubs together ..and spend a good time.. .. ordinary hard working people gives a Sh**T bout propaganda being played by India, Pakistan or Bangladesh.... ....... ...
I find a measure of truth in both what Assasino and Mr. Munshi have had to say - though I must say I am increasingly leaning towards Mr. Munshi's point of view.

It's a perfectly fine thread and it's base or foundation is solid - legitimate questions have been posed - what is the role of India in the world, what ought to the role of India in the world and what kind of policy frame work should serve as it's foundation or base.

I think not only are these reasonable, they important and the opportunity to discuss is unfortunately met with fear, unease and defensiveness.

Assasino suggests that "non-truths" have been forwarded and make honest and critical ddiscussion impossible, he is not persuasive with that particular line - perhaps having been "ambushed" before, he's got a "once bitten.." thing going on.

Let me assure you this is a discussion forum - every opinon, point of view, is open to challenge - and of course "nationalistic sentiment" does not always mask honest critical and civil expression.

Some make a point by suggesting the best foot forward is what India is, some the opposite - both sides of that particular divide present thier case without wit, without craft or civility - and both fare use as clubs to pound any interlocutor who may disagree and both fail to engage and make their interlocutors reexamine their own positions.

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