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What is Bangladesh doing to counter Indian interference?

It is discouraging that you found entertainment in my post, but not facts. Read the Census reports of India in 1871 and 1891. Rate of increase of Muslim population in Bengal Presidency was much higher than the then Hindu population. The reasons behind this is mostly social, but also due to the food habit of the Muslim population.

Social factors are, 1) Early marriage for both boys and girls in those days, 2) Polygamy, 3) Widow marriage, 4) Marriage of divorced women.

During those 20 years between the two Censuses, it was found the Muslim population increased by more than 1% per year, but the Hindu population increased by much below 1%. I do not have the Census reports right in my hand to give you the exact figures. But, neither I am telling a lie nor I am joking.

I believe many Muslims in Assam are still the slaves of this old cultural habit. There was a time when the increase of population in the then east pakistan was 3.5% per year, but now it is only 1.4%. Birth control effort has been a great success in the present BD.

To bring the Muslim population growth under control, Indian govt must make great efforts for family planning in Assam. I have heard that the Burmese and non-Muslim population, who are mostly Mongoloid, in the NE follow abstinence TO CONTROL BIRTH since historical time. Check the facts before you further abuse others with your barbs.

I said 2.9% and I repeat it is 2.9%, and not 3.9% as you have noted. You said an increase of population by 77.42% during a span of 20 yrs, isn't it? If 100 is COMPOUNDED by 2.9% per year, then at the end of 20 years the figure reaches 77.42%. The logarithmic formula is probably as follows:

log100 + n.log(1+ x%) = log177.42

whereby, n = number of years = 20
x% = percentage of increase per year that we want to calculate
177.42 = Base figure of 100 + increase of 77.42

I may have wrongly written the formula, you can check it either with a Banker or an engineer. But, the per anum increase (x%) of Assam Muslim population from 1971 to 1991 will be no more than 2.9%. This is not an absurd increase that needs migration from BD.

Note the concentration of muslim population near BD border. It seems people from other Assam Districts tend to move towards those Districts which are adjacent to BD. It could be due to fear of security in far away districts.

You don’t give up easy. Do you? Even if you have put both your feet, upto your knee, in you mouth, you would continue to push it. Fine. If you so wish. Pay attention to the following data:

Decadal growth rate of population in Assam has been 34.98% between 1951-61; 34.95% between 1961-71 (i.e. a simple average of 34.96% between 1951-71); 53.26% between 1971-91 and 18.92% in 1991-2001. During the same periods, the growth of Muslim population in Assam was 38.55%; 29.89% (i.e. a simple average of 34.22% between 1951-71); 77.42% and 29.30% respectively. There is a clear spike in rate of increase in total population of Assam during the period 1971-91. Curiously, during the same period, there is a heavy spike in the muslim population growth in Assam. Then, from 1991 onwards, as the muslim population shows a slight sign of slowing down in growth, the total population also shows a slowdown.

If we assume that your childish theory is right, it would mean, that muslims are horny, all right, but during 1971-1991, they suddenly became super horny and then from 1991, they again went back from being super horny to just horny.

Explain this statistical correlation Mr Einstein.

Coming back to your gibberish. Now, it is your responsibility to prove that ‘muslim’ growth rate is higher than ‘hindu’ growth rate or for that matter growth rate of any other non-muslim people, under similar social, economic and political conditions. You must quote a research paper that has been peer reviewed and published in a scientific journal, which has a decent credibility in the academia.

They say, a wise men think twice before speaking. A buffoon speaks twice before thinking. You have literally proved the later.:rofl:

PS: There is enough statistical evidence that infiltration from East Pakistan started way back from early 50s. It continues to this day. It is not possible to provide all data and explain everything in details in the limited space of a forum. Time is also a major factor.
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It is discouraging that you found entertainment in my post, but not facts.

But, I thought toxic_pus would enjoy my way of writing.
First you are 'disappointed' that I enjoyed your post, and then you whine to Leon that your post was indeed meant for my enjoyment. Man, you can't even write two posts without contradicting yourself.:rofl:

Forgot your medication again..?
Their is diff between 1% and 30% and if i taken one pregent bangali women is give birth to 20 kids , means from 20 years to 40 years she only give birth???

Oh man ,,, where you bring these figure form 18 century , kindly post the source of your information.....

And BTW from your same logic, what should be the Bangladesh population should be now? more then 2 Billion if your logic applies in Bangladesh...
If you do not know arithmatics, then go to a nearby primary school and learn. Then come and fight, I do not like to answer posts that come from the uneducated ones. Just shut your mouth up, you idiot Indian.
You don’t give up easy. Do you? Even if you have put both your feet, upto your knee, in you mouth, you would continue to push it. Fine. If you so wish. Pay attention to the following data:

Decadal growth rate of population in Assam has been 34.98% between 1951-61; 34.95% between 1961-71 (i.e. a simple average of 34.96% between 1951-71); 53.26% between 1971-91 and 18.92% in 1991-2001. During the same periods, the growth of Muslim population in Assam was 38.55%; 29.89% (i.e. a simple average of 34.22% between 1951-71); 77.42% and 29.30% respectively. There is a clear spike in rate of increase in total population of Assam during the period 1971-91. Curiously, during the same period, there is a heavy spike in the muslim population growth in Assam. Then, from 1991 onwards, as the muslim population shows a slight sign of slowing down in growth, the total population also shows a slowdown.

If we assume that your childish theory is right, it would mean, that muslims are horny, all right, but during 1971-1991, they suddenly became super horny and then from 1991, they again went back from being super horny to just horny.

Explain this statistical correlation Mr Einstein.

Coming back to your gibberish. Now, it is your responsibility to prove that ‘muslim’ growth rate is higher than ‘hindu’ growth rate or for that matter growth rate of any other non-muslim people, under similar social, economic and political conditions. You must quote a research paper that has been peer reviewed and published in a scientific journal, which has a decent credibility in the academia.

They say, a wise men think twice before speaking. A buffoon speaks twice before thinking. You have literally proved the later.:rofl:

PS: There is enough statistical evidence that infiltration from East Pakistan started way back from early 50s. It continues to this day. It is not possible to provide all data and explain everything in details in the limited space of a forum. Time is also a major factor.
Go and check the logarithmic formula I have written, then come and challenge me if you find 2.9% per anum increase of population is incorrect. You are quoting all those newspapermen, who keep on roaming the mountains, rivers and seven seas to find clue of a news that can be sensitive and people would pay money to buy it.

You will learn many things if you visit the nearest Census office to check the reality. They will also teach you how population increase can be different in different ages for any given society of the same HORNY (or unHORNY) males and females. I hope you are not an intellectually bankrupt stupid, or too old to learn a subject.

Please do not come with trash anymore. I am talking this to all the JAT PAT believing Indian Hindu bigots, but not our Hindus. Because they are different from the mean-minded Indians. And do not quarrel like women. Men start quarrelling like a woman when he loses his HORNYness. Talk to your doctor, he will certify it.
Go and check the logarithmic formula I have written, then come and challenge me if you find 2.9% per anum increase of population is incorrect. You are quoting all those newspapermen, who keep on roaming the mountains, rivers and seven seas to find clue of a news that can be sensitive and people would pay money to buy it.
Re bold: Strawman. Show me where I have contested that 2.9% increase is incorrect. In fact I didn't even bother to check if it is correct or wrong, because, my line of argument didn't need per year increase rate. As usual you have no clue to what my argument is.

I will again quote myself and give you another opportunity to redeem yourself.
Decadal growth rate of population in Assam has been 34.98% between 1951-61; 34.95% between 1961-71 (i.e. a simple average of 34.96% between 1951-71); 53.26% between 1971-91 and 18.92% in 1991-2001. During the same periods, the growth of Muslim population in Assam was 38.55%; 29.89% (i.e. a simple average of 34.22% between 1951-71); 77.42% and 29.30% respectively. There is a clear spike in rate of increase in total population of Assam during the period 1971-91. Curiously, during the same period, there is a heavy spike in the muslim population growth in Assam. Then, from 1991 onwards, as the muslim population shows a slight sign of slowing down in growth, the total population also shows a slowdown.
Explain the spike and its correlations.
You will learn many things if you visit the nearest Census office to check the reality. They will also teach you how population increase can be different in different ages for any given society of the same HORNY (or unHORNY) males and females. I hope you are not an intellectually bankrupt stupid, or too old to learn a subject.
You still haven't been able to provide any peer reviewed scientific study to back your claim up. You are so full of yourself that you can't even see that you have become a complete laughing stock and an embarrassment to your countrymen. Keep digging deeper into your own sh!t.
Please do not come with trash anymore.
Yes of course. Census data and direct statistical correlations with the spikes in population increase are indeed 'trash', particularly when these can't be wished away. Hey do that stuff that you are so good at. Stick your fingers in your ears, shut your eyes and go "LALALALALALA...I CAN'T HEAR YOU...LALALALALALA"
I am talking this to all the JAT PAT believing Indian Hindu bigots, but not our Hindus. Because they are different from the mean-minded Indians. And do not quarrel like women. Men start quarrelling like a woman when he loses his HORNYness. Talk to your doctor, he will certify it.
My two year old niece has more brains than you.
If the demographic change for Muslim population in Assam is 77.42% for twenty years from 1971 to 1991, then the rate of growth is about 2.9% per year. The rate of growth during the same period for Hindu population is about 2%, if their total increase is 41.89%. Both the figures are very natural.
I remember now why I sought clarification if muslim rate of growth was 2.9% or 3.9%. You had actually said that hindu rate of growth was 2%, which is the approximate simple average of decadal growth rate of 41.89% and 3.9% is the approximate simple average of decadal growth rate of 77.42%.

When you clarified that you have computed the average exponential growth rate (AEGR), I took it for granted that growth rate that you had attributed to the hindus is also correct. I had completely forgotten that it was simple average.

Now that I have done my own calculations, it turns out that AEGR for muslims in Assam during 1971-91 was indeed 2.9%. But the during the same time AEGR of Hindus was 1.76%, and certainly not 2%.

Why did you lie?

Now if you say that sun rises in the East, I have to stay awake the whole night just to check that it actually rises in the East.
My two year old niece has more brains than you.

uha, you also mean to imply your intellect if there is any, is less than your two years old niece. Why aren't we surprise??

Beyond that, whole indian migration myth had been set based on indian cunning and despicable ethnic cleansing plan; that is Indian plan of ethnic cleansing of its Bengali speaking Muslim population. And for that Indians treat and call every Bengali speaking Muslims Indians as Bangladeshi. india round up Bengali speaking Muslims just like nazi's did and push them to Bangladesh through various border points. This is also another part part of indian ethnic cleansing plan. When Indians rolled out repression against Mulims, many of them thought and found north east to be rather out of the way place. So any concocted stats Indian present about Bangladeshi migration is in many ways creation from Indian own Muslim and minority repression.

Another Indian Indian deception expose their agenda wide open. Indians accuses Bangladesh to be involved with NE independent movement. Yet these very groups who are seeking independence from India are repressing Bengali speaking population. So why would Bangladesh help groups that are repressing Bengali speaking Indian migrants or as Indian deceptively call them Bangladeshi? Only Indian pathological lie and deception can be answer of such contradiction.
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uha, you also mean to imply your intellect if there is any, is less than your two years old niece. Why aren't we surprise??
What string of logic led you to that conclusion. Ah, I know. The whiners logic. Amazing, how they think alike.
Beyond that, whole indian migration myth had been set based on indian cunning and despicable ethnic cleansing plan; that is Indian plan of ethnic cleansing of its Bengali speaking Muslim population. And for that Indians treat and call every Bengali speaking Muslims Indians as Bangladeshi. india round up Bengali speaking Muslims just like nazi's did and push them to Bangladesh through various border points. This is also another part part of indian ethnic cleansing plan. When Indians rolled out repression against Mulims, many of them thought and found north east to be rather out of the way place. So any concocted stats Indian present about Bangladeshi migration is in many ways creation from Indian own Muslim and minority repression.

Another Indian Indian deception expose their agenda wide open. Indians accuses Bangladesh to be involved with NE independent movement. Yet these very groups who are seeking independence from India are repressing Bengali speaking population. So why would Bangladesh help groups that are repressing Bengali speaking Indian migrants or as Indian deceptively call them Bangladeshi? Only Indian pathological lie and deception can be answer of such contradiction.
A serious case of word diarrhea. Thinking through your behind again?
What string of logic led you to that conclusion. Ah, I know. The whiners logic. Amazing, how they think alike.

A serious case of word diarrhea. Thinking through your behind again?
I can see that you are at it again.
I feel EastWatch has given you more that adequate reasons, two days back, for the high population growth in Muslim lands.
You should really be frightened of losing out your girls to us.
I can see that you are at it again.
I guess, I am.
I feel EastWatch has given you more that adequate reasons, two days back, for the high population growth in Muslim lands.
You should really be frightened of losing out your girls to us.
I hope thats a friendly sarcasm. :azn:
uha, you also mean to imply your intellect if there is any, is less than your two years old niece. Why aren't we surprise??

Beyond that, whole indian migration myth had been set based on indian cunning and despicable ethnic cleansing plan; that is Indian plan of ethnic cleansing of its Bengali speaking Muslim population. And for that Indians treat and call every Bengali speaking Muslims Indians as Bangladeshi. india round up Bengali speaking Muslims just like nazi's did and push them to Bangladesh through various border points. This is also another part part of indian ethnic cleansing plan. When Indians rolled out repression against Mulims, many of them thought and found north east to be rather out of the way place. So any concocted stats Indian present about Bangladeshi migration is in many ways creation from Indian own Muslim and minority repression.

Another Indian Indian deception expose their agenda wide open. Indians accuses Bangladesh to be involved with NE independent movement. Yet these very groups who are seeking independence from India are repressing Bengali speaking population. So why would Bangladesh help groups that are repressing Bengali speaking Indian migrants or as Indian deceptively call them Bangladeshi? Only Indian pathological lie and deception can be answer of such contradiction.

Dear Sir,

If you can tear yourself away from 'Toxic Pus' 2-year old niece and other such distractions, it would be nice if you could see the situation on the ground.

The ruling party in West Bengal depends on the goodwill of all communities, and it certainly cannot afford to alienate the Muslim community, in those situations where the community thinks as a community. This has been proved any number of times in the recent past, most notably during the elections, when the angered community, offended by the weak and slow police action in the case of Rizwan-ur-Rahman, and supported by solid backing from civil society, taught the CPM and its allies a lesson. Even today, the CPM is shaken by the alienation of this important minority, while the Congress, having elected two members of the family of the former minister, ABAGK Choudhury, is riding high.

Your hypothesis of an India-wide conspiracy against our Muslim citizens is far from ground reality.

If it had been authentic to even the slightest degree, it would have shown up in a number of communal incidents in West Bengal, rather like Gujarat or Maharashtra are cursed by. Instead, the period under LF government has seen the extinction of communal riots in Bengal.

You asked about Bangladeshi support to North-East insurgents, and opined that this was difficult to comprehend, because the same insurgents attack Bangladeshi migrants in their own lands, while enjoying Bangladeshi hospitality.

This is difficult to accept.

There is one major insurgent group attacking Bangladeshi refugees; the others more or less leave them alone, which is an observed fact. They also happen not to need Bangladeshi support.

With sincere regards,

'Joe S'
What string of logic led you to that conclusion. Ah, I know. The whiners logic. Amazing, how they think alike.
A serious case of word diarrhea. Thinking through your behind again?
Your short ****** answers show that when you find no logic to support your hypothesis, you start talking like a two year street kid we say TOKAI in BD. Learn manner, buddy and do not teach your dirty talking style to your two year old niece. She will be castigated by her friends and neighbours.
Your short ****** answers show that when you find no logic to support your hypothesis, you start talking like a two year street kid we say TOKAI in BD. Learn manner, buddy and do not teach your dirty talking style to your two year old niece. She will be castigated by her friends and neighbours.

Dear Sir,

I have to agree with you that disagreement should be on logical and reasoned grounds. Although the member you have castigated has been kind enough to appreciate my mail, it is an indubitable fact that we need to understand each other's positions clearly and to grant each other the compliment of acting and speaking in good faith. Otherwise this forum will rapidly degenerate; as it is, only a few discussions are tolerable after the first fifteen messages or so, after which the bad language breaks out.

This particular discussion is very interesting for me personally, as a lot of my work is on the borders of Bangladesh, and I live for the time being in Calcutta. The matters being discussed, therefore, are present in front of me every day.

I only wish I could bring more of my numerous friends from 'Desh across to see the ground realities for themselves. Those who have been over have been taken aback. It is a surprising state of affairs, and no amount of theorising will reverse this.

with sincere regards,

'Joe S.'
uha, you also mean to imply your intellect if there is any, is less than your two years old niece. Why aren't we surprised??

Beyond that, whole indian migration myth had been set based on indian cunning and despicable ethnic cleansing plan; that is Indian plan of ethnic cleansing of its Bengali speaking Muslim population. And for that Indians treat and call every Bengali speaking Muslims Indians as Bangladeshi. india round up Bengali speaking Muslims just like nazi's did and push them to Bangladesh through various border points. This is also another part part of indian ethnic cleansing plan. When Indians rolled out repression against Mulims, many of them thought and found north east to be rather out of the way place. So any concocted stats Indian present about Bangladeshi migration is in many ways creation from Indian own Muslim and minority repression.
Thanks idune, for truthfully describing the Indian evil design to de-Islamize Assam by falsely claiming the migration of Bangladesh Muslims in the recent past. I am posting herewith an essay on the history of Muslim settlement in Assam written by Bazlur Rahman Khan. I hope, toxic_pus of India will find all evidences in this essay that the Muslims of Assam are indeed the original inhabitants of that State.

I have also read many old history books such as Taj-ul-Nasiri, Tabkat-i-Nasiri, Akbarnama, Ain-i-Akbari, Riaz-us-Salatin, Siar-e-Mutakhirin, Baharistan-i-Gaebi and many others that have some reference to the Muslim conquest and settlement in Assam. And I have found the writing of Bazlur Rahman Khan fully compatible with the facts that are written in the old history books I have mentioned above. I have erased some part of the essay only because these are not related to our present discussion.

By Bazlur Rahman Khan

This small piece of writtng encompasses Muslim history in Assam from begining to colonial period and georaphical-historical realities that shaped Muslims destiny in the pages of history.Contents

Scope: Assam is the second largest Muslim populated state of India (in terms of percentage) only after Jammu and Kashmir. Muslims constitute about thirty percent of the state population[1]. They are historically concentrated in the south and west Assam in large numbers. Five of the six Muslims majority districts of Assam lie in these regions and also the other districts in these regions have significant percentage of Muslims[2].

Interestingly in Assam it is found that, wherever Muslim political structure once developed, has high percentage of Muslims living there. Besides, the southern and western region, central Assam (mainly in the districts of Nagaon and Marigaon) has significant Muslim populations.

Presently the state has almost eighty lakhs Muslim population. History of the origin of this huge numbers of inhabitants does not represent one single period. Almost a quarter of their Islamic origin belongs to 13th to 15th century A.D., which is the timing of my study on Muslims Socio-Political History.

Since last three-four decades the histories of Muslims have been the center stage of many movements and violence in the state. The allegations and counter allegations not only draw the attention of national media, politicians, and the masses but also the international media and organizations[3].

They are marginalized in every possible way. They are looked merely as invaders and intruders in history and now suspected as immigrants. This twist and criticism, however, in turn led the curiosity of some writers and historians to explore the Muslim history in the state and their relation with power. But unfortunately most of the works carried out by them are neither comprehensive nor insightful.

Their writings unveiled a small part of Muslims total history in Assam. For instance, some one may writes on Assam or specifically on Muslims, but they would either forget or ignore regions other then Brahmputra valley. So their studies are confined to Brahmputra valley only, for that matter Barak valley received scant attention[4].

It became a fact that so far nobody has made any such move on any specific period to explore the history of Muslims of Assam in true sense. A systematic study from 13th century, which is the starting point of their history, is crucial in the construction of both Brahmputra valley and Barak valley’s Muslim history.

The history of the Muslims of Assam is important for a comprehensive history of Assam. A history of Assam is also incomplete without the reference of Muslims history. In Assam, Muslim community is heterogeneous in character. It is a fact, neither at single point of time Muslims had entered Assam, nor the locals belong to Hinduism and tribal faith embraced Islam at a time. Muslims arrived and settled in different places at different stages of history.

Similarly the conversions to Islam occurred at various point of times. The newly settled Muslims (13th to 15th A.D.) of Turk, Afghan, Arabic, Persian and other backgrounds, mingling with the newly converted Muslims, and Non Muslims paved the way for the enhancement of language, Polity, economy and society of Assam.

Thus local languages and dialects became filled with new words used by the adventurer. Both Assamese and Bengali languages are fraught with Arabic and Persian words. So Muslims added new dimension to Assam, what every new community develops certain trends and cultural diversities in the society and polity of that land, which in turn enrich the existing one.

A study of the past of Assam’s second largest community Muslim will definitely help to develop better understandings among different ethnic groups.

After the expedition of Bakhtiyar Khilji in 1206 A.D., the big state of Pragjyotisha-Kamrupa collapsed. There emerged small states. The remnants of Kamrupa named as Kamata. It was in 15th century Thai Ahoms, belong to the Shan stock in South East Asia, who had ruled Upper Brahmaputra Valley from 13th to early 18th century, able to unite large tracts of Kamrup into one identity.

Shihabuddin Talish the noted historian of the Mughal governor of Bangla subah Mirjumla, in his account Fatihat-I-Ibriyat referred Asham as, the territory beyond Hajo and Kamrup Sarkar of Mughal Empire. So the term originally been applied to the tract of the country ruled by the Ahom, subsequently used to refer the area under the control of Assam[18].

Like other parts of Bengal Austric people are the first to settle in the valley of Barak. The next group of people migrated to valley are Indo-Mongoloid Bodos, who gradually mixed with Austric people. Khasis are considered to be the descended of Austric speaking people but physically looked more as Mongoloid[21]. Aryans are the third group of people settled around 6th and 7th century A.D. As the valley of Barak is extension of Meghna valley, Aryans moved to this place from East Bengal. It was the fertility of soil which, attracted large number of Aryans, most of them were Brahmins.

Assam is surrounded by mountain barriers from three sides. The land of Assam connected with rest of the world through many routes such as Patkai route, which was use by Ahoms and other Tibet-Burman tribes of the North East.

The landed western boundary of both Brahmputra valley and Barak Valley are, with Bengal. These two land borders were two important routes, through which the Aryan migration from North India took place. Actually, all migrations and invasions, from Gangetic valley or North India had occurred through those two routes, including that of Turkish, Afghans, and Mughals during medieval period.

The ancestor of these tribes and races migrated to Assam in different period of times. Details have been briefly mentioned earlier. Khasis of Austric origins were the first to settle in Assam. Subsequently Bodos of Mongoloid origin established in different regions, and gradually, became divided in to various groups, identified as Rabha, Bodos, Tiwa, Karbi and Dimasa etc.

The northern Assam’s tribes Miri, Mishing, Daflas also entered Assam in the same period that of Bodos but remained concentrated on the northern bank of Brahmputra in the north east corner of Brahmaputra valley, bordering Arunachal Pradesh. The original term Bodo denote a large number of peoples-Garo, Rabha, Koch, Mech, Hajong, and Lalung etc, who speak Bodo languages. Not a very distant past the Bodos proved themselves to be very powerful occupying almost the entire Brahmputra valley.

The other tribes Kakis, Nagas and Mar entered the hilly regions of central Assam at the same time of Bodo’s, through the Burma-Manipur route. Jaintia is another tribe that settled at the same period, in some areas of Barak valley. Indo-Aryans moved to Assam from Northern India by 6th and 7th century. Those groups of Aryans settled in different pockets of Brahmaputra and Barak valley. Brahmins of Srihatta are the first Aryan settlers and Kalitas of Brahmputra valley, who claimed to be Aryan origin[24].

The Muslim of Turkish, Afghani and other origin, came from North India to enter Assam during medieval period, for different reasons, a brief of that has already been given. Besides, a large number of newly converted Muslims of Bengal settled down in different areas of Assam. The other group of peoples who entered Assam followed by the Muslim was Tai Ahoms[25].

Initially, they settled in upper Assam but gradually moved further west up to the Central Assam. Both of these two groups of people Muslims and Ahoms migrated to Assam from two opposite direction, Muslims from the west and Ahoms from the East of Assam.

Muslims Relation: Islam starts its journey in India almost from 8th century A.D[32]. Merchants, Sufis and political adventurers basically made it to spread Islam throughout India. Sufis can be called the torchbearers of Islam in India. Moinuddin Chisti, the famous Indian Sufi settled at Ajmer by the end of eleventh century[33].

The Arab merchants, however, brought Islam to the coast of Kerala in 7th century, and by that time a large Muslim society got developed in Malabar[34]. Similarly the Arab and Persian merchants visited coastal areas of Bengal, places like Chittagong much before the political conquest of northern India by the Turks.

According to historians, during pre Turkish period, Sufis and merchants had entered Bengal in many occasions for preaching and trading purposes. Persian and Arab merchants even established important colonies in the contemporary towns of Bengal for commercial and maritime contact much before its conquest by the Muslim forces of Turkish origin (1205-6 A.D)[35].

History of Bengal is important for writing a history of Assam because Bengal and Assam being two land bordering states influenced each other’s society and polity for a long period of times. During many times the frontiers of Assam extended into Bengal, similarly the frontier of Bengal penetrated into Assam. Kamrup the old name of Assam was not unknown to Arabs.

We find references of the word Kamrud in various accounts of Arab geographers and writers, which discussed trade relationship of Arab with Kamrud. Arab geographer Al Idris mentioned about the import of aloe wood from Kamrud.[36] The word Kamrud is the arabisation of the name Kamrup. The trade relationship of Arabs, tends to believe that Arab Muslims while trading with the coastal Bengal might visited Assam, as latter was well-known to them.

Muslims belong to the merchant class or general. Burhanuddin was a Muslim from that community, his story with Gaur Govinda, the local ruler of Sylhet known to all[38]. Infact, the killing of Burhanuddin’s son is considered an immediate cause of Muslim political interference in Sylhet. The story is largely represented in every book written on Shahjalal and the history of region. Both traditions and literature are the sources of these events. However, for us it pointed Muslim presense in Barak valley even before its conquest by the later. It was a brief introduction of Muslim relationship with Assam in pre Turkish Bengal and Assam.

Formal history of the Muslim Socio-Political life in Brahmaputra valley begins in 1206 A.D. it was in this year, as per the records of history, Assam first witnessed the arrival of Muslims. It was when Turkish military commandant Ikhtiyaruddin Mohammad Bakhtiyar Khilji (1201-06) - the first Muslim ruler of Bengal entered Kamrup – was on his way to Tibet expedition[39].

Thus the beginning of 13th century is a landmark in the history of Assam in general and Muslims in particular. The Muslim Socio-Political life actually started taking off from that time. Bakhtiyar Khilji’s (1201-06) Tibet campaign through Kamrup and his disastrous retreat left many of his soldier’s prisoners in the hands of hostile Kamrup forces. When local king freed these soldiers, they adopted the land of Assam as their home.

Ali Mech, a tribal chief of Mech tribe embraced Islam and became a trusted guide of Bakhtiyar Khilji during this campaign[40]. Many of his fellow tribes might accept Islam at that time. We found Koch and Mech came forward to rescue Khilji and his soldiers. Bakhtiyar Khilji might get defeated at a sudden attack but this campaign brought West Assam under the Muslim rule of Bengal. Since after Khilji’s Tibet expedition, the Turkish and Afghan rulers of Bengal led a series of invasions in Assam to further their territorial limits and to repel the revolts against the authority of Lakhnawati in West Assam[41].

During this political interference in Brahmputra valley, Sufis and new group of Muslim ruling class entered Assam and established Muslim settlement in different places. They gradually developed a new society and culture, which by and large contributed many new things to Assamese society and local languages[42]. During those successive wars of medieval period, many Muslim soldiers of Turk, Afghan and Muslims of other origins settled in Brahmputra valley.

Some of them were war prisoner, while rest might voluntarily settle down in valley. It was obvious that with the expansion of Turkish rule in lower Brahmputra valley, Muslim officials were appointed in different parts of newly controlled areas. Many of them might choose to remain in Assam. There were Muslim artisans, traders, etc. settled across Ahom territories at the invitation of Ahom Kings[43].

A formal history of the Muslim in Barak valley begins after the conquest of Sylhet by Sikandar Khan Ghazi in 1303 A.D. However, the evidence of Muslim settlements this date is testified by the presence of Burhanuddin in Sylhet. But the process of Muslim settlements got intensified, just after the political conquest of Sylhet by the Sikandar Khan Ghazi, nephew of Sultan Shamsuddin Ferozshah (1301-22), the sultan of Bengal[44].

The great Sufi saint Hazrat Shahjalal Mujrrad accompanied Muslim forces and acted as a strong spiritual guide who also advised warfare. With this conquest a large number of Muslims belong to different origins like Turkish, Afghan, and Arabic settled in the valley, besides Muslims from other parts of Bengal and northern India also settled down in the undivided Barak valley[45].

This process of settlement from the outside of valley continued while at the same time many locals belong to Hinduism and tribal faiths embraced Islam. So the political conquest of Sylhet led the expansion Muslim rule in South Assam. Even during 18th century, the Raja of Dimasa-Kachari Kingdom encouraged Muslim peasants, soldiers and traders from lower Barak valley and Bengal to migrate to his territory i.e. Cachar[46].

The final wave of the Muslim settlement took place during late 19th and early 20th century. To enhance income from revenue, British brought thousands of peasants from East Bengal districts of Dhaka, Maimansing, Rangpur, etc. who cleared low alluvial forest in Brahmaputra valley and made Assam economically sound for British. These peasants came to form about one tenth to one sixth of the population of Assam by 1951.[47].

In the early 19th century, thousands of people from districts of Sylhet and Cachar (Barak valley) of colonial Assam shifted to undivided Nagaon district in Brahmaputra valley. Majority of these people were Muslims. At the same time British planters brought thousands of tea garden labourers from U.P., Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Andra Pradesh, etc. to both of the valleys of Assam[48]. These people later on became permanent residents of Assam; almost all of them were Hindu by faith, however, some of them belong to Muslim community also.

The objective of my study is to give an idea of the Socio-Political History of Muslims belongs to a period from 13th to 15th century. It is large work and covered varied topics and sites of the Muslim of that period. It is already mentioned that the valley of Brahmputra and Barak are quite different to each other and so that its history.

My study covers the Muslims socio-political history of 13th and 14th century in Brahmputra valley while in Barak valley 14th and 15th century. As we know Muslim as a political force, emerged in the valley of Brahmputra by 1206 A.D., and in valley of Barak, almost one hundreds year after, during 1303 A.D.

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[11] Edward Gait, op. cit. pp. 196-203
[12] Ibid., pp. 245, 275
[13] Edward Gait, op.cit., pp. 283, 288-290, 293-95
[14] Sanjib Barua, op. cit., p., p. 24
[15] H.K. Barpujari, Introduction, Edit., H.K.Barpujari, A Comprehensive History of Assam, Vol. I, Guwahati, 2004, p.1
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[17] H.K. Barpujari, Introduction, Edit., H.K.Barpujari,, The Comprehensive History of Assam, vol. I, Guwahati, 2004, p.1
[18] Shihabuddin Talish, Fathiya-I-Ibrtiyah ( History of Assam), Introductin and Editing, Tajul Haque Choudhury, unpublished Thesis , J.M.I, New Delhi, 2006, P. 31
[19] Sujit Choudhury, Srihatta O Caharer Itihash, Silchar, 2006, p. 11
[20] Jayanta Bhushan Bhattacharya, Cachar under British Rule in North East India, New Delhi, 1977, pp. 3,4,
[21] Sujit Choudhury, op. cit., p. 21
[22] Hrishikesh Choudhury, Srihatter Prachin Itihash, Agartala, 1998, P.22
[23] P.C. Choudhury, History of the Civilization of The People of Assam, Guwahati, 1959, pp. 423-25
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[28] Rekibuddin Ahmed, A Study of Persian Language and Literature in Assam from 13th to 18th Century, Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Dept of Persian, J.M.I, New Delhi, 2000, p. 10
[29] Manorama Year Book, 2006, p.610
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[32] Khalique Ahmed Nizami, Some Aspects of Religion and Politics in India During The Thirteen Century, Delhi, 1978, p. 75
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[34] Dr. K.K.N. Kurup, The Sufis and Religious Harmony in Kerela, (edit.) Asghar Ali Engineer, Sufism and Communal Harmony, Printwell, Jaipur, 1991, p. 80
[35] Prof. Shahid Ali, Dr A.K.M.Ayub Ali and Dr M.A.Aziz edit. Islam in Bangladesh, Dhaka, 1995, p. 11-14
[36] Ibid., p. 12
[37] Minhaj Siraj, Tabqat-i-Nasiri, Trans. H.G.Raverty, vol. I., New Delhi, 1970, p. 557
[38] Abdul Karim, Advent of Islam in Sylhet and Hazrat Shahjalal in Sylhet, Edit. Sharif uddin Ahmed, Sylhet: History and Heritage, Dhaka, 1999, p. 129
[39] S.L.Barua, Acomprehensive History of Assam, , New Delhi, 1997, p.172-173
[40] Minhajuddin Siraj, op. cit. p. pp.560-61
[41] Mohini Kumar Saikia, Assam Muslim Relation and Its Cultural Significance, Golahghat, Assam, 1978, pp.130-36
[42] The Brahmputra Beckons, edit. by Devdas Kakati, Madrass, 1982, p. 38
[43] Mohinki Kumar Saikia, op. cit., pp. 144-53
[44] Abdul Karim, Advent of Islam in Sylhet and Hazrat Shahjalal in Sylhet, Edit. Sharif uddin Ahmed, Sylhet: History and Heritage, Dhaka, 1999, p. 130-34
[45] Richard Eaton, The Rise of Islam and The Bengal Frontier, London, 1996, pp.173-77
[46] Jayanta Bhushan Bhattacharya, op. cit., pp. 32-34
[47] Problem of immigration in the Brahmaputra valley- a crisis there of, published in the journal of North East India Council for Social Science Research, Shillong, October 2006, pp. 22-23
[48] Ibid., pp.23-24
Sanjib Barua, op. cit., 53-
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Thursday, August 27,2009

New Delhi will once again try to persuade Dhaka for providing them transit facilities during the planned visit of prime minister Sheikh Hasina and foreign minister Dipu Moni to India in the next couple of months. Apart from its bid for transit, New Delhi is also eager to get a positive nod from Dhaka for signing an extradition treaty, according to diplomatic sources.
As part of their consistent diplomatic manoeuvre, TS Tirumurti, joint secretary BSM (Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives) division of the Indian external affairs ministry, visited Dhaka on August 22-23 to discuss pending issues with Bangladesh officials.
This was the second such surprise visit from India after the former Indian external affairs secretary Shiv Shankar Menon was in Bangladesh on April 12-14.
Tirumurti met foreign secretary Mijarul Quayes on August 23 and discussed the unresolved issues including that of transit, signing deals on extradition, mutual legal assistance treaty, sentenced prisoners, water sharing and trade.
When her attention was drawn to the visit of Indian external affairs ministry official, foreign minister Dipu Moni told reporters on Wednesday that the trip was part of routine consultations between the two countries.
She said that she is scheduled to visit New Delhi in the first week of next month to prepare the ground for prime minister Sheikh Hasina’s planned visit to India.
The foreign minister hinted that the prime minister would visit New Delhi after attending the United Nations General Assembly slated for the last week of September.
Foreign ministry officials said that trade, sharing of water resources, security and connectivity would feature prominently in Dipu Moni’s discussions with the Indian leaders.
Bangladesh, according to officials in Dhaka, will focus mainly on taking measures to reduce the huge trade gap as well as on resolving the burning issue of equitable sharing of waters of common rivers.
Referring to Indian official’s latest visit, diplomatic sources said that India would seriously try to pursue Bangladesh for getting transit for transportation of goods from West Bengal to its north-eastern states.
According to officials in Dhaka, New Delhi has been pursuing both bilateral and regional approaches, including that of SAARC and BIMSTEC, for securing transit facilities from Bangladesh.
Referring to India’s proposal, officials said that New Delhi wanted to have a rail link between the eastern Indian city of Agartala and Akaura in Bangladesh for getting access to Chittagong port. They also want to use Narayanganj river port for transportation of goods.
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