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What is Bangladesh doing to counter Indian interference?

It seems Indians do not really know about their own population and demography. They should know that 28% of WB population are Bangla-speaking Muslims. Also, about 30% of population in Assam are Bangla-speaking Muslims.

Assamese Muslims will be dominating the politics of Assam in the near future. India may have a bleak future in the NE when disunity among the population is considered. Some people in NE want a separate country independent of India.

So, India should think how to keep its own house in order, rather than grabbing a few inches of BD land here and there, and trying to dominate over BD.


Keep dreaming ...if u think illegal Bangladeshi immigrants rushing in indian territoty will create separate independent country...then let me tell u...u'll go back same way u came.

Its because of this sort of mentality indian ppl hate Bangladeshi immigrants...shame on u ...otherwise they have no problms from Nepalese or srilankan tamil immigrants.
U guys never deserved independent Bangladesh.

one more thing, oneday its the local Bengali and Assami ppl will kick ur illegal immigrants back to Bdesh.
i had a lot of Bangladeshi friends in my college in Kolkata and met lot of Bangladeshi nationals who come for treatment in Kolkata( Honestly saying the hotels in FreeSchool Streets or Rafi Ahmed Kidwai road and private hospitals and nurshing homes in kolkata are prospering to some extent because of bangladeshi guests). Never heard from them Bangladesh has so many complains against India. Though aware of pro-India attitude of Sk Hassina camp and anti-India attitude of Khaleda Zia camp.

Now u can understand the true bangladeshi character,even pakistanis here would agree with me.
Absouletly perfect example. We are fear of China and blame them similar is with India-Bangladesh, India-Pakistan, and China-USA. :thinktank:

Tell me how many indians go the China to earn their livelihood or settle down permanently.

There are more Bangladeshi ppl in india than in any other country expect Bangladesh itself...after all that he whine india usurping their resources and ever dream up breaking india who gave so many of them refuge and a new life india beside contributing to independent Bangladesh with Blood and Sweat.

In that respect pakistanis are much better...u find no pretensions no matter whatsoever... atleast what u see is what u get.
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Where did you find Bangladeshi immigrants in Assam? Hope, it is not from a story book. The Muslims are living there since 1250s. Read the history of Assam and the continuous conflict between Bengal and Assam, and how eventually the demography there changed little by little over the Centuries before you claim something absurd. Increase of Muslim demography in Assam is due to births after those periods of war and conflicts, and not migration from BD.

By the way, instead of an independent BD, what other status would you like to propose for BD and do you have the power to materialize what you say? We people are here since 1198 and have always been the dominating force in the eastern part of Hindustan except from 1757 - 1946.

We decide our own status and we, and only we ourselves, have decided to establish an independent nation-State in the then east pakistan in 1971, and to do so we have sacrificed our blood. If you want a change, then come and sacrifice your own blood to undo Bangladesh. It will be a new experience to see the vegies giving blood to make a political change.

P.S : This post is in response to the post #254 written by khajur.
Where did you find Bangladeshi immigrants in Assam? Hope, it is not from a story book. The Muslims are living there since 1250s. Read the history of Assam and the continuous conflict between Bengal and Assam, and how eventually the demography there changed little by little over the Centuries before you claim something absurd. Increase of Muslim demography in Assam is due to births after those periods of war and conflicts, and not migration from BD.

By the way, instead of an independent BD, what other status would you like to propose for BD and do you have the power to materialize what you say? We people are here since 1198 and have always been the dominating force in the eastern part of Hindustan except from 1757 - 1946.

We decide our own status and we, and only we ourselves, have decided to establish an independent nation-State in the then east pakistan in 1971, and to do so we have sacrificed our blood. If you want a change, then come and sacrifice your own blood to undo Bangladesh. It will be a new experience to see the vegies giving blood to make a political change.

P.S : This post is in response to the post #254 written by khajur.

Gradually, the Muslim population in Assam , which was about 19 Lakhs in 1947, increased to about 36 Lakhs within 25 years of Independence by 1972.

"The 1991 census shows that the Muslim population of the country increased by 4.02 million, or 65.4 7 per cent over that of 1971, in Assam the increase has been by 77.42 per cent. Muslims now form a majority in the district of Dhubri (70.42%), Goalpara (50.18%), Barpeta (56.07%) and Hailakandi (55.18%)"

It records that as a community the Muslims had registered an increase of 16.17 percent growth in 2001 figures

"According to a study conducted by a few scholars of Toronto University and the American Academy of Arts and Science, 15 Million Bangladesh nationals have infiltrated in India . According to another study done by another American organisation, namely, The Advancement of Science, 20 million Bangladesh nationals are presently staying in India" (The Silent Invasion by Hiranya Kumar Bhattacharyya, Spectrum Publications, Guwahat:Delhi, 2001, Page 83). Muslim infiltration from Bangladesh into India is somewhere between 10 millions to 20 millions (Pioneer dated 22.9. 2004 by S.Gurumurthy, a widely known economists). Despite these observations on infiltration, Bangladesh never accepted the illegal migration of its people and often blamed India for deliberately pushing out its principal religious minority to their territory. Infiltration being one of the reasons behind the troubled relation between the two countries but Bangladesh in assistance with Pakistan continues fighting against India for Islamic expansionism as a result Assam has become its first victim.

One may wonder how the Muslim population of Assam from19, 81857 in 1951 increased to 63,73,204 in 1991. Census figure suggests over 30 percent growth in Muslim population of Assam after 1951.Taking into account the pace of growth rate between 1951 to 1991 the Muslim populatioin in Assam might have increased to at least 33 percent by 2005. It means the present Muslim population in the State might have increased to another 3 percent. On the other hand Hindu population in the State decreased from 72.51 percent in 1971 to 67.13 percent in 1991. It means the decrease rate of about 5 percent in 20 years. If the trends are allowed to continue a day will come when indigenous people of State may come under Islamic subjugation and would ultimately be forced to face a serious threat to their identity as happened in the case of Kashmir

Well ... Say it now? accept reality...how these muslim people gorwn over the years , its means one Muslims couple producting 20 Kids , lol its unlikely
All the projects are finalized. Wind sollar is not an option in BD for now. we are going with furnace oil and coal for quick implementation within 3 years.
Yes, you are very correct. Wind, solar and all those fancy renewable energy sources are for limited uses such as to light, heat or cool the houses. Industries cannot yet be run by these power sources.

BD has a vast reserve of coal, it is about 2,700 million tonnes. Once I had converted this volume of coal to the energy of gas, and I found it to be equivalent to more than 90 trillion cft of gas. In comparison, the gas reserve itself is only 13 to 23 trillion cft.

It is okay if the BD govt opts for imported furnace oil and diesel at the moment. But, a time will certainly come when it will be necessary to extract coal to feed in the power houses in Rajshahi Division.

By the way, the ash content of BD coal is about 4 to 5%. In comparison, the Indian coal's ash content is more than 30%. Our coal has more latent energy per ton than the Indian coal.

I think, industrial development and economic growth are the twin things that can help BD to resist Indian economic dominance, although I believe that the stronger BD economy becomes, the more there will be trades between BD and India. We like it or not, India will remain our source imports for many more years. So, we must be pragmatic and accept it.
Where did you find Bangladeshi immigrants in Assam? Hope, it is not from a story book. The Muslims are living there since 1250s. Read the history of Assam and the continuous conflict between Bengal and Assam, and how eventually the demography there changed little by little over the Centuries before you claim something absurd. Increase of Muslim demography in Assam is due to births after those periods of war and conflicts, and not migration from BD.

By the way, instead of an independent BD, what other status would you like to propose for BD and do you have the power to materialize what you say? We people are here since 1198 and have always been the dominating force in the eastern part of Hindustan except from 1757 - 1946.

We decide our own status and we, and only we ourselves, have decided to establish an independent nation-State in the then east pakistan in 1971, and to do so we have sacrificed our blood. If you want a change, then come and sacrifice your own blood to undo Bangladesh. It will be a new experience to see the vegies giving blood to make a political change.

P.S : This post is in response to the post #254 written by khajur.

"Where did you find Bangladeshi immigrants in Assam? Hope, it is not from a story book. The Muslims are living there since 1250s."

R u Kidddding??:cheesy:

Growth of population in Assam has experienced a very high trajectory since the mid-decades of the 20th century. Population grew steadily from 3.29 million in 1901 to 6.70 million in 1941, while it has increased unprecedentedly to 14.63 million in 1971 and 22.41 million in 1991 to reach the present level. The growth in the western and southern districts was of extreme high in nature mostly attributable to rapid influx of population from the then East Pakistan or Bangladesh.

Assam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also tell ur **** & Bull story to the native Assamise ...

Deadly clashes break out in Assam

At least 25 people have been killed in several days of violence in north-east India's Assam state, officials say.

Police opened fire to disperse rioting groups and killed 14 people, a state government spokesman said.

The clashes broke out on Friday between Bodo tribespeople and Muslim settlers from Bangladesh in Udalguri district, and have spread to nearby areas.

The groups have been fighting with bows and arrows, machetes and guns and several villages have been set on fire.

Long-running tension

Police have imposed a curfew and have orders to shoot rioters on sight.

On Sunday four people were killed when police shot into a group setting houses on fire in Dhola village in Darrang district said Assam state government spokesman, Dinesh Deka.

Police also opened fire at several groups on Friday, killing another 10 people.
There have been long-running tensions in Assam state between indigenous peoples and settlers.

Thousands of people have fled their homes in the latest wave of violence, seeking shelter in camps set up by the police.

"The picture is hazy and compilation of casualty figures has become difficult because of the continuing arson," said another state government spokesman, Himanta Biswa Sarma.

"We are mobilising all resources to control the situation."

Over the last two months, members of indigenous communities such as the Bodos have been targeting immigrant Muslims of Bengali descent, describing them as "illegal infiltrators" from Bangladesh, says the BBC's Subir Bhaumik in Calcutta.

The Muslim leaders say most of their people came to Assam before Bangladesh came into existence in 1971 and obtained Indian citizenship legally, adds our correspondent.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Deadly clashes break out in Assam
A reporting from the Naya Diganta.

Sorry, this report is in Bangla, so, if someone finds this report in English, I request him to post the same for reading by all the members. Thanks.


::Welcome to Daily Naya Diganta::
^^ As usual, eastwatch has buried his face into the sand and pretending not to see Su 30mki and Khajur's post.:rofl:

If you can't see it, then its not there. As simple as that. Isn't it eastwatch:hang2:
^^ As usual, eastwatch has buried his face into the sand and pretending not to see Su 30mki and Khajur's post.:rofl:

If you can't see it, then its not there. As simple as that. Isn't it eastwatch:hang2:
show some respect to the elderly.:angel:.although he does bear a grudge against india i urge fellow indians to tackle uncle EASTWATCH politely.:tup:
We talked a lot about those illegal immigrant thing, which has no substance whatsoever. I am from sylhet region of former Assam and we had to go through referendum in 1947 and chose to be part of Pakistan, the other part of lower Assam chose to be part of India. But those referendum was so colse the it were just 49%, 51% margin. The another reason, these 4 district in Assam became predominantly muslim because muslim were chased out of other part of NE and saught refuge in those Muslim dominant district close to Bangladesh border.
show some respect to the elderly.:angel:.although he does bear a grudge against india i urge fellow indians to tackle uncle EASTWATCH politely.:tup:
Respect is something that is earned and certainly not charitably distributed (I am done with charity). Since his appearance, eastwatch has only spread lies and when his bluffs are called by the members or is asked to back up his claim, he just puts his fingers in his ears, closes his eyes and sings LA LA LA LA LA.:disagree:

That is not a exactly what you would expect of a elderly mature person.
...these 4 district in Assam became predominantly muslim because muslim were chased out of other part of NE and saught refuge in those Muslim dominant district close to Bangladesh border.
Instead of words, give us some data to chew on.

Here is a homework for you. Prove that the rise of muslim population in Assam has correlation with the decrease in muslim population in the 'other part of NE'. Once you have done that, feel free to provide evidence that muslims are 'chased out of other part of NE' and these 'chased out' muslims are the ones that are contributing to the increase of muslim population in Assam.

Since you are pretty much convinced that you are right, it will be a walk in the park for you. And in the process we will get to learn something.:tup:
Instead of words, give us some data to chew on.

Here is a homework for you. Prove that the rise of muslim population in Assam has correlation with the decrease in muslim population in the 'other part of NE'. Once you have done that, feel free to provide evidence that muslims are 'chased out of other part of NE' and these 'chased out' muslims are the ones that are contributing to the increase of muslim population in Assam.

Since you are pretty much convinced that you are right, it will be a walk in the park for you. And in the process we will get to learn something.:tup:
For your apetite..........
IDMC : Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre | Countries | India | Assam: Humanitarian needs of internally displaced are not met (January 2007)
Assam Muslims and IMDT Act, The Milli Gazette, Vol.5 No.24, MG 118 (16-31 Dec 04)
Assam Muslim History - a knol by Bazlur Rahman khan
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Ho hum. You haven’t said anything that I don’t already know.

Assam Times - Muslim Relief Camp in Selabela
The relief camp in Selabela accommodates Muslims who were displaced in the conflict between the Muslims and the Bodos in 1993. They originally belong to Amteka, Amguri, Malivitha and Koila Moila. The reason for this conflict was that they were migrants form Bangladesh who came to these villages in the 1970’s…
As you can see, the so called ‘bengali muslims’ that were ‘chased out’ were not Indian muslims, but were Bangladeshis. These ‘bengali muslims’ took refuge in India to escape the pleasantries of the brave Pak soldiers, but never went back after Bangladesh was formed. If you must know, roughly about 100,000 Bangladeshis stayed back in Assam and its neighboring region (Rajya Sabha Report of Committee of Petitions, 1982). So in effect it was a subsequent interstate migration of an international migration. The complaint, therefore continues to stand.

From the same link:
There are 4 Muslim relief camps, the largest of which is in Selabela. We were told that the Selabela relief camp houses 1832 families, and the population was 9900. The other relief camps are: Hapachara: 1332 families, population of 6265; Balajan: 595 families, population 3080; Tapatari: 60 families, population of 280.
IDMC : Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre | Countries | India | Assam: Humanitarian needs of internally displaced are not met (January 2007)
"Near Bijni, on the national highway, nearly 8,000 such Muslims live in huts on both sides of the road.
Regardless of the original nationality of these ‘bengali muslims’, the figures (27,525) are not even near the vicinity of being close to 77.42% increase.

Let me point to you an amusing anachronism. The 77.42% increase is obtained by comparing census data of 1971 to 1991. But the interstate migration mentioned in your two above links was circa 1993. (The interstate refugee problem did blow up around that time) In other words, the figures of 1991 census couldn’t possibly have included these figures. These would have been included in the next census, the 2001 census. Your attempt to explain away the increase of muslim population in Assam between 1971 and 1991, as a result of interstate migration that had happened circa 1993, well after the census was concluded, is ingenious. Also, I am not sure, if census of 1971 included the refugees. If it doesn’t, then you have an even bigger problem.

Let me give you another interesting pointer to you. The decadal growth rate of muslim population in Assam, between 1991 and 2001 has been 29.30%. In other words, it is showing signs of slowing down a little bit. Interesting part is that it was during this period of time that some anti-immigration schemes were implemented. Even more interesting part is that, it is also during this period of time that the majority of interstate migration of muslims from the NE states into Assam had taken place. This implies, that these interstate migrations are not contributing substantially to the demographic change, as you are trying to imply. If it had been so, it wouldn’t have shown this sign of slowing down, even after implementation of such anti-immigration schemes.

Assam Muslims and IMDT Act, The Milli Gazette, Vol.5 No.24, MG 118 (16-31 Dec 04)
The high growth rate of Indian Muslims living in Assam is due to their high birth rate, which is again due to their socio-economic backwardness. There has been no infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims into the state in recent years.
If high birth rate is indeed the reason, then it would mean, that ‘bengali muslims’ are breading at an average rate of over 10 issues per couple. This is an absurd figure. Conveniently, the author of the article doesn’t throw light on this aspect of the puzzle. He can’t explain, if the decadal population growth of Assam had been 34.98% between 1951-61 and 34.95% between 1961-71 (i.e. a simple average of 34.96% between 1951-71) then why did it suddenly shoot upto 53.26% between 1971-91 [No census was held in Assam in 1981]. He can’t explain, if growth rate of Hindu during 1971-91 was 41.89% how come the growth rate of muslims during the same period was close to double that figure at 77.42%.

Assam Muslim History - a knol by Bazlur Rahman khan
This link is a brief history of Assam. Serves no other purpose.

None of the links you have provided, prove anything, even remotely, that the rapid increase of muslim population in Assam is for reasons, which are substantially different from international migration from Bangladesh. Your claim, that “4 district in Assam became predominantly muslim because muslim were chased out of other part of NE and saught refuge in those Muslim dominant district close to Bangladesh border” also remains unsupported. The number of such ‘chased out’ muslims are way too small to make 4 districts ‘predominantly muslims’. The subsequent slowing down of rate of increase of muslim population in Assam, in spite of such interstate migration, doesn’t help your case either.

PS: I would have loved to get into even greater details, particularly about those four states. Unfortunately, time is not permitting. May be some other day.
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