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What if Indian "surgical strikes" fail?

Brahamos is still on testing stage. Last year failure in sea test. Diverted from target. Its just speedy and thats it. Its age of subsonic missiles which hit multiple target before hitting the master target.And its Babur and India has nothing at this moment. May be few Kh series from Russia or Ukraine.
My question is that if the Indian Air Force is invincible how come they havent carried out surgical strikes against Pakistan. They very well know what the capabilities of Pakistan Armed Forces are and that is why the Indian leaders toned down there statments when Pakistan flexed its muscle. And please dont give me the bull sh** that India does not wants a war and they are a peacefull nation. They want to co exist with Pakistan peacefully , bull sh**. Any surgical strikes from IAF will be thawrted by PAF and IAF is perfectly aware of it.

You don't get it do you. It is the objectives that matter. War does not mean a a armed conflict fought is a confined battle space. The battle space can be anything from diplomatic to political to econnomical as long as it fulfills the objectives.
You don't get it do you. It is the objectives that matter. War does not mean a a armed conflict fought is a confined battle space. The battle space can be anything from diplomatic to political to econnomical as long as it fulfills the objectives.

All the same bro, the IAF can achieve no such objectives with the PAF around and the Indians know it. India is not getting is 'objectives' accomplished anyway by the looks of it, only yesterday the Indian FM was bitching about how the US is not putting the pressure on Pakistan and today's news papers say that the US does not agree with Indian demands of extradition of Pakistani nationals (which is not as much a slap as it is a punch to the Indian's smug "the whole world is with us" faces).
All the same bro, the IAF can achieve no such objectives with the PAF around and the Indians know it. India is not getting is 'objectives' accomplished anyway by the looks of it, only yesterday the Indian FM was bitching about how the US is not putting the pressure on Pakistan and today's news papers say that the US does not agree with Indian demands of extradition of Pakistani nationals (which is not as much a slap as it is a punch to the Indian's smug "the whole world is with us" faces).

If IAF wants it will achieve what it wants. Period. As Jilu pointed out we have always calculated attrition as a factor, sp this whole mumbo jumbo about PAF is nothing but hot air. What makes you think IAF has not factored its attrition Vs PAF before starting a conflict.

As of diplomatic fron, yeah the process is still going on, its not yet over. Who told you that diplomatic path will be rosy for Indians. But Pakistan sure is not gaining any territory in diplomatic front. Ever wondered how the elections in Jand K took place smoothly. Think about the larger picture. Indian's aint as much a monons as you take them to be. If you still persist to think so then you shall do it on your peril.

Hmm enough of techno jargoon, I would like indians to comment on this,

lets explore another aftermath of surgical strikes, fail or success, now for a minute if we belive indian version of Mumbai attack, well boys, you cant handle 10 of those with full plathetora of your SOF what if whole brigade in unleashed upon you, and if this time they are the trainers themselves? as claimed by Indian Govt, compounded with suicide bombors all targeted toward india, things would be very rosy, wont they?

Above wording are too bad to digest and for that matter only directed to underestimate the might of Indian Armed forces. For your information, taking innocents as a hostage within the confinement of four walls are the signs of cowards rather then courage.

It is well known fact that those terrorist were using Innocents as a shield which was a only full proof defence with them against Indian counter measures. If those terrorist were so brave to hold Indian commandos for so long then they must come and wreak havoc on Indian mainland and attain their objectives.
It is quite easy to target innocent and unarmed civilians rather armed proof soldiers. The whole focus of that entire operation was to first ensure saftey of the Civilians kidnapped by those terrorist. If you go through the Commando technique of undertaking such operation, then you will find that taking such a long time to clear those terrorist is quite common.

Do any one honestly think these 'non state actors' would just sit down and see PAF and IAF rattle their sabers in the sky? As of today there are clear indcations that indians were informed of this in advance and still they failed, so how they plan such attacks on 5000 places? and whole Taliban & Co allowed to go after India?(they are more then willing to go) Dont take them lighlty if Pak, nato and Americans cant subdue them whats the indian plan?

Pakistan has a very complex scenario right now fighting on many fronts but belive within moments this whole sceanrio can be turned into simlpistic destruction of any non muslm enemy.

Surgical strikes fail or succeed they would act as force mutlipliers for Taliban Lasker Taiba and other non state actors.

I think india should behave and realise the ground realities by growing in economy wont make her invincible or un hurtabe. Though Impossible but even if they wipe out the whole formal defence on every mile they will find a new battle ground every day, and warriors of home would be thoese who loves death more then life.

So Indians should behave and co operate with Pakistan, dont play in hands of your hardlines, cause if our hardliners, which are plently, if came in action then just remeber people here havent yet forgotton the pre 1857 glory.

Learn to be rational and civilised.

1857 glory, what glory are you talking about? Must be Mughal era, yes we are well aware about it. But there is a miles difference between that era and present to make that happen with limited resources at hand.

Regarding Civilized and rational lessons for India, yes India has demonstrated the same and accordingly knock the doors of UNSC therby bringing in Pressure over Pakistan to act.
All the same bro, the IAF can achieve no such objectives with the PAF around and the Indians know it. India is not getting is 'objectives' accomplished anyway by the looks of it, only yesterday the Indian FM was bitching about how the US is not putting the pressure on Pakistan and today's news papers say that the US does not agree with Indian demands of extradition of Pakistani nationals (which is not as much a slap as it is a punch to the Indian's smug "the whole world is with us" faces).

It is not PAF rather Pakistan's Nukes that holding IAF back and yes you should rather read today's newspaper in which FBI is asking for the extradition of Pakistani nationals to which Pak has decline.
If IAF wants it will achieve what it wants. Period. As Jilu pointed out we have always calculated attrition as a factor, sp this whole mumbo jumbo about PAF is nothing but hot air. What makes you think IAF has not factored its attrition Vs PAF before starting a conflict.

Well what IAF wants it cannot achieve :D, PERIOD. If a victory was as easy as my Indian friends believe it is, how come IAF hasnt attacked Pakistan. It seems to me that IAF is full of hot air, i heard a lot of threatning statements from Indian leaders but ever since that interception it seems that all that hot air and threatning statements have softened up :D. I always laugh my a** off when i hear the Indians claiming they will win the war easily, and please dont give me the usual bull sh** that India is a responsible or India does not wants a war.
I would really feel saddened for the Indian masses in case their government decides to venture an agression against Pakistan, may it be surgical, medical, homeopathic or whatever crap that the mod day strats can table. V may not have the best of the wpns that money can buy but I can assure u that there are MEN waiting , MEN who have faith in God, Confidence in themselves and beeming with a resolve to not only lay down their lives but even sacrifize their kith and kin if need be, SINCE THESE MEN DO NOT SEE THE MEANING OF THEIR EXISTANCE IF THERE IS NO PAKISTAN. PLEASE , DONT TEST US.:pakistan:
Well what IAF wants it cannot achieve , PERIOD. [

How so . If IAF wants to achieve something it will achieve, PAF can make it harderer but beyond that can you provide me with any thechnical analysis , if you are capable to.

If a victory was as easy as my Indian friends believe it is, how come IAF hasnt attacked Pakistan. It seems to me that IAF is full of hot air,

Don't put in your words into mine. Where did I say it will be easy. PAF will make things harder as much as it can, it will make IAF's task lot harder but that is where it stops. It is njot capable of stopping what IAF wants. What makes you think IAF has not calulated the attrition and loss .

i heard a lot of threatning statements from Indian leaders but ever since that interception it seems that all that hot air and threatning statements have softened up . I always laugh my a** off when i hear the Indians claiming they will win the war easily, and please dont give me the usual bull sh** that India is a responsible or India does not wants a war.

Like I said war is a fought is a fluid battle space. The battle space can be anything from diplomatic to an armed one. Currently Indian government has choosen to go for the latter. I don;t see Pakistan doing anything spectacular in that front other then cry innocent and rabble rouse. Think deeply, have you beeen able to put forward a coordinated response to the international community. Ever wondered how elections in Jand K have been succesfull. Like I said before , think about the larger picture. Why on earth wopuld we bang our brains against you when we have numerous ways to achieve whatever objectives we want.

Well what IAF wants it cannot achieve , PERIOD. [

How so . If IAF wants to achieve something it will achieve, PAF can make it harderer but beyond that can you provide me with any thechnical analysis , if you are capable to.

If a victory was as easy as my Indian friends believe it is, how come IAF hasnt attacked Pakistan. It seems to me that IAF is full of hot air,

Don't put in your words into mine. Where did I say it will be easy. PAF will make things harder as much as it can, it will make IAF's task lot harder but that is where it stops. It is njot capable of stopping what IAF wants. What makes you think IAF has not calulated the attrition and loss .

i heard a lot of threatning statements from Indian leaders but ever since that interception it seems that all that hot air and threatning statements have softened up . I always laugh my a** off when i hear the Indians claiming they will win the war easily, and please dont give me the usual bull sh** that India is a responsible or India does not wants a war.

Like I said war is a fought is a fluid battle space. The battle space can be anything from diplomatic to an armed one. Currently Indian government has choosen to go for the latter. I don;t see Pakistan doing anything spectacular in that front other then cry innocent and rabble rouse. Think deeply, have you beeen able to put forward a coordinated response to the international community. Ever wondered how elections in Jand K have been succesfull. Like I said before , think about the larger picture. Why on earth wopuld we bang our brains against you when we have numerous ways to achieve whatever objectives we want.

How so . If IAF wants to achieve something it will achieve, PAF can make it harderer but beyond that can you provide me with any thechnical analysis , if you are capable to.

We have gone over this topic on how PAF can repel attack from IAF a million times, i really dont have the energy to go over it again. You are more than welcome to go and search some other topics. Btw, as far as IAF objectives are concerned they are to reduce PAF to a piece of scrap metal. But IAF knows that its not possible and that is why they havent dared to do that. They sure have made some huge noises but havent dared to embark on any misadventure.

Don't put in your words into mine. Where did I say it will be easy. PAF will make things harder as much as it can, it will make IAF's task lot harder but that is where it stops. It is njot capable of stopping what IAF wants. What makes you think IAF has not calulated the attrition and loss .

Hahaha, as i said it makes me laugh when i hear the Indians say IAF can win against PAF. Listen up mate, if that was possible India would have attacked Pakistan long time ago :D. I am not saying that IAF has not calculated attrition, but what makes you think a professional air force like PAF does not has a comprehensive plan to repel an attack from IAF.

Like I said war is a fought is a fluid battle space. The battle space can be anything from diplomatic to an armed one. Currently Indian government has choosen to go for the latter. I don;t see Pakistan doing anything spectacular in that front other then cry innocent and rabble rouse. Think deeply, have you beeen able to put forward a coordinated response to the international community. Ever wondered how elections in Jand K have been succesfull. Like I said before , think about the larger picture. Why on earth wopuld we bang our brains against you when we have numerous ways to achieve whatever objectives we want.


As far as the Indian objectives are concerned, as i said before have heard a lot about them but havent seen them accomplishe them. You guyd bang your brains because you cant really do anything else. Sure you guys can talk big but cant really act big (Big talk really does not solves anything :D). Well Pakistan hasnt done anything spectacular but they certinely have done a better job than India in the diplomatic front :D. India had the world's sympathy after the attacks but they certinely have lost that after the fiasco they have created :D. It surprises me how Indians blindly support there government and do not even admit how horribly there government have done after these recent attacks.
Well what IAF wants it cannot achieve :D, PERIOD. If a victory was as easy as my Indian friends believe it is, how come IAF hasnt attacked Pakistan. It seems to me that IAF is full of hot air, i heard a lot of threatning statements from Indian leaders but ever since that interception it seems that all that hot air and threatning statements have softened up :D. I always laugh my a** off when i hear the Indians claiming they will win the war easily, and please dont give me the usual bull sh** that India is a responsible or India does not wants a war.

There is a stark difference between IAF and Indian leaders, only upon the orders of those leaders IAF will scramble their Jets for surgical attack.

Surgical strike was among various options which were worked out to make pakistan handover leaders of LeT and hence when International pressure is there coupled with UNSC's resolution to ban unethical group operating on Pakistani soil, India don't need to even fire a bullet.
We have gone over this topic on how PAF can repel attack from IAF a million times

I have been here round longer then you seen detailed discussions on the topic. The best would be Jilu's in case you know what I mean.

Btw, as far as IAF objectives are concerned they are to reduce PAF to a piece of scrap metal.

Did Indian Air chief come and tell you that.

But IAF knows that its not possible and that is why they havent dared to do that.

IAF has not attacked Pakistan because it has not been ordered to do so.

Hahaha, as i said it makes me laugh when i hear the Indians say IAF can win against PAF.

Yup IAF, IN and IA can win any battle at any given day , but the question is at what price and for what cost.

Listen up mate, if that was possible India would have attacked Pakistan long time ago

Ypu don't have anything of interest to us. Tell me one reason why we shopuld attack Pakistan.

I am not saying that IAF has not calculated attrition, but what makes you think a professional air force like PAF does not has a comprehensive plan to repel an attack from IAF.

Did I say no. but again the question is does that plan envisage an overall win agaisnt IAF or attriting IAF. There has been no indication of the former.

As far as the Indian objectives are concerned, as i said before have heard a lot about them but havent seen them accomplishe them. You guyd bang your brains because you cant really do anything else. Sure you guys can talk big but cant really act big (Big talk really does not solves anything ). Well Pakistan hasnt done anything spectacular but they certinely have done a better job than India in the diplomatic front . India had the world's sympathy after the attacks but they certinely have lost that after the fiasco they have created .

Gimem a break, Pakistani responses and posture is nothing short of a joke. Looks like a tin pot country not befitting what Quaid envisoned.

t surprises me how Indians blindly support there government and do not even admit how horribly there government have done after these recent attacks.

When was the last time you did not have morons ruling you.
Brahamos is still on testing stage. Last year failure in sea test. Diverted from target. Its just speedy and thats it. Its age of subsonic missiles which hit multiple target before hitting the master target.And its Babur and India has nothing at this moment. May be few Kh series from Russia or Ukraine.

Can you give me a sources which says that Brahmos is still on the testing stage and it is called as a Brahmos not "Brahamos" which is your self created term. Regarding capability of Babur of hitting multiple target, can you give me a source? because this is my first time to notice a cruise missile which can hit multiple target.
Indians only talk big infact they are more scared of war than Pakistan is.

If they wanted to attack they would have done it a long time ago, but they are too afraid. I'm sick of Indians barking all the time...do you all know why dogs bark? Because they are more afraid of the person they're barking at than the person being barked at.

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