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What if Indian "surgical strikes" fail?

If PAF is as so described,they shouldn't have any trouble blowing out of the air, the USAF(lesser skilled than PAF) drones regularly violating pak airspace and bombing her countryside.

I meant the pilots are the best, but the US has the best fighter planes, so now?

You can't shoot a F 22 with a Junkers, that's just common sense
hey hey i've got a rocket launcher for your sweet SU-30MKI its waiting in Pakistan i am bored....when you coming ?

Why dont you take your Rocket Launcher with you and help Pakistani Army to fight against Taliban. Your Rocket launcher may be usefull in destroying couple of mud hills in Afghanistan. SU -30 's are too fast and furious to be tackled by ur tiny rocket launcher.
gsu30mkk and su30mki are different versions of experimental materials, Russia has its own equipment? su30 is the main multi-purpose, mainly ground attack and attacks on the sea rather than air-superiority.

China bought only 100 su30mkk/su30mkk2, China would not have to buy su35
My question is that if the Indian Air Force is invincible how come they havent carried out surgical strikes against Pakistan. They very well know what the capabilities of Pakistan Armed Forces are and that is why the Indian leaders toned down there statments when Pakistan flexed its muscle. And please dont give me the bull sh** that India does not wants a war and they are a peacefull nation. They want to co exist with Pakistan peacefully :D, bull sh**. Any surgical strikes from IAF will be thawrted by PAF and IAF is perfectly aware of it.
Yes, you are right. But be kind, feel the pressure on the Indian.

Indian pilots aren't afraid of any enemy, they are very good!!!:enjoy:

But they have to be scared of their own Planes, they don't like their flying coffins! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I won't be surprised if Brahmos is used before IAF crosses over, trying to take out PAF airbases identified by Indian intelligence as having the strike air-crafts. Again, just playing devil's advocate here. Just like we will use our Babur's in advance on SAM's and airfields before actual Mirage ROSE and F-16's swoop in for the strike.

Contrary to perception, you cannot take out air bases with Brahmos etc. Air bases are not an easy target to take out. You have to sustain attacks and interrupt repair work (which goes on round the clock in case of attacks) to keep them out of commission. This means you need to put up sorties round the clock exposing your aircraft to ADGE assets. A better use of the LACMs is pinpoint targets. C3I nodes etc.
Can everyone get back to the thead topic please.

Jingoism about taking on the IAF with RPG's is not appreciated either.

Keeping posting ridiculous comments and you wil be inviting bans.
India surgical strike will be in the main its air force.

1. ie Jaguar & mirage 2000 strike planes bcked up by SU30 MKI as Air superiority and mini awacs role.

Typical strike pack will be 4 jags & 2 mirage 2000 with upto 4 SU30 MKI AS top cover.

There may be up to 6 targets. = 60 planes in first wave

2nd The is also another strike may come from BRAHMOS cruise missle which travel up to 290km and travel at MACH 3 IE 3 TIMES SPPED OF SOUND.

BRAHMOS may come from the sea ie delhi class destroyers or from tu95 maritime aeroplanes. or even land based on TATRA TRUCKS.

The 3rd strike wil be smerch MBRL these can staturate 1sq KM of a entire aera in 1 salvo with max range 90km.


Pakistans main response will be its cruise missle & ballistic missles.

wen kiyani talked abt a response this is wat he is referring to.

I DON,T think PAF can send there mirage 3 * 5S INTO INDIA they will be slaughtered by IAF BVR fighters & SAM systems which include green pine radar s300 SAM 16 & 8 and AKASH SAM systems ...

Pakistans other option is artillary strikes.

INDIA DEFO HAS MORE OPTIONS having better systems

Yaar how many times are you going to subject us to your paper analysis of "slaughter" this or that? What good is the 290km range of your Brahmos when its launched by your Super duper Dehli class destroyer from outside of the Pakistani SLOCs and EEZ (we won't allow you inside of that)? How many targets aside from some in Karachi can you hit with this limited capability regardless of its Mach 3 speed? Launching of Brahmos from TELs on truck is a foregone conclusion but so is the response from Pakistani assets.

If you guys try something, PAF will prove quite a few of your above mentioned theories wrong. You will see PAF come and bomb targets inside of India at will. Don't expect us to put strike sorties into India right after you try something or are expecting them. We may very well do that too, however without a doubt, immediately after your misadventure, you will see a response that could comprise of a range of things. PAF air strikes could happen from that point on till any other time. Especially during night times.

You guys are not the only ones aware of or training with integrated strike packages incorporating effective ECM to blind and jam SAMs while allowing aircraft to successfully execute ordnance delivery on targets. While on paper everything sounds great, in the fog of war where the other side is employing effective counter tactics, you have yet to see what we can do.

We have conducted exercises in a much more dense and capable air defence environment than what IAF can muster along the length of the IB and have been able to push the attacks home successfully. So lets leave the slaughtering to a later point when the act has been committed. There is more than one way to get even.
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First let me make an observation. If I were to ever to learn unbiased reporting or opinion making, el nino would be a major source of help....after all he would be a perfect example how NOT to do my job.

Firstly, I am not sure about this, but I believe even in case of a war india will not commit its whole force to its western border. Its too paranoid for that for obvious reasons.

Secondly, I don't even think there's a chance for a surgical air-strike let alone failing. If there's gonna be an attack, its going to be a war not a surgical-strike.

Thirdly, if there is a surgical strike which fails or succeeds, the outcome is going to be the same in both cases. We know what that would be

Also, the talk has been in terms of a surgical strike on "terrorist camps". Would India be stupid enough to come against PAF just for the sake of attacking terrorist camps?. So a surgical strike in essence not a possibility, because to perform such a surgical strike air defenses would need to be countered. That itself would mean that it will culminate into a battle not a surgical strike.
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