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What if Indian "surgical strikes" fail?

Definitly it would fail, i guess its only the media who calls for it as they dont know what it means.

Ha ha ha ha ha, I can't stop from laughing at your own ignorance who is willing to pinpoint the same in others.

First you said that, Indian FM were the one who back out from war hysteria and when I told you to prove the same by posting the link, you come out with something which has no wording about war, it was only about ultimatum and nothing else.

Go and figure out, it was pakistan itself insisting India to deactivate both airforce and army's forward bases, go and see the difference rather then mistaking India for Pakistan for backing out of war.
Alright i admit i pressed n instead of c during typing as both are in the same line but then what quit nitpicking on my post and reply to what i mentioned if you have anything to say at the first place.

Very funny indeed. So better luck next time round.

Also i am not talking about conditions and relations, i am showing Indians a mirror. Stop seeing yourself as USA. What relations we have with them or aggrements we have, thats none of India's business but for a second you guys think you can see your self in the same league as the USA, you couldnt be more wrong and the message has been delivered.

we never seen ourselves as a USA, rather endorsing the words of Pak President who were making a big noise about full cooperation with India on its war on terror. And that is why surgical strike was one among various option India were ready to exploit if Pak finding it hard to keep up its promises.
PLEASE DONT MOCK ME MAX! Remember India knocked the doors of THE UNSC on a previous occassion too and got some decisions in the form of resolutions too. Mind implementing them be4 knocking the same door again.
Very funny indeed. So better luck next time round.

we never seen ourselves as a USA, rather endorsing the words of Pak President who were making a big noise about full cooperation with India on its war on terror. And that is why surgical strike was one among various option India were ready to exploit if Pak finding it hard to keep up its promises.

India can do wet dreams about surgical strikes in Pakistan. That is ALL it can do. India can shove all the "requests" it made to Pakistan if such was even an option. Good enough the top authorities in your country isn't as big idiot as you and your media is. ;)
Ha ha ha ha ha, I can't stop from laughing at your own ignorance who is willing to pinpoint the same in others.

First you said that, Indian FM were the one who back out from war hysteria and when I told you to prove the same by posting the link, you come out with something which has no wording about war, it was only about ultimatum and nothing else.

Go and figure out, it was pakistan itself insisting India to deactivate both airforce and army's forward bases, go and see the difference rather then mistaking India for Pakistan for backing out of war.

So how else would you define the U turn that your FM just made? Or how will you define when he said previously that all options are open? If you cant figure out the difference between the two statements of his, what can i sayif someone chooses to remain ignorant.
My suggestion to you is to stop living in a fools paradise and wake up, smell the real coffee, get yourself a reality check, you may realize what just happened?
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Very funny indeed. So better luck next time round.

Better luck for what, pressing n instead of c.By the way i am amazed at the level of your maturity.:disagree: Indeed some Indians never grow up.

we never seen ourselves as a USA, rather endorsing the words of Pak President who were making a big noise about full cooperation with India on its war on terror. And that is why surgical strike was one among various option India were ready to exploit if Pak finding it hard to keep up its promises.

Ohh yes you have, that is why the word surgical strike was on every second Indian mouth until the day Pakistan showed Indians a mirror. It was only then you realized the bitter reality and decided the word surgical strike isnt made for India.
India can do wet dreams about surgical strikes in Pakistan. That is ALL it can do. India can shove all the "requests" it made to Pakistan if such was even an option. Good enough the top authorities in your country isn't as big idiot as you and your media is. ;)

We shouldnt feed the trolls. There are many like him who just cant accept the fact that they were forced to make a U turn in their policy. They fail to recognize the U turn at the first place which by the way the rest of the India is doing itself. They are blessed with ignorance, let them live in the world of fantasy where they are made to believe that India is a superpower and can never be defeated and Pakistan is the number one enemy.
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For MAX:

Did non-state actors come from heaven, Pranab to Pak

New Delhi: Slamming Pakistan for linking Mumbai attacks to non-resolution of Kashmir issue, India on Thursday asked it to take 'serious' action to completely dismantle Terror infrastructure and end infiltration but maintained that war against the neighbour was not a solution.

Talking tough in the Lok Sabha, External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee raised questions over Pakistan's sincerity in curbing activities of terror groups operating from its soil as he suggested that "house arrest" of Lashkar-e-Taiba chief Hafiz Mohd Saeed was not enough.

Intervening in the debate in Lok Sabha on Mumbai attacks, he said India has repeatedly given Pakistan a list of 40 terrorists, including Dawood Ibrahim, with a demand that they be handed over and expressed hope that Islamabad would respond positively.

He asked Pakistan to come out of the "denial mode" on existence of terrorists, including "non-state actors", who operate from the confines of that country as he wondered: "did the non-state actors come from heaven, did the non-state actors come from another planet?"

Mukherjee also slammed Pakistan for creating a war "hysteria" by indulging in "propaganda" on the basis of a hoax call that "big power" India was going to attack.

"That is not the solution," he said when Shiv Sena member Mohan Rawale said India should attack Pakistan in the wake of the terror strikes.

Rubbishing efforts by Pakistan to link the terror strikes to non-resolution of Kashmir issue, Mukherjee asserted that such a "straight jacket simple formula" will not help solve the problem as the series of attacks in India are part of global terrorism.

"It (attacks) is not related to Jammu and Kashmir issue. It is part of global terrorism," Mukherjee said in the House amid repeated thumping of desks, significantly on both ruling and opposition sides.

"I don't believe in straight jacket formula. It is not as simple. It is complex...It is not that if Kashmir issue is solved, everything will be in place," the External Affairs Minister said.

Referring to the "solemn assurances" given by the then President Pervez Musharraf and his successor President Asif Ali Zardari to end terrorism emanating from Pakistan, he said "expression of intent is not sufficient" and that Islamabad needs to "act" to convincing levels.

He pointed to the "house arrest" of LeT chief and said it was "not convincing" as even after the reported action by Pakistani authorities, Saeed was appearing on TV channels.

"What does house arrest mean? Laws, Indian Penal Code, in Pakistan are the same as in India, the names may be different. He should be either in judicial or police custody," Mukherjee said.

Did non-state actors come from heaven, Pranab to Pak

War is not an option after the Mumbai terror attacks

An article in the Stratfor weekly, “the world’s leading online publisher of geopolitical intelligence” which analyses the current Indo-Pak stand-off makes interesting reading. It is written by George Friedman, the founder and CEO of Stratfor. I have summarised some of his pertinent points and interjected them with my own comments and other links.

It does seem clear now our Congress government is not going to war and the opposition parties seem to have toned down their aggressive rhetoric. Pranab Mukherjee, our foreign minister has clearly said that war is “not a solution” and it appears as if the BJP has supported this decision.

War is not an option after the Mumbai terror attacks A wide angle view of India

Why am i feeding the troll here.:disagree:
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PLEASE DONT MOCK ME MAX! Remember India knocked the doors of THE UNSC on a previous

occassion too and got some decisions in the form of resolutions too. Mind implementing them be4 knocking the

same door again.

Can you first take some effort to enlighten me about those so called resoluations?
India can do wet dreams about surgical strikes in Pakistan. That is ALL it can do. India can shove all the "requests" it made to Pakistan if such was even an option. Good enough the top authorities in your country isn't as big idiot as you and your media is. ;)

Alas, I failed to understand what kind of a statement did you notice in my previous commenting which makes you to see me and our media to remain unparallel to top authorities in our country. How many times I have to say, Surgical strike was one among various option ready to get explore to pressurize Pakistan, but consequently it is too early to go for any surgical strike as it would not going to materialize any vital results, since
surgical strike may be good for fixed installations like Airbase but India is talking about having a surgical strike over terror camp which are makeshift in nature unlike fixed installations. This is where problem is getting created. Since US can show audacity of striking tribal regions of NWFP for which there is a complete absence of Pakistani response, then you can definetly appreciate our reasonsing of having a even a wet dream of surgical strike.
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So how else would you define the U turn that your FM just made? Or how will you define

when he said previously that all options are open? If you cant figure out the difference between the two

statements of his, what can i sayif someone chooses to remain ignorant.
My suggestion to you is to stop living in a fools paradise and wake up, smell the real coffee, get yourself a

reality check, you may realize what just happened?

It seems to me that you are scripting your statement to suit your reservation, because I have definetly made a mark by asking you for a creadible link to which you done complete disappoint to me, since onus of defining of U-turn made by Indian FM rest upon you by providing appropriate link to which you failed, because you were the one who were putting an unspoken words within his mouth, to which you didn't have any back up or link. You only provided link relating to Ultimatum which has no relations with War mongering by FM according to your own perception.

Go and read my previous post Regarding abudance of Option, in this respect, I did maintain my word of surgical strike being one among several options we have. But still, God can define why are you so eager to make me to re-define you the same thing.

Regarding, you word of Food paradise, wake up, read coffee and associated blah blah blah..., first show some integrity to prove me wrong rather then making your own fun. If you can't prove your word then don't resort to such unappropriate remarks.
Better luck for what, pressing n instead of c.By the way i am amazed at the level of

your maturity.:disagree: Indeed some Indians never grow up.

This is way too uncalled for. Better luck for maintaining your own temprament in place rather then calling me

of being snapped by terror attack.

Ohh yes you have, that is why the word surgical strike was on every second Indian mouth until the day Pakistan

showed Indians a mirror. It was only then you realized the bitter reality and decided the word surgical strike

isnt made for India.

Mirror and you, since when. When we can do the job of pressurizing pakistan through diplomatic means then what is the use of surgical strike in a first place even thaugh it was option. Only difference is that, we later discover diplomatic pressure much more helpful then surgical one which was much more cheaper then later.
We shouldnt feed the trolls. There are many like him who just cant accept the fact that they were forced to make a U turn in their policy. They fail to recognize the U turn at the first place which by the way the rest of the India is doing itself. They are blessed with ignorance, let them live in the world of fantasy where they are made to believe that India is a superpower and can never be defeated and Pakistan is the number one enemy.

Oh so I really got on to your nerves so easily which makes you to see me as a troll. Until few days ago, you weren't able to post a single article about Indian FM's U turn and posted a kind of a articles which has a no relevance to prove you point like "Ultimatum". Ignorance, fantasy word, superpower might be your way of countering my statement in the absence of nothing.
For MAX:

Did non-state actors come from heaven, Pranab to Pak

New Delhi: Slamming Pakistan for linking Mumbai attacks to non-resolution of Kashmir issue, India on Thursday asked it to take 'serious' action to completely dismantle Terror infrastructure and end infiltration but maintained that war against the neighbour was not a solution.

Talking tough in the Lok Sabha, External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee raised questions over Pakistan's sincerity in curbing activities of terror groups operating from its soil as he suggested that "house arrest" of Lashkar-e-Taiba chief Hafiz Mohd Saeed was not enough.

Intervening in the debate in Lok Sabha on Mumbai attacks, he said India has repeatedly given Pakistan a list of 40 terrorists, including Dawood Ibrahim, with a demand that they be handed over and expressed hope that Islamabad would respond positively.

He asked Pakistan to come out of the "denial mode" on existence of terrorists, including "non-state actors", who operate from the confines of that country as he wondered: "did the non-state actors come from heaven, did the non-state actors come from another planet?"

Mukherjee also slammed Pakistan for creating a war "hysteria" by indulging in "propaganda" on the basis of a hoax call that "big power" India was going to attack.

"That is not the solution," he said when Shiv Sena member Mohan Rawale said India should attack Pakistan in the wake of the terror strikes.

Rubbishing efforts by Pakistan to link the terror strikes to non-resolution of Kashmir issue, Mukherjee asserted that such a "straight jacket simple formula" will not help solve the problem as the series of attacks in India are part of global terrorism.

"It (attacks) is not related to Jammu and Kashmir issue. It is part of global terrorism," Mukherjee said in the House amid repeated thumping of desks, significantly on both ruling and opposition sides.

"I don't believe in straight jacket formula. It is not as simple. It is complex...It is not that if Kashmir issue is solved, everything will be in place," the External Affairs Minister said.

Referring to the "solemn assurances" given by the then President Pervez Musharraf and his successor President Asif Ali Zardari to end terrorism emanating from Pakistan, he said "expression of intent is not sufficient" and that Islamabad needs to "act" to convincing levels.

He pointed to the "house arrest" of LeT chief and said it was "not convincing" as even after the reported action by Pakistani authorities, Saeed was appearing on TV channels.

"What does house arrest mean? Laws, Indian Penal Code, in Pakistan are the same as in India, the names may be different. He should be either in judicial or police custody," Mukherjee said.

Did non-state actors come from heaven, Pranab to Pak

War is not an option after the Mumbai terror attacks

An article in the Stratfor weekly, “the world’s leading online publisher of geopolitical intelligence” which analyses the current Indo-Pak stand-off makes interesting reading. It is written by George Friedman, the founder and CEO of Stratfor. I have summarised some of his pertinent points and interjected them with my own comments and other links.

It does seem clear now our Congress government is not going to war and the opposition parties seem to have toned down their aggressive rhetoric. Pranab Mukherjee, our foreign minister has clearly said that war is “not a solution” and it appears as if the BJP has supported this decision.

War is not an option after the Mumbai terror attacks A wide angle view of India

Why am i feeding the troll here.:disagree:

For trollers, you need to made so much effort. So priceless, congratulations for your efforts. You may never required to spend so much words if you rather concentrated upon searching some article.
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