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What if Indian "surgical strikes" fail?

Oh so I really got on to your nerves so easily which makes you to see me as a troll. Until few days ago, you weren't able to post a single article about Indian FM's U turn and posted a kind of a articles which has a no relevance to prove you point like "Ultimatum". Ignorance, fantasy word, superpower might be your way of countering my statement in the absence of nothing.

Hardly anywhere near my nerves.
and for the highlighted part, you got to be kidding me because this is coming from someone who has nothing else to bring it to the front other then ofcourse his self centric ego, empty rhetoric, and nitpicking posts. My suggestion to you is to quit spilling beans, your bubble has already been busted and i have posted various links to back my claim, rest is up to you to believe it or not, afterall ignorance is something that your type is really blessed with.
This is way too uncalled for. Better luck for maintaining your own temprament in place rather then calling me

of being snapped by terror attack.

I think you mean temperament, and it is you who needs to maintain it not me.

Mirror and you, since when. When we can do the job of pressurizing pakistan through diplomatic means then what is the use of surgical strike in a first place even thaugh it was option. Only difference is that, we later discover diplomatic pressure much more helpful then surgical one which was much more cheaper then later.

Really! what more can you say afterall it was a huge disappointment for the warmongers, and moreover India has lost on the diplomatic front as well and if not then prove me otherwise and not just with your words:disagree:
Alas, I failed to understand what kind of a statement did you notice in my previous commenting which makes you to see me and our media to remain unparallel to top authorities in our country. How many times I have to say, Surgical strike was one among various option ready to get explore to pressurize Pakistan, but consequently it is too early to go for any surgical strike as it would not going to materialize any vital results, since
surgical strike may be good for fixed installations like Airbase but India is talking about having a surgical strike over terror camp which are makeshift in nature unlike fixed installations. This is where problem is getting created. Since US can show audacity of striking tribal regions of NWFP for which there is a complete absence of Pakistani response, then you can definetly appreciate our reasonsing of having a even a wet dream of surgical strike.

You clearly dont understand a damn thing about an ally state and a non-ally state. Neither do you understand the difference between United States and India. Until then you can keep making retarded theories, and continue to live in wet dreams like your media and most of your countrymen.
You clearly dont understand a damn thing about an ally state and a non-ally state. Neither do you understand the difference between United States and India.

If US is your ally, and in so the reasoning is they can do surgial strikes, then why your military and political elites are screaming that a breach of pakistan borders is not acceptable.

The true reasoning is that US cannot be stopped on there decisions and Pakistan knows it.
:) For Indians with love...U Still don't know what China transferred to Pakistan under the table last summer. Just step in my backyard we'll see.
U Still don't know what China transferred to Pakistan under the table last summer. Just step in my backyard we'll see.

The Chinese transferred plasma-powered Weapon systems to you last summer [2008] and yet the Americans greeted the innocent Pakistani citizens on New Year by butchering them

Not only that this American comes to your country, sit down with your Prez, PM, Army Chief and right on their faces says

and all Pakistan is doing to prevent further massacre of innocent civillians is "urge" Americans

The fact of the matter is that as long as Pakistan continues to exist on the World's subsistence, Pakistan won't dare to touch a Predator with a broom stick, leave aside a SAM
If US is your ally, and in so the reasoning is they can do surgial strikes, then why your military and political elites are screaming that a breach of pakistan borders is not acceptable.

The true reasoning is that US cannot be stopped on there decisions and Pakistan knows it.

That is a different topic.

As far as the topic is concerned. Is India capable of doing surgical strikes against Pakistan? Yes. Will India go with that option? No. Will Pakistan response back with retaliatory strikes? Most certainly. Is anyone going to stop Pakistan. Wont have time.

As far as U.S. is concerned feel free to create another thread. And certainly your wrong on that, because your following the "press" a show off by the Pakistani government and not the reality.
LOL another indian stupid thread on PDF .. guys how many you will create to take your frustrations out ???

All the comments so far are not considering that PAF will be in air to defend anything coming towards Red Line with a speed... multiple virtual lines are in place before RED LINE ... PAF will be in air to treat them equally ..

On the other hand .. PAF will surprise indians with further inside attacks ... India will see attacks from Kashmir to sea.. all fronts ... .... ....

I would argue to stop creating such foolish thread and eating PDF bandwidth and space :)
they have been carrying out the surgical strikes regularly . yesterday their commandoes killed 20 terrorists inside pak. today their air strikes will demolish terrorist camps and will kill at least 100 more terrorists. tomorrow around 200 will be killed and at the same time pak has been shown the exit door in UN.

hopefully and keeping in view the india's past record this thread will be dug out by someone in 2024 as well.:lol:
What if Indian "surgical strikes" fail?

Sorry for blunt but "Fir ana de phat c"
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