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What has Democracy solve for India? Lesson for us.

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Notice, they come for jobs but do not seek citizenship..wondered why ?

What luck! there is a thread talking precisely about a foreigner seeking expanded immigration here.


A couple lines in he talks about how some of his friends wanted citizenship. Maybe now you'll think twice about making stupid sweeping generalizations. Also tell me, how many foreigners are seeking citizenship in India?
It is better to find out who started the lecture in the first place.

A Chinese member opened a thread in order to discuss what China can learn from Indian mode. But like always, some Indian member spoiled the thread by patronizing us.

We hate to be condescended to by people, especially by people who is behind us in most fileds as of now. And we also hate to lecture others on what they should do, because we know it is annoying.

A decent discussion is based on mutual respect.

We will be nice to people who is nice to us, but we also can be mean to people who is mean to us.

You are wrong. The Chinese thread starter wanted to bash the Indian democracy and feel good about your system of governance . I wish the thread was genuinely about the pros and cons of democracy. People would have posted with "mutual respect" that you are talking about. But it is just another Chinese thread reminding yourself that democracy has ruined a nation and you don't want to do anything with it.
I think what he meant is that in authoritarian states where the government owns a huge portion of the economy, officials can easily conduct backdoor deals to get their relatives jobs, instead of a fair assesment of skills, hence less opportunities for the skilled.

But he was wrong in that the total number of jobs may change. It doesn't.

I can't say personally, but I have the feeling that nepotism is not responsible for any significant percent of jobs given and certainly not enough to impact an entire job market. Plus I can't really see things like this happening at foreign multinationals, which are responsible for an increasing % of the skilled hires.
You are wrong. The Chinese thread starter wanted to bash the Indian democracy and feel good about your system of governance . I wish the thread was genuinely about the pros and cons of democracy. People would have posted with "mutual respect" that you are talking about. But it is just another Chinese thread reminding yourself that democracy has ruined a nation and you don't want to do anything with it.

Asia times is one of my regular reads, and I can't really say that their articles are prone to unintelligent bashing.
Unlike Canada and the US. Indians were forced to adopt British democracy. It wasn't by will. which makes them inferior compared to other states like the UK and France which sought democracy at their own discretion. The same goes for South Korea and Japan, of which one forfeited its right to self-defence and the other forced to adopt a foreigner drafted constitution.
Something to do with acceptability perhaps ?

Nope, Chinese people don't go to India because most of them are not leaving China for ideolgy, but for better livelihood, which so far can't be provided by India.

Ideology is the least thing Chinese people care about, better life is always what we care most. In fact, i believe it applys to many Indians, too. India, though being a democracy, it is suffering a very severe brain drain, just like China is.

Why people are leaving India, is it because India lacks freedom of speech? Certainly not. You know the reasons better than we do.

Ideology is just a tool, development is what really matters. Western democracy is worshiped by many because of the economy success of western countries. So people go there for the better life brought by the economy success, not for the democracy.
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Asia times is one of my regular reads, and I can't really say that their articles are prone to unintelligent bashing.
The topic of the article in question is "India bled by robber class" and there was not a single mention of the word democracy in the whole article.

Don't understand why the bashing started on the democratic system? If you want to debate on the issue of concern, which is corruption btw, then it would be an appropriate discussion... else this thread would be nothing but flame wars.
Ideology is the least thing Chinese people care about, better life is always what we care most. In fact, i believe it applys to many Indians, too. India, though being a democracy, it is suffering a very severe brain drain, just like China is.

That is exactly right. :tup:

Chinese people go overseas in order to seek a good standard of living, usually to places like Canada, Australia, etc.

It's nothing to do with ideology at all.

Anyway, if a Chinese person is desperate to vote in multi-party elections, they don't even need to leave China. They can just come down to Hong Kong.
The topic of the article in question is "India bled by robber class" and there was not a single mention of the word democracy in the whole article.

Don't understand why the bashing started on the democratic system? If you want to debate on the issue of concern, which is corruption btw, then it would be an appropriate discussion... else this thread would be nothing but flame wars.

Takes two to tango. I think the article was meant for a Chinese discussion anyways. It would have gotten a few smug "yep"s and that would have been that.

So are we not allowed to be proud of our current state of governance? Espcially considering its recent acheivement and a rosy outlook for the future? God knows there are enough India rising threads in flooding both the India defence AND the world affairs subforums.
It is difficult to explain why people like individual freedom. But now that we have tasted it, there is no going back to authoritarian regime( king/dictator/communist rule).

Also, for a country like India which is full of diversity, allowing everybody to participate in decision making process, gives them hope,aspiration and a stake in society.

Also Indian democracy is federal in structure, keeping our diversity in mind.

An Indian will really be surprised to see a chinease does not find it uncomfortable to live in a totalitarian regime, and a chinease will be surprised why Indians like messy democracy which seems direction less.

About chinease being skeptic of democracy, is it because their system delivers better?(Which is most probable reason) Is it because they are told so by the authority?

I am interested to know a north korean view of democracy.
Asia times is one of my regular reads, and I can't really say that their articles are prone to unintelligent bashing.

I am not judging the article but the title the thread starter chose. He just wants to ridicule than discuss the issue.
Nope, Chinese people don't go to India because most of them are not leaving China for ideolgy, but for better livelihood, which so far can't be provided by India.

Ideology is the least thing Chinese people care about, better life is always what we care most. In fact, i believe it applys to many Indians, too. India, though being a democracy, it is suffering a very severe brain drain, just like China is.

Why people are leaving India, is it because India lacks freedom of speech? Certainly not. You know the reasons better than we do.

Ideology is just a tool, development is what really matters. Western democracy is worshiped by many because of the economical success of western countries.

Good post.
It is difficult to explain why people like individual freedom. But now that we have tasted it, there is no going back to authoritarian regime( king/dictator/communist rule).

Also, for a country like India which is full of diversity, allowing everybody to participate in decision making process, gives them hope,aspiration and a stake in society.

Also Indian democracy is federal in structure, keeping our diversity in mind.

An Indian will really be surprised to see a chinease does not find it uncomfortable to live in a totalitarian regime, and a chinease will be surprised why Indians like messy democracy which seems direction less.

About chinease being skeptic of democracy, is it because their system delivers better?(Which is most probable reason) Is it because they are told so by the authority?

I am interested to know a north korean view of democracy.

You'd be disappointed, North Korea has an intranet and no internet.
You are wrong. The Chinese thread starter wanted to bash the Indian democracy and feel good about your system of governance . I wish the thread was genuinely about the pros and cons of democracy. People would have posted with "mutual respect" that you are talking about. But it is just another Chinese thread reminding yourself that democracy has ruined a nation and you don't want to do anything with it.

Because you tend to think the worst of Chinese members, that is kind of sad, but understandable given the atmosphere in this forum.

But you made a mistake by saying we Chinese think Chinese system is better than Indian system. It is more accurate to say we think the present Chinese system suits China better than the present Indian system.

We do believe if Indian system as well as western system is imposed on China, it will be disaster. But we never suggest India should adopt a Chinese system.

Some Chinese members, including me(sorry), do tease Indian system once in a while, but that is purely a counteract to those Indians who keep disparaging Chinese system. We are not saints, we do feel offended when people abuse us.
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