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What has Democracy solve for India? Lesson for us.

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The caste system exists in the entire Indian subcontinents, including in Muslims.

And btw, why are you mixing communist which is political ideology With religions????? :tdown:

When you running out of arguments and you trying hard to accuse me of mixing up with "religion" ? nice try anyway.:tup:

As far as i a'm concern, "Caste system" is a evil socio-economic system and had nothing related to Hinduism also Caste system in India survived till today regardless of religion. Wake up please.:D
i have no fascination with communism, but if given a choice to people, they will chose democracy over Communism.

American exceptionalism... aka "democracy is what makes us so fvcking great, ergo everyone else must want what we have." lol you think that this myth would have died after the Iraq war. Didn't Bush and his bunch believe that if you just gave the Iraqi people democracy, Iraq would turn into suburban Ohio overnight?
When you running out of arguments and you trying hard to accuse me of mixing up with "religion" ? nice try anyway.:tup:

As far as i a'm concern, "Caste system" is a evil socio-economic system and had nothing related to Hinduism also Caste system in India survived till today regardless of religion. Wake up please.:D

indeed, it's evil. but it's fading away.

no i don't, but perhaps you need to sleep! :D
you should know that the Muslims in South Asia have developed caste like structures and have carried their caste affiliation when they converted to Islam.
Nothing new in this article, everyone is aware that billions of dollars have been siphoned off the country since independence, but unfortunately there is no easy solution to bring them back or hold people accountable.

I read another article on the agreement between the Swiss agencies and the GoI to divulge the details of the Indian account holders. This should be expected to be in effect sometime next year. This is causing fears in the minds of some who are indirectly repatriating the money into the country through the stock markets. Agree this is all shady but as long as the money is flowing into the markets many don't complain too much.

What has Democracy solve for India? Lesson for us. Certainly not corruption.
But I fail to understand the link to democracy here. You seem to have conveniently put your own headlines to the news article :tdown:
It is possible in a socialist as well as communist country also. We keep hearing corruption reports every now and then from China as well.... so explain me again how is democracy related to this??
indeed, it's evil. but it's fading away.

no i don't, but perhaps you need to sleep! :D
you should know that the Muslims in South Asia have developed caste like structures and have carried their caste affiliation when they converted to Islam.

Let me help

As far as i a'm concern, "Caste system" is a evil socio-economic system and had nothing related to Hinduism
American exceptionalism... aka "democracy is what makes us so fvcking great, ergo everyone else must want what we have." lol you think that this myth would have died after the Iraq war. Didn't Bush and his bunch believe that if you just gave the Iraqi people democracy, Iraq would turn into suburban Ohio overnight?

Indeed! after all we are the world oldest democracy..not to forget india the biggest democracy. :D
btw, if democracy worked in america, doesn't mean it would work in others places too.

and you bringing iraq stuff.....that's totally out of scope in here.
Nothing new in this article, everyone is aware that billions of dollars have been siphoned off the country since independence, but unfortunately there is no easy solution to bring them back or hold people accountable.

I read another article on the agreement between the Swiss agencies and the GoI to divulge the details of the Indian account holders. This should be expected to be in effect sometime next year. This is causing fears in the minds of some who are indirectly repatriating the money into the country through the stock markets. Agree this is all shady but as long as the money is flowing into the markets many don't complain too much.

But I fail to understand the link to democracy here. You seem to have conveniently put your own headlines to the news article :tdown:
It is possible in a socialist as well as communist country also. We keep hearing corruption reports every now and then from China as well.... so explain me again how is democracy related to this??

I think what he is trying to say is democracy is not an inherently superior system of governance.

Really if the majority well educated world aware Chinese people decide democracy isn't for us at least right now. Who are Indians or Americans to say different. We'd appreciate it if people would stop holding this issue over our heads like some unassailable moral highground. Simply it's not.

Let me help

It is none of his concern

Fine, but are we get snippy?
lol not at all CS. You said it well, nobody should be bothered about other nations' governance systems. anything is justified as long as it uplifts the masses (IMHO that is the whole point of having a govt.)
lol@ Chinese hubris. You guys are talking as if you have conquered the world already.

The decision of democracy or dictatorship in India rests with the Indian people just like the decision of communism rests with the Chinese people.

You run your country the way you like and let us run ours the way we like. Is it so hard to agree upon?

BTW, don't forget, we are still only behind you when it comes to fastest growing economies and we are only getting better.

As far as social problems are concerned, China has its own share of them.

So, don't try to give any lessons on what is good for us and what is not. We are capable enough to decide that for ourselves.

BTW, The best thing democracy has done for India is give a voice to each and every section of the society no matter how backward or oppressed it is and being a country as diverse as us, it is a vital power that rests with the people. Without this power for anyone to raise his/her voice, India won't be able to survive.
There is a saying in hindi

" Bandar kya jane adrakh ka swad"

It is strange that ppl coming from countries with authoritarian regimes find fault in a system which they cherish and seek when the go abroad.
lol@ Chinese hubris. You guys are talking as if you have conquered the world already.

The decision of democracy or dictatorship in India rests with the Indian people just like the decision of communism rests with the Chinese people.

You run your country the way you like and let us run ours the way we like. Is it so hard to agree upon?

BTW, don't forget, we are still only behind you when it comes to fastest growing economies and we are only getting better.

As far as social problems are concerned, China has its own share of them.

So, don't try to give any lessons on what is good for us and what is not. We are capable enough to decide that for ourselves.

BTW, The best thing democracy has done for India is give a voice to each and every section of the society no matter how backward or oppressed it is and being a country as diverse as us, it is a vital power that rests with the people. Without this power for anyone to raise his/her voice, India won't be able to survive.

There is a saying in hindi

" Bandar kya jane adrakh ka swad"

It is strange that ppl coming from countries with authoritarian regimes find fault in a system which they cherish and seek when the go abroad.

This is the retreat to the unassailable "moral high ground" I was talking about.

Freedom: It has simply empowered the Indian ppl over the Chinese. They won't get jailed for protesting government legislations or killed for dating a top official's daughter.

Indignity: Democracy is a Western trademark ideology. Don't group Indian/Indonesian democracy with ours.

Stability: With over 2000 ethnic groups living in harmony, this can only lead to a more stable future as racism dissipates and technology advances, compared to communist China which spends half of its time maintaining control over its ppl.

Poverty: It's been over 60 years since the Brits left. The average Indian hasn't gotten any richer.
It is strange that ppl coming from countries with authoritarian regimes find fault in a system which they cherish and seek when the go abroad.

Yep, I ran away to HK... just so I could participate in multi-party elections. :azn:

(Just in case anyone doesn't get it, I'm being sarcastic).

Chinese people don't go overseas just to vote in elections, or to celebrate democracy. They go overseas for educational and job opportunities.
Why are we talking about Caste and Communism ppl. Stick to the debate about what democracy has brought India. IMO:

Freedom: It has simply empowered the Indian ppl over the Chinese. They won't get jailed for protesting government legislations or killed for dating a top official's daughter.

Indignity: Democracy is a western trademark ideology. Don't group Indian/Indonesian democracy with ours.

Poverty: It's been over 60 years since the Brits left. The average Indian hasn't gotten any richer.

Stability: With over 2000 ethnic groups living in harmony, this can only lead to more a more stable future as racism dissipates and technology advances, compared to communist China which spends half of its time 1/3 of its time maintaining control, 1/3 corrupting and the other 1/3 doing its job.

What do you mean by indignity? :what:
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