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What has Democracy solve for India? Lesson for us.

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Democracy allows people to do what they want to do ? Then why is Roy being charge for speaking the truth about Kashmir ????

lol... didn't you just answer your own question??:P

This is what democracy has done for India. With the amount of cultures, traditions, religions, sects, classes etc that India has, any other country would have broken up within 1 year. The Indian democratic structure has held the country together and not once have we been under a dictator or military rule. India has grown exponentially since its inception and yes problems exist, but only democracy can solve them. We might be lagging behind some countries but we are also in front of a whole bunch. The westerns ashirwad your talking about applies to some of our neighbors, India was growing at the same percentage even during the sanctions years. Democracy has given India a stable political environment and a strong national identity which as per PEST Analysis model is key in the long term growth of any country. Our efforts are starting to pay off now and InshaAllah one day we will accomplish all our dreams.

This is also what democracy has done for India.

...Sajani traces his death to Orissa government's 1998 ban on using bamboo from forests. The ban came because of the increased commercial importance of non-timber forest produce, kendu leaf, sal seed, and bamboo, all of which were nationalised in Orissa, thereby entailing only the state to collect and market these products. (Sal was nationalised in 1983 and kendu leaf in 1973.)

Naik had made his living till then by collecting bamboo from forests, weaving baskets and selling them at the village market. However, after the ban, he couldn't collect bamboo and didn't have the financial resources to buy it from the market. He had no other skills and could not find an alternative source of livelihood. As he had no experience in agricultural work, and as he belonged to a Scheduled Caste, villagers did not call him for agricultural labour. In the last years of his life, Naik, an artisan, was reduced to soliciting food from villagers.

India Together: Starvation in Orissa - 19 July 2008

democracy gives us the freedom to do what we want.. whether we want to be poor, middleclass or rich.. it's our choice.
By the way we can have any number of kids we want in democracy!! do they have that freedom in communist China??

Yes, in India democracy, the rich can have freedom to do anything, but the only freedom for the poor is to suffer.

Remind you, an inferior system in China has erased starvation for decades, never a person died of hunger since the opening-up. In contrast, your self-proclaimed superior system still witnesses hundreds in death yearly due to starvation. In addition, millions of your children do not have the freedom to have food and necessary nutrients to grow; many more do not have the freedom to get education...

If a person doesn’t have the basic freedom to access food, what other type of freedom can he have the luxury to dream?

Thus, in this respect, your democray is 1000 times inferior to Chinese system. Your biggest democracy is the biggest shame of democracy.
. .
This is also what democracy has done for India.

Yes, in India democracy, the rich can have freedom to do anything, but the only freedom for the poor is to suffer.

Remind you, an inferior system in China has erased starvation for decades, never a person died of hunger since the opening-up. In contrast, your self-proclaimed superior system still witnesses hundreds in death yearly due to starvation. In addition, millions of your children do not have the freedom to have food and necessary nutrients to grow; many more do not have the freedom to get education...

If a person doesn’t have the basic freedom to access food, what other type of freedom can he have the luxury to dream?

Thus, in this respect, your democray is 1000 times inferior to Chinese system. Your biggest democracy is the biggest shame of democracy.

The thread just reached a stage where members on both sides were going like u got urs and we got ours, now u have just added some fire to it to make it burn. Thank u very much.
. .
This is also what democracy has done for India.

Yes, in India democracy, the rich can have freedom to do anything, but the only freedom for the poor is to suffer.

Remind you, an inferior system in China has erased starvation for decades, never a person died of hunger since the opening-up. In contrast, your self-proclaimed superior system still witnesses hundreds in death yearly due to starvation. In addition, millions of your children do not have the freedom to have food and necessary nutrients to grow; many more do not have the freedom to get education...

If a person doesn’t have the basic freedom to access food, what other type of freedom can he have the luxury to dream?

Thus, in this respect, your democray is 1000 times inferior to Chinese system. Your biggest democracy is the biggest shame of democracy.

just keep your lecture on democracy with you.... we know what is democracy better than you....
this is why your presidents come India shouting so called "biggest and largest democracy"
our leaders dont talk like that when they go to america....:no:
americans are just sick of democracy.... while many of them dont even know what is democracy....

democracy never guaranties to bring money to the people of the country :sick:
just keep your lecture on democracy with you.... we know what is democracy better than you....
this is why your presidents come India shouting so called "biggest and largest democracy"
our leaders dont talk like that when they go to america....:no:
americans are just sick of democracy.... while many of them dont even know what is democracy....

democracy never guaranties to bring money to the people of the country :sick:

Lol, No one is American here dude.
This is also what democracy has done for India.

Yes, in India democracy, the rich can have freedom to do anything, but the only freedom for the poor is to suffer.

Remind you, an inferior system in China has erased starvation for decades, never a person died of hunger since the opening-up. In contrast, your self-proclaimed superior system still witnesses hundreds in death yearly due to starvation. In addition, millions of your children do not have the freedom to have food and necessary nutrients to grow; many more do not have the freedom to get education...

If a person doesn’t have the basic freedom to access food, what other type of freedom can he have the luxury to dream?

Thus, in this respect, your democray is 1000 times inferior to Chinese system. Your biggest democracy is the biggest shame of democracy.

Mate, I do agree with you there is lots poverty and all that! But freedom can not BUY food??!! And as long as education is concerned Indian parliament just approved the bill of 'Compulsary and free education to everyone under the age of 16'!! So it's changing but it takes time!! India is just a young country! Forgot what was happening in u.s. after 60 years of independence? Killing of red indians[at least in india they don't try to ERASE the whole race off the planet]?

This thread is abt democrasy not indian issues? You think India should go communist becuase democracy is not working? [Let me remind you that india is ranked 35th according to world democracy index out of 167 nations!!]
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Here's the problem:

Is taking the people's freedom of speech justified in light of drastic reduction in poverty?

Or does widespread poverty justify the right to freedom of speech?

I for one, side with the former:

Will parents worry about freedom of speech when they see their kids grow up handicapped due to malnutrition?

Will people worry about freedom of speech when their husbands die due to a power shortage at his hospital?

Will people care about freedom of speech when they don't even have flushable toilets or running water?

Will people worry about freedom of speech when they can't even afford most popular means (internet) to express themselves?

You guys are bringing China too often into the equation. It's not about China. It's about how all Western countries achieve prosperty through dictatorship and monarchy which then convert into democracies. Democracy did not make the West prosperous. It was authoritarianism.

It is history itself which teaches us that countries achieve prosperty before democracy through their authoritarian times like the early British empire. This is why the West is both prosperous and democratic.

As countries become more prosperous they become more democratic, as China has today. It's history that wealth always enters a society before freedom. However, India was forced to adopt democracy before prosperity. It's not natural and will cause the average Indian physical suffering for the decades to come.
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INDIA Democracy:-

Military Dictatorship:-

Both nations attained freedom at same time..
But where is India and where another one..
U decide u r self..
No need of useless discusions
now communists questioning democracy!!!! wow! makes me LOL

:undecided: i guess the writer is an Indian and his name suggests he is hindu

Asia Times Online ::

India bled by robber class
By Ranjit Devraj
:undecided: i guess the writer is an Indian and his name suggests he is hindu

Asia Times Online ::

India bled by robber class
By Ranjit Devraj
The writer never questioned Indian Democracy in his article... but the TS did change the title to question the democratic principles.

Desiguy was referring to the Chinese posters and not the author of the article.
:undecided: i guess the writer is an Indian and his name suggests he is hindu

Asia Times Online ::

India bled by robber class
By Ranjit Devraj

what do you reckon the write up is about?? is it about the plusses & minuses of democracy or about the corruption carried out by the elites in political class & bureaucracy, irrespictive of the system of political administration??
SCORE!!! WELL DONE!! I'm sure you will get lot of 'thank you's for displaying that sick picture!!

The picture perfectly portrays what the writer is saying. More than the word "democracy" the writer's main focus is on the so-called torch-bearers" of democracy in India who are accumulating wealth in the name of people.
India is laying charge against her and that's called anti-freedom-of-speech.

It seems that you are inclined to twist and bend both the facts of the matter in order to create trouble. Neither part of your assertion is correct.

It is not India that is laying charges against her; an individual complained to a magistrate against the speech that she made - in fact, against several speeches - and the magistrate decided that there was a prima facie case of sedition. He then instructed the police to file charges, and to prosecute her. It remains to be seen if such a strange procedure is tenable.

Earlier, on the complaint of a section of the Opposition, the Home Minister looked into the question and concluded that there was nothing in the speeches that justified prosecution. That is the most accurate reflection of the thinking of the Government of India. The Delhi Commissioner of Police also stated categorically, on record, that nothing in her speech was actionable, and he was unable to see why she should be charged.

The behaviour of the individual concerned is not unfamiliar. There are such individuals, and there are publicity-seeking magistrates, who file charges against prominent individuals merely in order to be in the news. Many prominent film-stars find that this is a nuisance, as they are summoned by such frivolous charges to distant parts of the country.

One star who lives in Chennai had multiple charges against her, on the grounds of offending the modesty of women, because she expressed her personal point of view, her freedom of speech, if you like, in saying that she saw nothing sacred in the concept of virginity, nothing worthwhile in the insistence of bridegrooms with bad personal moral records that their brides should be virgin. She was harrassed for months before the Supreme Court consolidated all the cases, summoned them before itself, and ruthlessly cut through through the crap and ordered all the charges to be dismissed forthwith.

Ms. Roy has been making these speeches for more than a decade now, both before she became a famous writer, as she describes herself, and after; she has not been prosecuted before, as everyone was conscious that these views of hers were impractical as a blueprint for action leading to harmful consequences to the state. India has faced such speech-making before, and such strident campaigns for freedom-of-speech, and has, except for the brief period of the Emergency, managed to keep this freedom intact.

You need have no further fears, therefore, that 'India' is prosecuting Ms. Roy, or that this amounts to a violation of her right of free speech. Both Ms. Roy and her freedom of speech, just like mine and that of other Indians, are in good health.

Thank you very much for taking the interest that you took.
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