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What has America done for Pakistan?


Mar 16, 2011
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Pakistan’s ties with terrorists are strategic. Like al Qaeda, Pakistan refers to modern notions of national sovereignty and justice. Like Taliban, Pakistan is concerned less with the enemy and more with spies.

However, our ties with Washington are platonic. If reliability, trust and selflessness are the benchmarks, then the ISI’s evaluation of US foreign policy towards Pakistan is essentially a moral critique.

“What has America done for Pakistan?” parliamentarians asked before calling for a review of ties with the US. Inherent in that question are assumptions that need to be questioned themselves. Why should America do anything for Pakistan?

Pakistan was born a weak state. Soon after independence, Pakistan’s founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah asked the US, in a letter sent with his emissary, for $2 billion in military and financial aid, including $170 million for the army, $75 million for the air force, $60 million for the navy, and $700 million each for industrial and agricultural development. He had made a cultural choice.

Pakistan’s first prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan visited US president Harry Truman in 1950 to sell the country’s “geopolitical importance” to the super power. Pakistan’s decision to seek US help against the perceived Soviet designs to reach the warm waters of the Arabian sea was purely strategic.

What the US did for Pakistan consequently produced the conditions that allowed a state that was not expected to last very long when it came into existence, to develop robust agriculture to feed itself, one of the world’s largest militaries and the ability to produce nuclear energy and weapons.

What has America done for Pakistan’s armed forces?

From 1954 to 1956, the US gave Pakistan about $1400 million in military aid, helping an ill-equipped Pakistan Army develop infrastructure, mobility and firepower, and improve command, control, communication and intelligence capabilities for its newly raised divisions. Also in 1954, Pakistan began to receive more than 100 Sabre F-86F aircraft that made the core of its air force. Armed with Sidewinder missiles, these fighter planes gave the Pakistani air force a decisive edge over the Indian one.

Pakistan had also received several hundred M47 and M48 Patton tanks and artillery equipment that gave it tangible superiority over India. By 1971, Pakistan had lost this edge. During the 1971 war, a carrier task force of America’s Seventh Fleet that included nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Enterprise, several destroyers and nuclear-powered attack submarine Gurnard arrived in the Bay of Bengal in support of Pakistan. But Pakistan Army surrendered a day later.

In the 1980s, after Pakistan rejected a $400 million aid package as peanuts, more than $6 billion flew into the country along with weapons that included about a thousand Stinger missiles, as it fought a perceived Soviet threat in Afghanistan and developed a ‘strategic depth’. Since 9/11 (blamed on the ‘strategic assets’ that Pakistan developed in Afghanistan), we received more than $14 billion in military aid and reimbursements, 17 F-16 aircraft and artillery equipment despite substantial doubts on its commitment to the war on terror. Pakistan Navy received the PNS Alamgir frigate, boats, helicopters and two P-3C Orion surveillance and anti-submarine aircraft (with six in the pipeline) and assigned a key role in the Arabian Sea.

What has America done for Pakistan’s nuclear program?

Pakistan’s civil nuclear quest began with the American Atoms for Peace program. It was offered $350,000 to acquire a nuclear reactor in 1955. In 1965, years after scientists Dr Abdus Salam and Dr Ishrat Hussain Usmani traveled to the US, America gave Pakistan its first nuclear reactor. The reactor at Nilore near Islamabad was built by American nuclear engineer Peter Karter and supplied by contractors American Machine and Foundry.

It was only after Pakistan started to develop nuclear weapons that the US imposed sanctions on the country. American concerns of Pakistan’s role in nuclear proliferation eventually turned out to be true.

What has America done for Pakistan’s economy?

Pakistan’s major existential concern in its early years was that all its rivers came from India, and India could block them to cause famines in Pakistan. After negotiations between India and Pakistan failed, America intervened. With input from US public officials, the World Bank spent six years in talks with India and Pakistan to broker the Indus Water Treaty in 1960. After that, the US and the World Bank were major donors to Pakistan’s irrigation system, that included two large dams (Mangla Dam on Jhelum River and Tarbela Dam on Indus River) that added significantly to Pakistan electricity production, and a number of barrages and headworks (Sidhnai Ravi River, Rasul on Jhelum River, Qadirabad and Marala on Chenab and Chashma on Indus).

In the 1970s, American renaissance man Roger Revelle supervised the Salinity Control and Reclamation Program, American agricultural engineers worked with small-town machine shops in Pakistan to help them develop cheap local land-leveling equipment, and USAID’s agriculture chief Richard Newberg developed a fertiliser production and import policy for Pakistan convincing Washington to supply $100 million worth of fertiliser and invest in the Fauji Fertiliser plant.

American scientist Norman Borlaug, with his new varieties of high-yield seed, oversaw the Green Revolution in Pakistan. He received a Nobel Prize in 1970. By 1977, Pakistan’s production of wheat and other food grains had more than doubled and it became self-sufficient in food production. Decades later, Pakistan’s economy still depends on agriculture.

After the failure of its first five-year plan, Pakistan set up a Planning Commission in 1958. The second five-year plan encouraged private enterprise in areas where profits could be made, and government expenditure in less developed areas. It surpassed its goals and Pakistan became a model of industrial and economic development in what is known as the third world (for example South Korea modeled its capital Seoul after Karachi), mainly due to American input and financial aid.
After 9/11 when Pakistan decided to join the war on terror, the US helped rescheduled loans of more than $12 billion with members of the Paris Club, allowed duty-free import of hundreds of Pakistani products, and gave Pakistan the biggest economic assistance program since the cold war.

The impact of thousands of Pakistani students, researchers and professionals who were sent on scholarships to universities in the US cannot be measured in financial terms.

And in that manner of argument, it might be appropriate in the end to ask a question that has not been asked so far. What has Pakistan done for the US? What has Pakistan done for the US if reliability, trust and selflessness are the benchmarks? :usflag:
America has given $21 billion in civilian & military aid in 10 years in Pakistan, whereas Pakistan has had to incur losses of $69 billion since 2001 for fighting America's war. America is currently withholding reimbursements of upto $300 million from Pakistan, for services Pakistan provided to them. America has not paid the billions it has cost Pakistan for the infrastructure damage for supplying the supplies to Pakistan. America has not paid taxes on any of the supplies going through Pakistan into Afghanistan. It has also ditched Pakistan 4 times in history, when Pakistan needed America to be there. Among many other things. Oh, how can I forget? Killing lots of innocent civilians in drone strikes, letting terrorists infiltrate into Pakistan from Afghanistan, & giving them safe havens in Kunar & Nuristan. Forcing the release of a ex-Blackwater & CIA agent, who was about to supply some nuclear material to terrorists.
I dont think anyone can deny that America has helped Pakistan in the past but they have harmed Pakistan too.

A good example would be abandoning Pakistan/Afghanistan after the Soviet war to deal with the whole taliban mess.

have u written this article??
America have done enough,thats why they are eligible to demand anything from pakistan....
wheres the proof of anything in terms of aid.

i dont want claims, i want proof, i want an audit trail, i want transparency, i dont believe either side.

and there is no price on earth for the civllian casualties that pakistan has face, and continues to face.
US links aid to visas for trainers

13 July,2011

Pentagon has linked restoration of aid to Pakistan allowing back US trainers.

Pentagon spokesman Col Dave Lapan said if Pakistan takes back military trainers and issues visas to other staff, aid could be restored.

With tensions between the two countries already high, the Obama administration said Sunday it was suspending $800 million in aid to Pakistan, signaling a tougher stance toward what it considers a critical but sometimes unreliable ally.

The US suspended military aid to Pakistan following Islamabad’s request for a “significant cutback” of American military trainers on its soil.

The suspended aid, which is about one-third of the USD 2 billion in annual American security assistance to Pakistan, includes about USD 300 million to reimburse Pakistan for some of the costs of deploying more than 100,000 soldiers along the Afghan border to combat terrorism.

A report earlier said ISI chief arrived in the US for meetings with officials.

Dunya News: Pakistan:-US links aid to visas for trainers

This is what US is done and doing for Pakistan sending terrorists like RD, spies on cost of AID.

US Aid = spies, anti-state elements, interfering state matters & espionage, state destabilization by US official's activities.

Do we need it all?

Of course NO
So why pakistan is not clear with usa??
why shuja pasha is in DC today??
of course ,paksitan wants to save ties with usa.....

on one hand,u blame them on other hand,u want to maintain ties..

something really fishy..
They gave us many things,

1. Killed thousands of civilians,
2. Destroyed our peace
3. Destroyed our economy,
4. Turning innocents into extremists and many more things like that.
5. Made us look like a "terrorists heaven state"
6. Called us failed state,

what else you need from your ally?
It's understandable if Pakistanis are mad at the US but without US support India would have destroyed Pakistan, 1971 Bangladesh War the US sent the Seventh Fleet and even tried to get China to help Pakistan in the war, the US sent Military Aid, Weapons, assistance during the other wars with India.
They gave us many things,

1. Killed thousands of civilians,
2. Destroyed our peace
3. Destroyed our economy,
4. Turning innocents into extremists and many more things like that.
5. Made us look like a "terrorists heaven state"
6. Called us failed state,

what else you need from your ally?

Yes the Drones strikes have killed civilians but The PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT agreed to the strikes in the first place if they said no then it would not have happened.
It's understandable if Pakistanis are mad at the US but without US support India would have destroyed Pakistan, 1971 Bangladesh War the US sent the Seventh Fleet and even tried to get China to help Pakistan in the war, the US sent Military Aid, Weapons, assistance during the other wars with India.

Yes they did help in the past-but times have changed a lot.

They are more india friendly now
Yes they did help in the past-but times have changed a lot.

They are more india friendly now

no body is friend of other..
they had interest,they joined u..

now they have common interest with us in the region and also economical factors...they joined us..

like they sacrificed you,some day they will also do this with us.

but india is not pakistan who gave too much in their hand,just keep them at the safe distance.
Atlast you will have to live with neighbors and same goes for u:agree::agree:
So why pakistan is not clear with usa??
why shuja pasha is in DC today??
of course ,paksitan wants to save ties with usa.....

on one hand,u blame them on other hand,u want to maintain ties..

something really fishy..

Conflicts of interest
Yes the Drones strikes have killed civilians but The PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT agreed to the strikes in the first place if they said no then it would not have happened.

be honest, or try to be.

can pakistan really say no to something the US is hell bent on and not face consequences.

what would the americans says - "no problem, we respect you"?

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