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What happens if any indian govt agrees to cede Kashmir?

Guys why WB and NE will join BD? Never ever I heard of any one including muslims of joining BD. NE people hate you guys which you can't think off.

Bengali Muslims in WB and Assam would jump at the chance to join BD.

Tribals? Who gives a rat's what they think as this is for the peace and prosperity of nearly 2 billion people in the region.

Come again?
What about the Muslims ethnically cleansed in 1947 by Indian Army and the King?
Bring back the Kashmiri Hindus, even then a clear Majority will be in favor of Independence from India. You speak as if they were in the millions.

In partition it happened everywhere,what did invading tribal marauders do to hindu and sikh kashmiris?
Thing is too much blood is now shed.
One its a prestige issue.And secondly for pakistan kashmir is just an excuse,of its real ideology of islamic supremacy in the subcontinent.The delusion will persist with or without kashmir.

Bengali Muslims in WB and Assam would jump at the chance to join BD.

Tribals? Who gives a rat's what they think as this is for the peace and prosperity of nearly 2 billion people in the region.

Come again?

The gurkha,ahom,naga,mizo tribals are some of the most ferocious communities,they will cut the miahs to pieces.Be smart,live.
Bengali Muslims in WB and Assam would jump at the chance to join BD.

Tribals? Who gives a rat's what they think as this is for the peace and prosperity of nearly 2 billion people in the region.

Come again?
This is why BD section is the most trolled section in PDF...
What's done is done. I am sure both sides have their own version of what's happened. If the descedents of the Hindus who were forcibly kicked out are still alive then the Independent Kashmiri government should let them back in and give them back their loat properties.

They dont want to go back,they dont trust the kashmiri muslims anymore.There properties were largely taken over.
The gurkha,ahom,naga,mizo tribals are some of the most ferocious communities,they will cut the miahs to pieces.Be smart,live.

What are they going to do when faced with BD infantry division after these areas are ceased to BD?

Dude, please think before posting as I am embarrassed for you now.:(

This is why BD section is the most trolled section in PDF...

Come again dude as moderators have put paid to trolls in BD section now.

Try to troll in BD section and get an instant ban now.

This is serious suggestion on how to bring peace and prosperity to S Asia. You in on this possible solution?
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Interesting to note that you are peddling this.

It is sadly the truth.1990 was no RSS conspiracy.

What are they going to do when faced with BD infantry division after these areas are ceased to BD?

Dude, please think before posting as I am embarrassed for you now.:(

Do you know 5 regiments of the indian army(arunachal scouts,sikkim scouts,assam rifles,assam regiment,naga regiment) even leaving aside the gurkhas are recruited from the northeast.Both the sultanate and the mughals failed after 17 attempts to penetrate to the north east.Overzealous jamati lungis will get massacred with khukris.Jhatka style.Be smart ,live.
They dont want to go back,they dont trust the kashmiri muslims anymore.There properties were largely taken over.

They have to realise that things happen in war. Both parties have done bad things. Afterall they are both Kashmiris and I am sure they can forgive each other. The problem is that the neighbouring countries are using their religious differences for their own agenda and I am sure Kashmiris are wise enough to realise that.
Do you know 4 regiments of the indian army(arunachal scouts,sikkim scouts,assam rifles,assam regiment,naga regiment) even leaving aside the gurkhas are recruited from the northeast.Both the sultanate and the mughals failed after 17 attempts to penetrate to the north east.Overzealous jamati lungis will get massacred with khukris.Be smart ,live.

Ok, if you think a bunch of semi-naked tribals armed with spears can take on a modern infantry division well what can I say?
So are you gonna send "tribals" to any country whose citizen demand freedom ? Taiwan, Hongkong, Xinjiang, Syria, Catalonia, Georgia, Moldova, Kurds, Myanmar ????
Also the King had to cede to India because of your actions. And you thought forcefully capturing it was the solution.
Don't be naive it was in the backdrop of partition and valley had a growing sentiment for either remaining independent or to join Pakistan, joining India was out of the question. You need to look at the geography to understand where the region was economically linked for centuries. We have moral standing on each of the mentioned conflicts but are not bound to intervene in every other conflict being an outsider. When a king rushes to a foreign entity it is mostly because he has lost it and wants to save his *** and some guaranteed in the new power structure.
Ok, if you think a bunch of semi-naked tribals armed with spears can take on a modern infantry division well what can I say?

Spears ,which world are you living in?Khukri is the traditional close quarter terror weapon.Do you think assam regiment and naga regiment fight with spears?Nagas were headhunters a couple of generations ago,you really want to revisit that gory spectacle on the poor miahs?
What I feel is as soon as the govt accepts the idea of plebiscite , india would go up in flames....people will be on streets..army will topple the govt and will wreak havoc in kashmir in the absence of govt in Delhi....lakhs of hindus ftom across india will take up arms and run wild in kashmirThings will settle only when some other political party forms govt...this idea of plebiscite is neither practical nor feasible.
That is a damning indictment of the bigotry, hate & war-mongering prevalent in India.

Even outside of the J&K dispute, you and Padamchen have painted an abysmally horrific image of what India has become, or perhaps always was. It is an image that argues AGAINST any kind of engagement with an India and Indians that adhere to the ideology you outlined.
Spears ,which world are you living in?Khukri is the traditional close quarter terror weapon.Do you think assam regiment and naga regiment fight with spears?

They will soon run out of weapons and ammunition as no-one can or will supply them and they will be hemmed in by BD and China. China gets S Tibet in my possible solution which I know Indian Hindus will never accept, even if to permanently get rid of Muslims from their country.

If you do not accept my proposed solution just say so but saying the tribals have any chance in a full on war with BA is ridiculous.
In a thread here on pdf pakistanis are rejoicing the killing of indian soldiers by what they call mujahideens. One poster was suggesting that if india agrees for a plebiscite and let go of kashmiris all this violence will end and both countries can have economic progress .
I know there is no way it can happen..but just for hypothesis..what would happen if in future congress or any non bjp party agrees to such proposal?
What I feel is as soon as the govt accepts the idea of plebiscite , india would go up in flames....people will be on streets..army will topple the govt and will wreak havoc in kashmir in the absence of govt in Delhi....lakhs of hindus ftom across india will take up arms and run wild in kashmirThings will settle only when some other political party forms govt...this idea of plebiscite is neither practical nor feasible.
The only solution to this problem is agreeing to have LOC as international border or for pakistan to become so strong that it could defeat india in a war and take kashmir.. but the problem here is india is a nuclear power...if it senses that it is losing kashnir, it will use its nuclear weapons...
Another solution is that india should become so powerful that it can guard its borders from infiltrators with advanced technology.
Or else india should open its markets for pakistan so that pakistan also benefits from it and it can boost its economy...when you have your economy dependent on another country ,its not so easy to indulge in activities that harm that country.
I feel this last idea of mine that is opening up trade with pakistan(which Imran khan also advocates) is the most realistic approach to solve this problem...it also alleviates the ill feelings of people for each other.
What do you think guys?

Its a myth that India will go up in flames due to agreeing to plebiscite created by the people who don't want the solution. Of course there will be some reaction but how public opinion is moulded and created by the government well in advance and some ground work needs to be done before hand. I have got 18 Indians working under me apart from the similar number of whites and we do have healthy discussions when I get invite for some family functions etc. There are many reasons some of them don't agree for ceding Kashmir to Pakistan and mostly to do with having some important holy sites of Hinduism located their. But there are half of them strong headed who are willing to listen to the voices of reason and for the sake of peace and prosperity are not hostile to letting Kashmir to join Pakistan especially who came from the Indian cites. So lets not presume all of India is against the peace and stability in the south east Asia its the media who is fuelling the fire but can so easily be changed into positive narrative if the will is there and sane leaders are at the top. But does India wants peace that's the question is?
All so far India is indulging into point scoring and planting the stories its PA who is the obstacle or so called stories of terrorism, keeping LOC hot and using our economy and painting it dire and behaving like India is some messiah. We all have got problems and issues but it doesn't stops us being mature and address the issue at hand and let Kashmiri's decide their own future. All Kashmir is being used to win elections in India which is hardly a sensible voices and shows the quality of leaders in India.
So are you gonna send "tribals" to any country whose citizen demand freedom ? Taiwan, Hongkong, Xinjiang, Syria, Catalonia, Georgia, Moldova, Kurds, Myanmar ????
Also the King had to cede to India because of your actions. And you thought forcefully capturing it was the solution.
The Indian government is on record in official diplomatic communications with Pakistan, rejecting the accession of the Princely State of Junagadh to Pakistan. The accession occurred on September 15th 1947. The Indian government officially authorized a military blockade of Junagadh on September 17th 1947, fomenting unrest and violence there, recognized an illegal government in absentia in Delhi and eventually militarily occupied the territory (the latter occurred in November 1947 but the remaining steps were in September).

On what basis then did India expect Pakistan to accept the J&K Maharajah's accession to India at the end of October 1947, especially when he was in the process of not just finishing the massacre of 200,000 Muslims in Jammu, but planning on expanding that pogrom to other Muslim majority areas in J&K?
It is sadly the truth.1990 was no RSS conspiracy.

The truth is always more complex. While Kashmiri Pandits were targeted, there is enough evidence to suggest that Jagmohan orchestrated the exodus, for a variety of reasons, most notably his belief that he could not give the armed forces a free hand to deal with separatists in a mixed population. But the appointment of Jagmohan as a governor itself was part of an effort to undermine Farooq Abdullah by Mufti Mohammed Sayeed.

In any case, like any war situation, no party lies without blame. Everyone involved in the state played a part, knowingly or unknowingly, for the unfortunate situation that unfolded. From the governor, to the armed forces, to the militants, to the neighbors.

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