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What happens if any indian govt agrees to cede Kashmir?

They will soon run out of weapons and ammunition as no-one can or will supply them and they will be hemmed in by BD and China. China gets S Tibet in my possible solution which I know Indian Hindus will never accept, even if to permanently get rid of Muslims from their country.

If you do not accept my proposed solution just say so but saying the tribals have any chance in a full on war with BA is ridiculous.

No your first false assumption is india will abandon them.
Second assumption is the tribals(who are actually quite urbanized and ahoms and manipuris are an old civilization and culture)can't go berserk and massacre every miah in their states if they even have the slightest inkling of any threat to their homelands.
And finally the ever ominous mr amit shah is already on the problem.
No your first false assumption is india will abandon them.
Second assumption is the tribals(who are actually quite urbanized and ahoms and manipuris are an old civilization and culture)can't go berserk and massacre every miah in their states if they even have the slightest inkling of any threat to their homelands.
And finally the ever ominous mr amit shah is already on the problem.

Well then India has not agreed to this and so it never happens.

Thank you for accepting that tribals cannot take on a modern army of a modern state.
The truth is always more complex. While Kashmiri Pandits were targeted, there is enough evidence to suggest that Jagmohan orchestrated the exodus, for a variety of reasons, most notably his belief that he could not give the armed forces a free hand to deal with separatists in a mixed population. But the appointment of Jagmohan as a governor itself was part of an effort to undermine Farooq Abdullah by Mufti Mohammed Sayeed.

In any case, like any war situation, no party lies without blame. Everyone involved in the state played a part, knowingly or unknowingly, for the unfortunate situation that unfolded. From the governor, to the armed forces, to the militants, to the neighbors.

Agree partly.
But this should never have happened in democratic India.

Well then Indian has not agreed to this and so it never happens.

Thank you for accepting that tribals cannot take on a modern army of a modern state.

You are not a modern state,yet.It has one big city.Your army is a border security force,afraid of myanmar.
Guys why WB and NE will join BD? Never ever I heard of any one including muslims of joining BD. NE people hate you guys which you can't think off.

LOL. The less they have in the hand (and subconcious/complex regarding the future), the more they dream/bray/chirp in the birdbrain brainstorms.
Agree partly.
But this should never have happened in democratic India.

The real question you should be asking is that why did successive Indian governments, including the BJP, never do anything for the Pandits?

The general societal malaise and bureaucratic reluctance is obviously one reason, but I suspect that the ongoing condition of the Pandits suited all political parties to further their narrative.
You are not a modern state,yet.It has one big city.Your army is a border security force,afraid of myanmar.

Far more modern than India by the standards of civility.

You obviously have never been to BD recently to see how much it has developed in the last 20 years. Carry on with your delusions if it it makes you feel better at your state after 72 years of independence.
This is why BD section is the most trolled section in PDF...

Yes...they also have uncanny ability to troll themselves and drive even each other away :rofl:. They perform atrociously in socioeconomics wherever they go for this very reason (and have no magic-stronk "95% win" govt numbers to shield reality). A very lousy set of people.
There will be no peace. Pakistan will pick up some other issue. The military-mullah complex won't let peace happen. And they have enough cannon fodder in Pakistan which believes in Ghazwa e Hind and raising flag at red fort etc. They won't stop at Kashmir. You can see it on this forum too.
Purely my reading of the tea leaves, but until a couple of years ago, I suspect India would have won a free and fair plebiscite in the Indian part of J&K.
I agree with you.

The Indian government took a situation that was under control, where it could have continued winning over more and more of the Kashmiris, and drove people away with its own heavy handed tactics, and the recent actions (370 revocation etc) have only solidified that.

There is a deep, festering malaise in India, that has dehumanized a particular community to the extent that you'd likely have a significant number of Indians cheering an outright genocide of Kashmiri Muslims right now, were the BJP government to officially and publicly announce it.

There will be no peace. Pakistan will pick up some other issue. The military-mullah complex won't let peace happen. And they have enough cannon fodder in Pakistan which believes in Ghazwa e Hind and raising flag at red fort etc. They won't stop at Kashmir. You can see it on this forum too.
You've got it arse backwards - Pakistanis don't elect and re-elect religious/ideological bigots and extremists to power - Indians do.
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There will be no peace. Pakistan will pick up some other issue. The military-mullah complex won't let peace happen. And they have enough cannon fodder in Pakistan which believes in Ghazwa e Hind and raising flag at red fort etc. They won't stop at Kashmir. You can see it on this forum too.

There will be no peace. India will pick up some other issue. The hindu-baniya complex won't let peace happen. And they have enough cannon fodder in India which believes in Akhand Bharat and drinking cow ka cola in Lahore etc. They won't stop at Kashmir. You can see it on this forum too.
You've got it arse backwards - Pakistanis don't elect and re-elect religious/ideological bigots and extremists to power - Indians do.

Pakistanis don't need to. You are not a secular state. You are already a constitutionally theocratic society with hardly any minorities. India on the other hand is secular state with a large Muslim minority. When the majority feels threatened or marginalised by the certain political party (Congress), they vote for the other side (BJP).

By the way,all said and done about the BJP they have never tried to change the secular nature of the Indian constitution. When is any of your so called tolerant political parties going to try to allow a Hindu to become a PM in Pakistan legally ? or allow an Ahmedi to call himself a Muslim legally ?

Also, for the most part in Indian post independence history the secular congress has ruled India, BJP's rule has been a blip.
Self determination movements all over what would remain of India will begin.

Good that way instead of being a jailhouse for sub nationalities.

If most people want to separate, they should have the option.

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