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What happens if any indian govt agrees to cede Kashmir?

we don't have any problem on our side so nothing good for Pakistan by accepting loc as border so we will never going to do that and the other way to get iok is by use of force yes if one day we become strong enough to capture srinagar and the surrounding areas,it will be enough .india using nuclear weapons in return lol this is a joke
Interesting to note that you are peddling this.
Joe called this guy a non Sanghi. lol.

Repeat after me - every Hindu is ...
They dont want to go back,they dont trust the kashmiri muslims anymore.There properties were largely taken over.
May be because they hate Muslims?

And the exodus was planned by India and Jagmohan.
Self determination movements all over what would remain of India will begin.

Good that way instead of being a jailhouse for sub nationalities.

If most people want to separate, they should have the option.
Not most people but only some ,it's the story around the world.
I agree with you.

The Indian government took a situation that was under control, where it could have continued winning over more and more of the Kashmiris, and drove people away with its own heavy handed tactics, and the recent actions (370 revocation etc) have only solidified that.

There is a deep, fesgtering malaise in India, that has dehumanized a particular community to the extent that you'd likely have a significant number of Indians cheering an outright genocide of Kashmiri Muslims right now, were the BJP government to officially and publicly announce it.

Correct. More importantly, younger Kashmiris were moving to other parts of India for meaningful employment, in the private sector. The more integrated they became with the rest of India, the less their desire to break ties with it.

The BJP basically shut the door.
India on the other hand is secular state with a large Muslim minority. When the majority feels threatened or marginalised by the certain political party (Congress), they vote for the other side (BJP).

By the way,all said and done about the BJP they have never tried to change the secular nature of the Indian constitution.

Ohh really, then why so much noise? And don't bs like Pakistan has billions to waste it on for a propaganda against India.

By the way,all said and done about the BJP they have never tried to change the secular nature of the Indian constitution. When is any of your so called tolerant political parties going to try to allow a Hindu to become a PM in Pakistan legally ?

When was the last time in India there was a muslim PM in its 71 years of democracy?(and yes we didn't have 71 years of democracy). And yes I am talking about PM who has power in your form of government and not the president. No ones cares a bit about president. We could create a sham illusion of "equal prime ministerial opportunity for every one" like you do, but we are principled state.

As Gen Asif Ghafoor once said: Don't try to dictate us, what we should become. We know what we are, and on the very least you should try to really become what you propagate to be.
How about both Pakistan and India and China letting the Kashmiris choose? Why can't Kashmir be independent nation where Hindus, Muslims and Budhist live side by side? An independent Kashmir can then have good relations with both Pakistan and India.
That is to be chosen by Kashmiris in plebiscite.
There is only one outcome to the subcontinents future, a nuclear wasteland, the sooner you realise this the better, there will never be peace between us only war.

If we won't be puking our intestines from our mouths than our children would most likely will.
In a thread here on pdf pakistanis are rejoicing the killing of indian soldiers by what they call mujahideens. One poster was suggesting that if india agrees for a plebiscite and let go of kashmiris all this violence will end and both countries can have economic progress .
I know there is no way it can happen..but just for hypothesis..what would happen if in future congress or any non bjp party agrees to such proposal?
What I feel is as soon as the govt accepts the idea of plebiscite , india would go up in flames....people will be on streets..army will topple the govt and will wreak havoc in kashmir in the absence of govt in Delhi....lakhs of hindus ftom across india will take up arms and run wild in kashmirThings will settle only when some other political party forms govt...this idea of plebiscite is neither practical nor feasible.
The only solution to this problem is agreeing to have LOC as international border or for pakistan to become so strong that it could defeat india in a war and take kashmir.. but the problem here is india is a nuclear power...if it senses that it is losing kashnir, it will use its nuclear weapons...
Another solution is that india should become so powerful that it can guard its borders from infiltrators with advanced technology.
Or else india should open its markets for pakistan so that pakistan also benefits from it and it can boost its economy...when you have your economy dependent on another country ,its not so easy to indulge in activities that harm that country.
I feel this last idea of mine that is opening up trade with pakistan(which Imran khan also advocates) is the most realistic approach to solve this problem...it also alleviates the ill feelings of people for each other.
What do you think guys?

You forget that Pakistan too is a nuclear power.

india has nothing that it can offer Pakistan economically. We have an iron clad relationship with China who is set to become the world biggest economy and a global hyper power in a few years. We can get everything we need from them. india is not even in the picture.
That is a damning indictment of the bigotry, hate & war-mongering prevalent in India.

Even outside of the J&K dispute, you and Padamchen have painted an abysmally horrific image of what India has become, or perhaps always was. It is an image that argues AGAINST any kind of engagement with an India and Indians that adhere to the ideology you outlined.

Even though he is a sanghi shill and used the thread to take a sideswipe at the Congress, his scenario mirrored the one I described on the other thread.

Near word for word.

And they came in quick succession so there was zero possibility of one parroting another's lines.

You and @notorious_eagle are therefore at least getting the honest though prejudiced views of Indian thinkers from the diametric opposite poles of Indian political and social ideology.

Aside from some Indian Muslims on this forum (no surprise) and guys like Joe, you are facing a united India on Kashmir.
Thanks for this thread. It shows intelligence on the part of OP to consider this. There is so much fear of Pakistan in India. You need to visit us and see why anyone who’s ever visited Pakistan (maybe other than Christine Fair) cannot stop talking about the hospitality, food, the beauty. There is much more to Pakistan than what you see in any media (western or Indian), certainly more than the other thread celebrating the death of Indian soldiers.

If you are a reasonable person, you will be disgusted by the lynching of Muslims or oppression of Muslims of Lower Socioeconomic status being done by Hindus. When I consider the opposite, a Muslim oppressing Hindus, I would be appalled by it also and fight against it as it’s taught in my religion. Many of us feel that Modi/Amit Shah/Doval are trying to pacify us, acting like the oppressive Hindu. We as a nation will die before we accept it - this is a fact. If you slap us, we will slap back, no matter if your are 7 times our size.

Pakistani’s feel a connection to any Muslim cause and Kashmir is our first cause. It’s people, by in large, love us. Just be honest and look at the number of Pakistan flags at the freedom fighters funerals. Compare it to the funeral of the police officer who died recently in Handwara. They are crying for freedom.

India is the bigger country, If they take steps towards Pakistan such as easing restrictions on Kashmiris, Pakistan will talk to them.

Maximalist views of u taking GB/AjK or us taking all of Jummu and Ladakh would not be acceptable. Either way, there seems to be at least 50 percent support for India in those parts. I suspect the best course would be autonomy for the valley with CBM’s and getting rid of borders between AJK and the valley in that part. I feel for the Pandits who were forced to move - a friend of mine is a Kashmiri Hindu girl who’s family was forced to move - and am sure the local Kashmiris would want these people of the soil to come back as opposed to the occupying soldiers there. This is something that would need to be done by the BJP government or some right wing government which had a majority. The government of India can control the media. Start by stopping demonization of Pakistanis and Muslims. The Indian people will be much more able to visit an autonomous Valley than what we have had the last 30 years. There will be more trade between us and people to people contacts. I don’t understand why the Indian people would oppose it.

This article 370 business sounded great the day it was passed, but as many here suggested - as time passes it will be what chokes India in the end. It’s breeding a hatred in the hearts of Kashmiris like nothing we could do to achieve it. There’s no place to go other than full genocide or pull back from the madness. If you need 1 soldiers per nine humans (men women children) what are you holding?

I am sure you will bring up Kargil and we will bring up Siachen. It’s ongoing. Let the people of Kashmir decide their fate. No one in Pakistan wants the Pakistani flag to fly overNew Delhi, neither are we able to achieve that. In India you will find those who want an Akhand bharat which includes all of Pakistan - some in government. The intelligent ones in your side will know it’s not achievable for you either - unfortunately not too may of those. What do you think is the alternative?

Thanks again for this thread.
I wasn't very good at "fill in the blanks" type of questions.

The degree of it may vary.

But the pre-requisites are already unfortunately there.

This may be because of the inherent discirminatory hierarchy they follow. I can only speculate.
Thanks for this thread. It shows intelligence on the part of OP to consider this. There is so much fear of Pakistan in India. You need to visit us and see why anyone who’s ever visited Pakistan (maybe other than Christine Fair) cannot stop talking about the hospitality, food, the beauty. There is much more to Pakistan than what you see in any media (western or Indian), certainly more than the other thread celebrating the death of Indian soldiers.

If you are a reasonable person, you will be disgusted by the lynching of Muslims or oppression of Muslims of Lower Socioeconomic status being done by Hindus. When I consider the opposite, a Muslim oppressing Hindus, I would be appalled by it also and fight against it as it’s taught in my religion. Many of us feel that Modi/Amit Shah/Doval are trying to pacify us, acting like the oppressive Hindu. We as a nation will die before we accept it - this is a fact. If you slap us, we will slap back, no matter if your are 7 times our size.

Pakistani’s feel a connection to any Muslim cause and Kashmir is our first cause. It’s people, by in large, love us. Just be honest and look at the number of Pakistan flags at the freedom fighters funerals. Compare it to the funeral of the police officer who died recently in Handwara. They are crying for freedom.

India is the bigger country, If they take steps towards Pakistan such as easing restrictions on Kashmiris, Pakistan will talk to them.

Maximalist views of u taking GB/AjK or us taking all of Jummu and Ladakh would not be acceptable. Either way, there seems to be at least 50 percent support for India in those parts. I suspect the best course would be autonomy for the valley with CBM’s and getting rid of borders between AJK and the valley in that part. I feel for the Pandits who were forced to move - a friend of mine is a Kashmiri Hindu girl who’s family was forced to move - and am sure the local Kashmiris would want these people of the soil to come back as opposed to the occupying soldiers there. This is something that would need to be done by the BJP government or some right wing government which had a majority. The government of India can control the media. Start by stopping demonization of Pakistanis and Muslims. The Indian people will be much more able to visit an autonomous Valley than what we have had the last 30 years. There will be more trade between us and people to people contacts. I don’t understand why the Indian people would oppose it.

This article 370 business sounded great the day it was passed, but as many here suggested - as time passes it will be what chokes India in the end. It’s breeding a hatred in the hearts of Kashmiris like nothing we could do to achieve it. There’s no place to go other than full genocide or pull back from the madness. If you need 1 soldiers per nine humans (men women children) what are you holding?

I am sure you will bring up Kargil and we will bring up Siachen. It’s ongoing. Let the people of Kashmir decide their fate. No one in Pakistan wants the Pakistani flag to fly overNew Delhi, neither are we able to achieve that. In India you will find those who want an Akhand bharat which includes all of Pakistan - some in government. The intelligent ones in your side will know it’s not achievable for you either - unfortunately not too may of those. What do you think is the alternative?

Thanks again for this thread.

Thanks for your post from the heart.

I've been here 10+ years.

Such a post would never have come or been possible from a Pakistani 10 years ago. The tone then was a lot more aggressive and triumphant. Revelling in the kind of mayhem the cross border terrorists were causing.

There was a while phase when the management here resorted to doctoring of the narrative , of titles of media feeds even that were open source, and it became a rule to call these terrorists not jihadis, not fidayeen, but militants.

They tried to push freedom fighters down our throats too. You can well imagine any Indian doing that ...

So if we have posts like this from the Pakistani side now it's good.

It's churlish admittedly but its realism to acknowledge that such behavior modification comes not from a change in heart but from the steps we've taken coupled with the change in circumstances at your end.

In 2009 there used to be a buzzword. Oldies from your side could attest.

Dehyphenation of India-Pakistan.

That is now complete.
There will be no peace. Pakistan will pick up some other issue. The military-mullah complex won't let peace happen. And they have enough cannon fodder in Pakistan which believes in Ghazwa e Hind and raising flag at red fort etc. They won't stop at Kashmir. You can see it on this forum too.
To be honest i have completely forgotten abt this gazwa e hind thing..thanks that you reminded...you can see scores of pakistani mullahs on youtube ranting about gazwa e hind....they have this ambition of taking over india and flying pakistani flag on redfort..thanks for reminding me...even if we agree to give kashmir tomorrow they will raise some other issue...
You remember this ad?reflective of paks ambitions of taking over india
There is no solution in sight until pakistan prospers economically and people become literates....
To be honest i have completely forgotten abt this gazwa e hind thing..thanks that you reminded...you can see scores of pakistani mullahs on youtube ranting about gazwa e hind....they have this ambition of taking over india and flying pakistani flag on redfort..thanks for reminding me...even if we agree to give kashmir tomorrow they will raise some other issue...
You remember this ad?reflective of paks ambitions of taking over india
There is no solution in sight as long as pakistan prospers economically and people become literates....so

Cute video.

Always start them young.

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