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What happens if any indian govt agrees to cede Kashmir?

In a thread here on pdf pakistanis are rejoicing the killing of indian soldiers by what they call mujahideens. One poster was suggesting that if india agrees for a plebiscite and let go of kashmiris all this violence will end and both countries can have economic progress .
I know there is no way it can happen..but just for hypothesis..what would happen if in future congress or any non bjp party agrees to such proposal?
What I feel is as soon as the govt accepts the idea of plebiscite , india would go up in flames....people will be on streets..army will topple the govt and will wreak havoc in kashmir in the absence of govt in Delhi....lakhs of hindus ftom across india will take up arms and run wild in kashmirThings will settle only when some other political party forms govt...this idea of plebiscite is neither practical nor feasible.
The only solution to this problem is agreeing to have LOC as international border or for pakistan to become so strong that it could defeat india in a war and take kashmir.. but the problem here is india is a nuclear power...if it senses that it is losing kashnir, it will use its nuclear weapons...
Another solution is that india should become so powerful that it can guard its borders from infiltrators with advanced technology.
Or else india should open its markets for pakistan so that pakistan also benefits from it and it can boost its economy...when you have your economy dependent on another country ,its not so easy to indulge in activities that harm that country.
I feel this last idea of mine that is opening up trade with pakistan(which Imran khan also advocates) is the most realistic approach to solve this problem...it also alleviates the ill feelings of people for each other.
What do you think guys?
far FAR too late for a plebiscite buddy...now we're putting new delhi in the cross hairs...hindutva must be eliminated from its wretched nazi sanghi roots!
far FAR too late for a plebiscite buddy...now we're putting new delhi in the cross hairs...hindutva must be eliminated from its wretched nazi sanghi roots!


It's way too late now.

It's way too late now.
I think you missed the true message so I'll make ur abundantly clear...its way too late for india to get a face saving way out thru a plebiscite, india will be thrown out of not just iok, but also new delhi. don't forget...ghazwa e hind & the indian leadership dragged our in chains. ;)
I think you missed the true message so I'll make ur abundantly clear...its way too late for india to get a face saving way out thru a plebiscite, india will be thrown out of not just iok, but also new delhi. don't forget...ghazwa e hind & the indian leadership dragged our in chains. ;)

I agree plebiscite is not on the table any longer and war is looming.

Plebiscite was never on the table during and beyond my generation.

It's a very old UN vestige that's been left untouched because the effort to remove it did not fit into anyone's calculus.
I agree plebiscite is not on the table any longer and war is looming.
Naah, it won't be a war since the indian military is m demoralized & overstretched...it"ll be a cake walk for us.
Naah, it won't be a war since the indian military is m demoralized & overstretched...it"ll be a cake walk for us.

I agree that plebiscite is not on the table and has not been on the table for decades now.
I agree that plebiscite is not on the table and has not been on the table for decades now.
you'll also agree that india is in no position to offer a plebiscite anymore...india's fate is sealed. bringing the plebiscite to the table won't save her impending demise & dismemberment...
you'll also agree that india is in no position to offer a plebiscite anymore...india's fate is sealed. bringing the plebiscite to the table won't save her impending demise & dismemberment...


I for some reason have not paid attention to your posts up until now.

That will now be rectified.


I 500% agree that India is in no position to offer a plebiscite anymore.

It has not been in a position for decades.

I for some reason have not paid attention to your posts up until now.

That will now be rectified.


I 500% agree that India is in no position to offer a plebiscite anymore.

It has not been in a position for decades.
then you'll 1000% agree that india's days are numbered & her dismemberment is imminent...
In a thread here on pdf pakistanis are rejoicing the killing of indian soldiers by what they call mujahideens. One poster was suggesting that if india agrees for a plebiscite and let go of kashmiris all this violence will end and both countries can have economic progress .
I know there is no way it can happen..but just for hypothesis..what would happen if in future congress or any non bjp party agrees to such proposal?
What I feel is as soon as the govt accepts the idea of plebiscite , india would go up in flames....people will be on streets..army will topple the govt and will wreak havoc in kashmir in the absence of govt in Delhi....lakhs of hindus ftom across india will take up arms and run wild in kashmirThings will settle only when some other political party forms govt...this idea of plebiscite is neither practical nor feasible.
The only solution to this problem is agreeing to have LOC as international border or for pakistan to become so strong that it could defeat india in a war and take kashmir.. but the problem here is india is a nuclear power...if it senses that it is losing kashnir, it will use its nuclear weapons...
Another solution is that india should become so powerful that it can guard its borders from infiltrators with advanced technology.
Or else india should open its markets for pakistan so that pakistan also benefits from it and it can boost its economy...when you have your economy dependent on another country ,its not so easy to indulge in activities that harm that country.
I feel this last idea of mine that is opening up trade with pakistan(which Imran khan also advocates) is the most realistic approach to solve this problem...it also alleviates the ill feelings of people for each other.
What do you think guys?

Why do you think the decision will be taken by a party other than BJP. Congress was in power for so many years. It never took that decision. Janata party in the 1970s did not think of taking that decision. Such decisions are not taken because of such incidents.
then you'll 1000% agree that india's days are numbered & her dismemberment is imminent...

I agree that you will keep trying.

Why do you think the decision will be taken by a party other than BJP. Congress was in power for so many years. It never took that decision. Janata party in the 1970s did not think of taking that decision. Such decisions are not taken because of such incidents.

He's a sanghi.

If there is a bad smell somewhere in India it was because Nehru farted. And it lingers.

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