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What happens if any indian govt agrees to cede Kashmir?

Oh goody...bottoms up on the gow muttar tonic! that'll cure what ails ya!:enjoy:

We call in taro.

And it's of a special Persian breed of pure albino bulls.

@Maarkhoor that thread of yours was a classic man. Coincidentally is Ramzan again. Can you post a link of it here please?
aage aatī thī hāl-e-dil pe hañsī

ab kisī baat par nahīñ aatī
Arre the one of the magnificent Pakistani breeds of bulls going into lakhs of rupees.
Covid-19 ney bohat buri tarah se lagha rakhi hai...

Pray....even to Ahura Mazda....I don't care...

But I will do qurbani in coming eid ul adha....
Varasyo is my favorite for that.
drink more... coronavirus cure!

We get it from the dasturji in small plastic bottles.

To sprinkle around the home (corners) when someone passes away.

Of its siipped when we have our Navjote (investiture thread ceremony into our ancient faith).

Or when we get married.

Or after the prayers when the dead body of a deceased is carried into the tower of silence.

Covid-19 ney bohat buri tarah se lagha rakhi hai...

Pray....even to Ahura Mazda....I don't care...

But I will do qurbani in coming eid ul adha....
Varasyo is my favorite for that.


And where will you get Varasyu from jaani.

Kulbhushan chacha? :lol:
We get it from the dasturji in small plastic bottles.

To sprinkle around the home (corners) when someone passes away.

Of its siipped when we have our Navjote (investiture thread ceremony into our ancient faith).

Or when we get married.

Or after the prayers when the dead body of a deceased is carried into the tower of silence.


And where will you get Varasyu from jaani.

Kulbhushan chacha? :lol:
have fun!
have fun!

Waiting to have fun.

My first promise (oath) when normalcy returns is to do a solo or two guy bike tour (15-21 days) through Kashmir (leh and Spiti etc are done and dusted multiple times).

I want to start a thread here with photos of the whole state It's nature. It's people. It's old temples. And dargahs. Orchards. And mountains, mountains, mountains.

I want our Pakistani brothers to share in it. Because it is part of their legacy and heritage as well.

Without malice.

@VCheng (biker boy) @I.R.A (mountain boy)
OP asked question to Indian like " If we will play cricket at moon then who will be caption".

The simple answer is that "we can't play cricket at moon, when the situation will come after a hundreds of year then might question will be eligible".

The same way goes to kashmir... if any minister or government will even think to compromise on kashmir then we will send those people by rocket to moon... WO BHI FREE. :-):-):-)
Waiting to have fun.

My first promise (oath) when normalcy returns is to do a solo or two guy bike tour (15-21 days) through Kashmir (leh and Spiti etc are done and dusted multiple times).

I want to start a thread here with photos of the whole state It's nature. It's people. It's old temples. And dargahs. Orchards. And mountains, mountains, mountains.

I want our Pakistani brothers to share in it. Because it is part of their legacy and heritage as well.

Without malice.

@VCheng (biker boy) @I.R.A (mountain boy)

Start the thread please. I have numerous pics of Jammu and Kashmir which I will post :)
In a thread here on pdf pakistanis are rejoicing the killing of indian soldiers by what they call mujahideens. One poster was suggesting that if india agrees for a plebiscite and let go of kashmiris all this violence will end and both countries can have economic progress .
I know there is no way it can happen..but just for hypothesis..what would happen if in future congress or any non bjp party agrees to such proposal?
What I feel is as soon as the govt accepts the idea of plebiscite , india would go up in flames....people will be on streets..army will topple the govt and will wreak havoc in kashmir in the absence of govt in Delhi....lakhs of hindus ftom across india will take up arms and run wild in kashmirThings will settle only when some other political party forms govt...this idea of plebiscite is neither practical nor feasible.
The only solution to this problem is agreeing to have LOC as international border or for pakistan to become so strong that it could defeat india in a war and take kashmir.. but the problem here is india is a nuclear power...if it senses that it is losing kashnir, it will use its nuclear weapons...
Another solution is that india should become so powerful that it can guard its borders from infiltrators with advanced technology.
Or else india should open its markets for pakistan so that pakistan also benefits from it and it can boost its economy...when you have your economy dependent on another country ,its not so easy to indulge in activities that harm that country.
I feel this last idea of mine that is opening up trade with pakistan(which Imran khan also advocates) is the most realistic approach to solve this problem...it also alleviates the ill feelings of people for each other.
What do you think guys?

Nothing of the sort can happen, it needs to be managed carefully. If a situation was ever to arise, the first thing that should happen is that a UN peacekeeping force should be deployed in both AJK and IoK. After that the militaries of both countries should slowly remove themselves from LoC and other bases. Local police should be integrated and coordinated with the UN police keeping force.

Then preperations for a referendum should begin. Before any vote;
  • Anyone who has had to flee Kashmir since partition (including pandits etc) should be registered as Kashmiri citizens. There should be a throrough vetting process and both India, Pakistan, Kashmiri leaders and independent arbitrators should be involved in the vetting process. This should include people overseas and the descendants of Kashmiris.
  • The voting should be monitored, each polling station should have independent people to check against voting iregularities. People should be able to verify their votes using technology.
  • Once the vote comes in the results should be analysed on a village to village basis. Every effort should be made to ensure that only people that want to be Pakistani should become so, and only those who want to be Indian should do so - there should not be tyranny of the 51% over the 49% like scenarios.
  • Based on the results, a new border should be agreed and a second referendum held to ratify the decision.

How appalled are you when an Ahmedi cannot even say salam alaikum in Pakistan.

Yes they can. anyone can say that.
Start the thread please. I have numerous pics of Jammu and Kashmir which I will post :)

Mam mine are always raw and grungy as we tend to be on the road.

No fancy hotels.

A bikers' hotel room after a hard day's ride has to be seen, smelled and experienced! Lol

This is Yumthang, short of Zero Point, in north Sikkim, on our border with the Chinese ...


Thats gear drenched in subzero waters, drying out.
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