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What happens if any indian govt agrees to cede Kashmir?

Nothing of the sort can happen, it needs to be managed carefully. If a situation was ever to arise, the first thing that should happen is that a UN peacekeeping force should be deployed in both AJK and IoK. After that the militaries of both countries should slowly remove themselves from LoC and other bases. Local police should be integrated and coordinated with the UN police keeping force.

Then preperations for a referendum should begin. Before any vote;
  • Anyone who has had to flee Kashmir since partition (including pandits etc) should be registered as Kashmiri citizens. There should be a throrough vetting process and both India, Pakistan, Kashmiri leaders and independent arbitrators should be involved in the vetting process. This should include people overseas and the descendants of Kashmiris.
  • The voting should be monitored, each polling station should have independent people to check against voting iregularities. People should be able to verify their votes using technology.
  • Once the vote comes in the results should be analysed on a village to village basis. Every effort should be made to ensure that only people that want to be Pakistani should become so, and only those who want to be Indian should do so - there should not be tyranny of the 51% over the 49% like scenarios.
  • Based on the results, a new border should be agreed and a second referendum held to ratify the decision.

Yes they can. anyone can say that.

Let me very honest:

It is not possible. No, goverment wants to loose their part of lands. So the same reason Pakistan goverment never talk for UN resolution in PAk kashmir including gilgit-baltistan.

Also, Indian goverment does not accept UN resolution in Indian J&K and even third party mediator between Pak and India.

If anyone talk about UN resolution then it apply to J & K including PAK kashmir and gilgit-baltistan.

There is only one solution to make LOC a permanent border. Rest are just BS, we are at the same place after 70 years and will be at same place after many years if we do not accept the reality.


Anyone (India or Pakistan) if get the Aladdin ka chirag then wipe out other country by not loosing anything.
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Let me very honest:

It is not possible. No, goverment wants to loose their part of lands. So the same reason Pakistan goverment never talk for UN resolution in PAk kashmir including gilgit-baltistan.

Also, Indian goverment does not accept UN resolution in Indian J&K and even third party mediator between Pak and India.

If anyone talk about UN resolution then it apply to J & K including PAK kashmir and gilgit-baltistan.

There is only one solution to make LOC a permanent border. Rest are just BS, we are at the same place after 70 years and will be at same place after many years if we do not accept the reality.


Anyone country get any Aladdin ka chirag and wipe out other country by not loosing anything.

If this solution were so easy, someone would have made it work by now.

We desis are a brainy bunch (for the most part, regional differences notwithstanding).

Socho kyun nahin kiya ab tak.
Waiting to have fun.

My first promise (oath) when normalcy returns is to do a solo or two guy bike tour (15-21 days) through Kashmir (leh and Spiti etc are done and dusted multiple times).

I want to start a thread here with photos of the whole state It's nature. It's people. It's old temples. And dargahs. Orchards. And mountains, mountains, mountains.

I want our Pakistani brothers to share in it. Because it is part of their legacy and heritage as well.

Without malice.

@VCheng (biker boy) @I.R.A (mountain boy)
But we may not allow you into what was once iok...so don't hold your breath.
The only solution to Kashmir is war and a swift one from both sides
Pakistan and from with in Kashmir

it need to be swift and cut off all indian roads leading to Kashmir
Then full scale cleanup operation of rats

army should then focus on new border with India and Kashmir people need to do the clean up operation and clear indications of if surrender these rats will be send back to their country or cases open on them for brutality they did in Kashmir

quick missile attack on all incoming roads from Indian side and then paratroopers in with full scale opening of loc
Jaani newsflash.

Parsi girls (real or fantasy) do not keep ready stock of varasyu bulls in their backyard.

Lols she told me about Bull p@ss cola and ceremony....

We played lot of hide and seek and we both hide together and other can't find us for hours :lol:
Lols she told me about Bull p@ss cola and ceremony....

We played lot of hide and seek and we both hide together and other can't find us for hours :lol:

Bhai I hope you are happily married now with a nice Muslimah and started a cricket team.

This hide n seek of childhood is something common to many guys still living with parents. Unmarried.
Bhai I hope you are happily married now with a nice Muslimah and started a cricket team.

This hide n seek of childhood is something common to many guys still living with parents. Unmarried.
Yes I am married now and off course with not that Parsi girl though I wish now.
The only solution to Kashmir is war and a swift one from both sides
Pakistan and from with in Kashmir

it need to be swift and cut off all indian roads leading to Kashmir
Then full scale cleanup operation of rats

army should then focus on new border with India and Kashmir people need to do the clean up operation and clear indications of if surrender these rats will be send back to their country or cases open on them for brutality they did in Kashmir

quick missile attack on all incoming roads from Indian side and then paratroopers in with full scale opening of loc

The story to me seems as like 1965 but you know the output!
Lol 1965 was different now it’s different
Locals are against Indian army lol

Does not matter! only Kashmir but not in Jammu and ladakh.

Even a 1 KM is not possible to get by now! forget about Kashmir!

I say about both country, neither india has capability to get Pak parts nor Pakistan. It will not limit to only kashmir... Gujrat, Rajsthan, Punjab and Kashmir - all border will be opened, specially if Pakistan will try to get Indian Kashmir.
Does not matter! only Kashmir but not in Jammu and ladakh.

Even a 1 KM is not possible to get by now! forget about Kashmir!

I say about both country, neither india has capability to get Pak parts nor Pakistan. It will not limit to only kashmir... Gujrat, Rajsthan, Punjab and Kashmir - all border will be opened, specially if Pakistan will try to get Indian Kashmir.

Let them open up
Who you trying to scare off here
If Kashmiri people can’t live freely then no one should in India as well
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