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What happens if any indian govt agrees to cede Kashmir?

Im going this winter.

Get moving.
We already are...take the advice of these poor bastards & stay where you are. 8-)
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If most people want to separate, they should have the option.
Absolutely- Its called migration or applying for another citizenship-Thats your right and rightfully so. Now the Indian constitution gives you the right to move out-But the land called Bharat stays as Bharat.
No worries, we are not afraid of death at all
But if Kashmiri cannot live peacefully then no one in subcontinent at all

I m OK with that, pls inform to Imran Saheb because he is handsome but does scare.

Any day at anytime, pak army is free do adventure in Kashmir... :-), I don't understand, why was wasted 70 years if it is so easy..
Even though he is a sanghi shill and used the thread to take a sideswipe at the Congress, his scenario mirrored the one I described on the other thread.

Near word for word.

And they came in quick succession so there was zero possibility of one parroting another's lines.

You and @notorious_eagle are therefore at least getting the honest though prejudiced views of Indian thinkers from the diametric opposite poles of Indian political and social ideology.

Aside from some Indian Muslims on this forum (no surprise) and guys like Joe, you are facing a united India on Kashmir.
I don't disagree that there are people in India that actually adhere to this point of view.

However, as I said in a previous post, this is largely a deliberate attempt and scaremongering to prevent a wider section of Indians from either expressing their support for India allowing the Kashmiris to vote in a plebiscite or moderating their positions on the issue.
Venture? Pakistan already has domain over 35% of Kashmir.
That time Kashmir was not part of India.. Even Indian army was not in Jammu and Kashmir but pak army even reached to nearby Kashmir valley.

It was achievement of Indian army to control over 65% of j&k when legally integrated with India.

Some part of Kashmir, We lost to China in 1962, that only lost I can see if anyone talk about Indian army performance in last 73 years
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I don't disagree that there are people in India that actually adhere to this point of view.

However, as I said in a previous post, this is largely a deliberate attempt and scaremongering to prevent a wider section of Indians from either expressing their support for India allowing the Kashmiris to vote in a plebiscite or moderating their positions on the issue.

Don't look to PDF for Indian opinion on a plebiscite.

Look at India last August.
This is a hypothetical question, not happening in any possible future, but still interesting…

-“If” Kashmir is handed over to Pakistan, then they will start demanding entire Indian side of Punjab. That's because they can't live with half Kashmir, they can't live with half Punjab either. If the demand is not fulfilled, they will start Sikh Militancy in Punjab (which they actually did once upon a time)

-Let's assume that we handed over Punjab to Pakistan. Then they will start demanding the Muslim majority states of India on the pretext of India being a Hindu Country and Pakistan being a Muslim Country. If the demand is not met, they will start Islamic Militancy in those states.

-Let's assume we even-handed over Muslim majority states of India to Pakistan, then they will demand the rest of India to be amalgamated into Pakistan on the pretext of so-called Ghazwa-e-Hind prophecy. If the demand is not met, they will wage a full-fledged war against India.
I m OK with that, pls inform to Imran Saheb because he is handsome but does scare.

Any day at anytime, pak army is free do adventure in Kashmir... :-), I don't understand, why was wasted 70 years if it is so easy..
It’s started and you will see how it’s done
Daily 5-10 Indian rat army personnel’s are killed by freedom fighters
It’s started and you will see how it’s done
Daily 5-10 Indian rat army personnel’s are killed by freedom fighters

The game is playing by some people in Kashmir since 1989 after Soviet withdrew from Afghanistan.

People are living in safe house across border but sadly, because of them... Kashmiri are suffering.

Kashmiri will not get any benefits but will suffer more!
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Aside from some Indian Muslims on this forum (no surprise) and guys like Joe, you are facing a united India on Kashmir.

The "unity" you cite is deeply related to the anti-Muslim psyche that has engulfed India. It is not related to a principled stand based on nationalism, ethics or morals.
The "unity" you cite is deeply related to the anti-Muslim psyche that has engulfed India. It is not related to a principled stand based on nationalism, ethics or morals.

Most Indian Muslims are radically opposed to Kashmir being with anyone but us. India.

There is a reason I wrote "some Indian Muslims on THIS FORUM"

And let's be honest.

You and Afrazul are not even Indian Muslims anymore.

You are Muslims of Indian origin.
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