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What happens if any indian govt agrees to cede Kashmir?

In a thread here on pdf pakistanis are rejoicing the killing of indian soldiers by what they call mujahideens. One poster was suggesting that if india agrees for a plebiscite and let go of kashmiris all this violence will end and both countries can have economic progress .
I know there is no way it can happen..but just for hypothesis..what would happen if in future congress or any non bjp party agrees to such proposal?
What I feel is as soon as the govt accepts the idea of plebiscite , india would go up in flames....people will be on streets..army will topple the govt and will wreak havoc in kashmir in the absence of govt in Delhi....lakhs of hindus ftom across india will take up arms and run wild in kashmirThings will settle only when some other political party forms govt...this idea of plebiscite is neither practical nor feasible.
The only solution to this problem is agreeing to have LOC as international border or for pakistan to become so strong that it could defeat india in a war and take kashmir.. but the problem here is india is a nuclear power...if it senses that it is losing kashnir, it will use its nuclear weapons...
Another solution is that india should become so powerful that it can guard its borders from infiltrators with advanced technology.
Or else india should open its markets for pakistan so that pakistan also benefits from it and it can boost its economy...when you have your economy dependent on another country ,its not so easy to indulge in activities that harm that country.
I feel this last idea of mine that is opening up trade with pakistan(which Imran khan also advocates) is the most realistic approach to solve this problem...it also alleviates the ill feelings of people for each other.
What do you think guys?
There was a time when Pakistanies and indians were really close to the settle Kashmir. there is always india which brings some kind of reason to table to escape.
20 years of terrorism we Pakistanies have been fighting alone and once we didnt blame india when we all know 90% india is behind either is APS Airport Masjids Majalis Parks Army installation and many other place its always india behind thru iran and afg or directly but we never run away from talks.
If india is nuclear he sud look in his west that we are more determine and will not be reluctant to use nuclear why india is not attacking directly and sending kolboshan type skunks.
The only solution is for india is to give away Muslims majority areas to Pak to avoid future conflicts and to progress, installing more hindus to kashmir and divide Kashmir is not going to solve indias problem.
India is highly untrusted and always attack on back like we have seen recently in FTFA.
How about you all let the Kashmiri people decide . Let them choose who they want to be with - India / Pakistan / Independent .

And then respect and uphold their decision .
Thanks for your post from the heart.

I've been here 10+ years.

Such a post would never have come or been possible from a Pakistani 10 years ago. The tone then was a lot more aggressive and triumphant. Revelling in the kind of mayhem the cross border terrorists were causing.

There was a while phase when the management here resorted to doctoring of the narrative , of titles of media feeds even that were open source, and it became a rule to call these terrorists not jihadis, not fidayeen, but militants.

They tried to push freedom fighters down our throats too. You can well imagine any Indian doing that ...

So if we have posts like this from the Pakistani side now it's good.

It's churlish admittedly but its realism to acknowledge that such behavior modification comes not from a change in heart but from the steps we've taken coupled with the change in circumstances at your end.

In 2009 there used to be a buzzword. Oldies from your side could attest.

Dehyphenation of India-Pakistan.

That is now complete.

I guess you could attribute my change of heart to whatever you like - in this case a more assertive India. I would disagree, obviously. Maybe its because its from Pakistan going through a most horrible phase of terrorism, or just being on the planet another 11 years. Maybe my heart has been softened by ramadan and deeper reflection of the quran this year and the post from an Indian to imagine a future together with Kashmir free made me consider it. I am certainly no "aman ki asha" type of fellow.

If I were to guess it would be self confidence after the events of Feb 27th. When India convinced itself that Pakistan and the ISI conducted a strike that killed 49 of its soldiers and then responded with an attempt to attack my country. The attempt was unsuccessful by any independent observer. Pakistan, a country 7 times smaller in military spending, then responded with a show for the ages. Leaving 2 jets, a heli and the confidence of the fourth largest airforce in the world in the ashes. Not to mention videos of precision guided munitions being directed at your bases and then redirected at the last moment. Forcing a hindu supremacist foreign minister to sue for peace and a rabid Doval to consider the use of ballistic missiles, until meekly stepping back after claiming we killed 49 of their soldiers. The only saving grace of this and the original mythical surgical strike was that it would lead to the pacification of the valley - a new normal. We can see how thats going right now for you guys, and its only May.

Anyways, I really don't want to waste too much time here during ramadan. All the best buddy.
Correct. More importantly, younger Kashmiris were moving to other parts of India for meaningful employment, in the private sector. The more integrated they became with the rest of India, the less their desire to break ties with it.

The BJP basically shut the door.
When the govt tries to bring the private sector to kashmirs guys like you feel oppressed.
Even though he is a sanghi shill and used the thread to take a sideswipe at the Congress, his scenario mirrored the one I described on the other thread.

Near word for word.

And they came in quick succession so there was zero possibility of one parroting another's lines.

You and @notorious_eagle are therefore at least getting the honest though prejudiced views of Indian thinkers from the diametric opposite poles of Indian political and social ideology.

Aside from some Indian Muslims on this forum (no surprise) and guys like Joe, you are facing a united India on Kashmir.

I would be obliged if you would leave me out of your comments.
In 2009 there used to be a buzzword. Oldies from your side could attest.

Dehyphenation of India-Pakistan.
I've seen more Indian's peddle this theory than Pakistani's (have my fair share of Indian friends). Not doable especially in light of current situation (internal/external).
For the record, India did offer to cede land to Pakistan before the 1965 War via the SwaranSingh-Bhutto talks. A sizeable chunk of the valley. But Bhutto wanted Jammu and Ladakh also.
I guess you could attribute my change of heart to whatever you like - in this case a more assertive India. I would disagree, obviously. Maybe its because its from Pakistan going through a most horrible phase of terrorism, or just being on the planet another 11 years. Maybe my heart has been softened by ramadan and deeper reflection of the quran this year and the post from an Indian to imagine a future together with Kashmir free made me consider it. I am certainly no "aman ki asha" type of fellow.

If I were to guess it would be self confidence after the events of Feb 27th. When India convinced itself that Pakistan and the ISI conducted a strike that killed 49 of its soldiers and then responded with an attempt to attack my country. The attempt was unsuccessful by any independent observer. Pakistan, a country 7 times smaller in military spending, then responded with a show for the ages. Leaving 2 jets, a heli and the confidence of the fourth largest airforce in the world in the ashes. Not to mention videos of precision guided munitions being directed at your bases and then redirected at the last moment. Forcing a hindu supremacist foreign minister to sue for peace and a rabid Doval to consider the use of ballistic missiles, until meekly stepping back after claiming we killed 49 of their soldiers. The only saving grace of this and the original mythical surgical strike was that it would lead to the pacification of the valley - a new normal. We can see how thats going right now for you guys, and its only May.

Anyways, I really don't want to waste too much time here during ramadan. All the best buddy.

What February did is led to August.

And I would probably be grossly mistaken if I said it ended at August.

Have a blessed month of fasting.

Repent sincerely.

I would be obliged if you would leave me out of your comments.

Don't flatter yourself with your contrived English.
What February did is led to August.

And I would probably be grossly mistaken if I said it ended at August.

Have a blessed month of fasting.

Repent sincerely.

Don't flatter yourself with your contrived English.

Thank you. Now please leave me out of your comments in your naturally flowing English.

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