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What Girls in pak think about India

news channels fighting for eyeballs and the competition is cut throat. So they will telecast only stuff that sells with some extra sensationalism added to the facts.

exactly my point everything is fair in this war for TRP ratings even fake propaganda!!!

One of my closest relatives works for the customs dept. and he himself seized a container full of fake currency notes in one of the South Indian ports. So yes I don't need RAW or the Indian media to inform me. But there are millions of Indians whose relatives don't work in the customs and RAW who need to be informed of the ground realities.

not that i am calling you a LIAR sir but.....then again i have someone close to me who works in the military and says he saw SIKHS acting as TALIBAN and fighting against PAKISTAN ARMY.....

now read what you wrote sir and change the words from RAW to ISI.....

So yes I don't need RAW or the Indian media to inform me. But there are millions of Indians whose relatives don't work in the customs and RAW who need to be informed of the ground realities.

Also according to your logic if every news has to be passed on to the people of a country by the intelligence agencies and the govt then why should the media exist in the first place.

sir i guess now we have a truce that media on both sides is seeking TRP ratings however our media is still young compared to the indian media and doesn't have a CUT THROAT competition.....so we don't do as MUCH propaganda as the indians....please before saying anything i wish you read the word MUCH carefully... our media also does propganda but not that much!!!
If India did not go for nukes, then Pakistan wouldn't have them either.
Don't ****** at us Pakistanis for this, it's not our fault that we have a neighbour much bigger in size and in almost everything, they left us with no choice, mainly because they aren't as peaceful as they claim.
I stand with Bezerk and BaburCM and a few others on this one, when the time is there, these Nukes will protect our soil, and these girls will still be able to live in a free Pakistan without the anger or fear of any Indian or other foreign agression.
Nukes are perhaps not the best option, but in our current world, they are our deterrance, and nobody on this planet has the right to tell us what to do and what not to do.
These girls must be influenced aswell by the Bollywood movies, I mean, ofcourse India isn't a bad country, but on a geo political level, these girls and the rest of Pakistan owe our pride, our existance and our main protection to these Nukes.

I don't want to see these girls walking around the streets just like the girls from Lebanon after it was bombed to smithereens by the Israelis.

Why not? Of course we have a right to protect and defend our land,we have a right to possess defensive weapons as we go with the flow,we ought to anticipate the threats that might challenge the existence of our country on the face of earth.Our relationship with the neighbouring countries is unpredictable.Its a fact the cannot be denied just like the fact that war is the last resort.Desiring war beforehand and poisoning the minds of our young generation wouldn't do good at all.
Why not? Of course we have a right to protect and defend our land,we have a right to possess defensive weapons as we go with the flow,we ought to anticipate the threats that might challenge the existence of our country on the face of earth.Our relationship with the neighbouring countries is unpredictable.Its a fact the cannot be denied just like the fact that war is the last resort.Desiring war beforehand and poisoning the minds of our young generation wouldn't do good at all.

i agree with the right to protect urself.

but i disagree on "indian agression". india has not started any fights since its creation. even 71 war started after PAF bombed IAF bases.:india:
Why not? Of course we have a right to protect and defend our land,we have a right to possess defensive weapons as we go with the flow,we ought to anticipate the threats that might challenge the existence of our country on the face of earth.Our relationship with the neighbouring countries is unpredictable.Its a fact the cannot be denied just like the fact that war is the last resort.Desiring war beforehand and poisoning the minds of our young generation wouldn't do good at all.

Et tu, f16?

While I’m not against a nation’s right to defend itself and I’m certainly not questioning Pakistan’s right to possess these vile weapons. I am opposed to nukes and question its value as a deterrent. I understand you live in a rough neighborhood, but India and Pakistan are so close geographically it magnifies the risk of miscalculation on both sides.

Fine! Keep your nukes if you must but has your government paused to think about civil defense? During the cold war it was estimated that 80% of the US population could be saved? An entire city was evacuated in 19 minutes in a mock drill. What about Pakistan?
How many lives can you save? :pakistan:
i agree with the right to protect urself.

but i disagree on "indian agression". india has not started any fights since its creation. even 71 war started after PAF bombed IAF bases.:india:

this is not the section cockpuncher but 1984 siachen and 1971 & 1965 all were started by india and not to forget 1948....but this is not the thread....
Et tu, f16?

While I’m not against a nation’s right to defend itself and I’m certainly not questioning Pakistan’s right to possess these vile weapons. I am opposed to nukes and question its value as a deterrent. I understand you live in a rough neighborhood, but India and Pakistan are so close geographically it magnifies the risk of miscalculation on both sides.

Fine! Keep your nukes if you must but has your government paused to think about civil defense? During the cold war it was estimated that 80% of the US population could be saved? An entire city was evacuated in 19 minutes in a mock drill. What about Pakistan?
How many lives can you save? :pakistan:

sadly the answer is maybe NONE....but as long as we have the land we CAN HOPE that maybe sometime in the future we will work on civil defense!!!

as long as your NATION is intact you can HOPE & WISH for a better FUTURE!! so you know what the NUKES protect it is our HOPE OUR DREAMS OUR WISHES.... & that my friend is worth having NUKES for!!!
this is not the section cockpuncher but 1984 siachen and 1971 & 1965 all were started by india and not to forget 1948....but this is not the thread....

What world are u living in?

these are the facts:
Unable to deter India's activities in the eastern sector, on December 3, 1971, Pakistan launched an air attack in the western sector on a number of Indian airfields, including Ambala in Haryana, Amritsar in Punjab, and Udhampur in Jammu and Kashmir. The attacks did not succeed in inflicting substantial damage. The Indian air force retaliated the next day and quickly achieved air superiority.
Indo-Pakistan War of Independence

65 war Pak's mistake: Ex Pak air chief

Started when Pak sent troops to annex kashmir from its maharaja and partially succeded

Hence there is no question of "indian agression" as india has never started any wars.
Unable to deter India's activities in the eastern sector

please read what you wrote!!! INDIAN ACTIVITES lead to the crap!!

1965 well we did operation GIBRALTOR....BUT india crossed the INTERNATIONAL BORDER....so you ATTACKED....we were fighting a proxy war!!

Pakistani forces attacked Ackhnur that the Indians escalated the conflict by attacking targets within Pakistan itself, forcing the Pakistani forces to disengage from Ackhnur to counter Indian attacks.


Started when Pak sent troops to annex kashmir from its maharaja and partially succeded

Wrong again you ANNEXED it and we fought back hence we only have 1/3 of KASHMIR.....

1984 india attacked in SIACHEN!!!

Kargil was also fought on the LoC which is not the international border!!
What kind of civil defence procedures does Pakistan have in place?
Et tu, f16?

While I’m not against a nation’s right to defend itself and I’m certainly not questioning Pakistan’s right to possess these vile weapons. I am opposed to nukes and question its value as a deterrent. I understand you live in a rough neighborhood, but India and Pakistan are so close geographically it magnifies the risk of miscalculation on both sides.

Fine! Keep your nukes if you must but has your government paused to think about civil defense? During the cold war it was estimated that 80% of the US population could be saved? An entire city was evacuated in 19 minutes in a mock drill. What about Pakistan?
How many lives can you save? :pakistan:

None actually you see unlike the cold war era where both missiles fired from both US and the USSR needed some time(hours) before they could reach their respected destination hence the drill to evacuate city in 19 minutes made sense and was possible. We on the other hand do not have 19 minutes at out disposal because the two countries lies next to each other. Missile fired from either side needs only about 5 to 10 minutes approx and (i am being generous here) to reach its specified target, but having said so that does not mean we should give up our arms or that these arms have not proved to be a deterrent in preventing a conflict in SA. In fact because of the fact i mentioned above, both countries now keep at bay and hence the deterrence.
i agree with the right to protect urself.

but i disagree on "indian agression". india has not started any fights since its creation. even 71 war started after PAF bombed IAF bases.:india:

and where exactly did I mention "Indian aggression" in my post?
What one must understand is that when we are children we have views that are not wise, we hold views that we pursue as realistic when they are farfetched, we argue with our wiser elders when we claim we are right.

The young students in this video are ignorant in the sense of National security, they clearly fail to understand that without the Nuclear power they would not be living in relative peace and the reason why foreign tanks are not parked outside their schools.

Hey how would they like to live in the one country that got invaded and was believed to have nuke but critically did not, I sure hate to see such an experience.

While the Indian members here praise this video, they praise it because it suits their views and aspirations.

Hence when the students are mature and learn more about the true threats that face the Pakistani nation they shall know their forefathers fought and ate grass, lived under sanctions, and their nation threatened by other powers just so they could be the only Muslim Nuclear Power.

See what these girls are missing is the larger picture, the world view.

They are complaining about immiedate needs, sure food and employment is important and Pakistan should improve it's efforts in this field. However, any effort to fix the lack of supplies in the nation does not me it come at the expense of a major defense doctrine and asset, the nukes.

InshAllah they shall learn that in 1998 c.e. this Nation at the moment in time was blessed with Nukes so it shall remain sovereign and a free people.

Dear Sir,

I was most impressed with your statement, although it did smack of condescension and a superior attitude.

Could you share with us which forefather ate grass? Are any details available? How was this ingested? Was it in the form of bread, or as a soup of some sort?

Most countrymen of yours who have your ability to write a superior variety of English look far from having been near a vegetarian diet, leave alone one of grass.

Perhaps you could share with us some details of the personal sacrifices you yourself made for the sake of the nuclear programme. This might inspire the young women in question more than a bland generalisation.


Joe S.
our leader said WE WILL EAT GRASS if we have to BUT we will MAKE THE BOMB!!!
Dear Sir,

I was most impressed with your statement, although it did smack of condescension and a superior attitude.

Could you share with us which forefather ate grass? Are any details available? How was this ingested? Was it in the form of bread, or as a soup of some sort?

Most countrymen of yours who have your ability to write a superior variety of English look far from having been near a vegetarian diet, leave alone one of grass.

Perhaps you could share with us some details of the personal sacrifices you yourself made for the sake of the nuclear programme. This might inspire the young women in question more than a bland generalisation.


Joe S.

The eating of grass should not be taken out of context. It was a statement which meant that Pakistan will go as far as we have to and do what ever it is in its power to achieve this technology and we just did. For a third world country that came into being only sixty years ago, this was a huge achievement and yes the nation had to cut its needs as majority of the funds were diverted for this purpose.
our leader said WE WILL EAT GRASS if we have to BUT we will MAKE THE BOMB!!!

And then demand aid from the world to feed the Swatis your own citizens ?

Pakistan seeks help to cope with IDPs challenge

Pakistan seeks help to cope with IDPs challenge

FM asks G-8, GCC countries to do more

Thursday, June 04, 2009
By Mariana Baabar

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Wednesday sent out a loud and clear message that the menace of terrorism and its after-effects could not be handled by Islamabad alone and there was a dire need for more assistance from the international community, especially the G-8 countries and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to fill the gaps.


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