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What Girls in pak think about India

fateh i have alot of indian friends and living with them i have realized that we might have similarities BUT we have major diffrences as well.....i am quiet sure living in DUBAI i have realized WHY indians and pakistanis can be friends but CAN NEVER ever be one....we HAVE TO MANY ISSUES & DIFFRENCES OF OPINON when it comes to countries and the way we look at things.....

indians and pakistanis can be good friends as long as nation politics and current scenarios are kept out of the discussion!!!

as for you talking about our media PLEASE don't COUNT ZAID HAMID as the voice of all pakistanis we by far have less NDTV,STAR NEWS & ZEE NEWS anchors in our media who love "SANSAANI KHAAIZ KHABAR" they love making everything look a plan of the ISI.....and that my friend you know it as well as i do....

anyhow enough let's return to the topic my apologies for deviating

When did i talk about becoming ONE??? Why do you keep jumping from one misinterpretation of my ideas to another?

And about Indian media, thats just bull crap made up by some after the 26-11 media onslaught. There's more hate filled nonsense in your media than Indian. There are so called newspapers dedicated to spewing hatred, and I say this when I can't even read Urdu, where I know most of the REAL nutcases are.
well stupmer i guess indians really AWOKE to pakistan after 28th MAY 1998 before that pakistan was a walk over....a door mat for the indians....

after india carried out its tests in 98 it started thinknig their we have finished off pakistan's hope of TRYING to threaten us once and for all........hence the intrest in MUSHARRAF and now ZARDARI

india really woke up to us in 98!!!

I disagree. A door mat does not harm me. You have been bleeding us on Kashmir long time before 98. But was common man worried about that? Nope. kashmir was a remote part for the rest of us. A different world. Something for which wars have been fought but Nothing changed.

Nuke's just gave politician the vote bank. It gave the common man a sense of having a identity.

It was Kargil and Mumbai massacre, that in my opinion ignited a street guys nationalistic feeling's.
And about Indian media, thats just bull crap made up by some after the 26-11 media onslaught.

Not at all - the Indian media was this way long before the Mumbai attacks.

The lies and hate mongering after Mumbai were merely an extension of its usual stance.
Not at all - the Indian media was this way long before the Mumbai attacks.

The lies and hate mongering after Mumbai were merely an extension of its usual stance.

Not at all, the Indian media was a mixture of everything just like Pakistani media, just to divert attention this lie of Indian media's demonisation has been invented while Pakistani media at the time of 26-11 was full of Zaid H, Dan Qayyum, ahmad quereshi, rupee news, waqt tvs etc, hardly any better than the bad apples in indian media, infact filled with unadulterated hatred. Its a canard that all indian media is bad while all pakistani media is a picture of objectivity.
Not at all - the Indian media was this way long before the Mumbai attacks.

The lies and hate mongering after Mumbai were merely an extension of its usual stance.

Media just reflects the opinions of the people of the country. They don't get any brownie points by maligning any one or any nation. Post Mumbai the people of India were very angry. Government sources had confirmed that the terrorists were from Pakistan and the people wanted some action from GoI. The Indian media like any other responsible media in the world did its job by keeping up the pressure on the GoI. The events that followed the Mumbai attacks were the direct consequences of all the pressure put on the GoI by the people of India through our media. So, now we have massive reforms in the area of homeland security, we have one of the most competent ministers as our Home Minister, massive reforms are being made to the police forces and lot of other significant steps have been taken towards improving internal security. All this thanks to the pressure and influence exerted by the Indian media on GoI.

How many times do you see Pakistan being mentioned in the Indian media nowadays? At most news on Pakistan's war on terror is reported and that is pretty much it. Media s job doesn't limit to reporting events and reporting facts the way they are. They carry an additional responsibility of reflecting public opinion in the interest of the country. The agitation of Pakistani people over the behavior of Indian media is understandable as our national interests are detrimental to yours most of the times.
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You are very wrong... there was nothing elite about this school.. It seemed like beacon house or something like that where a lot of the normal middle class goes as well.. please stop 'assuming' ... and your number of .01% is completely statically wrong

Dear , Dear ,someone really needs to correct this guy's wiring & database. The school is LGS. BEACONHOUSE or LGS etc. I can safely bet given my little experience with certain ministries, only 0.1% of total population is affording it. Looks like your 'perception' level is at par with the 'girls' in interview :tdown:
There's more hate filled nonsense in your media than Indian. There are so called newspapers dedicated to spewing hatred, and I say this when I can't even read Urdu, where I know most of the REAL nutcases are.

well you contradict yourself you can't read urdu but you are talking about HATE being spewed about....!!!

well i recommend you start a thread that depict pakistani media showing hate speeches about india....and i will follow your lead in depicting the indian media.....

anyhow we have only one ZAID HAMID that i know you are so FOND off....and i hope you remember the whole fiasco at bob woolmer's death where the INDIAN media was stating that INZIMAM killed WOOLMER because he wasn't converting to ISLAM.....i mean sometimes the most AUDICOUS of claims come out from your side my friend....

i hope we learn from your skills of propaganda and learn to create mellow dramas like the indian media does......


my friend we kept bleeding you in kashmir before 1998 but we were always thought of as SMALL walk over....so the COMMON INDIAN never cared and always thought we can over run pakistan anyday we are just letting them survive!!!

HOWEVER, post MAY 28 1998 everything changed all indians awoke to the REALITY that we can't take PAKISTAN so lightly.....

so way before KARGIL we had got ourselves a reputation amongst the common INDIAN!!.....
What Babur said is his personal opinion and he is entitled to have one why is every body picking up on him? Seriously those giving lectures of growing up need to grow up themselves and need to respect other persons opinion even if you don't necessarily agree with him.:disagree:
WTF????? its like saying all right she does is cuz of herself and all wrong she says must be cuz of her DAD!!!! damn boy wonder what you watch on tv these days!!!

compare what she read from that paper to what she said.

they do not match. simple phsychology. hence it was written by someone else/:smokin:
How many times do you see Pakistan being mentioned in the Indian media nowadays? At most news on Pakistan's war on terror is reported and that is pretty much it.

no sir i beg to differ.....2 days ago i watched a "DOCUMENTARY" on how ISI is smuggling fake currency into INDIA via NEPAL!! so yes indian media is still at its propaganda best!!
How many times do you see Pakistan being mentioned in the Indian media nowadays? At most news on Pakistan's war on terror is reported and that is pretty much it.

no sir i beg to differ.....2 days ago i watched a "DOCUMENTARY" on how ISI is smuggling fake currency into INDIA via NEPAL!! so yes indian media is still at its propaganda best!!

There you answered your own apprehension by calling it a documentary! Documentary is supposed to be a well researched piece of report which is generally backed up by investigative journalism. So you really can't call it propaganda as it does not arouse anti Pakistan sentiments in Indian people. It makes the Indian public aware of the ahppenings within the country which allows them to be more assertive in demanding action from their govt.

We do know that fake currency is entering India from somewhere. It is a serious national issue as it directly affects the Indian economy and the people of India. So addressing a national issue by means of well researched documentary should not be called propaganda. Like I said before India's national interests can be detrimental to yours at times but it is the media's job to expose any such anti-national activities, whether backed by Pakistan or any other nation in the world.
Check out the quotation marks my friend because it was anything BUT a DOCUMENTARY...!!!!! see this is my point indians tend to just take everything as being FACTUAL research WORK when it comes into its media....however PAKISTANI media is JUDGED on WHAT ZAID HAMID says!!!
We do know that fake currency is entering India from somewhere

SURE sir you DEFINTELY know.....did someone in the RAW inform you that FAKE currency is entering india....have you ever thought that maybe some INDIANS can also be printing fake currency....but OFCOURSE not how silly of me to think that INDIANS can ever try to make fake currency....all indians are INNOCENT & ALL INDIANS are nice people and peace loving and will never do anything wrong in india(DAMN I LOVE MY SARCASIM)

P.S. you do know that fake currency is entering....who told you AGAIN the media....well media plays the ILLUSIONIST it shows you what you want to see & you buy it!!! that my friend is called propaganda.......its called PRIME TIME....TRP ratings go up you get scared in your house.....FEAR & LOVE are the easiest of emotions to invoke!!! so ya i am SURE YOU DO KNOW about fake currency!!!
Check out the quotation marks my friend because it was anything BUT a DOCUMENTARY...!!!!! see this is my point indians tend to just take everything as being FACTUAL research WORK when it comes into its media....however PAKISTANI media is JUDGED on WHAT ZAID HAMID says!!!

The point I was trying to make was that it is the media's job to expose anti-national activities like smuggling of fake currency etc. and bring them to the notice of the people. How the govt. reacts is upto the govt but how quickly and effectively they react is upto the people and the pressure exerted by the media. Of course no sane govt will take media documentaries as proof.

You must also understand that no channel works for charity on either side of the border. I don't know about your side but on my side there are at least 50 if not more news channels fighting for eyeballs and the competition is cut throat. So they will telecast only stuff that sells with some extra sensationalism added to the facts.

My advise to you will be to leave the media of both sides to their state of being. They are both evolving and will take time to reach a certain level of maturity. Quite frankly I just watch a select few news channels here which in my opinion are the least biased of all the news channels and on these channels I don't find any Pak related news nowadays except for your WoT. Hence my original post was based on my experience alone.
We do know that fake currency is entering India from somewhere

SURE sir you DEFINTELY know.....did someone in the RAW inform you that FAKE currency is entering india....have you ever thought that maybe some INDIANS can also be printing fake currency....but OFCOURSE not how silly of me to think that INDIANS can ever try to make fake currency....all indians are INNOCENT & ALL INDIANS are nice people and peace loving and will never do anything wrong in india(DAMN I LOVE MY SARCASIM)

P.S. you do know that fake currency is entering....who told you AGAIN the media....well media plays the ILLUSIONIST it shows you what you want to see & you buy it!!! that my friend is called propaganda.......its called PRIME TIME....TRP ratings go up you get scared in your house.....FEAR & LOVE are the easiest of emotions to invoke!!! so ya i am SURE YOU DO KNOW about fake currency!!!

Please don't make so many assumptions. One of my closest relatives works for the customs dept. and he himself seized a container full of fake currency notes in one of the South Indian ports. So yes I don't need RAW or the Indian media to inform me. But there are millions of Indians whose relatives don't work in the customs and RAW who need to be informed of the ground realities.

Also according to your logic if every news has to be passed on to the people of a country by the intelligence agencies and the govt then why should the media exist in the first place. Might as well go knocking on the doors of RAW or ISI asking for current affairs and daily news.

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