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What Girls in pak think about India

we are doing what we can, for example the army giving up it's rations, people from the cities taking people in, and mass aid collections across the nation.

As a poor country pakistan is bound to seek aid from other govenments, and I do not see why you have a problem with that.

Regarding clintons remarks, she later said:

"But the problems we face now to some extent we have to take responsibility for, having contributed to it. We also have a history of kind of moving in and out of Pakistan,’ she said.

‘Let’s remember here… the people we are fighting today we funded them twenty years ago… and we did it because we were locked in a struggle with the Soviet Union.’

US created Taliban and abandoned Pakistan: Clinton - Pakistan ...

From the same article

They invaded Afghanistan… and we did not want to see them control Central Asia and we went to work… and it was President Reagan in partnership with Congress led by Democrats who said you know what it sounds like a pretty good idea… let’s deal with the ISI and the Pakistan military and let’s go recruit these mujahideen.’

They gave you money and you created a monster in your backyard which is now tearing ur country apart. Guess who is the wise GUY here ?

I rest my case.

I rest my case.

Dear boy, you seem to be suffering from short-term memory loss.

Please re-read my posts, in particular the part where I said:

Pakistan is in my opinion, partly to blame, however to call it a purely "self made" crisis simply demonstrates your bias...

Note that I never attribute responsibility for the current crisis solely to a second party, however agree that Pakistan had a part to play. On that basis, other parties are also responsible other than Pakistan and Clinton seems to agree with me!

You are the one attributing 100% of the responsibility to Pakistan and have decided to sideline all facts that contradict your erroneous views.
I dont care whether you make the hydrogen bomb next but I hate it when someone asks my country to feed their citizens for free while they spend their or my money for something they already have.


PS : Put your money where your mouth is and feed the Swatis grass and see how long they will smile.

If you are having such a problem about Pakistan asking for aid, why don't you force your government to stop every bit of aid to Pakistan. Why whine here. Surely your government is well aware of Pakistan investing in nuclear program, still they want to continue their aid, don't you think they have a better reason or are you simply implying that your leaders are a bunch of fools.
The fact is that now both countries have nuclear bomb and the presence of nuke will only make sure there no misadventure tried by either countries.

I think presence of nuke has only helped in creating - peace between these two countries. I bet we all would have been dead if either one of us didnt have a nuke.
one a lighter node

and where exactly did I mention "Indian aggression" in my post?
oyeee if you did , then i must tell you, We Indian are not aggressive - we are peace loving....sachai ka buut aur memne jaise chilled...soooo..teri toh ....... looool
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The fact is that now both countries have nuclear bomb and the presence of nuke will only make sure there no misadventure tried by either countries.

I think presence of nuke has only helped in creating - peace between these two countries. I bet we all would have been dead if either one of us didnt have a nuke.
one a lighter node

oyeee if you did , then i must tell you, We Indian are not aggressive - we are peace loving....sachai ka buut aur memne jaise chilled...soooo..teri toh ....... looool

wrong. kargil happened after pak got emboldened by its 98 nuke test.:coffee:
wrong. kargil happened after pak got emboldened by its 98 nuke test.:coffee:

A thicker war in kargil was not possible because of - nuclear weapons.
The consequence would have been way serious if it was a war of magnitude it could have possibly be. without presence of nukes.
last year after 26/11 - the war was taken out of context because of nuclear presence. ( one of the reasons)
A thicker war in kargil was not possible because of - nuclear weapons.
The consequence would have been way serious if it was a war of magnitude it could have possibly be. without presence of nukes.
last year after 26/11 - the war was taken out of context because of nuclear presence. ( one of the reasons)

true but u cannot deny that pak endeavors to bridge conventional warfare parity via nukes and hence strengthen its position on kashmir
Dear boy, you seem to be suffering from short-term memory loss.

Please re-read my posts, in particular the part where I said:

You are the one attributing 100% of the responsibility to Pakistan and have decided to sideline all facts that contradict your erroneous views.

Ha Ha. Still in denial ? Let me simplify it for U, if I tell you to keep my pet lion in your childrens room and pay you for that and tell you to feed it human meat and after sometime it attacks and kills your only child guess who is FULLY to blame ? After all when USSR invaded you USA never used the word with us or against us ? You should have said a FLAT NO THANK YOU BUT I DON'T WANT UR PET LION OR YOUR MONEY.


Ha Ha. Still in denial ? Let me simplify it for U, if I tell you to keep my pet lion in your childrens room and pay you for that and tell you to feed it human meat and after sometime it attacks and kills your only child guess who is FULLY to blame ? After all when USSR invaded you USA never used the word with us or against us ? You should have said a FLAT NO THANK YOU BUT I DON'T WANT UR PET LION OR YOUR MONEY.



took the words right out of my mouth. a shortsighted decision that has come back to haunt them. 'blowback' to be specific.
If you are having such a problem about Pakistan asking for aid, why don't you force your government to stop every bit of aid to Pakistan. Why whine here. Surely your government is well aware of Pakistan investing in nuclear program, still they want to continue their aid, don't you think they have a better reason or are you simply implying that your leaders are a bunch of fools.

I guess now you have the answer why only USA is putting money in your politicians out-stretched hands. Have you seen how the Middle East and China and Europe are so quiet eventhough there is a humanitarian crisis brewing ?

Have you seen how your politicians are bleating for the world to write of all debts after 2005 ?

Try feeding the poor 1.2 million Swatis on Plutonium and see how pleased they will be ?

Do you know in those F.I.L.THY tents 6000 women will give birth this June ? Out of that 600 will need life threatening surgery which is non-existent?

But all this is lost on people like you who prefer either starving them or are happy to see their politicians begging for aid while the actual resources of the pakistani people are being drained for a few more missiles and nukes.



Leaving government and atomic issues aside, Pakistani girls have something positive to say about India.My close friends have visited India and found Indian people very loving and hospitable.I also would like to visit some time but fables from there have frightened my mother insomuch that she would never let me.She thinks if I'm unlucky enough they might set me up, taking me as a terrorist or a secret agent from Pakistan.
hey India !..lemme know when I get lucky;)


Dear Sir,

I have heard similar sentiments from Pakistani friends and it disturbs me very much. Let me share two opposite experiences with you.

The negative one first. Some time ago, my friend, a British citizen who lived and worked in Kuwait, wanted a visa to visit some of his off-shoring units here. Although he was backed very strongly and had extremely powerful sponsors, the fact that he was born in Pakistan made some idiot in Kuwait, in the Indian consular section, reject his visa. It was most mortifying.

Within months of that, a youngster was recommended to me, who lived in England and worked in Gloucester, who turned out to be perfect for a particular slot we had; the location for the job was initially to be in south India in Chennai, but was to be transferable to other parts of the world thereafter. He was himself a British citizen, but his parents had been born in Mirpur. I had a tussle with the Indian authorities in Britain to get him in, but he did come in, coped manfully with the shock of eating Tamilian cuisine, handled the milieu well, although 95% of the people around him outside office had no word of either Hindi, or Urdu, or English, and got himself a house.

The project went bust, and we had to wind up a lot of things, including this young gentleman's part of it, but as long as we needed to, we got him into the country legitimately, and he fitted in rather well - a bit snooty and British at the beginning, and a strict disciplinarian by Indian standards, but that was exactly what I was looking for, and his reactions to Indian IT were rather flattering and pleasing to hear. I had hoped to send him around a bit to see some more of India, but in the event, he could only get to see parts of Tamil Nadu. A great pity.

For your amusement, his father was quite nonchalant about his coming to India and working here for a couple of years, but his poor mother was in absolute panic. She couldn't believe that he wouldn't be lynched in the street by a mob of ravening bloodthirsty Hindus out to avenge themselves for, well, whatever timid mothers think need avenging by bloodthirsty Hindus (and Sikhs and so on). He had to call her daily for the first month or so after he reached India before she could bring herself to believe that he might survive the experience. Finally his father put his foot down and refused to let this waste of money continue. Mothers don't change their ways in different countries.

This is not just now a particularly good time to apply for a visa and to travel around the country, since everybody is in a bad temper: the news of Hafeez Sayeed being released came out only yesterday. But in normal times, you should have no difficulty in getting a visa (it takes time and it takes determination, and is easier from the UK and the US than from the Middle East or from Pakistan), and in travelling. There are tight checks on Pakistanis travelling here, since due to their extensive network of relatives, and the complete identity of parts of North India with their own background, it is tempting to stay on and not bother with the paperwork; in some of these cases, a very, very small handful, those 'disappearing' have turned up again in disturbing circumstances, and our bureaucrats have started suspecting the motives of everyone. However, this surveillance consists of reporting to a designated police station once a week (the police station is transferable in case of a shift in location), and nobody is normally harrassed.

There is a huge amount of curiousity of course, and people were standing around to watch my young friend's every move with round-eyed fascination, and more than some surprise that he was so similar to a North Indian or even a Hyderabadi (this was not a reaction of those who have been to the Middle East already, and were quite blase about his presence).

You may be interested to learn that young women working in the office seemed to be inordinately interested in his movements, and it was unfortunately necessary to be a little peremptory with them on occasion, in the interests of office discipline.

There is no question of a set-up.

I hope this gives you some flavour of the situation prevailing. North India and South India are practically two different countries, and East India practically a third, so don't please expect too much in common. A Pakistani would probably fit in well in the North Indian milieu, or in Calcutta, but as my young friend's experience shows, even in conservative, insular Chennai, there should be no particular difficulty. Except for the language. Chennai people hate being asked to speak in Hindi or in Urdu. It sets their teeth on edge. English is fine.

Please do not hesitate to enquire if you have particular questions, now or later.


'Joe S.'
I guess now you have the answer why only USA is putting money in your politicians out-stretched hands. Have you seen how the Middle East and China and Europe are so quiet eventhough there is a humanitarian crisis brewing ?

Have you seen how your politicians are bleating for the world to write of all debts after 2005 ?

Try feeding the poor 1.2 million Swatis on Plutonium and see how pleased they will be ?

Do you know in those F.I.L.THY tents 6000 women will give birth this June ? Out of that 600 will need life threatening surgery which is non-existent?

But all this is lost on people like you who prefer either starving them or are happy to see their politicians begging for aid while the actual resources of the pakistani people are being drained for a few more missiles and nukes.




How is China feeling or perhaps the middle east is feeling, i think you shouldn't be bothered about it. In case you forgot China is helping us out in establishing nuclear reactors so your theory about China being quiet is nothing but self created BS.

I have seen all what and how my country politicians are doing and frankly it doesn't surprise me one bit, don't run in circles about who feels what, my sole point is if you are so much bothered about UK money going into wrong hands(Pakistan), perhaps you are the tax payer and you have the right, why not force your government to mend its way. Whining here won't do any good. But rest assured money or no money Pakistani nuclear program will continue. The sooner your kind accept the reality the better it would be for all of us.

And don't bring Swat every time into. We are doing what we can, no one have done anything, even the UN admitted there fore none has the right to comment on that.

well if you seriously think your money is going into the wrong hands i guess 99.9% PAKISTANIS agree on that our leaders are corrupt and are begging the world for money when they have swiss bank accounts worth billions!!!

but corrupt leaders begging the world has nothing to DO WITH NUKES....nukes are their to safeguard our exsistence our HOPE of a BETTER FUTURE!!

you know in the 80's US and PAKISTAN got together and made a baby called the MUJHAIDEEN....and now after our divorce during the 90's and the kid growing up to hate the US has made US feel guilty for it and pay us for the destruction of the kid.....however our leaders are corrupt and will always keep the money....

BUT this has nothing to do with OUR EXSISTENCE.....NUKES help us exsist....how can you compare an apple to an onion....so before you cry about aid and nukes look at both the things in the context of what they are...one is for exsisitence the other is a money making scheme by our corrupt leaders!! who by the way are called by the UK,US as the SAVIOURS OF DEMOCRACY......so before pointing fingers at us please walk up to 10 DOWNING STREET and ask them why is the UK supporting people like ZARDARI

Dear Sir,
erm...yeah right ..thanks!
but please don't call me sir...ever since I joined this place ..I've been addressed as buddy..pal.."he"..and even "Hey Dude"..at different ocassions.I think I should reintroduce myself:rolleyes:

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