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What Girls in pak think about India

Testimony of Yoshito Matsushige
Yoshito Matsushige was a 32 year old cameraman for the Chugoku Newspaper at that time. He was at his home in Midori-cho, 2.7kilometers from the hypocenter when the A-bomb was dropped. He walked around the city right after the bombing and took five photographs which have become important historical documents.

MATSUSHIGE: I had finished breakfast and was getting ready to go to the newspaper when it happened. There was a flash from the indoor wires as if lightening had struck. I didn't hear any sound, how shall I say, the world around me turned bright white. And I was momentarily blinded as if a magnesium light had lit up in front of my eyes. Immediately after that, the blast came. I was bare from the waist up, and the blast was so intense, it felt like hundreds of needles were stabling me all at once. The blast grew large holes in the walls of the first and second floor. I could barely see the room because of all the dirt. I pulled my camera and the clothes issued by the military headquarters out from under the mound of the debris, and I got dressed. I thought I would go to either either the newspaper or to the headquarters. That was about 40 minutes after the blast. Near the Miyuki Bridge, there was a police box. Most of the victims who had gathered there were junior high school girls from the Hiroshima Girls Business School and the Hiroshima Junior High School No.1. they had been mobilized to evacuate buildings and they were outside when the bomb fell. Having been directly exposed to the heat rays, they were covered with blisters, the size of balls, on their backs, their faces, their shoulders and their arms. The blisters were starting to burst open and their skin hung down like rugs. Some of the children even have burns on the soles of their feet. They'd lost their shoes and run barefoot through the burning fire. When I saw this, I thought I would take a picture and I picked up my camera. But I couldn't push the shutter because the sight was so pathetic. Even though I too was a victim of the same bomb, I only had minor injuries from glass fragments, whereas these people were dying. It was such a cruel sight that I couldn't bring myself to press the shutter. Perhaps I hesitated there for about 20 minutes, but I finally summoned up the courage to take one picture. Then, I moved 4 or 5 meters forward to take the second picture. Even today, I clearly remember how the view finder was clouded over with my tears. I felt that everyone was looking at me and thinking angrily, "He's taking our picture and will bring us no help at all." Still, I had to press the shutter, so I harden my heart and finally I took the second shot. Those people must have thought me duly cold-hearted. Then, I saw a burnt streetcar which had just turned the corner at Kamiya-cho. There were passengers still in the car. I put my foot onto the steps of the car and I looked inside. There were perhaps 15 or 16 people in front of the car. They laid dead one on top of another. Kamiya-cho was very close to the hypocenter, about 200 meters away. The passengers had stripped them of all their clothes. They say that when you are terrified, you tremble and your hair stands on end. And I felt just this tremble when I saw this scene. I stepped down to take a picture and I put my hand on my camera. But I felt so sorry for these dead and naked people whose photo would be left to posterity that I couldn't take the shot. Also, in those days we weren't allowed to publish the photographs of corpses in the newspapers. After that, I walked around, I walked through the section of town which had been hit hardest. I walked for close to three hours. But I couldn't take even one picture of that central area. There were other cameramen in the army shipping group and also at the newspaper as well. But the fact that not a single one of them was able to take pictures seems to indicate just how brutal the bombing actually was. I don't pride myself on it, but it's a small consolation that I was able to take at least five pictures. During the war, air-raids took place practically every night. And after the war began, there were many foods shortages. Those of us who experienced all these hardships, we hope that such suffering will never be experienced again by our children and our grandchildren. Not only our children and grandchildren, but all future generations should not have to go through this tragedy. That is why I want young people to listen to our testimonies and to choose the right path, the path which leads to peace.

Voice of Yoshito Matsushige
We're on defense forum not some emotional forum.Of course these weapons are deadly which is why they are LAST OPTION.They are only used when you have no other option..It's not like we will nuke Talibans on our own territory.
well fathen i only get to read links like these!!

p.s. no pakistani can comment on it.....try doing it from a PAKISTANI IP ADRESS......

8 things India Inc, govt must do against Pakistan

so yes its hard for me to believe that one article is how the NATION of INDIA feels about pakistanis.....and one more thing my friend please do read comments of the "COMMON" indians on the article.....you will defintely see alot of HOSPITALITY!!!

please read what i replied to you eariler!!
well fathen i only get to read links like these!!

p.s. no pakistani can comment on it.....try doing it from a PAKISTANI IP ADRESS......

8 things India Inc, govt must do against Pakistan

so yes its hard for me to believe that one article is how the NATION of INDIA feels about pakistanis.....and one more thing my friend please do read comments of the "COMMON" indians on the article.....you will defintely see alot of HOSPITALITY!!!

Bhai ZOB,

Please stick to the point, the point is that its a mixed bag on both sides, I'll show you (surely you have seen) poison filled hate preaching articles daily in pakistani media too, have you not? And its not one article, there are many, google pakistani hospitality and you will find em. The point is that its the same, at people to people level we are the same. Do you have an Indian friend? If not, let me offer you my friendship, I'm in Dubai too, I'm just a normal guy, I don't want anyone to die or kill in my name, I want peace and prosperity for all, I want better infra, food for the poor and and environment of openness and empowerment for the young and I love my country, which, lets face it, is my country by accident.

are you any different?

and there is no one voice of the NATION OF INDIA, just like the bloodthirsty spiel of some pakistanis is not the VOICE OF THE NATION OF PAKISTAN.

"Okay seriously your intelligence is quite amusing now..."

Don't resort to personal attacks please. You can cal her argument 'amusing', and explain why, but do not attack members intelligence and what not.
I cannot help feeling sorry for so many contributors to this thread. The girls in the interview are all from the most 'elite' school in PAKISTAN. Mostly all belonging to wealthy & well connected elite. Type of children who have never seen any worries & there social discussions are limited to 'foreign tours', what to wear, the new cafe in town. A type of school where less then 0.1% of total population can go.

You are very wrong... there was nothing elite about this school.. It seemed like beacon house or something like that where a lot of the normal middle class goes as well.. please stop 'assuming' ... and your number of .01% is completely statically wrong
fateh i have alot of indian friends and living with them i have realized that we might have similarities BUT we have major diffrences as well.....i am quiet sure living in DUBAI i have realized WHY indians and pakistanis can be friends but CAN NEVER ever be one....we HAVE TO MANY ISSUES & DIFFRENCES OF OPINON when it comes to countries and the way we look at things.....

indians and pakistanis can be good friends as long as nation politics and current scenarios are kept out of the discussion!!!

as for you talking about our media PLEASE don't COUNT ZAID HAMID as the voice of all pakistanis we by far have less NDTV,STAR NEWS & ZEE NEWS anchors in our media who love "SANSAANI KHAAIZ KHABAR" they love making everything look a plan of the ISI.....and that my friend you know it as well as i do....

anyhow enough let's return to the topic my apologies for deviating
I cannot help feeling sorry for so many contributors to this thread. The girls in the interview are all from the most 'elite' school in PAKISTAN. Mostly all belonging to wealthy & well connected elite. Type of children who have never seen any worries & there social discussions are limited to 'foreign tours', what to wear, the new cafe in town. A type of school where less then 0.1% of total population can go.

Spot on. Mostly such opinions belong to the wealthy elite that are full of misconceptions. Fed with a golden spoon, yet complaining about the heroes that lay their lives for the security of Pakistan. Such people are confined to their tiny world and totally oblivious of the ground realities. Ask any true patriot that has to earn his bread and butter through hard labour and you'll get your answer. Ask all those front-line soldiers that are daily sacrificing their lives for the sake of this nation. This is how a bunch of spoilt brats repay their army for their sacrifices. Truly disgusting and intolerable. These little girls are naive and don't know how nasty and cruel the real world is. It's very nice to turn a blind eye and pretend that all is fine. It's very nice to envisage a fairy tale world in which everyone lives in harmony. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but that's not the world we're living in. The reality is that the world is just a ruthless jungle where the rule of the strongest counts. Big fish eats small fish without any mercy. These precautionary measures aren't a luxury, but a dire necessity, especially in the case of Pakistan. Do we want Pakistan to become another Iraq invaded and plundered by evil forces? Also, we weren't the ones that exploded the nukes first. We are surrounded by hostility. How dare you even question the nukes. This is our jugular vain and insurance policy. I'm glad that the majority of Pakistanis aren't naive and believe in their right of self-defence. It's the duty of every Muslim to be prepared for the worst case scenario.
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Spot on. Mostly such opinions belong to the wealthy elite that are full of misconceptions. Fed with a golden spoon, yet complaining about the heroes that lay their lives for the security of Pakistan. Such people are confined to their tiny world and totally oblivious of the ground realities. Ask any true patriot that has to earn his bread and butter through hard labour and you'll get your answer. Ask all those front-line soldiers that are daily sacrificing their lives for the sake of this nation. This is how a bunch of spoilt brats repay their army for their sacrifices. Truly disgusting and intolerable. These little girls are naive and don't know how nasty and cruel the real world is. It's very nice to turn a blind eye and pretend that all is fine. It's very nice to envisage a fairy tale world in which everyone lives in harmony. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but that's not the world we're living in. The reality is that the world is just a ruthless jungle where the rule of the strongest counts. Big fish eats small fish without any mercy. These precautionary measures aren't a luxury, but a dire necessity, especially in the case of Pakistan. Do we want Pakistan to become another Iraq invaded and plundered by evil forces? Also, we weren't the ones that exploded the nukes first. We are surrounded by hostility. How dare you even question the nukes. This is our jugular vain and insurance policy. I'm glad that the majority of Pakistanis aren't naive and believe in their right of self-defence. It's the duty of every Muslim to be prepared for the worst case scenario.

Chill. We have doves and hawks on both side of border. No one is asking you to Disarm. The whole point of the thread (which somehow got lost in translation) is that Peace still is a achievable dream for few.
well the problem is people DON'T KNOW WHAT PEACE MEANS!!!
well fathen i only get to read links like these!!

p.s. no pakistani can comment on it.....try doing it from a PAKISTANI IP ADRESS......

8 things India Inc, govt must do against Pakistan

so yes its hard for me to believe that one article is how the NATION of INDIA feels about pakistanis.....and one more thing my friend please do read comments of the "COMMON" indians on the article.....you will defintely see alot of HOSPITALITY!!!

That is not India. That is a blog by a professor!! In order to reach the conclusion you have, you need to do a pole and you will find out that each different proviances will have a different results. For example west and North west will be concern about Pakistan issues, while North east, east, South east and west will be less concern about Pakistan issues.
Spot on. Mostly such opinions belong to the wealthy elite that are full of misconceptions. Fed with a golden spoon, yet complaining about the heroes that lay their lives for the security of Pakistan. Such people are confined to their tiny world and totally oblivious of the ground realities. Ask any true patriot that has to earn his bread and butter through hard labour and you'll get your answer.

you have mentioned several times about wealthy, spoon fed, and do not know the ground realities. So you do sitting in Europe, huh!!! Infact, the way these girls where talking, they seem to know more about ground realities then you do stud. Where they even give examples of it!!!

P.s. Regarding bathing in blood, you sure, you where not bathing in some goats blood!!!!!

Childesh mentallity at best!!!
well the problem is people DON'T KNOW WHAT PEACE MEANS!!!

Well they do Zob. Believe me. Kargil and Mumbai attack changed the street guy's nonchalance towards Pakistan. Suddenly he started hearing about Zardari, Gilani etc .... names he did not give a hoot to, a few years back. You would have same story for your citizen's.

At the core, the distrust between both is gigantic , further widened by Media and Political hawks. And sad part is, i don't see any signs of sun rising again.
That is not India. That is a blog by a professor!! In order to reach the conclusion you have, you need to do a pole and you will find out that each different proviances will have a different results. For example west and North west will be concern about Pakistan issues, while North east, east, South east and west will be less concern about Pakistan issues.

NORTH,SOUTH EAST WEST......INDIANS common enemy is pakistan.....you can't deny that

a blog that is usually read by the educated class recieves comments of the category that it did.... makes you wonder.....that if the well fed and educated people make such statements and comments...... i don't want to think what the rest of indians think....
Well they do Zob. Believe me. Kargil and Mumbai attack changed the street guy's nonchalance towards Pakistan. Suddenly he started hearing about Zardari, Gilani etc .... names he did not give a hoot to, a few years back. You would have same story for your citizen's.

At the core, the distrust between both is gigantic , further widened by Media and Political hawks. And sad part is, i don't see any signs of sun rising again.

well stupmer i guess indians really AWOKE to pakistan after 28th MAY 1998 before that pakistan was a walk over....a door mat for the indians....

after india carried out its tests in 98 it started thinknig their we have finished off pakistan's hope of TRYING to threaten us once and for all........hence the intrest in MUSHARRAF and now ZARDARI

india really woke up to us in 98!!!

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