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What ethnic group are Afghan Hindus?

I think Afghans were Budhists before Islam, maybe some Hindus of Punjabi or Sindhi origin are there. :undecided:
Afghan Hindus are Sindhi and Punjabi who went there for business in 19 century just like Afghan sikhs

At current no,since most have migrated elsewhere(the community now numbers 1000-2000) but historically there were Hindu/buddhist generals,poets,monks etc in previous Afghan kingdoms after the Islamic conquests and before that hinduism/buddhism were pretty dominant.
I thought Afghan prefer indian Hindus over Pakistani Muslim and get along with them well so dont know why hindus left Afghanistan and settled elsewhere :D

I think Afghans were Budhists before Islam, maybe some Hindus of Punjabi or Sindhi origin are there. :undecided:
There have been many religion in this region i.e Zoroastrianism, paganism, Buddhism, Hinduism etc
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There have been many religion in this region i.e Zoroastrianism, paganism, Buddhism, Hinduism etc

I know there ware other religions but Hinduism had little impact on locals of Afghanistan, Before Islam Buddhism was dominating that region.
Pakhtoon blood can be found every corner of the sub-continent especially Kashmir was their second home many never returned after seeing its beauty.
edit :What difference does it make if they were hindus or sikhs before.
Hindus during Hindu Shahi were only rulers and their soldiers and some settlers of Punjabi & Sindhi origin not local population.
Thanks for clearing it up, however look at the Hindko people, a sizeable minority of which still practice Hinduism.

Post from other thread shows from where is OP coming from, especially that id. No pashtuns were not hindus once upon a time, bhudists? Maybe yes but never hindus. They are not indic group. And hindus shahis were punjabis who were pushed back in to current day Pakistan after muslims invasion. Their decendents are hindko & punjabis.

Any other question?
You can't make sweeping statements like that, look at the Hindko people as example or the Hindu Temples that remain. Hindu Shahis also ruled Indian Punjab so you can't conclusively say they stayed in Pakistan and became Muslim as according too you.

Bhaye they were pushed back to Punjab. Local Afghans never were hindus, get this through your head. Pashtuns never were hindus! Think hindu shahis like British people who ruled South Asia. Get it? And no these hindu shahis were not from any place from India. Their decendents still live in khyber pakhtunwa and north central punjab.

You guys have as much to be proud if hindu shahis as south asian christians have of British Empire. Basically nothing.
Bhaye they were pushed back to Punjab. Local Afghans never were hindus, get this through your head. Pashtuns never were hindus! Think hindu shahis like British people who ruled South Asia. Get it? And no these hindu shahis were not from any place from India. Their decendents still live in khyber pakhtunwa and north central punjab.

You guys have as much to be proud if hindu shahis as south asian christians have of British Empire. Basically nothing.
Your not backing it up with facts unlike me. Look at these people as example.
Hindkowans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And please don't resort to insults, debate in a civilised manner.
Thanks for clearing it up, however look at the Hindko people, a sizeable minority of which still practice Hinduism.

You can't make sweeping statements like that, look at the Hindko people as example or the Hindu Temples that remain. Hindu Shahis also ruled Indian Punjab so you can't conclusively say they stayed in Pakistan and became Muslim as according too you.

Thats what happened, their decendents converted to Islam. Have you ever heard of hindko people? They live in KPK but are not pashtuns but punjabi speaking. I know you want to claim that pashtuns were hindus once and how Indians ruled Afghanistan. That only happened once in Maurya empire for 80 years. Dont go around claiming heritage of other people and stick to your own, or you can visit thread where Indians are claming mexican civilization.

Hindkowans are considered of Punjabi/Pothohari origin not Pashtun or Afghans

These saffron types cant even tell who is who and then come here to teach history of our land and people.
I know there ware other religions but Hinduism had little impact on locals of Afghanistan, Before Islam Buddhism was dominating that region.
True but its all depend on which part of Afghanistan we are talking about. Eastern part of Afghanistan was controlled by Maurya Empire whose main religion was Hinduism and then later it became part of Kushan empire whose main religion was Buddhism
Your not backing it up with facts unlike me. Look at these people as example.
Hindkowans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And please don't resort to insults, debate in a civilised manner.

Did you even read wiki? These people are not pashtuns but punjabis, hindko is punjabi dialect. As i said before you have no idea of what you are talking about. Never again confuse hindko with pashtun.
Thats what happened, their decendents converted to Islam. Have you ever heard of hindko people? They live in KPK but are not pashtuns but punjabi speaking. I know you want to claim that pashtuns were hindus once and how Indians ruled Afghanistan. That only happened once in Maurya empire for 80 years. Dont go around claiming heritage of other people and stick to your own, or you can visit thread where Indians are claming mexican civilization.

These saffron types cant even tell who is who and then come here to teach history of our land and people.
It actually happened again with the Sikh Empire, please show me proof of no Pashtuns being Hindu? Maybe they where not but there is no definite answers. Your seriously telling me not too steal history when your claiming Hindu Shahis. Lmao

Did you even read wiki? These people are not pashtuns but punjabis, hindko is punjabi dialect. As i said before you have no idea of what you are talking about. Never again confuse hindko with pashtun.
You said locals. Hindkos have been there long enough to be considered locals.

Hindkowans are considered of Punjabi/Pothohari origin not Pashtun or Afghans
My mistake however it says that the Sur Pashtun tribe converted from Hinduism to Islam.
Sur (Pashtun tribe) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
True but its all depend on which part of Afghanistan we are talking about. Eastern part of Afghanistan was controlled by Maurya Empire whose main religion was Hinduism and then later it became part of Kushan empire whose main religion was Buddhism

If Maurya ruled for sometime is not equal to local became Hindus. As i said in my previous posts, rulers their army and settlers of Punjabi & Sindhi origin were Hindus there and all of them were pushed back after fall of empire.
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