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What ethnic group are Afghan Hindus?

Umm i am talking about the afghan culture before the taliban came in and enforced their extreme version of Islam,their attempts to completely destroy Pakhtun culture and history,the culture that was enjoyed by the pakhtuns before the soviet invasions and subsequent events.

Rora, don't tell me you're into the whole Lar Pukhtoon - Bar Pukhtoon Bhai...Bhai thing as well ! :(
Ahh ok my bad i was equaling Pashtun culture with Taliban since majority of talibaboons like in Pashtun areas .
You do know that before the Soviets Afghanistan had a degree of secularism that would put India to shame.Women could go out wearing skirts etc there was music dance etc.Afghanistan was extremely modern and famous for its tourism and hospitality
You do know that before the Soviets Afghanistan had a degree of secularism that would put India to shame.Women could go out wearing skirts etc there was music dance etc.Afghanistan was extremely modern and famous for its tourism and hospitality
I have seen, it was one of the things that motivated me too make this thread.
I think you will be interested in this article.
Mohammad Qayoumi's photos show how free Afghanistan women were before Taliban | Mail Online
Rora, don't tell me you're into the whole Lar Pukhtoon - Bar Pukhtoon Bhai...Bhai thing as well ! :(
Never heard of it i mostly listen to western music although i do enjoy the occasional pashto music its fun but don't know much about many artists sorry:meeting:
Never heard of it i mostly listen to western music although i do enjoy the occasional pashto music its fun but don't know much about many artists sorry:meeting:

Music ? :blink:

I wasn't talking about Music ! :lol:

I was talking about Lar Pukhtoons (Afghan Pukhtoons) & Bar Pukhtoons (Pakistani Pukhtoons) being 'Bhai...Bhai' & whether you believed in that sort of thing ? :unsure:

That Loy Afghanistan, Pukhtoonistan thing ! :undecided:
Music ? :blink:

I wasn't talking about Music ! :lol:

I was talking about Lar Pukhtoons (Afghan Pukhtoons) & Bar Pukhtoons (Pakistani Pukhtoons) being 'Bhai...Bhai' & whether you believed in that sort of thing ? :unsure:

That Loy Afghanistan, Pukhtoonistan thing ! :undecided:
Ah ok lol that.I like Afghan pakhtuns no doubt we do share a historical bond but other then that no, my loyalty is to Pakistan and so is of other Pakhtuns that live in Pakistan.The questions as to how right/useful/good Pakistan has been for the Pakhtuns and the views of Khan Abdul Ghaffur Khan is although is another topic.
Ah ok lol that.I like Afghan pakhtuns no doubt we do share a historical bond but other then that no, my loyalty is to Pakistan and so is of other Pakhtuns that live in Pakistan.The questions as to how right/useful/good Pakistan has been for the Pakhtuns and the views of Khan Abdul Ghaffur Khan is although is another topic.

I'm not a fan of Bacha Khan; not a fan at all !
I'm not a fan of Bacha Khan; not a fan at all !
me neither but he did warn us of things unfolding like they have and time has not proved him wrong sice whole of Pakistan is in a deep identity crisis with most looking to arabinazation as the solution(I am a little angry today since Pta has blocked proxies as well):woot:
me neither but he did warn us of things unfolding like they have and time has not proved him wrong sice whole of Pakistan is in a deep identity crisis with most looking to arabinazation as the solution(I am a little angry today since Pta has blocked proxies as well):woot:

Havaiii fire maraa thaaa - Somethings were bound to hit the target ! :lol:

I like Ghani Khan more - Somewhat apolitical & a Great Poet ! :agree:

And really rora, an identity crisis ? :what:

I don't think we're going through any identity crisis - the Pukhtoons still speak Pashto & prescribe to Pashtunwali, the Baloch to their Culture & their Language, the Punjabis & the Sindhis to theirs & we're united in our love for Pakistan - Seems alright....no ?

And the PTA thing - I'm angry too; no Hotspot & none of the other proxies work ! :mad:
Havaiii fire maraa thaaa - Somethings were bound to hit the target ! :lol:

I like Ghani Khan more - Somewhat apolitical & a Great Poet ! :agree:

And really rora, an identity crisis ? :what:

I don't think we're going through any identity crisis - the Pukhtoons still speak Pashto & prescribe to Pashtunwali, the Baloch to their Culture & their Language, the Punjabis & the Sindhis to theirs & we're united in our love for Pakistan - Seems alright....no ?

And the PTA thing - I'm angry too; no Hotspot & none of the other proxies work ! :mad:
Hmm if only things were bound to language alone but it goes deeper,I live in Peshawar and things are getting worse day by day and there has been no not even a little reform,the tribals are even worse,fundamentalism is spreading as more and more things are censored according to the "Islamic eyes of the mullahs".Nothing is going to happen with this negotiation drama that has been going on for years and failed everytime.What we need is a strong operation to rid ourselves of both the talibans and restrict the mullahs to religion alone no more politics for them.
I thought i would never say this but I miss Mushi uncle:cheesy:
Post from other thread shows from where is OP coming from, especially that id. No pashtuns were not hindus once upon a time, bhudists? Maybe yes but never hindus. They are not indic group. And hindus shahis were punjabis who were pushed back in to current day Pakistan after muslims invasion. Their decendents are hindko & punjabis.

Any other question?
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