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What ethnic group are Afghan Hindus?

True but its all depend on which part of Afghanistan we are talking about. Eastern part of Afghanistan was controlled by Maurya Empire whose main religion was Hinduism and then later it became part of Kushan empire whose main religion was Buddhism

Maurya Empire main religion hindusim?
It actually happened again with the Sikh Empire, please show me proof of no Pashtuns being Hindu? Maybe they where not but there is no definite answers. Your seriously telling me not too steal history when your claiming Hindu Shahis. Lmao

You said locals. Hindkos have been there long enough to be considered locals.

Hindu shahis didnt come from any indian state, or move back there once Afghans pushed them back. You said hindkowans and i proved you these people are not pashtuns. I already proved enough. Pashtuns were never hindus, no need to cry over it.
Maurya Empire main religion hindusim?

Hindu shahis didnt come from any indian state, or move back there once Afghans pushed them back. You said hindkowans and i proved you these people are not pashtuns. I already proved enough. Pashtuns were never hindus, no need to cry over it.
I never said for definite they where ever Hindu. Hindu Shahis never came from Pakistan. They where pushed back to Punjab and there descendants live there.
Read this by the way
Sur (Pashtun tribe) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I never said for definite they where ever Hindu. Hindu Shahis never came from Pakistan. They where pushed back to Punjab and there descendants live there.
Read this by the way
Sur (Pashtun tribe) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where did hindu shahis come from? bihar and tamil nadu? As loveicon said they were pushed back to punjab and sindh. Only peshawar can be considered local city of these people, Afghanistan or even FATA were not locals to hindu shahis.
Where did hindu shahis come from? bihar and tamil nadu? As loveicon said they were pushed back to punjab and sindh. Only peshawar can be considered local city of these people, Afghanistan or even FATA were not locals to hindu shahis.
Yeah I don't know if you know but Punjab is in India as well.:rofl:
Please tell me where I stated they came from anywhere?
Also please read the link to Sur Pashtun tribe where it clearly says they converted from Hinduism.
Pashtuns can tell better, but sur tribe maybe of hindko/punjabi origin who adopted pashtun culture and language. But vast majority were never hindus.
If Maurya ruled for sometime is not equal to local became Hindus. As i said in my previous posts, rulers their army and settlers of Punjabi & Sindhi origin were Hindus there and all of them were pushed back after fall of empire.
How did Afghans became Buddhist/Zoroastrianism before Islam if not because of rulers and people of these religion who inhabited/ruled this region and were settled there.
Yeah I don't know if you know but Punjab is in India as well.:rofl:
Please tell me where I stated they came from anywhere?
Also please read the link to Sur Pashtun tribe where it clearly says they converted from Hinduism.

Indian punjab is doaba, hardly the same as heartland of punjab which is in Pakistan. Indian punjab only have two main tribes because of it being tiny one. Jatts 60% and dalits 33%, and few khatri sikhs.

Ok ok Indian punjab is also punjab, lol
Indian punjab is doaba, hardly the same as heartland of punjab which is in Pakistan. Indian punjab only have two main tribes because of it being tiny one. Jatts 60% and dalits 33%, and few khatri sikhs.
Lets see the link to the ethnic group demographics of Indian Punjab?

Wiki is not a reliable source - the article keeps changing there.

@Pak-one - What's this Sur Pashtun thing?
According to the page they come from Islamic historians and include citations,
Indian punjab is doaba, hardly the same as heartland of punjab which is in Pakistan. Indian punjab only have two main tribes because of it being tiny one. Jatts 60% and dalits 33%, and few khatri sikhs.

Ok ok Indian punjab is also punjab, lol
You forgot Malwa which is way bigger than doaba..Lol time to brush up your geography
Pashtuns can tell better, but sur tribe maybe of hindko/punjabi origin who adopted pashtun culture and language. But vast majority were never hindus.
The Wiki include citations and quotes from Islamic historians which back up the claim.

According to recorded Afghan tradition, Surs are descended from the Ghori tribe. Several books by Islamic historians including Tarikh-I-Guzida of Hamdu-lla-Mustaufi, Towareekh Yumny, as well as Ferishta record that besides Muslim Surs there were also Non-Muslim Hindu and Buddhist Surs, who were attacked by Mahmud of Ghazni and converted to Islam by him.

“Sultan Mahumud now went to fight with the Ghorians, who were infidels at that time. Suri, their chief, was killed in this war, and his son was taken prisoner; but he killed himself by sucking poison which he had kept under the stone of his ring. The country of Ghor was annexed to that of the Sultan, and the population thereof converted to Islam. He now attacked the fort of Bhim, where was a temple of the Hindus.[7]
“'In the following year AH 401 (AD 1010), Mahmood led his army towards Ghoor. The native prince of the country, Mahomed, of the Afghan tribe of Soor (the same race which gave birth to the dynasty that eventually succeeded in subverting the family of Sebüktigin), occupied an entrinched camp with 10,000 men. Mahmood was repulsed in repeated assaults which he made from morning till noon. Finding that the troops of Ghoor defended their entrenchments with such obstinacy, he caused his army to retreat in apparent confusion, in order to allure the enemy out of his fortified position. The Ghoorians, deceived by the stratagem, pursued the army of Ghizny; when the king, facing about, attacked and defeated them with great slaughter. Mahommed Soor, being made prisoner was brought to the king, but having taken poison, which he always kept under his ring, he died in a few hours; his country was annexed to the dominions of Ghizny. The author of the Towareekh Yumny affirms, that neither the sovereigns of Ghoor nor its inhabitants were Mahomedans till after this victory; whilst the author of the Tubkat-Nasiry, and Fukhr-ood-Deen Moobarik Shah Lody, the latter of whom wrote a history of the Kings of Ghoor in verse, both affirm, that they were converted many years before, even so early as the time of Ally[8]"
I have never heard of a Afghan Hindu , in all due respect and if their are any then in a very small numbers period.
Wiki is not a reliable source - the article keeps changing there.

@Pak-one - What's this Sur Pashtun thing?

Only when correct & relevant citations are not provided. I usually go through the citations too to ascertain whether the data provided in Wiki is credible or not.
How did Afghans became Buddhist/Zoroastrianism before Islam if not because of rulers and people of these religion who inhabited/ruled this region and were settled there.

Because Hindu rule was very short compared to successor + there can also be the reason than rulers of Hindu Shahi were foreigners to land.
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