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What do we love about Pakistan and India?

a little correction...................it should be Indian Punjabizzz.

Theres more Punjabis in Pakistan than in India by number of population and by percentage of population. There are even other ethnic groups of Pakistan who are mixed with Punjabis like the Hindkos in Khyber Pakhtunkwa and the people of Azad Kashmir. In India, Punjabis only make 3% of India's total population and you dont need me to tell you what the Indians did to you people in your own land in 1984.

I call the Indian Punjabis = Khalsas or Khalistanis and I call Pakistani Punjabis = PAKISTANIS because most of us Pakistani Punjabis are Pakistani nationalists.
Oh yeah, those punjabi who cant even read punjabi:P

You are confusing Punjabi with Sikhism. Most Punjabis in the world are Muslims. Only the Sikh Punjabis use the Gurmukhī script. Gurmukhi was standardized by the second Sikh guru, Guru Angad Dev Ji, in the 16th century. The whole of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji's 1430 pages are written in this script. The name Gurmukhi is derived from the Old Punjabi term "guramukhī", meaning "from the mouth of the Guru".

Our Punjabi Muslim poets have used the Shahmukhi script for centuries including Waris Shah, Bula Shah, Heer Ranjha whose poetry are even read in India's Punjab to this day. Even your own Manmohan Singh can read the Shahmukhi scrpit perfectly because he spent his childhood and did his early schooling in Pakistan's Punjab Province.
in Pakistan i like the vast beauty of northern areas, non-veg food, gun culture in K.P & FATA & above all common culture & language( i know few ppl will not agree with me on that) but Pakistan is the only country in this world with whom i can feel associated with as an Indian.
in Pakistan i like the vast beauty of northern areas, non-veg food, gun culture in K.P & FATA & above all common culture & language( i know few ppl will not agree with me on that) but Pakistan is the only country in this world with whom i can feel associated with as an Indian.

The only part of Pakistan that india might share common culture with is Karachi (mohajir areas) and some parts of Sindh and Punjab, rest of Pakistan doesn't even share culture with india! We don't speak Tamil, gujrati and other indian languages in Northern Areas, Balochistan, Punjab, and Khyber and neither do we share any cultural ties with india!
The only part of Pakistan that india might share common culture with is Karachi (mohajir areas) and some parts of Sindh and Punjab, rest of Pakistan doesn't even share culture with india! Try speaking Tamil, Gujrati, etc in Northern Areas, Punjab, Balochistan, and Khyber and i'm sure they won't understand a thing you say!

When an Indian says shared culture with pakistan, it is always compared against other countries like russia, china, middle east countries.
Nobody is claiming we are same or very similar.
Even within India, there is lot of diversity, if you try speaking tamil in kashmir nobody will understand you.
I am sure you have similar culture to afganistan too. Not sure about Iran though.
@alpha r u punjabi? coz if ur not i dnt see how u can assosiate with "our" Pakistan.

We share culture with iran = balouchistan... n to uighurs to china though G-B...N Turkiye coz of our ppl.
at alpha r u punjabi? coz if ur not i dnt see how u can assosiate with "our" Pakistan.

We share culture with iran = balouchistan... n to uighurs to china though G-B...N Turkiye coz of our ppl.

little sharing with farsians, balochis share 90% cultures with the opposite end of indus
I call the Indian Punjabis = Khalsas or Khalistanis and I call Pakistani Punjabis = PAKISTANIS because most of us Pakistani Punjabis are Pakistani nationalists.

lmao, you will offend some Punjabi Indians here. Its like me calling Pashtuns in Pakistan Afghans. You know Khalistan movement has died a while ago. I dont think I have every meet anyone that hates India and Indians as much as you. You most be a total loser in real life.

What I like about Pakistan... Ummmmm....... I like the food.
lmao, you will offend some Punjabi Indians here. Its like me calling Pashtuns in Pakistan Afghans. You know Khalistan movement has died a while ago. I dont think I have every meet anyone hate India and Indians as you. You most be a total loser in real life.

Don't take it personally. Sit back and enjoy.
The only part of Pakistan that india might share common culture with is Karachi (mohajir areas) and some parts of Sindh and Punjab, rest of Pakistan doesn't even share culture with india! We don't speak Tamil, gujrati and other indian languages in Northern Areas, Balochistan, Punjab, and Khyber and neither do we share any cultural ties with india!

@alpha r u punjabi? coz if ur not i dnt see how u can assosiate with "our" Pakistan.

We share culture with iran = balouchistan... n to uighurs to china though G-B...N Turkiye coz of our ppl.

well i was expecting these ans. from u ppl. but i meant to say that as an Indian i don't need to learn any specific language to connect with any pakistani. whereas in order to connect with ppl of other nations i have to learn a lang. e.g- english, spanish, french etc etc
well i was expecting these ans. from u ppl. but i meant to say that as an Indian i don't need to learn any specific language to connect with any pakistani. whereas in order to connect with ppl of other nations i have to learn a lang. e.g- english, spanish, french etc etc

ok, so do you speak Balochi, Pashto, Kashmiri, Punjabi, Saraiki, and that other languages of Northern Areas? Only 8% of Pakistanis speak Urdu.

well i was expecting these ans. from u ppl.

wasn't trying to be offensive!!
ok, so do you speak Balochi, Pashto, Kashmiri, Punjabi, Saraiki, and that other languages of Northern Areas? Only 8% of Pakistanis speak Urdu.

wasn't trying to be offensive!!

man, 8% have their mother tongue, others like you dont have urdu as mother tongue but can speak urdu
man, 8% have their mother tongue, others like you dont have urdu as mother tongue but can speak urdu

Urdu is national language and vast majority of punjabi, sindhi, puktuun understand urdu very well and its connect us together. Even there are many urdu speaker in india mostly in hyderabad deccan
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