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What do we love about Pakistan and India?

^ Its none of your business. The world belongs to us Punjabi Muslims :pakistan:

As the great Punjabi Muslim poet Allama Iqbal said, "Muslim hain hum, watan hain sara jahan hamara".

^ Its none of your business. The world belongs to us Punjabi Muslims :pakistan:

As the great Punjabi Muslim poet Allama Iqbal said, "Muslim hain hum, watan hain sara jahan hamara".

he was half kashmiri half punjabi, his father was kashmiri, the father gene is prominent, so he was kashmiri
^ Its none of your business. The world belongs to us Punjabi Muslims :pakistan:

As the great Punjabi Muslim poet Allama Iqbal said, "Muslim hain hum, watan hain sara jahan hamara".

Hahahhaha..what a joke..Come out and see reality... You know whom you call so great "Allama Iqball" no one outside knows much about him outside punjab..lol

I heard him over this website only..So great is not known in US or Europe ..

You need to get your thoughts right kid
^ Its none of your business. The world belongs to us Punjabi Muslims :pakistan:

As the great Punjabi Muslim poet Allama Iqbal said, "Muslim hain hum, watan hain sara jahan hamara".

Maybe I misunderstood.. in that case I apologize in advance.. but perhaps the teachings of Islam have no place in this new Punjamuslimi you are preaching..
New religion is it??
Preaching one ethnicity having a greater contribution.. when the man that pushed for the bomb was a sindhi..
What about Sindh born Gujrati Jinnah..?
Or the Bengali people.. whom racially motivated folks called "bhooka nanga bangali's".. and in their despotic mindset to exploit them.. broke this country in two...
Since the prophet wasnt Punjabi.. or do you want to convert him as well?
Where Pakistan is in its sorry state today.. is because of ethnically charged characters . that belie any achievements by Pakistani's.. or the people that make it.. and taint it into the complete opposite of not only the concept of Pakistan.. but the teachings of Islam itself..
There is no doubting the contribution of Punjabi's.. they are Pakistan.. as are the rest..
There is nothing wrong with practicing,promoting and taking pride in Punjabiyat.. as long as it is used to celebrate a peoples and their culture.. rather than trample on others feet.
Which is why the current crop of politians is an insult to Pakistan..
the Bhutto's with their oft used "Sindh" agenda..
The Sharif's with their "Jaag Punjabi Jaag" motto.
Altaf with his Mohajir calls..
and the ANP with its nonsense..
The Baloch arent even bothered about ..

Insult to Mohammad Iqbal the whole idea of ethnic superiority is....and to the man in your avatar
sad the effect a few sour grapes can have on a good bunch..
whether its a bunch of Punjabi's, Ethnic Sindhi's or Urdu Speaking Sindhi's, Pathan's or the Baloch..
Two things I admire the most about Pakistan:

1. Brains.

-Pakistanis & Indians I have noticed (in real life, and also here on defence.pk) are mostly immature (I think because they are less informed), but they do show a very high quality intellect.

2. Hospitality.

- Of all the Pakistanis I ever met, except for one bad experience, rest all of them treated me with proper respect and were very helpful. Esp I can't forget one Qasim. I was with my sister looking to buy pressure cooker in Devon St. in Chicago, but since we were new in the city, we didn't know what shop to go to. I found this gentleman, thought he was an Indian and might know about pressure cookers, and asked him if he knew about it. He was in some kind of hurry, but just to help us, he ended up spending over an hour in finding a really good shop that offered reasonable rates. Before letting him go, we talked about where we were from, and I found out he was from Karachi and was relatively new in the US. Throughout the affair, he displayed such propriety, I can't forget that gentleman!
About Pakistan, I love the Northern parts of Punjab Province of Pakistan the most, particularly Islamabad and Murree.









As for India, I dont like anything about India. I am not very fond of polluted and over-crowded places.

Thanks for the lovel pics from pakistan. But how could you dont like anything from india.. would post for you some pictures after some time...
I love Pakistan, because they are like us. :D

Pakistan is not afraid to fight anyone, from the mighty Soviet Union, to the giant of India.

Reminds me of China, when we fought head to head against the USA and 16 of her allies during the Korean war, and later against the Soviet Union.

Pakistan is a tough nation, a nation of warriors. :tup:

too much sugar is not good for health;)of others and of urs
Maybe I misunderstood.. in that case I apologize in advance.. but perhaps the teachings of Islam have no place in this new Punjamuslimi you are preaching..
New religion is it??
Preaching one ethnicity having a greater contribution.. when the man that pushed for the bomb was a sindhi..
What about Sindh born Gujrati Jinnah..?
Or the Bengali people.. whom racially motivated folks called "bhooka nanga bangali's".. and in their despotic mindset to exploit them.. broke this country in two...
Since the prophet wasnt Punjabi.. or do you want to convert him as well?
Where Pakistan is in its sorry state today.. is because of ethnically charged characters . that belie any achievements by Pakistani's.. or the people that make it.. and taint it into the complete opposite of not only the concept of Pakistan.. but the teachings of Islam itself..
There is no doubting the contribution of Punjabi's.. they are Pakistan.. as are the rest..
There is nothing wrong with practicing,promoting and taking pride in Punjabiyat.. as long as it is used to celebrate a peoples and their culture.. rather than trample on others feet.
Which is why the current crop of politians is an insult to Pakistan..
the Bhutto's with their oft used "Sindh" agenda..
The Sharif's with their "Jaag Punjabi Jaag" motto.
Altaf with his Mohajir calls..
and the ANP with its nonsense..
The Baloch arent even bothered about ..

Insult to Mohammad Iqbal the whole idea of ethnic superiority is....and to the man in your avatar
sad the effect a few sour grapes can have on a good bunch..
whether its a bunch of Punjabi's, Ethnic Sindhi's or Urdu Speaking Sindhi's, Pathan's or the Baloch..

He was being sarcastic.

Look at his previous post.
I both love and loathe the excessive nationalistic frenzy evident on both sides of the border, which is very much in display on this forum. Feel free to disagree. @Chinese-Dragon, I know about the Sino-Soviet split but when did you fight the Soviet Union?

Hahahhaha..what a joke..Come out and see reality... You know whom you call so great "Allama Iqball" no one outside knows much about him outside punjab..lol

I heard him over this website only..So great is not known in US or Europe ..

You need to get your thoughts right kid

I am sorry to say ..it is your ignorance not knowing about Iqbal.......Now do not say you have never heard of ..." Sare jahan se aachcha....Hindusthan hamara..." (Omar has not heard it too... :D)
What i love about pakistan : Mountains in the northern areas

what i love about india: TENDULKAR!!!!!:victory:
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