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What do Chinese think of Pakistan?

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Once the Chinese people hear Pakistan is an ally of China, then they will start to think well of Pakistan.

Ask Chinese about Pakistan|What Chinese think of Pakistan and Pakistani |Street Interview|100% real
Chinesevid 182,890 views
I think modern day Chinese are influenced by western media and don't have enough exposure regarding Pakistan.

Pakistani students shine in Pakistan:

Chinese people that live in and visit Pakistan are also very happy:

The problem is that there are not enough cultural exchanges between the two countries.

The only Pakistani I know on this forum that can speak some Chinese and has been to China for studies is @Malik Abdullah. Perhaps he can give everyone some insight about being a Pakistani in China.

I know this youtuber that is half Pakistani and half Taiwanese and he actively tries to promote Pakistan in Taiwan.

Some friejd cheen is they dont issue visas to us Pakistanis (they do but after khuwari and only if you got invitation) but to their enemy of sorts india they issue visa in 3 days!
Why do you want to visit china ? Are u still impressed by skyscrapers or trains ? Try their tea ceremony . Thats different. Indians also require around 4 to 6 days for tourist visa.
I think modern day Chinese are influenced by western media and don't have enough exposure regarding Pakistan.

Pakistani students shine in Pakistan:

Chinese people that live in and visit Pakistan are also very happy:

The problem is that there are not enough cultural exchanges between the two countries.

The only Pakistani I know on this forum that can speak some Chinese and has been to China for studies is @Malik Abdullah. Perhaps he can give everyone some insight about being a Pakistani in China.

I know this youtuber that is half Pakistani and half Taiwanese and he actively tries to promote Pakistan in Taiwan.

Thanks for the tag. One of the main reason why I miss living in China is because of their hospitality towards Pakistanis. But you are right youngsters do get their news from western media outlets but most of the old people know very well about the friendship between the two countries and refer to us as 'Lao Pengyou' means Old friend. Three of my friends got married to Chinese women and one of them have a baby boy now. Still look chinese if you are curious to know how he looks :P
In another forum a person claming to be Chinese member made the following remark when in conversation with a Indian member.

"Unfortunately Chinese people used to look down on India and Pakistan culture and economic backwardness. Nowadays chinese people see India as a possible trade partner and future economic power but also a strategic competitor. India is also provoking China by encouraging Tibetan seperatists and fielding a secret Tibetan army of some 10-20 thousand strong.

About Pakistan ... Go to Baidu forums and see how chinese people see Pakistanis as. Pakistanis are seen as Indian muslims who are even backward than arabs. They are mocked everyday. But Pakistan is an ally of China. During the worst period of China Pakistan was there as a friend. Pakistan maybe a cesspool of stupid backward arab worshipping people but they have proved to be a loyal friend. You reward your loyal friends even if they are *******s to everybody else."

This could be a rant of one single individual who might not even be a Chinese. Nevertheless this got me thinking. What do Chinese really think of Pakistani's? I don't mean the fancy speaches at diplomatic functions like "friendship higher then mountains la la". That is just business and in business you even deal with people who you find disgusting.

What I mean is the real sentiment beyond the official headlines and what the normal Chinese citizens think of Pakistanis. The problem here is most of us know what the average American, British, Australian or even Europeans like French or Germans think because English is the prevalent language and Pakistani's have a large diaspora communities living there and thus are a very effective barometer of their thoughts.

Chinese are differant. Until recently it a country that is so close officially but so far unofficialy. There has been far less intereaction with the real China then the the West by Pakistani's. So in a sense what Chinese think of Pakistani;s is to large degree masked and insultated from average Pakistani.

Is this important? Yes it is. Whilst business is above everything but the problem is for a long term strategic relationship to develop and mature at differant levels also requires a sense of goodwill between people. Once upon a time USA is also enjoyed a very strong relationship with Pakistan but under it all at the ground level there was friction. Most Americans did not find average Pakistani agreeable. This friction on the ground would along with other factors lead to where we are today.

I guess what I am saying is if Chinese dislike us in private than this China/Pak thing is only going to go so far before the internal contradictions start showing up. There is a essential differance between Chinese and the West. Chinese tend to be more introverted in their thinking and ae not prone in showing what they really think. They might hate you but you won't see it behind the smiling face. However in private and in Chinese fora where they are free to say what they want - hardly any outsiders and even less Pakistani's speak Chinese therefore are sealed off from what is really said. This is unlike the Western style of saying it as it is and being quite forthright in their views. Their media is very accessible as English is the most used language.

From the few objective measure we have things don't look pretty. The "higher then moountain" love only seems to be coming from the Pakistani side. The Chinese are not returning those feelings. Indeed shockingly Chinese have far more favourable image of USA then Pakistan despite Pakistani's regarding China as hevean on earth with 78% of Pakistani's - the top on the list with pro China views.

Indeed the Chinese regard Pakistani only slightly above the Indian's. This does not look like "equal love" and that never bodes well for any relationship.


What other countries thought of China. Pakistan came top in holding pro China views.


Is this important? Very much so because any relationship requires the 'likeability factor' for it to sustain and grow into a viable and dynamic relationship. Further, it gives and should give thought to those in positions of power bith in Pakistan and China to work on improving the image of each other by creating positive people to people contacts and or setting up lobby groups which work to find ways to improve the relationship stock in China.

Another rather disturbing fact is that as China prospers millions of Chinese are on the move and form significant numbers of tourists in the world today. The Chinese also tend to spen far more money then other tourists and are also very well behaved on the whole with no gangs of drunks running wild. Therefore they are sought out by tourist destination countries. London, Paris , Turkey , USA and you name it you will see millions of Chinese tourists.

Yet, Pakistan hardly is getting any Chinese tourists. What does this show? Chinese business interests are in Pakistan but their heart is in other places. Indeed I have not checked but I suspect more Chinese visit India then they do Pakistan. This possibly cannot be because Pakistan does not have fantastic sites - we have some of the best in the world but why are the Chinese avoiding coming to Pakistan - a country where they would be welcome with open arms?

There is no issue here on the business side of the relationship. The survey below shows most Chinese are supportive of more cooperation with Pakistan.


I invite thoughts on thos from senior Pak members and Chinese members. This is a serious issue that despite being uncomfortable needs looking at so that this problem can be addressed. What do they say? Accepting you have a problem is half of the solution.
people i know who went to china told me chinese r neutral to pakistanis in general students get reasonable part time jobs at reasonable pa and as said b some other members with trade comes interection if it gives em benefit would also make em more loving towards us
btw israel has alot of negative views among westerns especiall white racists and ofcourse muslims inhabitants but enjos great relations and politicla support with their gov dueto political alliances

many chinese cannot tell the difference between the two. you guys look alike and sound alike. we used to import movies from both countries. it was very hard to remember which country made which movie. some of the negative impression on pakistan may be due to the negative impression on india.

for those who can tell the difference, I think the impression on pakistan is far more favorable.
we also cannot tell the difference between u korean japanese or mongols no ofense and true too and a common joke made b westerns :)
as for impression the r ie made seeing news or meeting in person and due to global propaganda about muslims esp pak its understandable people using 1st source have bad 1 but i believe those who met us have a better 1
it wasn't a stupid decision, let alone an existential threat.

what the hell are you even on about, as if the Dalai is some sort of Osama Bin Laden LOL... and speaking of, it won't end so nicely for Pakistan this time if they find Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi living in some fancy neighborhood in Islamabad or something.

You have no idea what kind of religion the tantric Buddhism of which Dalai is the main leader.

Dalai did not escape out of China in 1949 when the PRC was founded,but in 1959 ten years later. Does anybody know why? Let me tell you.

Because at first the senior lamas and other Tibetan lords thought the central government of PRC would deal with Tibetan in as the same way as Imperial China which used to send a few officials to Tibet to deal with the foreign and defense affairs, nor did they give a hand on the internal affairs. That means over 95 percent of Tibetans, from generation to generation, were serfs attached to officials, lords and monasteries.

But the happy life of slave masters begun to break since 1955 when a social revolution lead by CCP destroyed the personal bondage to the 95% Tibetan slaves. Then the masters became angry at losing their rights of being slave masters. Then they set up a rebellion and failed soon. Dalai Lama as the head of ex-master group led the rebels and get out of Tibet.

The original reason why Dalai Lama and his followers betraying China is that their rights of enslaving Tibetan by Lamas were permanently deprived.

People from out of China do not know the information above. Even most of Chinese just see Dalai as a separatist who wanted to separate Tibet from China,but haven't known the real reason.
Usually when the Chinese hear that their government has good relations with the Pakistani government, then they start to think better of Pakistanis.

Though I am shocked at the Chinese member who could not tell the difference between a Pakistani and an Indian.

The differences are huge.

The languages we speak are different.

We also use different scripts.
Usually when the Chinese hear that their government has good relations with the Pakistani government, then they start to think better of Pakistanis.

Though I am shocked at the Chinese member who could not tell the difference between a Pakistani and an Indian.

The differences are huge.

The languages we speak are different.

We also use different scripts.

Can you successfully differentiate between the Asians?

I can. But all racist tricks not something to be proud of
Can you successfully differentiate between the Asians?

I can. But all racist tricks not something to be proud of
Chinese say they are quite different from the Japanese.

In another forum a person claming to be Chinese member made the following remark when in conversation with a Indian member.

"Unfortunately Chinese people used to look down on India and Pakistan culture and economic backwardness. Nowadays chinese people see India as a possible trade partner and future economic power but also a strategic competitor. India is also provoking China by encouraging Tibetan seperatists and fielding a secret Tibetan army of some 10-20 thousand strong.

About Pakistan ... Go to Baidu forums and see how chinese people see Pakistanis as. Pakistanis are seen as Indian muslims who are even backward than arabs. They are mocked everyday. But Pakistan is an ally of China. During the worst period of China Pakistan was there as a friend. Pakistan maybe a cesspool of stupid backward arab worshipping people but they have proved to be a loyal friend. You reward your loyal friends even if they are *******s to everybody else."

This could be a rant of one single individual who might not even be a Chinese. Nevertheless this got me thinking. What do Chinese really think of Pakistani's? I don't mean the fancy speaches at diplomatic functions like "friendship higher then mountains la la". That is just business and in business you even deal with people who you find disgusting.

What I mean is the real sentiment beyond the official headlines and what the normal Chinese citizens think of Pakistanis. The problem here is most of us know what the average American, British, Australian or even Europeans like French or Germans think because English is the prevalent language and Pakistani's have a large diaspora communities living there and thus are a very effective barometer of their thoughts.

Chinese are differant. Until recently it a country that is so close officially but so far unofficialy. There has been far less intereaction with the real China then the the West by Pakistani's. So in a sense what Chinese think of Pakistani;s is to large degree masked and insultated from average Pakistani.

Is this important? Yes it is. Whilst business is above everything but the problem is for a long term strategic relationship to develop and mature at differant levels also requires a sense of goodwill between people. Once upon a time USA is also enjoyed a very strong relationship with Pakistan but under it all at the ground level there was friction. Most Americans did not find average Pakistani agreeable. This friction on the ground would along with other factors lead to where we are today.

I guess what I am saying is if Chinese dislike us in private than this China/Pak thing is only going to go so far before the internal contradictions start showing up. There is a essential differance between Chinese and the West. Chinese tend to be more introverted in their thinking and ae not prone in showing what they really think. They might hate you but you won't see it behind the smiling face. However in private and in Chinese fora where they are free to say what they want - hardly any outsiders and even less Pakistani's speak Chinese therefore are sealed off from what is really said. This is unlike the Western style of saying it as it is and being quite forthright in their views. Their media is very accessible as English is the most used language.

From the few objective measure we have things don't look pretty. The "higher then moountain" love only seems to be coming from the Pakistani side. The Chinese are not returning those feelings. Indeed shockingly Chinese have far more favourable image of USA then Pakistan despite Pakistani's regarding China as hevean on earth with 78% of Pakistani's - the top on the list with pro China views.

Indeed the Chinese regard Pakistani only slightly above the Indian's. This does not look like "equal love" and that never bodes well for any relationship.


What other countries thought of China. Pakistan came top in holding pro China views.


Is this important? Very much so because any relationship requires the 'likeability factor' for it to sustain and grow into a viable and dynamic relationship. Further, it gives and should give thought to those in positions of power bith in Pakistan and China to work on improving the image of each other by creating positive people to people contacts and or setting up lobby groups which work to find ways to improve the relationship stock in China.

Another rather disturbing fact is that as China prospers millions of Chinese are on the move and form significant numbers of tourists in the world today. The Chinese also tend to spen far more money then other tourists and are also very well behaved on the whole with no gangs of drunks running wild. Therefore they are sought out by tourist destination countries. London, Paris , Turkey , USA and you name it you will see millions of Chinese tourists.

Yet, Pakistan hardly is getting any Chinese tourists. What does this show? Chinese business interests are in Pakistan but their heart is in other places. Indeed I have not checked but I suspect more Chinese visit India then they do Pakistan. This possibly cannot be because Pakistan does not have fantastic sites - we have some of the best in the world but why are the Chinese avoiding coming to Pakistan - a country where they would be welcome with open arms?

There is no issue here on the business side of the relationship. The survey below shows most Chinese are supportive of more cooperation with Pakistan.


I invite thoughts on thos from senior Pak members and Chinese members. This is a serious issue that despite being uncomfortable needs looking at so that this problem can be addressed. What do they say? Accepting you have a problem is half of the solution.
I was reading this post, and I was like seriously?

How are Pakistani Muslim more backward than Arab Muslims?

Name me which Arab Muslim country has nuclear weapons?
Apparently, my wife who had gone to study in China thinks that many citizens favors Pakistan and Pakistanis. That was a real life experience for her. But when she had asked about India, it turned out negatively.
So yes, I'll trust my wife's judgment any day over some unknown false flagger.

This is what I am talking about. :)
Thanks bro.

True, but that's the reason they ask. Also, most people cannot tell the difference between Chinese, Koreans or Japanese - they ask.
AFAIK, when a Chinese hears that someone is from Pakistan and not from India, the whole tone changes. It's just because Pakistanis see China as a friend and vice versa. It's just natural to feel comfortable in the aisle of a friend than a foe.
India in China and China's online society is associated with r***, bodies in Ganges, slums, dangerous trains, etc.
Chinese go there mostly because of business, I have zero friend who has ever traveled there excluding one or two for selling their products.

In fact, that famous ganges body thread popular in China and the world was written by a Chinese netizen based on his real experiences. The other famous thread was about a Chinese student spending half a year doing field research in one of the rural villages in Assam, which presents a real image of modern feudalism. These two threads pretty much shape the majority views of Chinese netizens along with all other news.
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