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What do Chinese think of Pakistan?

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Pakistani view of Chinese is going down as well.

It's a 2 way street and unlike *** kissers on the forum I call it for what it is.

Now of course all Chinese don't behave this way, but the ones that do leave lasting impressions on the locals.

That's been going for a while before CPEC even got started I heard stories like this in Karachi back in the late 2000s

Good point you make but if the one dimentional strategic relationship is to be consummated it will require people to people contact. Thus far it only has been limited to few officials. But things will change if CPEC is going to go anywhere. CPEC is not about tarmac. It is about creating linkages between two societies along a economic corridor.

CPEC is just another business corridor, that's it.
we don't like preaching people do this and that, we are more focus on our own goal and ourself. if you think Chinese will come and influence Pakistani, you are dead wrong.

Gwadar will become another mouritius.

soon after couple of decade Chinese will gradually leave Gwadar when the leasing time is over.

Yeah I dont think the millions of Chinese will move to Pakistan some will move here and there but once the projects are done they will go back or to a third country or sorts and again I rather see it help the Pakistani economy get moving and for good realtions with a emerging power
Yeah I dont think the millions of Chinese will move to Pakistan some will move here and there but once the projects are done they will go back or to a third country or sorts and again I rather see it help the Pakistani economy get moving and for good realtions with a emerging power
Wrong. CPEC is not about concrete or tarmac. It is a economic corridor. Such corridors are about linkage. Trade. People. Ideas. Contacts. Look at all the greatest trading cities in the world. What do you see? Millions of people landing at their airports from across the world.

Talking about that I will be in your neck of woods on 12 December. Going to New York.
Wrong. CPEC is not about concrete or tarmac. It is a economic corridor. Such corridors are about linkage. Trade. People. Ideas. Contacts. Look at all the greatest trading cities in the world. What do you see? Millions of people landing at their airports from across the world.

Talking about that I will be in your neck of woods on 12 December. Going to New York.

Awesome will you be in around the 5 bourughs or just Manhattan can I ask could we meet up and have a chat

Wrong. CPEC is not about concrete or tarmac. It is a economic corridor. Such corridors are about linkage. Trade. People. Ideas. Contacts. Look at all the greatest trading cities in the world. What do you see? Millions of people landing at their airports from across the world.

Talking about that I will be in your neck of woods on 12 December. Going to New York.

it may be a corridor but millions of Chinese is bit of stretch eh
@Indus Pakistan I don't agree with your op and in my counter argument I will ask only one question.

Can any one tell me which move has broken the world record of longest running movie in Chinese cinema?

There was a movie named Mera Naam Hai Mohabbat released in 1975 and it played in Chinese cinema for decades and Chinese loved the movie very much. So culturally Chinese new many things about Pakistan long time ago and like it very much.
As China was very poor and backward before, in order to improve its economic strength and catch up with developed countries, China began to learn more about western countries. Therefore, at that time, Chinese knew little about Pakistan. But in recent years, with the construction of "One Belt One Road" and "CPEC", more and more Chinese began to understand Pakistan.
Nope. Reality Check: Chinese have better opinion of Americans then Pakistan. That is gut punching. And I think as more people to people contact takes place Pakistan's stock will drop down even more. Sadly !


1、Most chinese people think pakistani as brothers, especially for those who have never been to pakistan
2、If one chinese guy have been pakistan,he still wish pakistan become better, just like giving the best wish to friends.
But he will be more rational . Pakistan's internal differences are very large, religious differences, tribal differences, Class difference,elites' ideological concepts are deeply influenced by the West, and even lack the ability to distinguish in the long-term perspective. This kind of ideological problem makes the long-term deep cooperation more difficult.
3、Don't blindly believe in the so-called investigation of the media, especially before you have the ability to distinguish between true and false.
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As a Chinese, we will never use the word Cesspools to describe Pakistan. When I saw this word, my first reaction was that this person was definitely not Chinese.

Economically, the Indian average is similar to Pakistan's and Bangladesh's economy . With the improvement of Pakistan's infrastructure, I believe that Pakistan will certainly be able to usher in greater economic development, provided that the Pakistani government maintains gov stability and maintains social stability.
China does not do enough to inform the Chinese public about who their friends, or enemies are. For example, the west is constantly trying to subvert China, however, the Chinese public generally admires westerners. The exception to this rule is Chinese who go out of their way to find out what is actually happening. Those people don't have a favorable view of the west because they know what is happening.

The Chinese media generally minimizes exposure to western efforts to destabilize China, therefore, very few Chinese actually know about what the west is trying to do to China. On the other hand, the media seems to be in the hands of pro western cliques, and does not properly inform the Chinese public about Pakistan. The pro western cliques also glorify the west. What ends up happening is, the Chinese don't know a whole lot about Pakistan, or its importance to China. In fact, most Chinese wouldn't know the difference between Pakistan, and India. It is precisely China's lack of political education that is leading to China's declining power in the world. Pakistan on the other hand is very clear about who the Chinese are, and what their stances are. They are also clear on the difference between China, and Japan, for example. In that sense, the Pakistanis seem to be more informed.

You can see how China's current modus operandi will distance its friends, while empowering their adversaries.

The west, on the other hand, knows who their friends, and enemies are. Take Japan for example. They are generally glorified in the western media, while China is vilified. By doing this, the western czars are programing their followers to hate China, and love Japan. This gives Japan more incentive to accomodate the west, while giving pressure to China for disobediance. It also brings Japanese civilians closer to westerners.

China's approach has been the opposite, and a failure. They glorify the west, while ignoring countries like Pakistan, and Sudan. This approach doesn't do much to cultivate the friendship.

If China made half the effort they make to glorify Hongers, and Taiwanese, to glorify Pakistanis, that will bring the two countries much closer together, and strengthen both China, and Pakistan.

But make no mistake, China consciously chooses what they choose to air, and not air on television. For example, Hong Kong is fairly anti Chinese, however, Hong Kong movies, and shows flood the Chinese media, enabling Hongers to make billions off the mainland entertainment market. What message does this send out? That you can hate China, and China will still love you? On the other hand, countries friendly to China, such as Pakistan, and Sudan, they don't get any media coverage at all.

I don't know what I'm missing here, but is there really a point to glorify people who already hate you? Why bother focusing on those who hate you? Focus on those who like you, and go from there. That is simple elementary logic isn't it?

Because China is afraid of Muslim separatists, they've alienated the Muslim world, and that is a very big mistake, because Muslims are not someone you want to ignore, or alienate. They're the ones you want to align with.

The American imperialists said, whoever dominates central Asia shall dominate the world. However, I believe, whoever gains the loyalty of the Muslim world will dominate the world. That is how important Muslims are, and China is on the wrong track.

For those reasons is why I believe that China is run by a bunch of sell outs who are out to hurt China's own interests.
China does not do enough to inform the Chinese public about who their friends, or enemies are. For example, the west is constantly trying to subvert China, however, the Chinese public generally admires westerners. The exception to this rule is Chinese who go out of their way to find out what is actually happening. Those people don't have a favorable view of the west because they know what is happening.

The Chinese media generally minimizes exposure to western efforts to destabilize China, therefore, very few Chinese actually know about what the west is trying to do to China. On the other hand, the media seems to be in the hands of pro western cliques, and does not properly inform the Chinese public about Pakistan. The pro western cliques also glorify the west. What ends up happening is, the Chinese don't know a whole lot about Pakistan, or its importance to China. In fact, most Chinese wouldn't know the difference between Pakistan, and India. It is precisely China's lack of political education that is leading to China's declining power in the world. Pakistan on the other hand is very clear about who the Chinese are, and what their stances are. They are also clear on the difference between China, and Japan, for example. In that sense, the Pakistanis seem to be more informed.

You can see how China's current modus operandi will distance its friends, while empowering their adversaries.

The west, on the other hand, knows who their friends, and enemies are. Take Japan for example. They are generally glorified in the western media, while China is vilified. By doing this, the western czars are programing their followers to hate China, and love Japan. This gives Japan more incentive to accomodate the west, while giving pressure to China for disobediance. It also brings Japanese civilians closer to westerners.

China's approach has been the opposite, and a failure. They glorify the west, while ignoring countries like Pakistan, and Sudan. This approach doesn't do much to cultivate the friendship.

If China made half the effort they make to glorify Hongers, and Taiwanese, to glorify Pakistanis, that will bring the two countries much closer together, and strengthen both China, and Pakistan.

But make no mistake, China consciously chooses what they choose to air, and not air on television. For example, Hong Kong is fairly anti Chinese, however, Hong Kong movies, and shows flood the Chinese media, enabling Hongers to make billions off the mainland entertainment market. What message does this send out? That you can hate China, and China will still love you? On the other hand, countries friendly to China, such as Pakistan, and Sudan, they don't get any media coverage at all.

I don't know what I'm missing here, but is there really a point to glorify people who already hate you? Why bother focusing on those who hate you? Focus on those who like you, and go from there. That is simple elementary logic isn't it?

Because China is afraid of Muslim separatists, they've alienated the Muslim world, and that is a very big mistake, because Muslims are not someone you want to ignore, or alienate. They're the ones you want to align with.

The American imperialists said, whoever dominates central Asia shall dominate the world. However, I believe, whoever gains the loyalty of the Muslim world will dominate the world. That is how important Muslims are, and China is on the wrong track.

For those reasons is why I believe that China is run by a bunch of sell outs who are out to hurt China's own interests.

If I may put in my 2 cents, Chinese government is just inexperienced in dealing with civilizational differences.

Western riches, technology, science, lifestyle and all the accoutrements of modernity have taken Chinese psyche by storm. This is true of both the government and the people. Naturally, they like to admire everything Western even though, geopolitically, the USA is a rival.

When it comes to dealing with other civilizations and cultures, Chinese citizens are as uncomfortable as the Chinese state. This is partly due to geographical isolation for millennia from much of the Middle East and Muslim world. It does not help that China sits behind a big firewall that basically cuts off Chinese citizens from much of the Muslim or developing countries.

This apathy or antipathy towards developing and Muslim countries can only be resolved if Chinese citizens become more self aware, learn more about the limitations of Western civilizations and explore the world not through the prism of short term tourists or profit seeking businessmen alone.

Right now, I believe China severely lacks the "cultural capital" required to try to understand the concerns and then formulate policies for Muslims or developing countries.
Why do you guys care so much what others think of you ?
At the moment pakistan is too heavily associated with militant islam and due to historical reasons you can do nothing about it. But what you can do is make life better for your countrymen by improving your economy and reducing dependence on other countries.
As long as you are always receiving or asking for aid and contributing nothing substantial to the world , you really cant expect respect.
Also ask your countrymen to obey the laws of the countries they work or migrate to.
If I may put in my 2 cents, Chinese government is just inexperienced in dealing with civilizational differences.

Western riches, technology, science, lifestyle and all the accoutrements of modernity have taken Chinese psyche by storm. This is true of both the government and the people. Naturally, they like to admire everything Western even though, geopolitically, the USA is a rival.

When it comes to dealing with other civilizations and cultures, Chinese citizens are as uncomfortable as the Chinese state. This is partly due to geographical isolation for millennia from much of the Middle East and Muslim world. It does not help that China sits behind a big firewall that basically cuts off Chinese citizens from much of the Muslim or developing countries.

This apathy or antipathy towards developing and Muslim countries can only be resolved if Chinese citizens become more self aware, learn more about the limitations of Western civilizations and explore the world not through the prism of short term tourists or profit seeking businessmen alone.

Right now, I believe China severely lacks the "cultural capital" required to try to understand the concerns and then formulate policies for Muslims or developing countries.

Let me give you my 2 cents. The Chinese goverment WAS very experienced in dealing with civilizational differences. In the 60s, China's closest allies were foreign. China excelently promoted Albanian culture, and friendship that brought the two countries closer than any other alliance China ever had. China was also VERY close to Africa in the 60s, and 70s. But xiaoping dropped the ball, and turned his back on them to embrace the west. Surprisingly, the west never recipricated the love.

Your logic is that people naturally admire everything western, but this logic doesn't work. The west was technologically more advanced than China in the 60s too. However, the majority of Chinese did not admire the west, because they were properly educated about what the west did, and how they acquired their wealth. When people know about the exploitation, and savagry used to attain technology, they are no longer impressed. In the past 40 years, China has failed at educated the world about the dodgy practices of western imperialism. This is why people gravitate towards the west at China's expense

The firewall has very little to do with China's alienation from the Muslim world, just like the firewall does little to keep the decadent filth that comes in from HK/TW. Furthermore, if China was serious about promoting Muslim friendships, they could air more Muslim movies, and shows. Muslims also make very good music, but China has done little to nothing to promote this. Instead, China chooses to promote western music, and shows. Go on youku, and see all the western garbage that floods that site, or on kugou, and see how the site is saturated with western music. Look at the millions of Chinese students that China sends to the west, and the billions that the west profits from that. Imagine if you sent half those students to Muslim countries instead? China needs to send students to countries that welcome Chinese, not countries (Europe, US, Canada) who hate Chinese.
I have travelled in asia and china like every other asian country , worships the white man and women.
Their natural instinct is admiration , while the taught behaviour is the whites are bad.
Inspite of the well advertised progress of china , the highest number of students to usa are from china and if i recall correctly , china has the max number of migrants to usa after mexico.
I have travelled in asia and china like every other asian country , worships the white man and women.
Their natural instinct is admiration , while the taught behaviour is the whites are bad.
Inspite of the well advertised progress of china , the highest number of students to usa are from china and if i recall correctly , china has the max number of migrants to usa after mexico.
That is coz you are richer not coz you are civilized!
Let us just have this talks 10 years later!
30 years ago,there are only diplomatical foreigners in China,now 2017 there are 1.1 millions foreigners(those foreigners are stupid to say in China for 5 years or in some cases for 20 years ??).
it is not fair to compare China with US, coz they are not in the same level of deveopment: When you US got Colorful TVs and cameras,China was still under Jap invasion!

In 2017,China 9000 USD per capita VS US 60000 USD per capita,if you are chinese,you would prefer US for the sake of money.
But innovations environment has changed,coz of less regulations,China ends up to be one of the best innovation place in the world,epsecially In Shenzhen.
Let me give you my 2 cents. The Chinese goverment WAS very experienced in dealing with civilizational differences. In the 60s, China's closest allies were foreign. China excelently promoted Albanian culture, and friendship that brought the two countries closer than any other alliance China ever had. China was also VERY close to Africa in the 60s, and 70s. But xiaoping dropped the ball, and turned his back on them to embrace the west. Surprisingly, the west never recipricated the love.

Your logic is that people naturally admire everything western, but this logic doesn't work. The west was technologically more advanced than China in the 60s too. However, the majority of Chinese did not admire the west, because they were properly educated about what the west did, and how they acquired their wealth. When people know about the exploitation, and savagry used to attain technology, they are no longer impressed. In the past 40 years, China has failed at educated the world about the dodgy practices of western imperialism. This is why people gravitate towards the west at China's expense

The firewall has very little to do with China's alienation from the Muslim world, just like the firewall does little to keep the decadent filth that comes in from HK/TW. Furthermore, if China was serious about promoting Muslim friendships, they could air more Muslim movies, and shows. Muslims also make very good music, but China has done little to nothing to promote this. Instead, China chooses to promote western music, and shows. Go on youku, and see all the western garbage that floods that site, or on kugou, and see how the site is saturated with western music. Look at the millions of Chinese students that China sends to the west, and the billions that the west profits from that. Imagine if you sent half those students to Muslim countries instead? China needs to send students to countries that welcome Chinese, not countries (Europe, US, Canada) who hate Chinese.

Interesting perspective.

Did China really embrace foreign culture in the 1960s? Was it more of a communist and developing countries' platform for seeking solidarity?

Nice to know your views though.
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