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What became of Pakistan’s space programme?

dharamshalla is a free night shelter

Shhhhhhhhh!!!!! Don't tell the truth!!!! Let them Import Dharamshallas for Education in Pakistan:azn:

Some India watchers such as Fareed Zakaria, an Indian-American who often acts as a cheerleader for India in the US, have expressed doubts about the quality of education at the Indian Institutes of Technology. In his book "The Post-American World", Zakaria argues that "many of the IITs are decidedly second-rate, with mediocre equipment, indifferent teachers, and unimaginative classwork."

Haq's Musings: Poor Quality of Higher Education in South Asia

Pakistan can easily biuld space capability and space launchers - just like they built Nukes and Nuke tech

Pakistan can easily get the $$$$$ - the same way they got $$$ and financers for Nukes

they just need another AQ Khan of space and another SA for space
We don't have great institutes? Dude, I've personally creamed various IIT students who used to come abroad as exchange students for one to two semesters. My dad was working as a young engineer at JPL back in the 60's, when your people were persona-non-grata in most of West. It was only in early 90's that the situations got reversed

those are the time when you were close ally of america and India was in opposite camp nothing to cheer about it........
it was nothing to do with the capabilities of iits or education capabilities of india.. or in that case inclusive talent of pakistan/ pakistani institute.......... but the way show try say here is that pakistan is gotten into usa because of its talent is completely shortsightness of you....its was a political rather than capablities
Pakistan can easily biuld space capability and space launchers - just like they built Nukes and Nuke tech

Pakistan can easily get the $$$$$ - the same way they got $$$ and financers for Nukes

they just need another AQ Khan of space and another SA for space

Dude, it's always JUST about getting in, doesn't matter one bit about the reasons behind it. India getting sounding rockets, India getting almost dozen cryogenic engines, India getting telemetry equipment, green pine radars, reactors, India getting other hundreds upon hundreds of ToT, does anyone care about the reasons today? No, they don't. If all of those things didn't happen, would India have a space program today? Any PSLV, GSLV etc etc? No and no.

Let me rephrase a very old adage...... "Everything is fair in space race and nuclear war"......


those are the time when you were close ally of america and India was in opposite camp nothing to cheer about it........
it was nothing to do with the capabilities of iits or education capabilities of india.. or in that case inclusive talent of pakistan/ pakistani institute.......... but the way show try say here is that pakistan is gotten into usa because of its talent is completely shortsightness of you....its was a political rather than capablities

The funny thing is, AQ Khan's total contribution to the nuclear programs was less than 5%....... you don't even know rest of 95% who actually were critical to it.

Dude, it's always JUST about getting in, doesn't matter one bit about the reasons behind it. India getting sounding rockets, India getting almost dozen cryogenic engines, India getting telemetry equipment, green pine radars, reactors, India getting other hundreds upon hundreds of ToT, does anyone care about the reasons today? No, they don't. If all of those things didn't happen, would India have a space program today? Any PSLV, GSLV etc etc? No and no.

Let me rephrase a very old adage...... "Everything is fair in space race and nuclear war"......

The funny thing is, AQ Khan's total contribution to the nuclear programs was less than 5%....... you don't even know rest of 95% who actually were critical to it.

as they say

A few years ago a competition was launched by Foundation X called Google Lunar X prize. In this competition private teams are competing to send a rover on moon. Yes, thats right, not governments but private teams are competing right now to send a rover on moon. Whats interesting is that, Pakistans best Computer Scientist was seriously considering forming a pakistani team and entering that competition. He is a brilliant guy. I am pretty sure he wouldve selected the best brains for his team and attained some degree of success. But he had to drop the plan due to other commitments because this sort of project required complete dedication for some years. The point is, that guy thought it was possible to get people, who could accomplish this task, within Pakistan.
There are people in Pakistan right now for whom making a rocket engine is a piece of cake but these people will never get into SUPARCO or other organizations because the system is rotten. The system that assigns the individuals of this country to different professions and organizations. All we get into these government organizations are village paindoos who got there education from public universities. Usually they dont even know english properly.
offcourse its the paindoos :D
A few years ago a competition was launched by Foundation X called Google Lunar X prize. In this competition private teams are competing to send a rover on moon. Yes, thats right, not governments but private teams are competing right now to send a rover on moon. Whats interesting is that, Pakistans best Computer Scientist was seriously considering forming a pakistani team and entering that competition. He is a brilliant guy. I am pretty sure he wouldve selected the best brains for his team and attained some degree of success. But he had to drop the plan due to other commitments because this sort of project required complete dedication for some years. The point is, that guy thought it was possible to get people, who could accomplish this task, within Pakistan.
There are people in Pakistan right now for whom making a rocket engine is a piece of cake but these people will never get into SUPARCO or other organizations because the system is rotten. The system that assigns the individuals of this country to different professions and organizations. All we get into these government organizations are village paindoos who got there education from public universities. Usually they dont even know english properly.
They should have formed a team and put some SUPARCO scientists on their advisory board, like what Team Indus have done.
18 teams have already been short listed and Team Indus is one of them.


Team Indus | Google Lunar XPRIZE
Some India watchers such as Fareed Zakaria, an Indian-American who often acts as a cheerleader for India in the US, have expressed doubts about the quality of education at the Indian Institutes of Technology. In his book "The Post-American World", Zakaria argues that "many of the IITs are decidedly second-rate, with mediocre equipment, indifferent teachers, and unimaginative classwork."

Haq's Musings: Poor Quality of Higher Education in South Asia
yeah and than why high IQ pakistani institutes lacking or far behind compared to IITS ? check the latest ranking see whose where..
Dude, it's always JUST about getting in, doesn't matter one bit about the reasons behind it. India getting sounding rockets, India getting almost dozen cryogenic engines, India getting telemetry equipment, green pine radars, reactors, India getting other hundreds upon hundreds of ToT, does anyone care about the reasons today? No, they don't. If all of those things didn't happen, would India have a space program today? Any PSLV, GSLV etc etc? No and no.

Let me rephrase a very old adage...... "Everything is fair in space race and nuclear war"......

yes it does not matter .......and are you trying to undermine indian effort and hard working? because you sound like
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