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What Americans think about Pakistan, and what's wrong about it...


Feb 21, 2012
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Sand,desert,burka is the common theme here

The American media has created a image of Muslims = Arabs, which in turn created the image Arabs = people living in desert. Since Pakistan is a Muslim country, the people automatically think its a desert.
People who elect Trump as their president are irrelevant
Most of my friends when asked about Pakistan just said Osama bin laden:lol: They were the liberal friends too:rofl:

Have to get around to asking my conservative friends how they think though don't get your hopes up.

You guys got to work on your PR.
People who do these videos are really stupid, don't they know a general Americans, their preoccupation with day to day activities/struggle to survive and low IQ? A vast majority of them doesn't even know much about US itself. and most importantly who even cares, what they think?

Sand,desert,burka is the common theme here

Most of my friends when asked about Pakistan just said Osama bin laden:lol: They were the liberal friends too:rofl:
In Urdu we have a saying
بد سے برا بدنام
Meaning a person who has a bad reputation is normally considered worse than someone who is actually bad
You guys got to work on your PR.
We have a population of 200 Million and rarely does western media pick up the good news
Once an American said to me on fb Pakistan is ISIS that made it you guys dont allow women to drive or go to the market without a guardian else you behead her.I was like wtf man where do they make this shit up?
EVen at German news sites the worst trolls have one thing in common they are all AMericans full of hate and thirsty for blood
Now make a video of what the average Pakistani knows and thinks about the USA. Most will probably answer with a similar type of stereotypes and generalizations they have in their heads about Americans, the bloodthirsty West and Christians. The difference is that they will probably know a thing or two about America's popular culture (like some singers, Hollywood, burgers and pizza, Coca Cola, Apple etc) because they have been exposed to it by the medias and the big corporations who operate throughout the Globe.

ps Everything you need to know about America in two minutes and three seconds. :usflag::enjoy:

Why should average American know about Pakistan?
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